Nor'baals Character Workshop


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Valden Halax

Outlaw Tech.


Aerospace superiority starfighter.

Titanium and transparisteel

13.76m in length.



100 kilograms.


2 standard weeks.

This ship has a top speed of 125 MGLT and decent maneuvering capabilities.

  • 4x medium laser cannons.
  • 1x dual-tube warhead launcher, 8x projectile in magazine, includes proton torpedoes.
  • 1x concussion missile launcher, 12x projectile in magazine.
  • 1x ventral anti-personnel repeating blaster turret.


Based off of the design for a T-90 X-Wing starfighter, the Pursuer is the personal starfighter of the Bounty Hunter, Valden Halax. Costing a pretty penny to get together, it is a jack-of-all-trades ship, with a modest 125 MGLT top speed. Sleek and agile, it packs a punch with a missile package and laser cannons. The vessel is equipped with a class 1 hyperdrive, and lacks a navicomputer, leaning on an astromech droid to make the jump calculations.

It comes with deflector shields and sensors as standard.

Restricted. Like all starfighters, this is subject to extra licensing requirements and increased scrutiny by authorities.

To create a personal ship for my character.


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Nor'baal Desilijic Fa'athra (formally known as 'His Excellency, Oyabun Nor'baal Desilijic, Daimyo of Tatooine and Lord of the Hutt Clans') was a male Hutt and member of the Five Syndicates, who served as member of its ruling Council during the 'Force Eternal' era. Born to Fa'athra Desilijic Tiure on Nar Shaddaa, he grew up in the vaulted halls of his father and was ever in his shadow. Taking it upon himself, when the blood sports and decadence got boring, to advance his own station in life, he shoved his father off of the balcony of his Coruscant palace and took his position for his own.


After the unfortunate demise of his father, Nor'baals inheritance was subject to competing claims, one from his mother, and the other from his brother. Unable to lay claim to the wealth of his family in totality, Nor'baal set out to find another way to maintain his decadent lifestyle. Taking what little his father had successfully managed to leave him, he took up occupancy in his family's Coruscant residence and began to get to work.

Taking on a job to infect the world of New Alderaan with the AMS Virus, he and a young smuggler known as Davik Lorso, managed to infiltrate the world and get close to the planet's main water supply. Foiled at the final hurdle by interfering Sector Rangers, Nor'baal and his erstwhile ally fled, taking the downpayment with them.

Soon afterwards, the Hutt took up a job forging the Onderon Crown jewels and selling them to rival Hutt Lord, in return for a parcel of land, which was then traded off to the Systech Corporation to build a stim factory on. An enormously successful venture, the Hutt walked away with hundreds of thousands of credits, which he invested into a small mercenary band. Using the credits to fund an occupation of a pirate base on Teth, the Hutt finally had a base of operations to expand his ventures further still.

Launching a considerably unsuccessful invasion of Llanic, the Hutt took over the Llanic underworld, around the largest refugee camp in the area. This brought him into contact with the Independent Systems Consortium, and he later negotiated a position for himself as Governor of Kessel, after the Consortium invaded the world. Draining considerable resources from the planet, and funnelling it off-world, the Hutt would later use the wealth to expand to Sleyheron and assume control of his family's fleet.

His influence have grown further still, he assumed control of the Desilijic Kajidic, and took a position as leader of the Hutt Clans, following a confirmatory vote of the other Clan leaders. Considering nothing off the table, Nor'baal has set to work on a variety of schemes and underhand deals, to enrich his Kajidic and, by extension, further his own power. After some considerable spouts of dishonest behavior, Nor'baal assumed the position of Lord of the Hutt Clans.

Personality & Traits

A decadent Hutt of the classic traditions of his species, Nor'baal had an eye for commerce and corruption. Although he grew up in the dank underpasses of his father's palace, he had a keen understanding of the realities of the galaxy and had a penchant for blood sports, alcohol and food. Aware of the existence of the force, and its power, Nor'baal is a practical Hutt, and seeks to avoid direct confrontation himself - preferring instead to act through agents and mercenaries.

