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CC Rapid Deployment Carrier

Open Market.

Czerka Corporation.



Titanium and transparisteel

Length - 12 meters.



100 kilograms.

5x shuttles.

1 standard day.

This ship has a top speed of 85 MGLT and has decent manoeuvring characteristics.

  • 3x laser cannon
  • 1x ventral dual laser turret.



The CC personnel carrier was a light carrier used for the rapid deployment of troops into a combat zone, or to move troops between corporate facilities.

A very simply vessel, it was not capable of hyperspace deployment.

Restricted. It is considered a combat craft, and is subject to additional licensing requirements and increased scrutiny by authorities.

To create an armed airspeeder.
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Variable Altitude Assault Transport (VAAT)

Open market.

Rothana Heavy Engineering[

Aerial Assault Repulsorcraft

Variable Altitude Assault Transport

Titanium and transparisteel

Length - 25 meters.

1 pilot.
3 gunners

15 troops.
1 medical droid.

36 cubic meters.


1 standard day.

This speeder has a top speed of 550 kph and has decent manoeuvring characteristics.

  • 2x dual heavy laser turrets.
  • 1x mass driver missile launcher, 8x concussion missile in magazine.


The VAAT was a a form of enforcement vehicle that initially found its way into use by the Coruscant Security Force.

Restricted. It is considered a combat craft, and are subject to extra licensing requirements and increased scrutiny by authorities.

To create a luxury armed airspeeder.


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Argus 'Six Eyes' Khan was an Azumel male who was born in the slums of Coronet City. The son of two street rats. Low-ranking members of a criminal gang, his parents had to fight for everything they had - and one day, they lost. Orphaned at age five, he fell in with the 'White Worms', the gang he rolled with until he was a young man.

Very little exists on record of Six Eye's upbringing. Coronet was not known for its due diligence or effective census keeping, especially not for the good-for-nothing street rats in the slums. As such, it was pretty easy for him to slip by unnoticed, his teens and young adulthood defined by pickpocketing, cash-in-hand thug work, and gambling.

By the time he was too old to be of use to the child-focused gang, the White Worms, he already had his (numerous) eyes set on a life of a rogue and scum-bag. Heading into Coronet proper, that's precisely what he did. A gambler, a risk taker, and an all-around good-for-nothing-low life, he took to robbery as a trade, taking the moniker 'Six Eyes' (after his favourite Sabaac hand, not the fact that he had...well, six eyes), and the rest, as they say, is history.

A professional criminal, 'Six Eyes' has a wide range of skills almost entirely useless in any legitimate line of work. Sure, he is handy with a blaster and a knife and can play a mean hand of cards - but his natural talents come into their own when he is 'on the job'. Six Eyes can do it all, possessing a knack for slicing security systems, picking locks, and tampering with cameras and even droids.

Alongside this, he has a mean skill behind the controls of a speeder (or a 'getaway vehicle' as he prefers to call it). All in all, he is a master of his niche profession - breaking into places people don't want him to.

As a professional thief and villain, Six Eyes will often have equipment not listed here. If this is the case, it will be shown in the opening post of any thread he is in.

'Six Eyes' was an Azumel male, with light green and mottled skin and...six eyes. Speaking with a distinctive Corenet accent, he cared little for the goings on of the wider galaxy and believed a great deal of what went on to be unimportant.

An exceptionally talented slicer and thief, he was unscrupulous and loyal to the crew he rolled with. Careful as to who he welcomed into this crew, as he had to trust them implicitly; he was otherwise a shadowy figure with a mean streak and a penchant for deception and fraud.

Uninterested in galactic politics and the struggles this entailed, he refused to join any side of a conflict. Instead, Six Eyes worked for whoever was willing to pay him on a contract-to-contract basis. Pretty much always on the move, he was a dab hand at forging an identification document and laying low, moving from job to job. Everything, for him, was simply business.
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The Idiots Array

The Idiots Array was the name given to a group of professional 'heisters', namely a collection of thieves and bandits who robbed banks and other institutions for a living. Whilst little is known about the structure and make-up of the group, it currently consists of three members - Khalid Din, Dashiellsyvic Lebowski, Jame Eldar and Argus 'Six Eyes' Khan.

Operating as a four-man team, the squad of professional criminals do not appear to operate under any form of 'uniform' policy, instead opting to wear a range of armour and disguises and making use of a selection of mission-specific equipment.

Whilst the group consists entirely of criminals, they are noted to operate professionally, avoiding collateral civilian damages wherever they can. It is believed that this is done to ensure the squad has a reasonably moderate popular appeal in the public eye.
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Leading the way

Headline Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dictum malesuada enim, sed facilisis sapien placerat a. Nunc quis erat lacus. Donec purus elit, rutrum a porttitor sed, semper ac magna. Praesent elementum vel odio quis vehicula. Sed dui dolor, elementum sit amet lectus sit amet, mollis posuere felis. Phasellus sollicitudin vitae urna non tincidunt. Nunc ac ante tincidunt, vehicula felis ac, sollicitudin eros. Ut tincidunt sem a est vehicula fringilla. Sed feugiat justo ut tellus aliquam varius. In cursus lectus nec nisl pharetra, et volutpat magna accumsan. Phasellus faucibus magna sit amet blandit sollicitudin. Nam imperdiet elementum nisl, et imperdiet mauris faucibus et. Donec feugiat ut arcu ac tincidunt. Aliquam tempus nibh orci, id molestie felis suscipit in. Nulla maximus at nunc sit amet dignissim.

