Open Event Galactic Senate The Galaxy Assembles

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Mid Rim - Space Station
Note: After Joining of Minds. Concurrent with Thyferra & Corellia

There are whole new feelings in the air. Unrest. unease, anxiety. Tensions. All palatable at this emergency galactic senate session. This meeting was called on very short notice after the Killiks made their presence known to the the galaxy on Ruusan. Suffice it to say, that along with the other Killik attacks made major galactic news.

This improvised and informal session would be conducted in a space station out in the Mid Rim in neutral territory, a conference room was rented out. Out of fear of what happened again at Ruusan, this meeting was not televised and wasn't publicly advertised as happening. Plus security in the form of security droids with rifles was protecting that section of the station. Outside the station, there would be a defense fleet, in addition to any ships by the other governments to protect their dignitaries.

All assembly members were advised to be there if possible. Not only that, but any groups/people that were at Ruusan such as the Jedi were invited to attend, as well as any other experts, military leaders, fighters, politicians that had some sort of business with the Killiks to make their voice hurt. Not only were there seats at a round table, there were also hologram projectors around the conference room, so that senates/governors/.etc could attend via hologram. There was no pressure to attend in person, using a hologram is perfectly fine. Much easier and much safer. After what had happened at Ruusan it was very understandable that people would rather do that.

The meeting is due to start soon, now the assembly representatives should start to be showing up. The purpose of this meeting is obvious: The Killiks are here, so what does the galaxy do now? The Killiks had a big advantage at Ruusan, could the galaxy beat them back? This is not a session to vote on bills or talk about legislation. This is a call to action.

In the conference room, there would also be two holoprojectors as well, one that is displaying the currently on-going events on Corellia, as well as what's happening on Thyferra with the Killiks invading both those worlds right now.

OOC: Open to Galactic Senate members, Jedi representation, characters from Ruusan thread, any relevant experts, and any other politican characters or other characters with good reason to be here.

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Arcturus Alkaios


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The Good Doctor
Jun 4, 2022
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In a different space station orbiting above New Alderaan, the Governor of New Alderaan himself would be in his control room, smoking a cigarra as he is overlooking his green world. Arcturus' eye has recovered and after escaping from Ruusan and making it back into Sith space, the first thing Arcturus starting doing was looking into the Killik threat. Looking into knowledge about the insectoid race, what they can do, what their weaknesses might be. In addition he working on getting the New Alderaan sector in a state of readiness and increasing weapon and ship production. The Liberty-class Star Cruiser did impressive work at Ruusan, but just a couple isn't enough. More are needed. The Sith Empire as a whole needs to mobilize to deal with this threat as well

Standing up from his comfortable seat, the Governor would then take a few steps forward. After coming to a stop, his visage would be transmitted via hologram. The Governor would still be enjoying his cigerra. Thankfully the smoke won't bother anyone. Arcturus is holo-conferencing because it's convenient and wants to supervise New Alderaan. He did not feel the need to be physically there for one reason or another.

As it's time draws near, Arcturus would wonder who all will show up. Most likely the ones from Ruusan, most likely remotely. Will the insufferable wookie-beast senator and that Trandoshan be here too? Most likely. The ex-Sith Senator? Likely. What are the chances of the FWA senators being grateful to the Sith playing a big hand of rescuing them? Not likely...

Arcturus would exhale some smoke and check his chrono. It's almost time.


Blackwell Liaison

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The Good Doctor
Nov 23, 2021
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As punctual as ever, Vetra would be cutting into the the conference room via hologram. The other diplomats should be starting to show up soon. The people at Blackwell Technologies have been watching the situation unfold from a distance and have already begun to act. The Blackwell Tech CEO has launched a new promotion: Special discounts for a limited time on many products including droids. Battle droids. Battle droids that are effectively able to fight against the bug swarms that can't be Joined. Also flamethrowers to burn the bugs with. As always, Blackwell is ready to serve the galaxy... but not without taking in massive profit of course.

Vetra would smirk as hologram came to life, as she is wearing a neatly pressed and clean corporate uniform. Vetra would have her droid attache flanking her but not being projected on hologram.

To be frank, anyone who knows even a little bit about the Corporate Sector will likely know where Vetra will stand on this. On the sidelines of the fight against the Killiks. Maybe lending weapons, ships, credits if there is a good deal behind it all. Maybe. The Killik attacks have only occured in the Mid Rim into the Core Worlds. There is no need for alarm for the Corporate Sector just yet.