Not one to let grudges go lightly, Nor'baal has a cruel streak and tends to obsess over ensuring his 'enemies' are punished for imperceptibly small transgressions. He is not force-sensitive, and his only real skill outside of his understanding of crime is that he can speak Huttese and basic to a fluent level, as well as commanding a considerable understanding of technology and droids.

Equipment & Assets
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Five Syndicates

Guarja Shipyards



Durasteel and Transparisteel

300m length



3000 metric tonnes

12 Starfighters/Bombers

1 standard year.

This vessel has a speed of 40 MGLTs and average maneuvering characteristics.

  • 6x Dual Heavy Turbolasers
  • 10x Dual Medium Laser Cannons
  • 4x Heavy Proton Torpedo Launchers
  • 1x Tractor Beam Emitters

  • 1x Class 1 Hyperdrive; x1 Class 12 Backup
  • 1x Navicomputer
  • 1x heavy deflector screen generator
  • 1x long-range sensor suite
  • 1x long-range communication suite
  • 4x docking ring with integrated docking tube and hull-cutting tools
  • 14x 20-Being Escape Pods

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable work horse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.



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Kallixus Ranjir was a human male, who worked as a smuggler and black market dealer. Growing up as the only child of moisture farmers in the desert world, he dreamed of one day heading out into the stars as a pilot. Refusing to follow his father, and become a farmer, he fell in with the wrong crowd and became a pod-racer for a few years, on the payroll of a local Hutt gangster.

Once he had the credits, Ranjir purchased his own ship, and broke away from his former master's contract, becoming a 'freelance captain' soon after. He has been a smuggler and black marketeer for over a decade now, moving all forms of cargo, yet drawing the line at transporting slaves.

Personality & Traits

Ranjir was a rogue through and through, and, having spent much of his adult life working as an information broker and smuggler, he consider credits and information to be powerful assets. Considering himself a 'gentleman', he did his best to appear sophisticated, and genteel even though he harboured a criminal streak. He had a good sense of humour and had a tendency to make sarcastic remarks and jokes at the very worst of moments. A remarkably humble man, Ranjir tried to avoid displays of opulence, instead preferring to remain inconspicuous with what he had, so as to avoid drawing unwanted attention. He held a deeply pragmatic approach to doing business, believing that as long as both sides stood to gain something from a deal, then past grudges could be overcome in the pursuit of this common interest. He was a calculating mercenary, willing to put aside moral judgements in favour of personal gain.

Having grown up on Tatooine, before making his career in the region as a mercenary, information broker and smuggler, Ranjir was a survivalist. He possessed a range of skills, from weapons handling, ship piloting, engineering and negotiation, all of which came together to form a jack-of-all-trades rogue. He was a risk-taker and was always on the move, keeping his wits sharp. Familiar with the workings of the underworld, Ranjir knew how the criminal underclass operated, having worked for them in the past himself. He was not naive to the ways of the galaxy and was slow to trust people despite his outward projection of charm and comradeship.

Skills & Abilities

An exceptionally talented pilot, Ranjirs skills behind the controls of a spaceship were, by far, his greatest asset. Having spent just shy of a decade in the space lanes, he was most at home when calculating the most profitable smuggling routes to take, and had an in-depth knowledge of the industry, its shadow ports and much more.

Alongside this, he was a capable combatant, having been trained in the use of Jar'kai combat sabres, blasters and more. He could speak various languages commonly spoken in the outer-rim and had numerous other skills that one would expect from a seasoned smuggler. He was not force sensitive.


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Nor'baal Vosadii Karagga was a Hutt male, who owned and operated a hotel and cantina.

Personality & Traits

Nor'baal was a male Hutt who maintained an interest in collecting exotic artefacts from across the known galaxy. A Sleheyroni Hutt, he had a blue pigment to his skin and was known to make use of the Sha'rellian toop as an exotic headpiece. His skin was prone to drying, and therefore he needed to be moisturised quite frequently through the use of a small spray of water.

As an administrator, Nor'baal was quite capable, his keen Hutt mind enabling him to operate his platform, and extract every last credit from it.