Nullam sodales, dolor vel porta dictum, velit mi viverra dolor, a dapibus metus massa vel sapien. Etiam hendrerit tempus purus vel ullamcorper. Sed aliquam, purus vel sagittis condimentum, arcu nunc condimentum ex, eget feugiat mauris mi non turpis. Integer eleifend risus elit, quis bibendum sem pulvinar eleifend. In luctus, elit id rhoncus pharetra, sapien lectus porta lectus, eget egestas ex lacus eget justo. Quisque pulvinar elit justo, at aliquet nulla aliquam sit amet. Integer id facilisis dolor, quis molestie sem. Aliquam eu velit non purus convallis viverra.

Integer eu cursus leo, eget scelerisque felis. Ut consequat ut enim fringilla mollis. Pellentesque sagittis auctor sem sit amet luctus. Nullam quis urna vitae dolor dignissim sollicitudin non id dolor. Phasellus sed ante a dolor congue tincidunt. Quisque mi metus, aliquet eget vestibulum quis, vehicula sit amet felis. Proin nec tellus convallis, condimentum mi sed, sodales erat. Ut dictum rutrum diam quis efficitur. Duis id congue nunc.

Nullam in est nec nisi placerat vehicula vel a nisl. Aliquam ullamcorper vel tellus a molestie. Nullam lacinia erat lectus, quis luctus odio egestas sed. Nulla iaculis efficitur purus auctor iaculis. Donec mollis egestas urna in ullamcorper. Praesent a suscipit ipsum. Cras non viverra odio. Aliquam eros orci, tempus et accumsan eu, ornare et diam. Aenean nulla mi, tempus a metus eget, convallis egestas est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed eu quam id nulla convallis gravida ac eget tellus. Ut sit amet velit sit amet libero feugiat faucibus.

Ut et feugiat lacus. Sed scelerisque tempus quam, vitae viverra odio blandit sed. Praesent feugiat justo in lobortis feugiat. Sed malesuada mattis magna, ut mollis est ultricies non. Praesent risus ligula, bibendum eu faucibus non, sagittis varius nisl. Nam ut vulputate nisl, eget dignissim neque. Quisque eu turpis hendrerit, tincidunt nisl tincidunt, dapibus leo. Pellentesque eget varius lacus. Suspendisse mauris orci, auctor sit amet leo a, placerat gravida augue. Nunc eget enim velit.

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Han Krayt was a Human male who owned Pazaak Dens and Nightclubs, and engaged in a range of entrepreneurial activities in the wider galaxy. Twin brother of Dan Krayt, he grew up on the infamous Level 1313 on the galactic core planet of Coruscant.

Active during the period of galactic history known as the 'Force Eternal' era, Han was a survivor first and foremost. Sticking close by his brother, the two of them had been through the rough and tumble of life in the underbelly of the core and had somehow managed to come out alright. These days, he worked with a small crew of lowlifes, trying to carve out a business of their own in the dog-eat-dog game of the entertainment industry.

Having grown up in the underworld, the brothers fell in with precisely the wrong crowd at a young age. With their mother interested more in drink than in them and their father always off 'on jobs', the two joined a local club and soon were spotted (due to their considerable stature) to step into the fighting rings. It was here that they excelled, and soon the brothers were bringing in the big bucks as prize fighters.

Well into their twenties, they'd continue in this fashion before buying out of the fighting circuit and investing in a Pazaak Den in their home neighbourhood. From there, the brothers set their sites to gobbling up as much of the market as they could.


+ a blaster
+ knuckle dusters
+ attitude problems

Personality & Traits

Very much the 'brains' of the operation, Han Krayt is a little less well-built than his more prestigious brother, Dan. Preferring to try and sort business out the more civilised way, Han has a mind for numbers and a heart for people. Despite this, Han is a realist and understands the need to get one's hands dirty from time to time. As such, he is pretty able to beat down on anyone, whether with his bare hands, a blade, or to take you out at range with a blaster.
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Dan Krayt was a Human male who owned Pazaak Dens and Nightclubs, and engaged in a range of entrepreneurial activities in the wider galaxy. Twin brother of Han Krayt, he grew up on the infamous Level 1313 on the galactic core planet of Coruscant.

Active during the period of galactic history known as the 'Force Eternal' era, Dan was a survivor first and foremost. Sticking close by his brother, the two of them had been through the rough and tumble of life in the underbelly of the core and had somehow managed to come out alright. These days, he worked with a small crew of lowlifes, trying to carve out a business of their own in the dog-eat-dog game of the entertainment industry.

Having grown up in the underworld, the brothers fell in with precisely the wrong crowd at a young age. With their mother interested more in drink than in them and their father always off 'on jobs', the two joined a local club and soon were spotted (due to their considerable stature) to step into the fighting rings. It was here that they excelled, and soon the brothers were bringing in the big bucks as prize fighters.

