Jedi Order Liu Wang


SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2020
Reaction score
NAME: Liu Wang

FACTION: Jedi Order

RANK: Padawan

SPECIES: Human (Kashyyyk outpost colony)

AGE: 15

GENDER: Male (he/him)

HEIGHT: 4.5” / 138cm

WEIGHT: 100lbs

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, but he has limited training due to a premature separation from his Jedi Knight.


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*** Merits ***

[Technologically Adept] He is most able when it comes to re-purposing droids, though necessity has forced him to learn the basics of assembling ships from wreckage and scrap... [**DROID SPECIALTY]

[Hardy/Survivor] Having spent three years in almost complete isolation on one of the galaxy's harshest frontiers, he has become comfortable surviving on his own.

[Concentration] Practice makes perfect. Unless manic, Liu has no problem troubleshooting the same circuit for several hours or maintaining the focus to carefully move aside heavy objects (large pieces of scrap metal, say).

*** Flaws ***

[Socially ‘Stunted’] His years spent talking to little other than dusty droids has left his social manner wanting. He’ll often miss sarcasm or intonation, and can (quite accidentally) come off as awkward down to outright rude.

[Mania] Although typically focused and robotic in action, losing his Jedi Knight and spending the next few years exiled from the Order has made him prone to the occasional bout of mania, typically audible by the quiver in his voice and evident by the suddenly wild series of decisions he will make until calm again...

[Stubborn] Although not necessarily overconfident, if he’s sure he’s right, he’s right, and that’s that - especially when it comes to droids. After all, who would know better than the Padawan who spent three years with no friends but the wasting droids he would maintain?

[Lack of Training] Having suffered an unfortunate, early emancipation from his late Knight, Liu spent far more time focussing on his survival and escape than practising force abilities. Even if he had, he had only so much training to go off of. As a result, he falls well behind other Padawans of his age when it comes to Force mastery.

PERSONALITY: Single-minded in action, Liu will plough towards his goals with laser focus. This means fast and powerful results in the right context, and horrible oversight to that which he was blinded to in the worst context. Even so, his tenacious will knows flexibility - when it means survival, of course. Liu might seem nothing more than stubborn and rude in first impressions, but his charm is found in his willingness to undertake whatever necessary to accomplish the goal at hand. An experienced exile himself, he will never leave anyone behind.

BIOGRAPHY: Liu grew up in a small human colony on Kashyyyk. He would often wander out of sight, deeper into the forest, often to the village’s great concern; there being many a danger amidst the wroshyr trees. Uncannily, he would always return unharmed. He made more than a few friends with the simian Tach, and on one occassion returned to the village with a flame beetle clutched firmly - though docile, content - there on his back, as though he were no more than a tree to rest upon. Each time he would survive an unlikely encounter or return to the village with unexpected 'friends' from the forest, suspicion rose that here on this small outpost that this boy was something quite unordinary. Clarity came as the Jedi did, taking him to an enclave to begin training at the age of 11...

Liu loved the adventure of seeing another world, and he found himself impatient for more. As far as he was concerned, his Jedi Knight was his guide to the universe; a sort of star-sherpa he was quick to place upon the highest of pedestals. His only qualm was that the adventure couldn’t start quickly enough for him; usually left behind as his Knight was called to what seemed to be an ever-escalating series of missions. Eventually, his Knight gave in - just this once, Liu would come when he was not meant to, and not a soul was to hear of it.

Thrilled, Liu packed his scant possessions and boarded the star-fighter loaned out for a mission Liu’s Knight shared little detail of. It didn’t matter to Liu what for they left the runway, so long as there were new stars to discover and planets to wander. He never pressed her for more details. Despite the megaflora-faunastic nature of his home world (Kashyyyk), Liu was anything but claustrophobic in other settings. The contrast between the world he had grown up on and all the universe had to offer: it used to be one of his greatest fascinations.

As per the mission, the two Jedi coasted into the dying star system of red giant Raxus. This, their destination, was about all Liu had been told. When their landing was intercepted by restored Clone War era battle droids, Liu watched as his Twi’lek master’s face crumpled in frustration. They had been too late. An expediting party had made it there before them, to collect what the Jedi Order had identified as a potential threat and the key objective of this mission: recover the intact droids rusting away on Raxus Prime as a precaution against those with untoward intention. It was clear upon arrival that these droids had been programmed to eliminate anyone unlucky enough to get in the way of their unseen masters’ intentions, with no option for discussion. Being intruded upon was not on the agenda.