Defying the norm of many of his kin, Nor'baal operated 'close to the line', whilst avoiding directly breaking the law, owing to the fact that his business mostly took place within so-called 'civilised space'.
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Prince Haljen Rand II was a male Falleen and a leading member of the 'Black Sun', an organised crime syndicate.


Born to the Falleen nobles Zammar and Haljen Rand. Haljen Rand II took up a position within his father's spice-running business at a young age. Possessed of a cruel instinct for inflicting harm on others and abusing his position to further his own wealth and debauchery, Haljen was ideally suited to the life of a spice mogul. Expanding his father's business, he took over a 'shadow port' on the fringes of Hutt Space - and sought to establish himself as the dominant force in the movement of spice for generations to come.

Personality & Traits

A criminal, a tyrant and a despot, Haljen was a cruel man, known for his brutality as well as his large frame. His impressive weight required him to be supported by a hover-chair, and he spent a large number of credits on ensuring that he could maintain his gluttonous lifestyle whilst also not dying from various health issues. Having once been a well-built man, as he rose through the ranks, he had a track record of combat excellence, which naturally had wained as he had become less able himself.

Hailing from a noble family of the Falleen species, he was possessed by an enormous degree of arrogance and entitlement, having been raised to believe that it was the birthright of his family to rule. Getting what he wanted through a blend of extreme violence and enormous amounts of credits, the Prince was not used to being refused and was prone to fits of rage when such an occasion arose.

Possessed of innate treachery and barbarism, he was a greedy and selfish man, surrounding himself with a close-knit inner circle of guards and advisors. He was slow to trust anyone and exceptionally quick to betray people and use their misfortune for his own gain.
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Named after the Huttese word for 'Warrior', the Keueketka were an elite military unit, established by the Hutt Lord Nor'baal, which served as a shock trooper force used to instil discipline in the various members of the Syndicates that owed the Hutt fealty and tribute. Established on Tatooine, following the rise of the Pyke and Zann Consortium, Nor'baal intended for the group to be a 'special operations' team, with a reputation for ferocity and mercilessness.

A small force of [NUMBER] men, were picked from the gladiator slaves of the Hutt Core worlds, and liberated, with those that chose to stay offered employment in the unit. Subject to constant training, and given the best gear and combat stims, the Keueketka were known to extensively use combat stimulants, in order to expand on and enhance their capabilities, and their aggression. Members where trained in the use of Teras Kasi, as well as other forms of hand to hand combat, which they excelled in.


Percussive Cannon



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Captain Rav Haskeen

Underworld Techs

Converted Bulk Frieghter

Pirate Ship

Durasteel and Transparisteel

Length - 110 meters.



20 Kilotonnes

4 fighters
1 boarding shuttle

6 standard months

This ship has a top speed of 65 MGLT (dropping to 15 with only solar sails in use) and has good manoeuvring characteristics.

  • 1x Forward-Mounted Heavy Laser Cannon.
  • 1x Forward-Mounted Heavy Ion Cannon.
  • 6x Quad Medium turbolaser turrets.
  • 2x grapple line.

  • 1x class 2 primary hyperdrive, 1x class 12 backup.
  • 1x heavy deflector screen generator.
  • 1x long-range sensor suite.
  • 1x long-range communication suite.
  • 4x docking ring with integrated docking tube and hull cutting tools
  • 2x 4-being escape pods.
  • Numerous Solar Sails

Haskeens Bounty was a modified bulk freighter that functioned as a pirate ship, and was built using a chunk of the money made from the ransom the Pirate Haskeen made through his 'daring kidnap' of the Consortium President, Emryc Thorne.

Featuring large engines at the rear of the ship, it could operate under 'solar sail' power as well, enabling it to operate silently - although at a massively reduced speed. With a long-range communication array and hearty deflector shields, the ship was a hardy vessel built for survival on the outer rim.

Well-armed, the vessel boasted a large ion cannon and turbolaser at the front of the ship, designed to disable targets and prepare them for boarding, which could be done through the use of assorted shuttles and fighters stored on board. It could accommodate a crew of eight, as well as up to thirty passengers.

This ship is enormously illegal.