Well into their twenties, they'd continue in this fashion before buying out of the fighting circuit and investing in a Pazaak Den in their home neighbourhood. From there, the brothers set their sites to gobbling up as much of the market as possible.


+ a blaster
+ knuckle dusters
+ attitude problems

Personality & Traits

Considered by all who know them to be the 'brawn' of the operation, Dan Krayt is built like a tank, considerably more muscular than his brother but lacking in the 'street smarts' that they need. Prone to bouts of anger, no doubt fuelled by his love of death-sticks, Dan flies off the handle at a moment's notice - his 'great plans' often involving 'great violence'. Despite this, Dan has complete loyalty and respect toward his brother, Han, and the two are rarely seen apart.
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The Offworld Trading Company
Bringing the Galaxy to You

Founded in 133 ABY, the Offworld Trading Company (otherwise known as the OBY) was a business entity based in the Corporate Sector which facilitated trade between the inner, mid and outer rim - through a shipping network, finance, resource extraction, media and manufacturing interests. Established by [NAME] in 133 ABY, OBY started a small network of shipping brokers before expanding to include an investment arm. Over time it has grown to become a modest business entity, with most of its assets focused in the Outer Rim, generating its income from the extrapolation of resources from impoverished and remote worlds for shipping and sale into the Mid Rim.

It maintains a group of small manufacturing and media interests in the Mid-Rim, which are considered minor players in this region's immense and complex business environment. OBYs growth strategy since its formation has depended on perilous expansion into the Outer Rim, where Government regulation is less strenuous. Since the establishment and expansion of the Intergalactic Systems Consortium, it has found a greater degree of economic mobility in the Outer Rim, with rumours abound that the OBY is considering greater investment into Consortium Space.


Corporate Affairs


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The Offworld Trading Company
Bringing the Galaxy to You

Founded in 133 ABY, the Offworld Trading Company (otherwise known as the OBY) was a business entity based in the Outer Rim. Initially established as a small export business on Tatooine, supporting farmers and merchants with their business relations with offworlders, the company has set itself up as a shipping entity, offering secure and scalable shipping and logistics services across the sector. Initially based in Mos Eisley, the OBY operates a range of second-hand and easy-to-run cargo hauliers, dock service droids and even maintains a small security arm (something of a requirement of doing business in the Outer Rim).

In recent years OBY has made a considerable investment in the form of an orbital space station, which it uses as a base of operations, from which it processes a sizable volume of inter-stellar shipping and passenger transit. Founders [NAME] & [NAME] have made growth across Independent Systems Consortium (ISC) Space a crucial part of their strategy for growth, with the company being strong supporters of President Thornes's political agenda to develop the region they call home.


[NAME] entered the business world as many do on Tatooine - just trying to get by. Taking jobs wherever he could find them, [NAME] soon began to take on odd jobs fixing up droids and speeders before formally 'setting up shop' in Tatooine sometime after his twenty-eighth birthday. Relying on importing parts from off-world to get that competitive edge, he soon noticed a sizable gap in the market for bulk-ordered shipping, which was not under the thumb of one of the various crime groups that operated on Tatooine.

His realisation coincided with the tightening of the ISC presence on the planet and the subsequent imposition of a degree of law and order for those citizens reasonably uninvolved in organised crime on the desert planet. Investing what little he had in a freighter, which he purchased with the help of an ISC 'business development loan', [NAME] was soon in business as one of the first of a new wave of genuinely legitimate business beings on the remote world.

Taking to this new way of life earnestly, he broadened his business, buying new ships and bringing on new pilots, expanding to cover other worlds in the sector before diversifying into dock services, security and passenger transit. Within five years, he was ranked as one of the best emerging talents on the planet and even featured in the 'Hyperlane Heralds' article 'Ten To Watch On Tatoo'.

Now in his mid-thirties, with ambitions to expand his business to one of the 'Thorne Plan' drivers to develop the Outer Rim, [NAME] relentlessly continued to chase his ambitions.

Corporate Affairs

Controlled by [NAME], the OBY is not yet a publically traded company. It is run and operated by a board of directors, each overseeing a different business unit, and supported by a set of statistical analysis droids.

  • Offworld Shipping - The main branch of the company, Offworld Shipping, looks after the transport of freight and passengers. As well as this, it has a small security arm.
  • Easy-Pack Dock Solutions - A smaller branch, EPDS (as it is known) manages docks across the sector, mainly using automated stevedore droids.
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Desilijic Bonsaduotwae

"Let them marvel at our splendour... let them cringe in our power ... let them feel the weight of our chains as they serve their rightful masters."
― Jabba​

The Desilijic Bloodsworn, also known as the Bonsaduotwae were the elite force of warriors under the direct employ of the Hutt Clan of the same name. Renowned throughout Hutt Space for their savagery and combat abilities, the Bloodsworn were a small yet formidable force in the 'Force Eternal' era.


Life as a bloodsworn was often short and violent, with members taken at a young age from the verdant humanoid slave stock of Hutt Space. Upon their purchase by the Desilijic House, initiates were relocated to the deep core of Hutt Space, whereupon they began a brutal period of training through which only 40 per cent of initiates survived. Swordsmanship ranged expertise, Teräs Käsi, espionage and more formed the backbone of the curriculum for initiates.