Now that she is tuned in, she would scan her enviroment, but her attention caught one of the holo-displays, notably the one on Thyferra. The situation on Thyferra is one of galactic concern-- wait, is that footage ISC President Thorne in the thick of fighting? Woah, impressive.


Chiss Captain

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Aug 22, 2022
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The Killik threat, long since forgotten, assumed by many to be dead and buried, had finally reared its head once more. The Ascendancy had dealt with them before, in the distant past, but few had studied those histories, and he knew little about them outside of stories and legends. He did not like being in the dark, the first step to victory was knowing your enemy, and without that knowledge he knew his ability to lead his forces was limited.

That's why he had pushed the Aristocra to allow his presence at this assembly, he needed to know what had happened on Ruusan from those who had been there, the more he knew the better prepared he would be. If the Galaxy were to fall, the Ascendancy would remain as one last bastion of freedom, would stand strong even if everyone else fell. But for that they needed to prepare, they needed to act before their enemy did. Information was what they needed, and so information was what he would get.

"All stations on high alert," he ordered his first officer as he started leaving the bridge, "be ready to jump at a moments notice. With," he paused, giving the officer a look, "or without me."

There was no hesitation, no questioning that order, they would do what had to be done. Just as he would. He knew the risks as he stepped onto the shuttle that would ferry him to the space station, and no one man was worth more than the lives of everyone aboard his ship. He walked in willingly, trusting in himself and the guards the accompanied him, littered with a few battle droids at the sound advice of his security chief. he wandered into the conference room, finding it empty but for himself and a few other holographic attendees. He had come see what these people were made off, to see their worth before he chose to fight with them. One of their leaders fighting on the grounds, two showing pragmatism in their attendance, that was good. That was good indeed.

OOC: For flavor only, ship arrived in - Boaty McBoat
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Dimetri Unduli

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Feb 26, 2022
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In these unfortunate times, the Killiks had caused terror and struck fear in the galaxy. Countless numbers of people dea, or worse.. joined to the hive mind. It wasn't often you run into such a threat but, it did bring the galaxy together to put aside their differences and find the strength to fight off the bug horde. The young Mirialan Padawan of the Jedi Order decided it would be beneficial to serve the galaxy by bringing it closer together through diplomacy. He knew killing wasn't his thing, perhaps speaking with others could be.

Arriving to the assembly via galactic uber, he would walk in the conference room dressed for the occasion and take a seat. It wouldn't very peaceful to go in demanding things or being unreasonable, he knew patience was key. Showing respect for what others had to say and waiting til it would be his turn to speak he sat and drank a hot tea served to him. His naturally red eyes surveying the room and seeing many attending only by hologram. It was fair, these meetings were becoming dangerous as the killiks are out and about.

As he waited for the actual meeting to start, he would pull out his data pad and watch the footage of the battle of Thyferra and Corellia. The strength and size of some of the bugs were rather large. The ones on the frontlines fighting these things were truly brave warriors. Dimetri would be honored to meet any one of them after these fights.

Hopefully something good comes of this meeting. The Padawan wanted to show some representation for the Jedi diplomatically and show they could prove useful as a faction in the galaxy.


Galek Ordalos


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Jul 22, 2021
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It was with no lack of hesitation that Galek had decided to attend the conference in person. Since Ruusan, the Prince had sequestered himself on Indupar and behind every security protocol at his disposal - working to move other members of the royal family into preemptive lockdown while preparing his planet for the worst. And that had been before the ongoing crisis’ on Corellia and Thyferra. Two Consortium worlds - vital to their economy - under siege by the Kilik Swarm. There was no telling the ramifications if either planet fell - and almost the entire trip to the space station had been spent coordinating with Governor’s, ISCRA officers and diplomats throughout the Consortium.

Naturally, Induparan’s blood pressure was only elevated further by the knowledge that his own President was actively engaged in the fighting on the latter. There was zero possibility of convincing the half-Sephi to remain absent in that moment of crisis, and in many ways, Galek respected the man for it. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t losing hair at the very real ways things could go wrong.

