Independent Dr. Ilana 'Doc' Morata

Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
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Biographical information

Paqualis III

Physical description

Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Arkanian Offshoot
1.7 meters
132 lbs.

Chronological and political information



Ilana Morata

Excerpt · Biography · Personality · Skills and abilities · Miscellaneous

Born the youngest of a well to do family, Ilana was taught early on that survival had nothing to do with strength, but with cunning. Her methods to survive are questionable, but then again, at least you can survive her medical practice.


Born the youngest of two children, Ilana is in fact half-siblings with her older brother Calun. However, the name Ilana Morata was an adapted moniker to separate herself from her family life and born name; the name she had chosen was one to suit her own ambitions.

Hers was a relatively well-to-do family, whose line of work was especially entrenched in accounting and minor planetary politics. As a result, she was taught to always seek perfection, and such a stressful early education forced her to close herself off from her peers and those that would attempt to befriend her; her only companion in the world was her brother, Calun, and they were close enough to be like twins, despite the vast differences in appearance and age.

When her brother was sent off to apply to Paqualis III's military academy, however, she became even more withdrawn, and instead devoted her time to study. Her keen hunger to understand human and xenobiology, as well as droid function, only served to isolate her further, and also turn her interests to another source.


She became fascinated with different weapons, and their effects on living flesh, which in turn drew her to medical school in early adulthood. Though she acquired many rewards and scholarships for her exhaustive lists of capabilities, they barely covered the expense of living. So instead of finding herself a small practice on Corellia with the comfortable role of general practice with a specialization in thoracic surgery, she was instead hired on as a simple medic aboard a wealthy Corellian vessel.

Little did she know, the vessel was to fall in other hands...

From there, her line of employment has fallen into the realm of the mob doctor, acting as primary physician to anyone that paid enough cred for her skills as a healer, and often getting herself into difficult situations as a result. But one perk to such a gritty line of work is you get to meet a host of very... interesting... individuals.


Calm, cold, calculating; these words and many more can definitely apply to the self-proclaimed human. Her razor wit and lack of outward humor suggest a tragic backstory of some kind. Most jokes and general lack of propriety disturb her greatly, and though she has moments of rare wry humor, they are few and far between. She keeps mostly to herself, and does not deign to socialize unless it somehow benefits both herself and the company she chooses.

Skills and abilities

Bedside Manner- Somehow, her deadpan reactions do a better job of healing than any sweet or kind words.

By Any Means- Despite her strengths not being in the realm of physical prowess, her strongest weapon is the capability to survive by any means necessary, no matter the consequences.

Fine Airs- She has a very keen sense of smell and taste, as a result some odors or sensations that may be only mildly unpleasant for others may be downright horrific for her.

Observant- One skill necessary to survive as a doctor is to be able to read others at a glance. With her extrasensory perception, it is all the keener to observe the 'mental state' of a room.

Multilingual- Mastered the allowed minimum of 15 Galactic languages, and keen to learn more.

Sangfroid-Unlike most, who panic at the face of sure death and danger, she faces most traumatic experiences with the same calmness as any regular person would at a daily life experience.

Sith Alchemy- Initially studied under the brief tutelage of Kai, at his passing the holocron was thus passed on to her. In the weeks, soon to pass to months of his disappearance, Ilana has studied intensely this holocron. It has been slowly revealing its' secrets to the Force user, keen to find answers. Perhaps even the secrets they both have been searching for; the power to bring one back to life.



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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
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Hey there! Love the writeup so far, there's just one thing I need to clarify: Your Chateau, what exactly does it entail? Is it a house on the coast? Does it have enough land for farms to be tilled and to employ people to harvest and care for it? Depending on the specifics it may need a writeup. Let me know and we'll see if we're all set or we need the extra step :3 @Killa Ree


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
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That's fine, then. Just a house on the coast is fine. with that you have my...


The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Not a big deal or anything but

" So instead of finding herself a small practice on Alderaan with the comfortable role of general practice with a specialization in thoracic surgery, she was instead hired on as a simple medic aboard a wealthy Alderaanian vessel. "

Well... Alderaan is a destroyed planet so... :D

Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
Reaction score
Not a big deal or anything but

" So instead of finding herself a small practice on Alderaan with the comfortable role of general practice with a specialization in thoracic surgery, she was instead hired on as a simple medic aboard a wealthy Alderaanian vessel. "

Well... Alderaan is a destroyed planet so... :D
Aha... right. Whoops. ^__^' I'll edit in a bit