Over ten years of training, bloodsworn emerged as ruthless, effective, and loyal acolytes of the Hutt Clan, ready to be deployed at the merest whim of their distant masters. Their abilities were famed throughout Hutt Space, with the stories of their victories being common knowledge through the broadcasts of the Hutt News Network. Deployed sparingly to not dilute their impact, fear of the bloodsworns fanatic warriors kept many of the enemies of House Desilijic in line.

Personal Armament

Making use of a range of weapons, the bloodsworn were pasters of a plethora of killer gear and equipment, which they used to mete justice to the enemies of their Hutt overlords. Foremost in their arsenal was a Desilijic Blade, a form of vibroweapon, enrolled with the name of its bearer once they completed their training.

Partnered with this, they used kyuzo petar, and a knife cast in the same design as their swords.

Beyond their melee gear, most of their equipment was subsequently built into their armour, which can be seen here. Members of the bloodsworn would enter battle with EE-3 Blaster Carbines and a range of explosives.

Appearance and Fighting Style

Bloodsworn footsoldiers usually wore uniforms cast in light grey and black to better blend in with the remote locations in which they fought. However, they were known to recolour their armour based on the location where they were deployed.

Trained to fight on their own and in groups, bloodsworn would form into trios to form a triangular fighting block if surrounded - a move for which they became famed during the AMS takeover of their homeworld. Furthermore, they were adept at concealing weaponry about their person, such as hidden knives, garroting wires and more.

In combat, bloodsworn will attempt to strike hard and fast, closing the distance with their enemy to get into melee range and finish them off.

Last but by no means least, the bloodsworn are known to consume spice before and during combat, which they believe assists in enhancing their abilities. Owing to years of training, they communicate well as a team with one another despite their consumption, with the spice dulling their emotions, remorse, and also pain receptors - making them more resilient fighters.

Organisation and Structure

Expensive to maintain but no less valuable for the credits they cost, the bloodsworn are trained, housed and paid for by the Desilijic Clan, and as such, their numbers vary depending on how well the House is doing. They are formed into groups of ten and upwards in multiples of that number before hitting legions of one-thousand.

It is estimated by external experts that the House can maintain one legion when down on its luck, and up to ten when at the zenith of its power.
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Order of the Path

The Order of the Path (the 'Order') was a quasi-religious secret society that was active during the 'Force Eternal' era. Operating in plain sight, behind a complex screen of ritual and symbolism, the Order consisted of spies, scientists, historians and others who used political interference, blackmail and social engineering to further their primary aims - the survival and advancement of the human race.


Not much is known about the origins of the Order; however, it is clear that the Order rose out of the turmoil following the collapse of the Empire some few hundred years ago and moved quickly to establish itself within the inner core. Finding many powerful human families spiralling out of control following the fall of the human-centric vision of the last Empire, the Order was established to take a new path in the quest for human supremacy.

Acting in the background of political actions across the known universe whilst keeping its motivations hidden, the Order promoted itself as a 'centre for knowledge', offering its members' services as advisors to the powerful. Well-trained and boasting of a broad scope of knowledge across numerous fields of political and societal intrigue, the Orders members found themselves integrated with the nobility of the deep core in a matter of years, becoming indispensable members of the human nobilities court.

To this day, the network of Order agents seeks to continue its expansion and drive forward their overarching plan of human domination in secret - acting as the shadowy hand, puppeteering those they advise to enact their vision.


The primary objective of the Order is to ensure the advancement and survival of the human race, whom they believe should dominate the known galaxy. To see this objective met, they pursue a secondary objective of attaining power and influence to assist in the direction of their primary aim.

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Periclades Sikyon, formally styled as His Royal Highness, King Sikyon of the Juvexian Mandate was a male Human from the Senex-Juvex system and patriarch of the House of Juvexia who served as Monarch of his homeworld and its moons during the Force Eternal Era. Ascending to the throne following the death of his Father, King Haeclades Sikyon, known as 'Haeclades the Conqueror', Periclades was married to Electra Olimpia, and together they had a large and complex family, known as the House of Juvexia.


Born around forty years ago in the villa of his noble house, Periclades was the son of King Haeclades, and his wife Mycale. Juvexian legend proclaims that his mother, Mycale, dreamed that she had given birth to a Krayt Dragon the night before he was born - which has been interpreted as a 'sign of the greatness within her son' by many. His father was hailed as a great military commander, having overseen the suppression of two rebellions and the expansion of the planet's slavery operations through conquest. Afforded the title 'Haeclades the Conqueror', his father was an oppressive and forceful man, who demanded only the best from his only son, Periclades.

Taking up education with the best tutors his family could afford, Periclades learned the classics, language, history, philosophy and more and had his heart set on becoming a leader of culture, art and poetry when the time came for him to ascend to the throne. Periclades was to be disappointed, however, with his father sending him to join the Juvexian Guard, the personal army around the King, shortly after his sixteenth birthday. Thereafter he was to spend the next fifteen years on slave raids, suppressing revolts, and taking out rival families in the theatre of war.