Despite his reluctance, the Induparan understood the weight behind arriving to the emergency session in person - but it didn’t mean that he came unprepared. Galek had arrived on Ruusan with no security out of an abundance of good faith - and he had little to spare after all that had occurred. A single Bothan Assault Cruiser - equipped with its standard array of star fighters - dropped out of Hyperspace at the designated coordinates, looming large before the Space station.

Within minutes, Galek was loaded onto a shuttle - rapidly ferrying him down to the conference chamber. For once, he toned down his attire in accordance with the urgency of the occasion - forgoing his Sherwani and jewel for a
comparatively simple, charcoal grey Kurta. His black hair was combed and styled perfectly into place, while the air was lightly scented with his cologne. Not that his holographic colleagues would be able to appreciate.

Unsurprisingly, Galek was flanked by a contingent of Blackwell droids on all sides - moving in tight formation around the Induparan until he finally reached his seat. At once, he reached forward - clicking on his mic to address the assembly as the rest arrived in person or otherwise, “Distinguished colleagues,” He began, his smooth voice carrying across the chamber. “I apologize that President Thorne will not be able to attend this emergency session - as he is presently commanding ISC forces engaged on Thyferra.” He said flatly, gaze flicking across the room. While the vast majority of those in attendance couldn’t be bothered to leave their offices for so much as a Senate meeting, the leader of the ISC was successfully fighting and holding his own on a besieged Consortium world.
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Senator, Kashyyyk

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Oct 23, 2021
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Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl had experienced a whirlwind of events since Ruusan- including a much-needed shower and an Emergency FWA Senate meeting that pulled him to Kashyyyk, among other things- and still there were obligations to attend to; an emergency meeting of the Galactic Senate (and others). The Wookiee liked to call it the Senate+, as it included not only the recognized members in the Galactic Senate but also other major players in the galaxy such as the Jedi Order and the Chiss.

Also unlike the Galactic Senate, there was a chance that it could actually accomplish something.

The cooperation that had sprung up amongst various factions since the emergence of the Kiliks was unprecedented, to say the least. Sith and Jedi fought side by side, FWA soldiers defended Correllia, and there had even been a Sector Ranger sighting. The Wookiee had every intention of continuing that momentum and capitalizing on the chance to steer the Sith war machine towards something not named the FWA, but he was having a problem. A frustrated Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl turned to the woman to his right as a notification popped up on his holostation whenever he tried to speak (@LadyRen). If anyone could figure out this confusing technology, it was her.

"Why does it say I am muted? I thought I was unmuted when I joined!" he groused, trying to control his temper at the program. Swoom had never been his strong point, and while it was unquestionably safer than going in person (and risking being puked on by Galek again), it did not make sense to him. "Never mind, I'll just write him a message."

Hairy paws hammered away on a keyboard designed for Wookiees, prompting a message to pop up on Arctururs' screen (@The Good Doctor). "I was informed that Ms. Din was injured on Ruusan. Please accept my condolences and my wishes that she recovers quickly." And my regret that it wasn't you instead... he wanted to add but didn't.

All in the spirit of cooperation.

Celeste Stythani

Sith Order

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Apr 17, 2022
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Celeste had constantly stayed in contact with Rattatak and specifically Kat, yet she was becoming slightly nervous because she had still not managed to leave Kashyyyk after the events on Ruusan. Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl had naturally continued to care for her, yet she knew there were a few pressing matters at hand that required her direct presence.

Not that her stay on Kashyyyk hadn't been relaxing...the nature still amazed her and she didn't lack anything here. The medical attention was still excellent and she had recovered from the effects of the concussion and the climate was still much more pleasant than on Rattatak.

The neverending stream of conferences had not abated though. Her people were nervously waiting for her call to fly her back, yet right after the FWA Emergency Meeting she now sat right next to the Senator of Kashyyyk, waiting for the galactical conference to commence."Here, let me help. Swoom has auto-muted us again because there are too many participants in the conference" she softly began, a slight smirk crossing her lips. She was not hoping he would lose his patience with the tech yet again, yet as she moved to unmute him, he already began typing. (@SlagathorTheUnknown)

It was truly interesting how many relationships had developed after the events, but most people were probably still surpised at how well the Wookie Senator and the Ex-Sith were now getting along. "Oh...that's very sweet of you. I'm not sure whether the Governor will know how to appreciate that though, but the gesture is right" she warned him, her tone still soft and the mic muted, but Aezzairrfhowrrhudrrl probably knew that already anyway. She still gave him a appreciating nod before she directed her attention back towards the screen.