To provide a slightly cooler looking ship for the Pirate, Haskeen, and to show how he has used his ransom money!

This ship is a personal vessel, and can only be used by Rav and his crew as members of the 5S.


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Agent Evan Kallus was a male human, and a member of the Imperial Security Bureau during the Force Eternal Era. Born on Serenno, to a family with long-standing ties to the Sith and its various fronts, such as the Empire and the First Order, Evan Kallus is a consummate operative of the Empire, loyal, pragmatic and eager to serve.

Personality & Traits

Evan Kallus was a human male who stood at roughly 1.85 meters tall and had brown eyes. As a child, he was instilled with a sense of ruthlessness, educated in the 'Imperial manner' by his father, who was himself the grandchild of a First Order Officer. Brought up in a home that was unashamed of its imperial history, Kallus was expected to join the armed forces as soon as he was able and did so once he turned eighteen. Through his experience fighting with Serrenno Planetary Defence Forces, he came to believe that the strong and the intelligent remained in their positions of power through exacting control over those 'beneath' them - an ideology that would form the basis of his career thereafter.

Having worked extensively in the Outer Rim, Kallus came to believe that only through 'absolute order' could 'peace, security and prosperity' be maintained. He had seen the way the rim-ward worlds operated, and, as a student of history, firmly believed that things had been better for the people of the rim when the Empire, and subsequently, its remnants and the First Order, had been in command of the region. He believed that only through 'stuggle' could people realise their potential, a belief that had been shaped largely by his childhood, in which he was expected to take part in hunts, and survive against raids from pirates and more during a period of unrest in his Serrennos political climate.

With a career having spanned law enforcement, the armed forces, and later the intelligence sector, Kallus had a comprehensive range of skills which ranged from weapons handling, piloting, droid maintenance and command, all the way through to slicing, fieldwork and undercover operations. As a trained military intelligence operative, he could speak numerous languages, mostly found in the Outer to Mid Rim. He was not force sensitive.




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Pyroni Inherlilo

The Pyroni Inherlilo (translated from Old Corellian to the 'Smugglers Alliance', and often referred to as the 'Pryroni') was a loose confederation of spacer captains who worked together in an attempt to bolster their profits and collect together resources in an increasingly competitive galaxy. Banding together to make the most of the opportunities presented by the AMS Virus, and various intergalactic factional conflicts, the Pyroni were a happy-go-lucky and rogueish band that operated across the Galaxy.


Following the outbreak of the AMS Pandemic, members of several illegal organisations found themselves wanting to establish a degree of distance between themselves and the Five Syndicates. Seeking to go it alone, a collection of smugglers banded together in the shadow port of Terminus and agreed to adhere to a combined charter, and broaden their client base whilst trying to do a little bit of good in a rough galaxy. Led by a loosely defined 'Captains Council', which mostly met over the holo, its members consisted of those who helmed a lone freighter, all the way through to the Captains of large pre-established smuggling operations.

Keen to protect their interests from outside influences, such as pirates, the Hutts, and over-mighty sector governments, the assorted Captains agreed to pay a small membership fee each, enabling the Alliance to fund and support combined operations when needed.

Having found its roots in a loose coalition of like-minded smugglers, brought together out of a shared interest to not only survive but thrive, members had a fierce independent streak and sought to ensure they could do a little good in the process. Supporting the efforts to roll the AMS vaccine out across the galaxy, as well as to cut down on slavery, the Alliance was keen to make a name for itself in the rim.
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Rimward Transit Station

The Rimward Transit Station (known as the 'Rimward') is a Baas-class space station which functions as a Shadowport. Originally commissioned into the New Republic Navy shortly after the collapse of the Galactic Empire, the Rimward was repurposed into a semi-mobile shadow port, and is now a privately owned station serving the interests of smugglers and other disreputable types.

Under the ownership of the 'Galactic Entreprenuer' Kallixus Ranjir, the station serves as a safe haven for smugglers, slicers and other variations of the scum and villainy that occupy the galaxy. Boasting four hanger bays, the station is able to accommodate the comings-and-going of smugglers and provide a place for them to rest up, and find new jobs in the onboard cantina, Bar-Bar Drinks.