Under the constant pressure of his father's expectations, Periclades took to drink, hunting and other vices, the heady combination of which turned him into a sadistic, cruel and brutal man, hiding behind the well-maintained veil of nobility that his high-class education afforded him. Married off to bring money into the family, Periclades didn't even bother to learn his wife's name, with rumours insisting he was told on the day by one of his guards.

Returning to his work as soon as the wedding was over, Periclades nearly fell in battle, with his father stepping in to save his life. His father never let him forget this fact and proclaimed that 'only when my son has saved my life in battle will he have achieved what I have'.

He died the following day, making it impossible for Periclades ever to meet, let alone exceed his father's absurdly high expectations of him.

Periclades ascended the throne the following day and immediately ostracised his Uncle (the only other claimant to the throne) before setting out to expand his family, their influence, and their power. Over the years, he lived an increasingly depraved life, indulging in spice, drink and all other manners of lavish excess. After a time, he became bound to a hoverchair; such was his 'grandeur', his greed and lust for power being the only thing that consumed his time. He grew ever more distant from his wife, caring only for the wealth his family deserved.

Personality & Traits

Periclades was your textbook nobleman in his youth, possessing a passion for fighting and the classical arts. Arrogant, cruel, and self-obsessed, he has a deep-seated mistrust for those not in his immediate circle of supporters and views those outside of the great houses as second-class citizens. Having received an excellent education, he can speak numerous languages and is deeply knowledgeable about history, philosophy and warfare.

A hunter, politician and warrior in his former years, he was an excellent public speaker and deft with a spear in his hand to boot. Having spent much of his life on the field of battle, he is something of a sadistic man, prone to overly carrying out acts of tyrannic brutality to keep his people in line. However, as time went on, he became bound to a hoverchair, focusing instead on obsessing over strategy, weaponry type and usage, and the application of power.

Unknown to any, Periclades suffered a head injury on the field of battle some years ago and is prone to fits of violent rage, as well as hallucinations of his father, at a moment's notice. He is not force-sensitive.

  • Hoverchair
  • Blaster



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CEC-22 Yacht

Open Market


Space Yacht

Luxury Transport

Durasteel and transparisteel

125 meters
2 minimum, 5 optimal


40 tons

Two (2) speeders

75 MGLTs

  • 2 side-mounted retractable turret-mounted quad laser cannons

  • Class 2.0 primary hyperdrive
  • Class 15.0 secondary hyperdrive
  • Long-rang communication suite
  • Four (4) six-being escape pods
  • Medium deflector shields

Described by its sales beings as the 'very essence of luxury', this yacht is just one in a long line of overpriced ships sold to the galactic elite. Horizontally designed, featuring two large engines at the ship's rear and two entertainment decks, this ship can entertain large audiences for a long while. With cabins found below decks, the ship has a main deck, being the first encounter on entry, which can play host to a luxury reception room.

Private lounges and a bar can generally be found on the deck above, with the top deck hosting the bridge and the owner's cabin. On this same level, two retractable weapons would be located, enabling the yacht to protect itself from pirates and others wishing to harm the passengers.

This is a legal craft for anyone to own.

A reskin of this yacht[/justify]
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Juvexia Star Works


Capital Ship

Quandanium and transparisteel

300 meters


6 kilotons

12x starfighter/light starbomber.
4x shuttle/light freighter.

This frigate has a top speed of 40 MGLT and has average manoeuvring characteristics.

  • 12x medium turbolaser turret, 6x fore, 3x port, 3x starboard.
  • 12x medium laser turret, 6x fore, 2x port, 2x starboard, 2x aft.
  • 1x torpedo launcher, 400x torpedo in magazine.
  • 2x tractor beam projector.

  • 1x class 2 hyperdrive.
  • 1x navicomputer.
  • 1x heavy deflector screen generator.
  • 1x long-range sensor suite.
  • 1x long-range communication suite.
  • 8x docking ring with integrated docking tube and hull-cutting tools.
  • Many x escape pod.

The JX-02 frigate is a capital ship manufactured by the Juvexian Star Works, on the world of the same name. Designed in the Imperial Era, the JX-02 has stood the test of time and occupies an essential role as a flagship for the Juvexian Noble Houses. It can be used for transportation, escort missions, and long-range patrol jobs. A recognisable ship due to its unique shape, inspired by the Nu'ar class yachts popular with the nobles, small numbers of these ships form the backbone of the planetary and sectoral defences.

A typical frigate, armed with a mix of medium turbolasers, anti-starfighter laser turrets and a torpedo launcher, as well as a pair of tractor beams for snaring smaller vessels attempting to escape it. Minimum crew is 150 personnel, although this is not enough to man weapons or perform any other combat functions, which requires the full complement of 850. Up to 700 passengers can also be carried, as well as up to 6,000 tons of cargo and consumables sufficient for up to 2 years in space. Notably, the ship can carry a full squadron of starfighters or light starbombers, as well as up to 4 shuttles or similarly sized craft. Up to 8 additional craft can be docked externally.

Restricted.Frigates are classified as capital ships under Galactic law, and possess heavy weapons. As such, civilian owners will require extra licensing to operate one legally, and will receive increased scrutiny by authorities.

