Rank-Change Thread

Star Wars Legacies

The Star Wars RP
Dec 22, 2017
Reaction score
Post here to apply for a rank in your main faction. Rank up guidelines: Please read these thoroughly as failure to comply with them and to fill out the proper template will result in your application being rejected.

note Notable deeds do NOT need to be long. Please only provide a few sentences or bullets to highlight them. Substantial Faction driving efforts are expected for Council/Level 3 promotions for Main Factions. Please only include notable events, not social threads in an attempt to buffer the application.

note If a character has held an elevated rank before (level 2 or 3 rank) you may apply a new character for the same rank ONLY if the following conditions apply:

1. The original higher level character is dead OR permanently retired
2. The new character is of the same faction/group/syndicate as the original character

Character Name and Subaccount Link:
Character Profile Link:
Character Age:
Current Rank:
Rank Seeking:
Current Level:
Level Seeking:
Notable Deeds: Please describe here what all your character has done and accomplished here to warrant ranking up to the desired rank.
[spoiler=Relevant Threads][list]
[*]Thread 1
[*]Thread 2
[*]Thread 3
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Veteran Member
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Uvren Sol
Character Age: 24
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Unranked
Rank Seeking: Sector Ranger
Notable Deeds: N/A

(I was basically looking for a rank indicating Sector Ranger underneath the Independent tag, since we have so many Sector Rangers being made, thought it might be helpful to know which characters are one without having to go through the Character Profile). If this is the incorrect place to ask for this, please let me know.


SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Marissa Hesse
Character Age: 28
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Unranked
Rank Seeking: Scoundrel
Notable Deeds: N/A

Made the sub-account but changed faction during character approval. Could I be changed to Scoundrel rank and Five Syndicates Faction please


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Rizkacha
Character Age: 23
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Unranked
Rank Seeking: Jedi Padawan
Notable Deeds: Not really her deed, but she got discovered as being force-sensitive by @Oren Zapan


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Lyra
Character Age: 21
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Unranked
Rank Seeking: Jedi Padawan
Notable Deeds: Nothing special, but @Oren Zapan found and recruited her to the Order! (here)

I just need to be switched from Independent to Jedi Order, but I do not know how. Sorry! D:

Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Nashyr Ris
Character Age: 32
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Unranked
Rank Seeking: Jedi Padawan
Notable Deeds: None yet, but is taken under wing by @Maxims Tionson for training


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Character Name: @Rynn Itera
Character Age: 18
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Ranger
Rank Seeking: Unranked
Notable Deeds: None, Realized I made my character a bit young, going to have him progress his age before joining the rangers. So I would like his account to be Indie for now.

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Nashyr Ris
Character Age: 32
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Unranked
Rank Seeking: Jedi Padawan
Notable Deeds: None yet, but is taken under wing by @Maxims Tionson for training

Can you provide any thread or threads you can link? Would at least like one for going for joining up with the Jedi.

Character Name: @Rynn Itera
Character Age: 18
Reputation Level: 1
Current Rank: Ranger
Rank Seeking: Unranked
Notable Deeds: None, Realized I made my character a bit young, going to have him progress his age before joining the rangers. So I would like his account to be Indie for now.

Looks like it's done already.


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Alais
Character Age: 19
Reputation Level: Unknown
Current Rank: Scoundrel (Five Syndicates)
Rank Seeking: Legionnaire (Sith Eternal)
Notable Deeds: It started with @Alais and @Talak Rand being a hair's breadth away from stabbing each other. More than once. It ended with Alias being inducted into the Sith Eternal, under the tutelage of Talak.

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
@Faster Than Light
Amendment to the above request; these threads have been added to her reputation tracker as well, but here are the threads you requested. The last two are threads in progress, but indicate her beginning training under Maxims' guidance.

The Final Part
The Great Unknown
No One is Ever Really Gone
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Alais
Character Age: 19
Reputation Level: Unknown
Current Rank: Scoundrel (Five Syndicates)
Rank Seeking: Legionnaire (Sith Eternal)
Notable Deeds: It started with @Alais and @Talak Rand being a hair's breadth away from stabbing each other. More than once. It ended with Alias being inducted into the Sith Eternal, under the tutelage of Talak.



SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @V3PO
Character Age: He's a droid that's been activated for 5 standard years
Reputation Level: Unknown
Current Rank: Not Ranked (Independent)
Rank Seeking: Freelancer
Notable Deeds: No deeds yet. Just needs the base rank for a bounty hunter character, since that's what he is.


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @V3PO
Character Age: He's a droid that's been activated for 5 standard years
Reputation Level: Unknown
Current Rank: Not Ranked (Independent)
Rank Seeking: Freelancer
Notable Deeds: No deeds yet. Just needs the base rank for a bounty hunter character, since that's what he is.


Story Admin
Jedi Order Faction Leader
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Talak Rand
Character Age: 25
Reputation Level: TBD
Current Rank: Legionnaire
Rank Seeking: Warden of the Dark Side
Notable Deeds:

Talak has been an individual turned to by other members of the Sith Eternal to be trained in deeper use of the dark side. He has successfully recruited an independent FS into the Sith Eternal. He has successfully learned Sith alchemy and can use it for other Sith operations or teach it to others in the future. He has successfully continued the Sith Eternals mandate to destroy corruption in the galaxy by killing the son of Durr the Hutt and destroying numerous Five Syndicates assets. He has scouted (though not established) a location for a future base for the Sith Eternal (plot is not finished, but the thread could still be used in future plots).

Currently (read: in process but unfinished threads so take them as you will), he is helping clean up the aftermath of the Fortress Vader incident by purging the corruption from the mind of one of the strike team. He is searching for a hypergate. He is ensuring that the Jedi are at least cast into great suspicion for any of the recent attacks on 5S assets rather than the Sith Eternal (he has already at this point in the thread been seen with a blue lightsaber in a Jedi mask and has been caught on video saying things that heavily implicate the Jedi in all the previous attacks). This will cause the 5S to hunt the Jedi, isolate the Jedi from help from the FWA/SR in their investigation, and interfere with the Jedi ability to investigate the existence of the DS cult that was already revealed at Fortress Vader. He is also currently helping to install a corrupt, sympathetic politician on Serenno who will help the Sith Eternal in the future.

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Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Talak Rand
Character Age: 25
Reputation Level: TBD
Current Rank: Legionnaire
Rank Seeking: Warden of the Dark Side
Notable Deeds:

Talak has been an individual turned to by other members of the Sith Eternal to be trained in deeper use of the dark side. He has successfully recruited an independent FS into the Sith Eternal. He has successfully learned Sith alchemy and can use it for other Sith operations or teach it to others in the future. He has successfully continued the Sith Eternals mandate to destroy corruption in the galaxy by killing the son of Durr the Hutt and destroying numerous Five Syndicates assets. He has scouted (though not established) a location for a future base for the Sith Eternal (plot is not finished, but the thread could still be used in future plots).

Currently (read: in process but unfinished threads so take them as you will), he is helping clean up the aftermath of the Fortress Vader incident by purging the corruption from the mind of one of the strike team. He is searching for a hypergate. He is ensuring that the Jedi are at least cast into great suspicion for any of the recent attacks on 5S assets rather than the Sith Eternal (he has already at this point in the thread been seen with a blue lightsaber in a Jedi mask and has been caught on video saying things that heavily implicate the Jedi in all the previous attacks). This will cause the 5S to hunt the Jedi, isolate the Jedi from help from the FWA/SR in their investigation, and interfere with the Jedi ability to investigate the existence of the DS cult that was already revealed at Fortress Vader. He is also currently helping to install a corrupt, sympathetic politician on Serenno who will help the Sith Eternal in the future.

Done. Congrats!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Oren Zapan
Character Age: 36
Reputation Level: Notable Newcomer
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Master
Notable Deeds:
Oren started the timeline as someone haunted by his past failures as a teacher and a Jedi, he made a promise to his own master and himself to help guide the next generation of Jedi to find themselves within the code. He's done this through various classes and trips, teaching on different aspects of the code and continues to do so. He's brought three Jedi into their ranks while traveling and is close to bringing a fourth one in.

