Edgestriker workshop


New Member
SWRP Writer
Jul 6, 2019
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NAME: Dim Jo
AGE: 19
Force Sensitive: Yes


HEIGHT: 2.2m
WEIGHT: 93kg
EYE COLOR: Bright Crimson


The title of Traveler was one of great respect among the Duro, and for his part Dim Jo sought to honor it as such. With this title Dim saw himself moving across the galaxy, in more ways than one. His travels had led him to many worlds, even if they were for the briefest of moments. For each planet visited, some new symbol or object of meaning is tattooed onto his blue flesh. A star map that he carries with him.

For work Dim Jo saw himself as a jack of all trades when it came to mechanics. Working within the ports, he’d fix what needed fixed. Star ships, droids, and all manner of electronics. His aptitude to breathe life within the dead circuitry earned him credits, and places to put his head, all funding further travels. A skill he had gained from his father, who had traveled for decades in much the same way. This was the way that some Duros had opted to set themselves in the galaxy. Constantly traveling, and with the universe in as much turmoil as it had been.....getting back to societal foundations had a sense of peace to go along with it.

His work had taken him to whoever was offering a job. While it wasn’t blasting criminals, or bringing in bounties, the term slicer for higher quickly became fitting. Traveling across the galaxy had been interesting, but once his father had taught him the basics of slicing, he learned their was another world to explore. The world of the underground cyber security (or terrorism depending on perspective) had caused his wide eyes to only open wider. To the causal acquaintance one might think this was all there was to the Duro. Traveling, and working in mechanics, and in truth up to this point in his life...…….they would be correct.

Dim Jo never knew his mother, and his early memories are that of traveling with his father. Now of the age of adulthood, Dim has taken his ship and seeks to now carve out his own life. Seeking his own adventures in the greater galaxies




Astral Navigation
Planetary Survival


Long Range Shot
Medium Range Shot
Melee Weapon
Hand to Hand
Aerial Combat


Cyber Tracking


Traveler Dim Jo cuts an impressive swath through most hanger crowds. With the exception of the Wookiee and some of the other more beastie races, he often stands a head taller than most around him. Standing at 7 foot 2 inches, and weighing around 215lbs, his height is met with a gangly appearance. While fit, and used to lugging around machine parts, Dim is a far cry from the brawlers seeking to earn credits with their fists. Styling himself as more of an endurance athlete Dim will let the machines do the heavy hitting for him.

Sporting bright blue skin, and piercing crimson eyes, he matches fairly standard Duro appearances. His hands are covered in navy scars and calluses. A physical reminder of the work he puts in with his hands. Across his body are a variety of tattoos that are off set by his blue skin. Preferring to get a new one with each world visited with some meaning to what the trip had brought him. In this way, he takes something personal away from each visit.

His fashion sense sticks to practical wear. Travel tunics, and long durable jackets as he travels through a variety of worlds. Always with a data pad and slicing kit not far from reach, he’s at home with a blaster on his hip as well. Only having had to use it a handful of times, the life of a traveler always has inherit danger within, one that he has been raised by.


When first seeing Dim Jo his height, and the covering of tattoos gives one a specific impression, which is almost always ruined the instant he begins to speak. Speaking with a distinct stutter and a lack of confidence when not being allowed to speak through a com, it has left more than one employee wondering if he’s the man for the job.

In person Dim is seen as awkward, unsure, and overall at ends with himself. Highly effective, highly efficient, and yet unable to really connect and portray those skills in person. Saying the wrong thing, or simply saying an unspoken awkward truth. It leads to when working with others that he is often left behind so as not to mess up the deals.

In contrast, when permitted to sit behind and allow the warm glow of a screen to buffer himself from others a confidence begins to bleed through. Almost like acting, he is able to convey all those things he couldn’t in person.


Technical Prowess - Dim’s bread and butter is his ability to work on and breathe life into machines. A natural aptitude for fixing them, piloting, and just general working on them. This is his main way to make credits as he funds his travels across the galaxy. This gives him the ability to pick up almost any electronic and garner some basic understanding.

Slicer for hire - While it goes along with his mechanical abilities, Dim Jo has taken to slicing as a way to further his skill set. Looking through software, and taking the information with him. While he hasn’t found a use for this yet, having it in your back pocket never hurts

Force Sensitive - With only a vague intuition for his own force sensitivity, his powers are highly under developed given his maturity into adulthood for the Duros. Instead it’s manifesting have mostly been in Intuition for fixing machines, tools appearing where he needs them, as well as making a couple good choices in plotting travels. The constant travels have kept this part of him hidden from those that would harm him, but also those that could have helped.

Overall Dim is highly efficient at what he is good at, and struggles in everything else. His poor negotiating and social skills have caused lost funds despite his level of contribution in jobs.


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New Member
SWRP Writer
Jul 6, 2019
Reaction score

Splicer Coat

. The personal coat of Dim Jo. At its core, the coat is a modfied and tailored blast vest. Given longer sleeves and adding a trench coat feel are the only things that differentiate it from a standard blast vest. For the chest and back the removable duraplast plates. The remainder of the jacket is for aesthetics, or trying to hide smalls effects while maneuvering through town.


A perfectly legal coat. Though could lead to questions if caught using for nefarious purposes.


To provide Dim Jo with an everyday spliced equipment armor. Not one for heavy armors, but needing to conceal his splicing tools while on the job.


Type and Coverage

Type: Light Armor

Coverage: Lightweight 3

  • Back: Lightweight blast vest with removable Duraplast plate inserts
  • Torso: Lightweight blast vest with removable Duraplast plate inserts
  • Upper Arms: Shoulders to elbows, lightweight and houses removable duraplast plates just like the chest and back section


Function 1:

  • Computer Spike
    • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
    • Force User Compatible?: Yes

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