With a small crew, mostly consisting of Kallixus himself, and a range of piloting droids occupying the bridge, the station is mostly staffed by astromech units, and a small complement of V3-G4 combat droids to help ward of any overzealous pirates, the station is as close as a smuggler is ever going to get to securing safe space to lie low.

On top of this, the station boasts a range of slicer hubs, enabling for long-range communication across the sector it is located in, making the station a prime hide-away for slicers and their ilk.

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Jorka Irway is a human politician, lobbyist and lawyer who served as a Senator in the New Republic during the Force Eternal era. A member of the Centrist Party, he has previously served as Governor of Aargau for two terms. Irway was also a member of the Aargau Planetary Congress for a single term.

Irway was born and raised in Escrow, the main city of his homeworld, and hails from a well-connected family, with his brother serving as an executive within the banking clan, one of the world's largest employers. He graduated from the University of the Core with a degree in law, before entering into private practice. After making two attempts for elected office, both times as the mayor Aargaus capitol city, he established the 'Center of Economic Growth', a political think tank which he ran for nearly a decade.

Broadening his platform to a wider range of topics, and attracting donors from the many corporate and private interests on his homeworld, Irway was finally elected as a member of the Aargau Planetary Congress, and later as the Governor of the planet. During this time he established himself as a politician with a keen focus on the economy, interplanetary trade, and a strong approach to 'law and order'.

Working his way through the ranks of the party, he next secured the trust of the 'Aargau Planetary Commission', an indirectly appointed board that selected the Senator of the world upon the previous incumbent's retirement or death. Taking the position of Senator shortly before his fortieth birthday, he stepped into the role just after the collapse of the Free World Alliance. Joining the 'Centrist Party' upon heading to the Core, Irway set out to do what he could to bolster the Republic and do his bit to ensure a prosperous future for his planet.
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The Drengir were a radiciform species of sentient, amorphous carnivores from the Wild Space planet of Mulita, that had spread across the Galactic Frontier during the High Republic Era. Defeated, and isolated on a set of remote worlds back in Wild Space ever since the Drengir posed a 'Maximum Category' threat, and, as such, their movement was heavily regulated. With nubile tentacles and a maw lined with teeth, the avaricious creatures shared a collective consciousness that could dominate and corrupt the minds of others.

Motivated by a desire for 'meat', the Drengir consumed non-plant organic matter that it came into contact with, burning through organic life with a seemingly insatiable hunger. Unfed, they were a dormant race, spreading like a plague should their food intake increase. With an aptitude for healing, the Drengir had considerable resistance to conventional blaster weapons, however, they possessed a vulnerability to light sabres and heavy weapons.

Biology & Appearance

An amorphous carnivorous sentient species that resembled plants, the Drengur were a cruel species, born of darkness, hatred and pain. Distinguished from one another owing to their unique hues of colouration, they boasted an array of teeth and had numerous tentacles and thorns, the latter of which secreted deadly poison. Some xenobiologists hypothesised that its members were somewhat force-sensitive, with the creatures casting a 'shadow' that was perceivable by sentient beings, even those not attuned to the force and its mysteries. It remained a mystery to the xenobiologists of the modern galaxy as to why plants curled and died in their presence, and other creatures shied away from them.

As with many plants, the Drengir spawned from seeds. Taking root, they grew to tower masses within a matter of days, meaning that well-fed Drengir could reproduce thousands of their number within weeks. Possessed of voracious and insatiable hunger, they viewed all other life forms as food and preferred to consume their prey alive. Warlike creatures, they tended to capture sentient creatures, and 'grow' into them, as a method of consumption.

Obsessed with food and eating, the Drengir grew into a state of sluggishness if they went unfed for too long, rising into a frenzy when food was near in this instance. With manes of leaves and vines and spurs of wood for limbs, they appeared as sentient trees and were often referred to and mistaken as such by others. They could speak galactic basic, however, as they were a hive-mind species, they tended to communicate through alternative means.
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Hipori & Partners

Hipori & Partners, otherwise known as ‘The Firm’ is an exclusive Investment and Financial counselling firm based on Cantonica, in the famous city of Canto Bight. Founded by Rikard Hipori, the company specialised in investment management for the galaxy's wealthy, skimming a fee off the top in return for expert advice on money management, and a ruthless approach to protecting their investments and those of their clients once made.