To create a reskin of the Nebulon.

Yes. frigates are large capital ships, therefore these that cannot be owned or operated by individual characters. A faction would be required to obtain and crew a ship of this size.
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'Captain' Emmex Starros was a human male who was alive during the Force Eternal era. Born on Lothal, an agricultural world in the Free Worlds Alliance, he was raised in the shadow of his Brother, the Senator Cal Starros, who was killed in the invasion of their homeworld in 150 ABY. Fleeing the planet with a sizable number of his fellow Lothalites, he established 'The Flotilla', a roaming migratory fleet of refugees from the numerous warzones in the known Galaxy.

Upbringing and Early Years

Blessed with the upbringing of a wealthy socialite, Emmex wanted for little in his formative years. A world-class education was squandered on drinking, fast speeders and a life of hedonism, his act of rebellion against pushy parents with high expectations. Whilst his brother went off to become a renowned Senator and orator, Emmex became a card-shark and 'businessman', plying his skills in Canto Bight, where he became a Sabacc player, information broker, and fathier racer. Obsessed with the lifestyle his upbringing afforded him, Emmex lived it up for decades, playing high-stakes games, engaging in swoop races, betting on (and later purchasing) fathiers, and even learning how to make a dishonest living as a slicer.

All in all, he was a massive disappointment to his parents.

Despite this, Emmex remained very close to his brother Cal, often returning to Lothal to spend important festival days with him. Indeed, as the years went on, Emmex was named godparent to Cal's children. Indeed, it was through this link to his sibling that Emmex was unfortunate enough to be on Lothal on the day of the invasion of his homeworld by the Mandalorians, a day in which his sibling died defending the planet, and Emmex's own life was changed forever, leading the evacuation of the flourishing planet.

Fall of Lothal and the Fleet

When the invasion of Lothal commenced, Emmex was tasked with supporting evacuation efforts from a nearby moon, the location of a Jedi Temple. Moderately successful in escaping with a small collection of freighters, which would go on to form the basis of the 'Flotilla' (a migratory fleet of refugee ships), Emmex saw his life changed forever. Suddenly, the happy-go-lucky gambler was responsible for other people: refugees.

Fleeing the system with his brother's ship, the Azadi, and a collection of other refugee vessels, he went on the run. Refusing to trust others to keep them safe, the refugees became hardened by their experience and determined to be self-reliant. Since then, Emmex has ensured other refugees from galactic warzones can join, as long as they have resources (such as a ship or droids) to add to the fleet.

To this day, Emmex has relied on his skills from his former life as a scoundrel to bring together a ramshackle collective of refugees in the hope of keeping them together - as a lasting testament to the underlying desire of all: Freedom.

Personality & Traits

Emmex Starros was a human male with fair skin and greying hair. He had light blue eyes and was considered 'conventionally attractive' by Lothalite standards. He spoke several languages, such as basic and Ryl.

Throughout his life, he had always been a sucker for a game of Sabacc and considered himself quite good at the game, with a record to match. A risk taker, he was always looking for "the angle", a way to make a profit for himself as quickly and efficiently as possible. Having worked mainly on the galaxy's fringes, Emmex was sceptical of getting overly involved in the broader affairs of the main 'power-brokers' for much of his early life: leaving that to his brother. However, with the fall of his homeworld and his sibling, he took a new interest in galactic affairs- his long-standing mistrust developing into a desire for self-reliance.

Familiar with the underworld, an unfortunate side effect of a life spent at the casinos, he wasn't above duplicity to get what he needed. Despite this, he was good to his friends, with an easy charm and ability to motivate people to work together for a cause greater than themselves. Following the fall of his planet, he took up a position as a self-appointed 'Captain' of a migratory fleet of refugees. Seeking to keep the spirit of Lothal, and other worlds affected by the wars alive, he dedicated himself to the fleet and its people.

Protective of his own, he was genuinely passionate about keeping the fleet as a safe and free haven for all.

Equipment & Assets

Emmex often wears an expensive suit, which he tends to adorn with accessories. Usually, he wears a set of quxoni cufflinks, a set of concealed code cylinders, a cane and a holdout blaster. When feeling a little lazy, he sometimes uses a large hoverchair - and travels around in an exotic speeder.

Aside from the possessions he has typically about his persons, Emmex owns a set of fathiers on Canto Bight. He uses a cabin in the flagship of the fleet as his residence. Emmex used his personal ship, which he took in the evacuation of his homeworld, to get around when on fleet business.

Skills & Abilities

A man of storied and diverse talents, Emmex put his skills down to 'hard graft' and 'good fortune'. He was not force-sensitive and relied on wit, charm and learned talents to get ahead. Emmex was helpful in a pinch and equally talented when on the charm offensive, whether it was his natural affinity with a deck of cards or his deft command of a spacecraft and a blaster. His skills, as much as they are, can be seen below in greater detail.

Negotiator and Gambler
By far his most notable and frequently used skill, otherwise known as the 'Gift of the Gab', Emmex has a penchant as a negotiator, able to sell sand to the Jawa and wood to a Wookiee. Able to outthink most, he is a tactical thinker with a mind for the odds of any situation honed through years at the Sabacc tables. As such, Emmex is a formidable opponent in the political world and the casinos due to the ease at which he can plot a course despite the odds.