@swoomholocrew @andtherestwhoseemstobetiredolife

Julia Hipori

Imperial Czerka CEO

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Nov 2, 2020
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There was quite simply no way in hell that she was going to turn up to this event in person. Especially after the last event of this nature had seen her peers being chased around, devoid of security guards, by weapon-toting insects that wanted to hive-mind them into some sort of collective. Julia Hipori had not got to the position she now enjoyed by virtue of being an idiot, after all.

Entering the meeting via an encrypted holonet link from her home on Etti IV, Julia clocked the others already in attendance with haste. Arcturus was a new player on the scene, Governor of New Alderaan, and a man who had been at the attack on Ruusan. By all accounts, he was reasonably competent, and not someone to mess with.

Vetra was someone she did recognize, the representative of the Blackwell Corporation, a company upon whose board Julia held a seat. Emryc Thorne's recent exploits on Corellia had done wonders for the company's image, and Julia was sure both her and Vetra could share in that bit of good news at least. The Chiss was an anomaly to her, Julia has never done any business with their elusive species.

Galek, and the Wookiee Senator Aezz, she recognized. Nodding respectfully to Galek, a man with whom she had served a stint in the Consortium Government, she ignored the Wookiee, who she had always found to be intensely annoying. Finally, she looked over at Celeste, and, knowing nothing about her, proceeded to do what she normally did - and ignore them.

Keeping herself muted, Julia waited for the meeting to commence, keen to see how she could ensure her interests, such as Blackwell, Canto Hyperlogistics, and those of her clients could be furthered in this time of crisis.


Consul, Gannaria

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Jul 19, 2022
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There in the back of her mind, Victoria recalled the incessant pressure that her office had applied when debating whether to attend the Ruusan conference. Part of her hadn't felt ready to attend such an important event, after all, she was barely a junior senator of a small backwater planet nobody had ever heard of before. Yet her staff had insisted for that exact reason that she should attend and not hide behind a veneer of inexperience.

Well, at the very least the events on Ruusan should count as experience now, right? Not the type that she was expecting nor wanting, but she supposed in politics you didn't always get to choose your battles, sometimes your battles chose you.

Thankfully, a terrifying calamity was a good enough reason to join in remotely, something Victoria was all the more glad to do. With a little bit of time before the scheduled meeting, Victoria had been checking her emails and switter mentions. An email from a long-lost uncle had come in overnight, she didn't immediately recognise him, but then again she didn't really know that side of the family very well.

She flagged the email to be replied to later, he'd apparently gotten into some trouble and needed space tune cards or something, which unfortunately she didn't have time to deal with presently, but family is family, she sighed. Flicking the holo on, Victoria watched in and waited, anxious to get this over with as soon as possible.


Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

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Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
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A century of living tended to give one perspective. The frantic fight for survival of a short life fading into the background. The war had clouded some of Alex’s perspective, but she still possessed those years of wandering the galaxy. She could compare nothing to what happened now. Ruusan had turned the galaxy over. The Killik were a threat unlike anything she could wrap her mind around…anything she had seen. No single force could hope to defeat them alone. The might of the greatest galactic militaries would be shattered if they fought alone. Ruusan had made that obvious. There was no victory above the false summit…it was a narrow escape.

Now the same events unfolded on Corellia and Thyferra. Jedi fought and died at both. Fought alongside all manner of allies. Alex had spent the short trip from Ruusan to Yavin issuing orders rapidly. The Resistance fleet was fully mobilized. The Jedi poured from the Temples to worlds in need. Her instructions were clear. They were to set aside their old wounds and fight together. The war with the Sith was not over but…the threat of the Killik was too great. They could not afford to let the past ruin their future. There would be no galaxy…no freedom if they all joined the Hive mind. She shook her head. The archivists were already working on that piece of the puzzle. The Killik could only be stopped if they broke their shared mind.

There was simply no easy answer. Alex let these thoughts flick through her mind as her shuttle flew from the Aurora to the station. She had largely recovered since Ruusan. Thank the Force. Her side still ached from where she was stabbed, but the bleeding had stopped. The Grandmaster was dressed largely as she had been for the summit. The tenor of this gathering was far different. She had been warned she could attend remotely but that felt wrong. There were risks for choosing otherwise. It felt right. There were times you needed to be seen. This was one.