The Firm had a very simple approach to making money, charging an annual retainer to their clients, and then taking a two per cent share of any investments made on behalf of their clients, intrinsically linking the success of their client to the success of the firm. With a small staff, mostly focused around supporting the partners who ran the show, the Firm was a high-end company that sought to expand its feelers across the known galaxy.

Equipment and Assets

Whilst the Firm had large financial resources thanks to its investment clients, its assets were more streamlined, consisting of an office in Canto Bight, and a collection of civilian ships to ferry its partners around. Alongside this, it made use of a handful of security droids to protect its officers and senior partners, who were often on the move around the galaxy.


A small company, with considerable financial clout, the structure of the Firm was a simple one, consisting of a team of administrators, secretarial staff and lawyers, whose main function was to support the partners. These partners controlled the company, forming its board. Aside from this, the company made us of contractors to keep their staff safe, and made us of a range of droids to augment its organic footprint.


To provide background and flavour to a totally legit and entirely not shady group, serving as the employer for @Name @Name and @Name.
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Rikard Hipori was a human male, and the son of the Corporate Executive, Julia Hipori. He works as a legal and investment professional, mostly working on 'corporate troubleshooting' - with a breadth of educational achievements to back him up. Having been educated at the University of Kuat in Galactic Law, he is a qualified litigator and works as a freelance consultant during the Force Eternal era.

Mostly specialising in the intricate workings of the Corporate world, Cassian found a specialism in dealing with corporate takeovers, mergers, and crisis management. Effectively a 'corporate fixer', Cassian did his best to live up to the legacy of his mother and make a way for himself once he stepped out of University, something he continues to this day.

Personality & Traits

Rikard is a charming and persuasive man, with easy confidence and charisma making him something of a hit with clients and peers alike. Ambitious, he is always seeking to make connections in high places, despite the risk, this could, and often does entail. He is a capable operator, with a ruthless streak concealed behind a well-managed veneer of charm. With a compelling work ethic, albeit with somewhat unorthodox methods, he does what he needs to do to secure the very best of deals for his clients, and by extension himself.

Abiding by the rule of not getting overly attached to his clients, he remains a consummate professional in everything he does. Despite this, thanks to a tumultuous family upbringing, as the son of Julia Hipori, a senior corporate executive, he finds himself slow to trust and seeks to move out from the shadow of his mother and stand on his own two feet.

Professionally, Rikard operates 'between the lines', however, will not outright break the law. In more desperate circumstances, he will bend the law where he can get away with it, and it benefits his clients. A risk-taker, he is an ambitious man looking to make a difference. A proud man, Rikard would not allow any opportunity to inform others of his triumphs to pass, and was prone to displays of excess and vanity.


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Control the Police & Judiciary
Control the Military Apparatus & Ports
Stamp out disloyal garrisons
Consolidate control over capital region
Formation of cabinet (post holonet)
Skirmishes in different regions
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The Kao, Udin & Stargazer Commercial Combine (known as KUSCC) was a multi-planetary corporation that was active during the Force Eternal period of Galactic history. Founded by Larson Kao and NAME through a merger of Kao Consulting and NAME Arms, the company initially operated in the manufacturing and droid contracting market.



