Independent Vaidas


dip, dip, potato chip.
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2021
Reaction score


NAME: Vaidas

FACTION: Independent



AGE: 46


HEIGHT: 6ft 6

WEIGHT: 129kg


His appearance is rather simple. Standard Beskar Armour that he stole from a dead Mandalorian, which he then cleaned and re-painted with a mixture of orange and dark green. His belt has many things on it, one could possibly say that there are too many things on his belt. But they all have a purpose, so Vaidas keeps them on it. He generally carries around his bm-548 blaster, which stays holstered (most of the time). He sometimes wears a cloak but only on colder planets. A rather large backpack sits on his shoulders, he never leaves his ship without it.

Vaidas was born, and grew up in the lower levels of Coruscant. He knew he had to get off Coruscant or at least get up to the upper levels. So he worked as much as he could. Part time in a restaurant, part time in a gym, part time in this and part time in that and so on and so forth. Eventually he managed to put enough money together from his many part time jobs and got himself a ticket off Coruscant to Naboo. It wasn't the best choice, but it was a better one that he'd hoped. He was surprised when he got to Naboo. Again the cycle repeated itself, he worked part time in several places. Eventually he signed up to a martial arts class, and he trained there as much as he could for a long time. He often ran errands for higher ups and people who had a lot more nobility than Vaidas had. The people he worked for even had a surname!! He never knew his parents' surname, nor his own mother and father. They both abandoned him when he was 12. When he turned 20, he bought himself a small apartment in the centre of Naboo's capital city. He had to leave Theed, as well as Naboo entirely, after an incident rendered him a criminal.

Somehow he ended up back on Coruscant after fleeing Naboo. This time he had enough (still) to have a decent living the upper levels of Coruscant, rather than the lower levels. Vaidas spent several years on Coruscant and developed his skills, from learning to fly ships to being able to snipe a target 1000 meters away. When Vaidas turned 30 years old he took up bounty hunting as an extra job. He turned out to be rather good at it. The amount of money he made from it still surprises him. During his bounty hunting escapades he managed to learn Huttese as the majority of clients turned out to either be a Hutt or their primary language was Huttese. Just after his 44th birthday, he sold his apartment in Upper Coruscant and bought himself a ship that would be big enough for him to live comfortably on and be agile enough to escape unwanted attacks. That ship turned out to be a standard issue T-6 Shuttle. Since then he hasn't stayed on a planet for more than a month at a time. From planet to planet (except Naboo). Vaidas has made a living from running basic errands to killing even the most annoying of thieves.

+ Get's the job done (generally).
+ Speaks Huttese.
+ Can fly many types of ships.
+ Skilled in hand to hand combat, as well as various weapons and blasters.
+ Smart
+ Flexible

+ questionably sexy?
- The definition of an asshole
- Knows every obscenity in the book(s).
- Dislikes most people and is disliked by a lot of people
- Tends to leave a mess behind (and sometimes a lot of blood)

t-6 shuttle, code cylinder, code cylinder cutter, dtx 1977 informaster datapad, e-11s sniper rifle bm-548 blaster rifle electroripper staff vibroblade.

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