Oren has lead a class to the Praxeum on Ifrane where he helped inspire his students and through much hardship have finally reached the temple doorsteps. When Oren isn't teaching or guiding others, he's taken on several missions within the Outer and Mid Rims, helping to combat against piracy and other gang related activity. He's done humanitarian work on Eraidu and has begun tracking down a deadly strand of spice that was spread on Utapau, which has cost him his hand.

Oren has also taken on somewhat of an informal leadership role among his Jedi peers. He's orchestrated tasks for Jedi to undertake, and has helped lead a discussion on the steps that the Jedi should do now that they have a target painted on his back. Instead of hiding, he's taken to the galaxy, aiding those who are looking to make a change in their community.

Teaching Arcs:
  1. Seek And You Shall Find: Joins A group of students and their Instructor on the Planet of Mygeeto, what was supposed to be a simple discovery of Kyber Crystals turns into something much more. - Completed
  2. Jedi 101: A Code to Live By: Oren takes his class of younglings and his padawan to attend the teachings of fellow Jedi Knight, Aamaw Jokolto. - Completed
  3. Lesson 1: The Nature of the Force: Leads a group of teachers and students to the ancient Jedi Academy and Homeworld of Tython, where the group discusses the fluidity of the force, light and dark and the constant nature of the galaxy and how it relate's to Ben's sacrifice. - Completed
  4. Lesson 2: A Similar Path: Padawan Numa has been struggling with progressing to knighthood. Recognizing similar problems in his own past, the Jedi knight meets and helps Numa find what's holding her back. - Completed
  5. Lesson 3: Flow Like Water: Oren leads a group of students and a fellow knight towards the banks of a giant river that stretches across the Jungle homeworld of the Jedi. Using blast helmets, they all must rely on the force to guide them through a light sparring session. - Completed
  6. The Jedi Are Selfless: - Oren meets with a curious padawan that asks deep hitting questions about the history of the code and what it means to live. - Completed
Adventure to The Jedi Praxeum Arc: *Note, This Plot Was Run by Oren
  1. Passion, Yet Serenity: Leading a class on a Trip to Ifrane goes terribly wrong after a terrible ash storm splits the class in half. It is the responsibility of Oren to get his two students to safety as they find themselves within a cave filled with dark side energy, tempting them to give into their desires. - Completed
  2. Chaos, Yet Harmony: Oren and the Jedi students find them in a chaotic valley, one in which the group must try and let the force guide them to their destination. - Completed
Eriadu Arc:

  1. Waterproofing: Oren and Jedi Knight Maxims head to Eraidu, aiding the planet after a natural disaster. The two of them attempt to discover what's contaminating their water supply. - Completed
Nara Storylines:

  1. The Fire of Youth: Oren is nervous as he's assigned his own personal padawan. Doubts creep into his mind about if he's ready for such a task, and together the two of them meet for the first time. - Completed
  2. So Master, About Your Ship - Oren learns that Nara attempted to run away from the Jedi Order, stealing his ship and crashing it into the swamps outside the temple. Together they explore the nature of the force and he challenges her to help remove the ship. - Completed
  3. There's More Than Sand: Oren leads Nara on her first mission as a Jedi. - In Progress JMP 2 Mission
Jedi Discovery Threads:
  1. A New Start: Oren Arrives on Tatooine after feeling a strange calling to the planet. He quickly finds himself in a sticky situation with a wild force sensitive girl. Sensing the danger of her powers lingering in the wild, he invites her to the Jedi order in order to be trained properly. - Completed
  2. The Force Finds A Way: Oren encounters a young woman adept in the force, after a dangerous encounter, he encourages her to join the order. - Completed
  3. Trouble In Paradise: Oren heads to a small tropical moon to get some free time away from the Jedi, but finds that his ship's past is always after it. Oren quickly connects with the Twi'lek, discovering her force sensitivity and aids her in joining the Jedi - Completed
  4. End of The Line: Oren meets a young boy and offers to bring him into the order. - In Progress
Secrets of the Underworld:
  1. Helping the Lost: Oren and a fellow knight head off to Utapau, aiding a poor family in searching for their son, though after finding the undercity over run with sick citizens. Oren loses his arm and the two are forced to flee. - Completed
The Great Disease Arc:
  1. The Cycle Of The Force: News breaks about the acts of a darksider. Fellow Jedi turn to Oren to hear what he has to say. -Completed
  2. Breaking the Chain: In An Attempt to help bolster the image to the galaxy, Oren and Mila head off to free slaves with a group of Rangers. - In Progress
  3. Black Tidings: Knights meet to discuss the threat of the new sith. - In Progress
  4. Paths Cross: Oren meets a darksider on the planet of Naboo, going by the name of Rain. After saving his life, the two form an unlikely alliance as they hunt down a killer. - In Progress
There is Always Truths In Legends:
  1. The Shadow of The Temple: Oren and Mila arrive on the planet of Yavin IV, and look for a way to clear the central landing pad of old Imperial War Machines. - Completed Failed
  2. Déjà vu: Oren and Mila find themselves within a holding cell after falling into a trap. It seems the force has a weird way of repeating things. - In Progress