Alex walked swiftly into the conference room. Her lightsaber with her this time. As the doors swished open, she was slightly surprised to see Dimetri. (@Scoobert ) The young Jedi was a member of the diplomatic core…but still this was slightly above his station. She smiled all the same and sat down next to him, quickly making eye contact with Galek. “Governor Ordalos, how is Lon?” (@Altaris) Images of the Governor bleeding out flashed through her mind. Alex looked over the datapad in her lap. Reports from Thyferra and Corellia streaming in. Emryc was fighting along Jedi and Sith…may the Force be with them.



ISC Secretary of Defense

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Sep 11, 2020
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Carrick wasn't even sure why he was here.

It was an important assembly if only because it brought the factions together once again - this time to give them a damn good idea as to what the hell their bickering should be put on hold for. Ruusan had been billed as a talk about peace but this meeting? This meeting wasn't about peace, it was about the reality that a bigger war had come along and knocked their old concerns on their arses.

He wasn't even physically present, instead appearing by holocall, but it was still not something he particularly liked or felt like he had time for. Even as the holocall connected and his standing presence was revealed, he was in the middle of reading a new intelligence report from the ISC Navy - with some added nuggets of information provided by sources local to Corellia and Thyferra.

They had Thyferra and Corellia on the screens in the room but his own feeds in the room he was physically present in had better angles.

he acknowledge his fellow ISC Governor, tearing his eyes away from his reports to smile faintly at Galek once, "I'm here to support you in whatever you seek to accomplish with this conclave."

Carrick held little hope that anything of value would come from this collection but two Consortium worlds were on fire - if they agreed to throw their forces into the line of fire then who was he to say no? More meat for the grinder. More time bought with lives until they could figure out where the Killiks were coming from and then? Well, then came the debate as to how harsh to be.

Genocide was Carrick's own option of choice.


Alexander Xerxes

Former Republic Chancellor

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Mar 17, 2022
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The war between the Supreme Chancellor and his security detail had been almost as intense as Russan itself. Everyone from the rank and file guard up to the Head of the Department for Defence had argued that Alexander should stay put on Coruscant far away from any danger. “How can I ask that the people of the Republic fight, if I cower behind a desk.” He had snapped, the near constant headache since Russan had made the Hynestian snappy to say the least. Although his security team had been stubborn, eventually Alexander pulled rank on them all at the end of the day he was the Supreme Chancellor.

The snap-hum of three dozen Corvette’s, Cruisers and Battleships appeared around the orbit of the Mid Rim world where they were due to meet today. The Republic 5th Fleet, the pride of the Core Government's military had arrived, at its head the Starhawk Battleship ‘Liberty’ slowly advanced on the space station. From the bowels of the ship came a small personal craft, onboard it was half a dozen heavily armed security guards along with the Supreme Chancellor himself.

“Just secure the ship.” Alexander said as he made his way into the station. “That’s an Order.” He continued catching the Sergeant in charge’s protest before it began. Stepping through the corridors he wore the Military Uniform of the 5th Fleet, today was not a time for fancy suits.

A pink scar was evident on the side of Alexander’s face as he made his way into the chamber, a reminder that he had not left Russan unharmed. He spotted a few members of the ISC along with the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order and a little lackey. The rest had chosen to log in from the safety of their homes, afraid that they would be attacked again. Pathetic cretin.


Trina Kalist

Senator, Kuat

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Aug 12, 2022
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Despite all the campaigning and preparation she had done, nothing could have prepared her for a catastrophe like this. Trina Kalist was celebrating her appointment to Senator just a few weeks prior and now she was on her way to a galactic gathering regarding a massive invasion. She barely had time to settle into her new role, but she wouldn’t back away from a crisis. The Cathar had to actively keep her nerves in check, ensuring her tail didn’t betray her. A lifetime of self control couldn’t prepare her for an unprecedented situation like this.

She wore a form fitting, blue dress, some tasteful heels and a simple bracelet on her wrist. Her hair was tied in a neat bun save for a curled strand to frame her face. The Cathar fell into step beside the New Republic Chancellor as she physically entered the chambers. She had seen all the others in the room on Holonet and she was entirely unknown comparatively. Despite studying up on all of them, she reserved judgment until she engaged them herself.