On the move
Having grown up in the space lanes, Emmex was required from a young age to know his way around the controls of a ship. As such, Emmex can pilot his vessel with ease. Furthermore, he is a capable engineer, able to look after his ship and keep it running. Indeed, Emmex was raised to understand the importance of being able to grab your suitcase and leg it to the nearest port at a moment's notice.

Last resort
There's no good being handy with a deck of cards if you never get to keep your winnings. As such, Emmex was just as swift on the draw as on the flop. Skilled with a pistol in his hands and unnervingly agile with a small blade between his paws, the man can leap into action to save his skin if needs be. Backing these skills up, Emmex brings a set of slicing skills to the table, just in case that darn door won't open.

A man of means
Emmex is a renowned information broker who boasts a range of talents with a set of slicing tools. Whilst he prefers this line of work (which has always served him well) to the alternative of being a 'politician', he is nonetheless required to keep this as a sideline. Handy with a set of security keys and picks, Emmex is a valuable guy to have in a pinch, with a network of underworld contacts that would make many blush.

An understated skill yet, make no mistake, a useful one, Emmex can speak several languages other than his native basic, such as Twi’lek. He understands numerous droid languages and several more common trade languages to boot.


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Feb 13, 2012
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"It’s easy, betting with other people's money. You see, that Mynock Card there, just been dealt by an Ithorian, so we bet on it, and place three in the side deck incase we get a Vermillion Rush!" - Modibin trying to explain Gambling Logic​

Something of a regular at the Casinos of the Galaxy Modibin is a professional Gambler with a lucky streak born of his race and latent force powers that has seen him blaze a trail across the Gambling Halls of the Galaxy. Having started out on the bar room back tables of his home world, he has moved up - winning big and losing big (with his wins all to often outweighing his losses) - and now seeks to make a name for himself in the Gambling Tournaments of Hutt Space.

Modi speaks infrequently about his past, preferring to - in his words, ”Keep it well and truly behind me.” - however he was born on the Core World of Coruscant, growing up in extreme poverty, his family having made and lost all their money in the swoop races. When he came along, the family had been doing reasonably well; making regular placement in the local swoop track, yet as his parents attention was drawn away by their child, they failed to make the mark more and more frequently.

As he entered his teens, Modi became more and more useful- learning the ropes and soon became something of a spokesperson for his family team, seeking sponsors and races for them to enter into. The more he did this, the more he began to notice that the real money was not made on the track, but in the VIP rooms - it was made by those syndicates who placed clever bets on certain outcomes.

Against his parents advice, Modi went out into the local bars and dives of the Under-city and decided that he would make it his mission to get to know the ins and outs of gambling first hand, and snatching a purse from a passers belt, he never looked back.

Modi maintains that since then his life has been something of a whirlwind of adventure, as he moved from Bet to Bet, Bar to Bar, Casino to Casino, always with the edge of luck in his favor. Whilst this may make for a good bar story, it is not always entirely truthful. His first bet, placed at a Zinbiddle Wheel netted him good returns, and soon he was able to spot certain tells from other players, identify certain coincidences in the game and quirks of the play that urged him to bet in certain ways.

His genetic species-luck swayed his hand, and drive his placement, Modis’ ‘good feelings’ about certain placement ever driving him onward. After a week he had tripled his money, three times and lost it all twice. Bored, he moved on - betting on the Swoops, winning big and losing small, before heading off world without a second thought, informing his parents as to his destination - the golden jewel of Canto Bight.

Almost instantly upon arrival he joined a group of fellow Gamblers, and headed for the main hall of the Casino - betting on a Slot Machine because it was red, and gambling 2-way on Fathier due to its funny name. He won both times. As the week stretched on, Modi became known as ‘Mad Modi’ and was for a time, the talk of the town - a blur of sheer blinding chance that burned through the bars and hotels of the world.

He entered into the annual Pazaak Tournament, and shocked onlookers by placing a side bet that he wouldn’t get into the final round - before winning the first three qualifiers, and only being prevented from entering the final when his opponents car broke down, and he thus won by default. Naturally, the incident was investigated, and absolutely nothing was found to suggest that Modi had influenced events.

The following week, he headed off again, for a different world, and soon after talk of the town moved to different blazes of fortune of otherwise. Modi travelled from world to world, much as always, betting what he could when he could, and always seeming to make back the money he had lost despite all the odds. Making friends, his eccentricity became something of a quirk of his, and so when he announced he would try and ‘clean out the Casinos of Hutt Space’ - nobody dared to think he was joking.

Personality and traits

Happy go-lucky to the extreme, Modi finds it easy to make friends, and indeed he has many of them. Putting out a jubilant and reckless personality, which is often a front for his calm and calculating mind, Modi is a naturally lucky alien, relying on his quick wits and and bombastic charm to get out of sticky situations.

Knowing how to mingle at a party, he is always well dressed in traditional Gambling Robes, and wears enough lucky charms to make a Jedi believe in fortune. He is physically small, yet not weak, able to land a powerful punch if needed. Modi has a small reputation for his luck and fortune within the circles of professional gamblers, whom he counts as friends - however outside of that group, he is just another happy go-lucky card shark with to much time on his hands.