KSCC has an adaptive structure, consisting of multiple business units focusing on specific fields of operation. With KSCC itself serving as the holding company, overseen by a board of directors, it currently consists of the following companies:
  • AutoMate Solution: A droid leasing company focusing on the provision of droid labour and security services, mostly based out of orbital platforms in and around the access and egress points of populated worlds. It provides stevedore droids, utility droids, and guard units, as well as their associated maintenance and upkeep services, on lease.
  • Stargazer Arms: Based on Rattatak, this weapons company acts as the middle-man between the tribal arms manufacturers of the planet, and the wider galactic market.
  • NAME AgriTech: Consisting of a range of automated protein farms, NAME AgriTech operates primarily in the outer rim. Setting up operations on remote worlds and moons, it provides a range of base food products which are used as ingredients in the broader fast-food sector.
KSCC provides for a wide-spanning degree of 'business flexibility' within the companies it controls, enabling the firms to expand however they wish, provided that they meet the extensive commercial targets set by their owners. At the holding company level, the KSCC itself merely extracts profits from the companies it owns, to pay its directors, and the associated costs of their undertakings, including but not limited to their legal teams.
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Autarch Carlo Motesta was a human male from Jabiim, who served as 'Autarch ' of the world following a military coup which placed him in charge, shortly after the planet left the Free World Alliance. Born to a family of wealthy landowners, his father the incumbent President of Jabiim, in the northern-most reaches of the planet, the man who would later become Governor-General, started his career by joining the Jabiim Defence Force.

Working his way through the army for nearly a decade, Carlo made his way through the ranks, becoming one of a clique of Generals around three years after his father was assassinated. Devastated by his father's murder, and determined to keep his family's political influence, he demanded to be made Senator for Jabiim, a position held at the time by his brother-in-law. His demand was roundly rejected, and soon after he was informed that he would need to explain his actions to a committee of the leadership of the planet.

Fortunately, a political crisis was in the making, with Jabiim falling out of the Alliance before he was able to appear before the committee. Discontent was high in the armed forces, a combination of concern that the world would fall to the Empire, or be taken over by the Syndicates, causing the organisation of 'Officer Clubs' in the military, centred around the idea of a regime change. Not one to look a gift Eopiee in the mouth, Carlo capitalised on this discontent and launched a failed coup on the planetary capital. An airstrike on the President's mansion signalling the commencement of a long civil war that would last upward of six months. Killing the President in the attack, Carlo would live to see the brother-in-law he despised move from holding the position of Senator, a role he had coveted, to President, another position he yearned for, seeing the siblings on opposing sides of civil war soon after.

Working with foreign powers to bring weapons and materials to support his forces, Carlo would oversee a widespread period of civil dissent, which concluded after thousands on each side had been killed. Declaring himself 'Autarch ' in a hijacked election, with voters only coming from the armed forces under his control, he moved swiftly to consolidate support. Handing resources he seized to the armed forces, Carlo stamped out opposition through the arrest and execution of his brothers, and the assassination of his mother, herself a well-connected political operator.

Now position atop a dangerous dictatorship, on a politically unstable and fragmented world, Carlo will do anything to keep hold of what he has stolen believes to be his.

Official Biography

Born to a family of humble farmers, the Autarch was the last of three children, all of whom died tragically in a suicide pact shortly after he was elected President for life, with 97.9% of the vote, by shooting themselves multiple times in the back with an assault rifle. This period of the Autarch's life was fraught with sadness, for his mother died also after her ship jumped into a black hole due to a freak hyperspace calculation error.

Entering the armed forces shortly after his eighteenth birthday, the Autarch made a name for himself as a brilliant leader, tactician and strategist, widely considered to be the best in the sector. An artist, poet and sportsman, the Autarch became a public icon on Jabiim, turning down an appointment to Senator, instead assuming command of the armed forces of the world by popular decree.

After Jabiims cowardly and double-crossing leadership left the Alliance, the Autarch was asked by a petition, signed by a huge number of civilians, to take control of the Government to ensure the security of the world. He did so in a matter of days. Reports that thousands died in a six-month-long civil war have widely been discredited.

Personality & Traits

A clever and formidable member of the military and political class of Jabiim, Carlo valued knowledge and sought power. A patriot, albeit with a degree of delusion, Carlo believed that he was the 'strong ruler' that Jabiim needed to see it kept safe from 'outside influences'. Yearning for stability and order in his world, and the system in which it was to be found, he had flawed intentions which motivated his equally flawed actions.

Imposing and ruthless, he was willing to kill whoever or whatever he needed in order to ensure he reached his goals. Indeed, he had no hesitation in killing his own men. Despite his despotic nature, he was an adept tactician and skilled combatant, with a cold and dispassionate focus on getting 'the job' done. He was a human male, well built, with light skin, and was not force sensitive.