Trina took a seat near the Chancellor, glancing over at him. She was a little intimidated to address him, but these chambers were not for the faint of heart, “How do you fare, Chancellor?” She asked quietly while they waited on any stragglers to arrive. She knew he had been through quite an ordeal escaping from Ruusan and the scar on his face was a testament to that.

@Braden @everyoneelse

Lon Tendree

Governor, Cato Neimoidia

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Oct 2, 2021
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It was likely that no one had expected Lon to attend this meeting, and the truth was that it was in question whether he would ever attend another of these gatherings in person again, but today wasn't a day that that question needed to be answered because the Governor of Cato Neimoidia was still in the medcenter.

Though his life had been saved and virtually ever minute since the events of Ruusan had been spent in a bacta tank, his leg was beyond repair. It had taken nearly thirty minutes of arguing with the medical droid before the Neimoidian had been allowed to wear something other than a medcenter gown for the proceedings and another ten minutes to argue that he would not be wearing any cardiac monitoring, blood pressure cuffs, pulse oximeters, or anything else that had a wire on it.

The Neimoidian was too proud to remain in the hospital bed, and had insisted in sitting in the chair for the call, already irate that he was having to take the call from here in the first place.

As the holoprojector flickered to life, he could already see many of the usual suspects including many of those who had been present at The Betrayal.

I am recovering slowly, Grandmaster, thank you for asking, he said, having appeared only moments before she asked the question of Galek.

I am glad you're safe and able to represent the Consortium, Galek, he added, knowing that before The Betrayal he would have been there himself.

And that you could attend, Mr. Secretary, he said to Carrick.

@Nefieslab @Valen Pelora @Altaris

Trini Halrixien


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Feb 13, 2020
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Professor Trini Halrixien of the University of Rudrig - already dubbed "the Combat Etymologist" by some of her peers, she had been informed during the flight - reluctantly sat down in the conference seat which had been provided for her, unable to resist stretching as she did so. It had been an uncomfortable journey; she had escaped Ruusan aboard a two-seat starfighter, and later had been picked up by an aging frigate supplied by her employers, which had taken her directly to... wherever this was. Even Trini had not been told quite where the emergency conference was being held, only that it was a space station, and she suspected it was somewhere in the Mid Rim.

And why couldn't I holocast to this thing? She thought ruefully to herself. Say from my nice, comfy office that I've barely been able to use yet?

Before that fateful day on Ruusan, Trini - both as a student and as faculty - had tried to have as little as possible to do with the University of Rudrig's Inter-Campus Security Office, but when the Amaran had commed in to give her report, the University had sent in the cavalry. Not one, but three of ICSO's aging but well maintained Praetorian-class frigates, plus their squadrons of Razor-class starfighters, had met her en route, and had brought her to the new conference site when it had been announced. Up to that point, Trini had not even been aware Rudrig had anything resembling a navy, but the university world had its surprises. They waited with the other security fleets brought by the other factions that were present, and despite the archaic lines of their hulls, Trini knew the crews and pilots aboard were anything but the sleepy, poorly trained college cops one might expect. One of them had come to the station with her, and was waiting with her own personal Razor, which had replaced the SX-18 Salamander she had used to get off Ruusan. It was there to act as her escape vehicle if things went bad, and contained her luggage for the moment, including Trini's antique heatbeam pistol tucked away in a secure compartment.

Man am I glad I never tried to stiff them on a parking ticket. She thought to herself, before pulling a datapad out of her vest and checking the notes she had compiled for herself.

Trini's function at the previous meeting had been purely ceremonial, at least in theory. She had been able to speak before the waste hit the climate controls, and she believed at least some of those present had been impressed. Now, though, she was here to advise formally. She and her colleagues back at the university had compiled a catalog of what she believed to be salient facts about the Killiks; most of information she had was ancient, of course. The Killiks had not been seen in this part of the Galaxy in millennia; until recently, many scholars believed the species might have been extinct, the most complete records of its culture having been destroyed with the Castle Lands of Alderaan when the first Death Star had used the planet to demonstrate its might. Even so, there was some information, things that Trini found... disturbing.

She only hoped it would be useful.
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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The Speaker
It is now time. In the center of the conference room, the hologram projector will display the visage of a lady. The speaker for this improvised session. The speaker would be nicely dressed, but her face projects strength and determination. As does everyone else here need to project as well. These are dire times, nothing like this has happened in recent history...