Let me know if you'd like more.


Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Oren Zapan
Character Age: 36
Reputation Level: Notable Newcomer
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Master
Notable Deeds: Oren started the timeline as someone haunted by his past failures as a teacher and a Jedi, he made a promise to his own master and himself to help guide the next generation of Jedi to find themselves within the code. He's done this through various classes and trips, teaching on different aspects of the code and continues to do so. He's brought three Jedi into their ranks while traveling and is close to bringing a fourth one in.

Oren has lead a class to the Praxeum on Ifrane where he helped inspire his students and through much hardship have finally reached the temple doorsteps. When Oren isn't teaching or guiding others, he's taken on several missions within the Outer and Mid Rims, helping to combat against piracy and other gang related activity. He's done humanitarian work on Eraidu and has begun tracking down a deadly strand of spice that was spread on Utapau, which has cost him his hand.

Oren has also taken on somewhat of an informal leadership role among his Jedi peers. He's orchestrated tasks for Jedi to undertake, and has helped lead a discussion on the steps that the Jedi should do now that they have a target painted on his back. Instead of hiding, he's taken to the galaxy, aiding those who are looking to make a change in their community.

Teaching Arcs:
  1. Seek And You Shall Find: Joins A group of students and their Instructor on the Planet of Mygeeto, what was supposed to be a simple discovery of Kyber Crystals turns into something much more. - Completed
  2. Jedi 101: A Code to Live By: Oren takes his class of younglings and his padawan to attend the teachings of fellow Jedi Knight, Aamaw Jokolto. - Completed
  3. Lesson 1: The Nature of the Force: Leads a group of teachers and students to the ancient Jedi Academy and Homeworld of Tython, where the group discusses the fluidity of the force, light and dark and the constant nature of the galaxy and how it relate's to Ben's sacrifice. - Completed
  4. Lesson 2: A Similar Path: Padawan Numa has been struggling with progressing to knighthood. Recognizing similar problems in his own past, the Jedi knight meets and helps Numa find what's holding her back. - Completed
  5. Lesson 3: Flow Like Water: Oren leads a group of students and a fellow knight towards the banks of a giant river that stretches across the Jungle homeworld of the Jedi. Using blast helmets, they all must rely on the force to guide them through a light sparring session. - Completed
  6. The Jedi Are Selfless: - Oren meets with a curious padawan that asks deep hitting questions about the history of the code and what it means to live. - Completed
Adventure to The Jedi Praxeum Arc: *Note, This Plot Was Run by Oren
  1. Passion, Yet Serenity: Leading a class on a Trip to Ifrane goes terribly wrong after a terrible ash storm splits the class in half. It is the responsibility of Oren to get his two students to safety as they find themselves within a cave filled with dark side energy, tempting them to give into their desires. - Completed
  2. Chaos, Yet Harmony: Oren and the Jedi students find them in a chaotic valley, one in which the group must try and let the force guide them to their destination. - Completed
Eriadu Arc:

  1. Waterproofing: Oren and Jedi Knight Maxims head to Eraidu, aiding the planet after a natural disaster. The two of them attempt to discover what's contaminating their water supply. - Completed
Nara Storylines:

  1. The Fire of Youth: Oren is nervous as he's assigned his own personal padawan. Doubts creep into his mind about if he's ready for such a task, and together the two of them meet for the first time. - Completed
  2. So Master, About Your Ship - Oren learns that Nara attempted to run away from the Jedi Order, stealing his ship and crashing it into the swamps outside the temple. Together they explore the nature of the force and he challenges her to help remove the ship. - Completed
  3. There's More Than Sand: Oren leads Nara on her first mission as a Jedi. - In Progress JMP 2 Mission
Jedi Discovery Threads:
  1. A New Start: Oren Arrives on Tatooine after feeling a strange calling to the planet. He quickly finds himself in a sticky situation with a wild force sensitive girl. Sensing the danger of her powers lingering in the wild, he invites her to the Jedi order in order to be trained properly. - Completed
  2. The Force Finds A Way: Oren encounters a young woman adept in the force, after a dangerous encounter, he encourages her to join the order. - Completed
  3. Trouble In Paradise: Oren heads to a small tropical moon to get some free time away from the Jedi, but finds that his ship's past is always after it. Oren quickly connects with the Twi'lek, discovering her force sensitivity and aids her in joining the Jedi - Completed
  4. End of The Line: Oren meets a young boy and offers to bring him into the order. - In Progress
Secrets of the Underworld:
  1. Helping the Lost: Oren and a fellow knight head off to Utapau, aiding a poor family in searching for their son, though after finding the undercity over run with sick citizens. Oren loses his arm and the two are forced to flee. - Completed
The Great Disease Arc:
  1. The Cycle Of The Force: News breaks about the acts of a darksider. Fellow Jedi turn to Oren to hear what he has to say. -Completed
  2. Breaking the Chain: In An Attempt to help bolster the image to the galaxy, Oren and Mila head off to free slaves with a group of Rangers. - In Progress
  3. Black Tidings: Knights meet to discuss the threat of the new sith. - In Progress
  4. Paths Cross: Oren meets a darksider on the planet of Naboo, going by the name of Rain. After saving his life, the two form an unlikely alliance as they hunt down a killer. - In Progress
There is Always Truths In Legends:
  1. The Shadow of The Temple: Oren and Mila arrive on the planet of Yavin IV, and look for a way to clear the central landing pad of old Imperial War Machines. - Completed Failed
  2. Déjà vu: Oren and Mila find themselves within a holding cell after falling into a trap. It seems the force has a weird way of repeating things. - In Progress

Let me know if you'd like more.

Approved, but consider this canonically happening before any recent events/arrest.


Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Trys Aran
Character Age: 30
Reputation Level: Unknown
Current Rank: Ranger
Rank Seeking: Veteran Ranger
Notable Deeds: Trys has been extremely involved in leading and solving cases for the Rangers. She has solved a murder on Coruscant and has also led to the shut down of numerous human trafficking rings that ultimately gained the attention of Durr the Hutt. Trys has also completed investigation on a Force user that attacked a Dathomir police station and has a complete profile of him, learning more about the red saber wielders. Trys was selected to lead the investigation on the Arcanist and Force users, currently the most critical cases for Sector Rangers. Trys has also arrested a Jedi Master , which may yet unearth a tremendous amount of information and put the public panic at ease.

Trys has been working tirelessly for the Sector Rangers and to become a leader within the force, even at the cost of her own safety.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Trys Aran
Character Age: 30
Reputation Level: Unknown
Current Rank: Ranger
Rank Seeking: Veteran Ranger
Notable Deeds: Trys has been extremely involved in leading and solving cases for the Rangers. She has solved a murder on Coruscant and has also led to the shut down of numerous human trafficking rings that ultimately gained the attention of Durr the Hutt. Trys has also completed investigation on a Force user that attacked a Dathomir police station and has a complete profile of him, learning more about the red saber wielders. Trys was selected to lead the investigation on the Arcanist and Force users, currently the most critical cases for Sector Rangers. Trys has also arrested a Jedi Master , which may yet unearth a tremendous amount of information and put the public panic at ease.

Trys has been working tirelessly for the Sector Rangers and to become a leader within the force, even at the cost of her own safety.

Due to the hard work put in and obvious results of her efforts, Trys' rank increase has my...