Liu was told in no uncertain terms that he was not to leave the star-fighter. Well out-of-depth and rightly terrified, he watched impotently as his master strode out of the ship to greet the entourage-of-the-hour. The plasma rounds started all at once. Through the fireworks, he could make out the blurring of two golden lightsabers, controlled but rapid blocks that sent laser bolts left and right, many hitting true against the droids that had fired them. After a minute or more, the “welcoming party” had been eliminated. Liu cheered, and made for the door, but his master’s harsh glare gave him pause. She had detected a disturbance in the force that he had not, and he watched in puzzlement as she kneeled to the ground and appeared to begin some sort of rite that looked akin to praying. Surely, she wasn’t...?

Soon enough, over the acid-washed black mesas of Raxus Prime, dozens then hundreds more appeared on the horizon. A gold light was beginning to emanate from the dust and rock that surrounded the Twi’lek Jedi. As the droids drew closer, she remained perfectly still in meditative pose now, her rites apparently complete. A red haze of phase bullets came her way. No movement. Her eyes closed, her body still; what was once a dim glow of gold blanketed her body with a cosmically bright light, shining gold like staring into the heart of an amber sun. Liu screamed. Her body then exploded, though not in flesh and viscera but pure, blinding light. A wave of electromagnetic disruption rattled the starship from which Liu spectated, killing the lights and power. Likewise, every bot on the horizon shuddered, dropped.

A few moments passed in shock, stillness. Finally he ran out of the starship, desperate to find out that his master had somehow fooled them, sent out some sort of hologram...but what technology could possibly have such Force? He could find no body, only tattered Jedi robes and the two lightsabers she had fought with. He searched for hours after that, genuinely hoping he would find her somehow, that he could hear the great story of whatever fantastical ability she had used right from her mouth. Finally, worn from hours of walking and sore from the blisters of acid rain, he returned to the star-fighter to make contact with the Enclave.

There was still no power. He flipped fuses, reconnected cables. Nothing. By all accounts, nothing appeared to be damaged or out-of-place. The ship should have power and it did not. Panic began to set in. His only reassurance was that, if he couldn’t restore functionality to the ships’ electronics, it was unlikely that any of the droids that now lay wasting once more outside would be able to turn back on...or even be repaired.

Time passed. He conducted a “burial” for his master to give himself some sense of closure, burying her robes with one of her lightsabers. The second he would keep with him, only to be used in emergencies, as a living memory of his master; a connection to her through the Force. He had no intentions on using it as his own, risking the discolouration of that brilliant gold as the kyber crystal muddied into whatever dull green or blue his own aura happened to be. The saber became a relic, and Liu became incredibly adept at surviving well enough without it.

As the days turned into months, Liu began to find his own droids to purpose, those found far away enough from the blast that power could be restored to their circuitry. For company, he had corrupted AI and the occassional bandit raider, neither ever with any information as to whom had restored the battle droids that intercepted them. Liu barely survived in the first months, food of the prime concern. His electromechanical abilities improved with practice, and by the end of the first year he had implemented a sorry excuse for agriculture to sustain the very (very) scant few plants and animals he was able to recover from the planets surface.

Two more years would pass until Liu began to see his best successes. His focus turned from survival and companionship, hardening into a steely resolve to leave the planet if he had to personally construct a starship himself. That he did, or at least, he managed a series of semi-successful launch experiments on the wretched-looking Frankensteins of hodgepodge “starships” he had restored power to. He hasn’t yet managed to break orbit (or been brave enough to step foot in the droid-powered ships that inevitably crashed back down to the surface in a blazing inferno), but he’s been working on a project in recent months that he is *certain* will be his ticket, FINALLY, off of this arid purgatory...


See flaws/merits for details on Force training and skills.


Blast Vest

✦ Dead master’s lightsaber (gold) [Force connection (mostly) intact]

DC-17 Hand Blaster
*Old but reliable - clone wars issue

✦ Strange fetish made from a dried fruit husk and several embedded teeth, given as a gift from a simian (Tach) tribe on his homeworld

Fusion Cutter / Ultrasonic Generator
*Combat capability - close range

✦ Personal journal, full of experimental notes on droids, ships, and some meditation notes from his brief time at the hidden Jedi Enclave he began training at

Utility Belt

✦ Rusty red toolbox, full of small electrical components and the tools required to assemble them - all you need to repair most automated devices! If only the tools weren’t rusty, too...
*Badly broken - has a tendency to zap the user


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ME-108, a LEP servant droid nicknamed "Emmie". Abandoned previously on Raxus, by an unknown faction, some hundred years ago (according to her system clock, which could be corrupt as well). Rusty red like the dirt Liu found her buried beneath. Suffers from a made-up illness called ‘glitch-haze’ Liu diagnosed her with, which means “decrepit, corrupt and often-confused AI”. Loves Liu for breathing life back into her after untold years of wasting away.

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