The speaker would then scan the room, nodding her head after seeing almost all the factions in the galaxy here in one building, physically or in holograpic-form it didn't matter. Jedi, Sith, ISC, Republic, Free Worlds, and others.

Without further to do, the Speaker would kick this session off. "Thank you all for attending this emergency meeting. As you know, the Killiks are invading. They have razed Ruusan, they are battling at Corellia and Thyferra as we speak. Jedi, Sith, Mandalorians, the ISC, the Hapans and many others are valiantly fighting against them right now. The Killiks have already killed many and have brainwashed many others to follow along with them. The Killiks haven't been seen in this galaxy in many, many years and we don't know the full scope of their plans for us."

"We will all hold the line against the Killiks together. But to end this crisis we need to find where they are coming from. Now then assembly, let us think. Does anyone have any insight on the Killik threat?"
Knowledge of the Killiks isn't really common in the galaxy. They might be in obscure lore, maybe there have been some sightings from time to time prior to all this. Or something else. Someone may know more... "Where they might be striking from? Any weaknesses they might have? What their plan might be?" those were some questions that need to be answered. The united galaxy can throw fleets around, but throwing ships in a random direction won't solve this crisis. "I open the floor to the assembly now" then the Speaker's hologram will disappear, but she will be listening in still to moderate the discussions.

Trini Halrixien


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Feb 13, 2020
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Trini listened attentively to the the Speaker as she formally began the proceedings, nervously checking the notes she had assembled on her datapad. The Killiks, to all those present, were a mystery; aside from what had happened on Ruusan, and what continued to happen on Corellia and Thyferra, none of those present were likely to know anything about their enemy. Trini, meanwhile, had worked burned a lot of hours in hyperwave comm time with colleagues back on Rudrig - and in a few other centers of learning across the Galaxy - to create a clearer picture.

She cleared her throat nervously, and motioned that she would like to speak.

"Gathered sentients, firstly I would like to thank you for asking me to attend once more. I'll cut to the chase, however. Before we begin, and before any potential prejudices are formed as to the nature of our collective enemy in the absence of facts, I would like to present a collection of information that myself and my colleagues have managed to assemble. It gives some insight as to the nature of the Killiks, their capabilities, and perhaps their motivation, although this last is still not entirely clear."

The little Amaran keyed her datapad, and brushed a strand of dyed hair away from her face.

"Some of us present, myself included, have fairly direct experience with the Killiks; they tried to kill me, or at least convert me to their service. With luck and a great deal of help, I am here to relate what I know now. Others were not so fortunate."

She tapped a button on her pad, and it connected to the large central holoprojector. Immediately, an image sprang into three-dimensional life above those assembled; it was an insectoid form, although even in the hologram it did not quite resemble the creatures that had attacked Ruusan. The chitin was dull, the eyes empty.

"For the benefit of those who may not be aware, this is a Killik. Rather, these are the preserved remains of a Killik, discovered on Alderaan approximately 2,000 years ago by Old Republic archaeologists excavating the Castle Lands. As you can see, they are an insectoid species, and they can range in size from a few centimeters to tens of meters in length."

The hologram flickered, and a range of different creatures appeared, lined up. They differed wildly in size and shape, but if one looked closely, they could see the essential similarities between all of them; the number of limbs, the shape and placement of the eyes, and other aspects.

"Killiks were - are, I suppose - extremely diverse. For a very long time, academics believed the species bred different body types to perform specific tasks. This theory seems to have been proven."

The hologram changed again, this time showing a pastoral landscape, dotted with huge, rounded mounds rising out of tall grass.

"These are the Castle Lands of old Alderaan, some of the best preserved Killik ruins in the Galaxy, or at least they were before the Death Star destroyed the planet they stood on. Unfortunately, Alderaan had the largest body of research on Killiks in the known Galaxy, and what is available in the present day is... incomplete. However, this is what we know of the Killiks and their history."

Trini gestured to the ruins.

"Killik structures exist on many planets, primarily scattered across the Core and Inner Rim. They are without exception abandoned in the present day, and they are ancient almost beyond belief. Alderaan, one of the oldest settled worlds in its region of space, has a recorded history stretching back tens of millennia, and as far as we can determine, the Killik ruins there were ancient when the first colonists arrived. The story is the same wherever Killik ruins are to be found; it appears the species settled across a vast region of space, built extensive habitations, and then for some reason, vanished. Until recently, most of my colleagues with any opinion on the matter believed they were extinct, or at least that they had migrated to somewhere beyond known space."