Skills & Abilities

A seasoned veteran of numerous conflicts, Carlo was a cunning fighter and commander, who learned his combative arts from his extensive time on the front lines. He was skilled in hand-to-hand combat, able to overpower his enemies and incapacitate them. He was well versed in the usage of numerous melee weapons, in addition to ranged weaponry.

Whilst he was an exceptional fighter, Carlos's intellect and tactical skills, which he honed over time, were, by far, his greatest attributes. He was an effective commander, adept at extracting information and launching fast and daring attacks on his enemies. Unrestrained by 'ethical concerns', he was willing to do whatever he deemed needed to ensure the successful completion of his goals.
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Feb 13, 2012
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The House of Motesta, also known as the Motesta family, was a family of wealthy landowners on Tatooine. Its progenitor is said to have been the namesake for the Mostesta Oasis in the Judland Wastes. A large family, the Motestas lived on a range of moisture farms just beyond the Wastes, to the west of the large settlement of Mos Eisley, and east of Mos Espa.

Owning and operating a large hydroponics facility, the House of Motesta was one of the more influential factions on the desert world, owing to its dominance in the regional water markets. With a history stretching back many generations, the Motestas came to be known as 'Water Magnates' by the locals. Over the years, they had used this wealth to build up their regional influence, buying political clout over the nearby settlement - with several members of their family over their years holding the office of Mayor.

Never ones to be bound to the political affiliations foisted on them by others, the Motestas has long stood apart from the other factions active in the area. As such, when one of their scions has made a play for the Mayoralty, they have done so off their own backs - standing as a Motesta, supported only by their families network, and not with the backing of external groups.

Nativist to the extreme, the Motestas view themselves first and foremost as Tatooinians and treat offworlders with extreme mistrust. Believing Tatooine to be a world of enormous potential, that has been exploited by crime lords, corporations and more, they consistently push for a world that is free from external influences.

In the modern-day, the Motesta family find themselves regulated to the sidelines of Tatooine once again. Some of their members see the glory days as long gone, with the family pushed back to its farms, little more than a historic name setting them apart from the other moisture farmers in the region. However, there are those within the Motesta family who think of nothing more than a return to how things ought to be.

Current Members


The primary asset the House of Motesta holds is its main estate on Tatooine, a large compound located in the family's ancestral heartlands, near the Motesta Oasis.

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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Carlo Motesta was a male human from Tatooine. Patriarch of the Motesta family, he grew up on the desert world of Tatooine, and had remained on it ever since. His father, Emet Motesta, once held the position of Mayor of Mos Eisley, before being assassinated shortly after Carlos tenth birthday. Subsequently, the young man was raised primarily by his mother, and was all but barred from entering the city until he was an adult.

Spending the majority of his youth working on the family's farm and estates, Carlo learned the skills all Tatooinian farmers learn and were soon able to protect and look after himself and his family in the harsh conditions of the desert.

In his adulthood, Carlo sought to expand his family's influence to where it once was and saw the rulership of Mos Eisley and its surrounding plateaus as his birthright. Expanding the militia his family had been declining after his father's passing, Carlo stamped out resistance to the Motesta dynasty's rulership of the wastes with an iron fist and set his sights back on the task at hand.

Personality & Traits

As the patriarch of a historic Motesta family, Carlo was a stoic individual, having been raised to understand that in order to see his planet succeed, he would need to do things that others might find distasteful. Coming across as a cultured and well-educated man, Carlo ensured to stay up to date with galactic affairs, and was able to hold conversations with seasoned political operators from off-world without issue.

A diplomat through and through, he is a charming man to those he seeks to make his allies. However, this charm is somewhat tempered by his passionate 'Tatooine First' focus, politically speaking. Manipulative to the extreme, Carlo views those around him as pawns in the political games of his family, and therefore, himself.

He is a capable combatant and pilot and knows the lay of the land around Mos Eisley and Tatooine in a very real sense. Knowledgeable of the history and cultural nuances of his homeworld, Carlo speaks and understands basic, as well as understanding Tusken, and their sign language.
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