The image changed again. This time, a blurry image of a Killik asteroid ship rotated slowly.

"Killik technology, for how old the species is, is not extremely sophisticated. The ruins we know of were mostly constructed using a kind of cement composed of local materials and hardened Killik excretions. There is little evidence of advanced instrumentation. However, what the Killiks have, they use well; their spacecraft appear crude, but I can speak from experience in saying that they should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, there is little information I can give on how their spacecraft actually work, as no-one has ever found an abandoned Killik ship that was not thoroughly stripped."

She shook her head.

"Unfortunately, what the Killiks may or may not lack in technical sophistication, they make up for in other ways. According to existing theories, and to data which has been gathered during the attacks, the Killiks have a true hive-mind. They are able to communicate with one-another instantaneously, and can coordinate their actions to a frightening degree. More, they seem to have little regard for individual survival; they will throw bodies at a problem until it is solved to their satisfaction. More disturbing, they seem to have the ability to induct individuals of other species into their collective; the 'drinks' they attempted to push on us at the conference, I believe, were intended to cause this."

Trini spread her hands.

"At this point, their motivations for their attacks are a mystery. According to what we have learned from ancient Killik sites, their civilization was not warlike; indeed, there is evidence of them cooperating with other, similarly archaic species on worlds where they settled. The reason for their current aggression, as much as where they actually came from, is not clear at this time."

Julia Hipori

Imperial Czerka CEO

Character Profile
Nov 2, 2020
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Listening with a moderate degree of impatience, concern mounted across Julia's face as she heard the speaker and then Trini, lay their points out. If she was honest with herself, Julia had somewhat dismissed the Killik threat, a problem far away from her concern. However, with what was being reported on in the news, and from her corporate contacts, partnered with the corroberation of the speakers here, she was growing quite worried indeed.

"The potential impact a more wide-spanning infestation by the Killik could bring is vast and something we need to take seriously. With Corellia having been subjected to a considerable amount of disruption, supply lines in certain key industries are finding themselves under increased pressure, which can, and will, have knock-on effects to the broader galaxy." Julia began, refocusing her attention on the topic Trini had spoken on. "We will, subject to the proper informational safeguards, share what data we have on their movements as well." Julia added, speaking on behalf of the commercial consortium she represented.

"However information gathering is only useful in so long as it can directly or indirectly support us in our efforts to combat this mounting threat. Various members of the Corporate Sector have considerable research and development capacity, which combined with our manufacturing output, can mean the rapid development and rollout of countermeasures to this threat. This can only be expedited if the economic conditions remain as stable as they can be, not just in the Corporate Sector space, but also across our commercial partners."

Julia laid the groundwork for her fellow Corporate Sector representatives to address the need for business continuity if they wished to, as well as to mention the importance of ensuring the profits of their clients were maintained and, enhanced before she moved on.

"Finally, you mentioned that many worlds could have dormant Killik beneath their planetary crust. Perhaps it is wise for an astrographic mapping service to be rolled out across likely habitable planets. I am sure this is something the Corporate Sector can provide."

Trina Kalist

Senator, Kuat

Character Profile
Aug 12, 2022
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Trina listened to the very helpful and thorough analysis presented by Miss Halrixien. Truthfully, she only knew the Killik to be an extinct and ancient species like the Rakata. She was thankful others had far more knowledge of the creatures than she did. However, Trina had other concerns than just the ‘why’ of the Killik and their invasion.

“Thank you for the additional context,” She said after a moment, offering Trini a polite smile, “I believe it’s critical to understand exactly how the Killik spread their hivemind influence. We’ve seen it with the drinks, but does that also apply for the auxiliary fleet on Thyferra? Reports are coming in that the fleet turned on the ISC forces and the only explanation can be that they became a part of this..hive mind. I can’t imagine all of those pilots were ever in a room to accept a drink of any sort?”

She looked around the room at everyone, “This is not AMS. We have no idea when someone has been influenced or has become a puppet of the Killik because they can look and act like normal individuals. Our immediate focus should be to understand how this influence spreads and how to resist it. There is panic among the citizens and all over social media so we need to provide answers to our people at once and stop the influence from spreading.”