However, for those who get to know him, he can be of some use - his eye for detail, and conversationalist attitude, enabling him to find out information on most subjects. Coupled with his slicing skills, he thus makes a reputable information broker.

Powers and abilities

Fluent in his Galactic Basic only, and unable to speak other languages, Modis only real ‘power’ is his species natural Luck - which is augmented by his untrained force sensitivity. Perhaps due to his own ignorance of it, Modi has managed to conceal such powers, but as such has also never trained them - indeed, he assumes that when dice roll over and flop onto a six, it is pure chance.

He has little skill with a blaster, having never fired one, nor a speeder. That being said, he has a vast knowledge of drink mixing and games, being fully up to speed with casino chance games, dice, Zinbiddle, Pazaak, Sabaac (and Corellian Spike obviously) and dozens of others casino regulars.

He is skilled slicer, able to code slicer viruses when required, and bypass most security systems given time.

  • Primary weapon: None
  • Secondary weapon: Stun-Cane (Link)
  • Assorted Misc: Lucky Dice, Cufflinks, Chain, Necklace, Ayyk Dog Scale etc etc…
  • Pack of Cards
  • Side Deck
  • Datapad
  • Computer Spikes
  • Security Tunneler


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Feb 13, 2012
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Baron Administrator Dimon Hayle was a diminutive alien who was alive during the Force Eternal era. Born on the Ring of Kafrene mining colony and deep-space trading post, he developed a knack for card games and gambling at a young age, which supplemented his income as a book keeper for the local agent of the Five Sabers racing cup.

Soon, eager to try his hand at going it alone, the young alien took himself off to Cantonica, where he ran the gambling circuits of the infamous Canto Bight casino for several years, before winning the Governorship of the Trading settlement of Glavis in a game of Sabacc.

Senate & Administative Career

In late 153 ABY, Dimon replaced Guildmaster Hallax as Senator for Glavis, after winning the position of 'Baron Administrator' of the facility in a game of Sabacc. Having secured the post during an era in which much of the Galaxy appeared to be at war, Dimon became rapidly aware of the need to ensure Glavis was kept safe, secure, and, ultimately, at peace. For the diminutive gambler, this was quite the challenge.

Lacking the physical prowess to intimidate his newfound political peers, Dimon was forced to rely on his wit, ingenuity and charm to carve a niche for Glavis in a rapidly changing galaxy.

Whilst not keen on compromising the freedoms he had enjoyed as a gambler and a rogue, Dimon adopted a morally ambiguous approach to politics and fully used the perks of holding office. Insisting a portion of his Senatorial expenses went on the finest chauffeur-driven speeders credits could purchase (which he insisted was for 'safety reasons'), he made sure to be seen at all the classy places in the core in his quest to make friends and rub shoulders with the elite.

Often seen in the company of fellow gamblers over on 'cultural experience exchanges', Dimon spent much of his time lobbying for the relaxation of gambling laws, and ensuring that Glavis was perceived as a 'commerce and entertainment zone', and otherwise neutral on galactic affairs.

Glavis & The Guilds

Assuming the mantle of Baron Administrator opened Dimon's pockets up to many credit-making opportunities. Not only was there his own not inconsiderable pay packet, but the young gambler could also leverage his position to secure appointments to the guilds and much more. Afforded the use of his residence, Dimon took to entertaining business and political guests, generally over a game of Sabacc most evenings.

Keen to keep Glavis moving forward, the gambler-turned-politician also introduced racing to the station. Soon after his inauguration as Baron Administrator, the station was playing host to the 'Inner Circle Circuit', a race which saw brave pilots zooming around the station, skimming the top of Glavis atmospheric shielding in an attempt to net the big prize.

Enjoying his lot in life, Dimon ensured to attend each race in person, bringing in corporate sponsors to fund the prize pot and attract only the very best in racing talent.

However, as Glavis became more and more of a hub for intergalactic entertainment and sport in the region, Dimon's task of keeping it out of the war became harder and more complex and more critical. After all, nobody came to relax in a system fraught with conflict.

Personality & Traits

Dimon Hayle was a member of a diminutive, grey-skinned species of amphibians aliens. He had a flat crest extending from the back of his head and a studded tail long enough to reach the ground when he stood. His hair ran down either side of his face and was brown, as were his two eyes. He spoke several languages, such as basic, Huttese and Ryl.

Throughout his life, he had always been a sucker for a game of Sabacc, and considered himself quite good at the game, with a record to match. A risk taker, despite his small stature, he was always looking for "the angle", a way to make a profit for himself as quickly and efficiently as possible. Having worked mainly on the galaxy's fringes, Dimon was sceptical of getting overly involved in the broader affairs of the main 'power-brokers' and considered the Sith and the Jedi to be a nuisance at best.

Familiar with the underworld, an unfortunate side effect of a life spent at the casinos, he wasn't above duplicity to get what he needed. Despite this, he was good to his friends, with an easy charm and ability to motivate people to work together for a cause greater than themselves. Following his win, in which he secured the position of Baron Administrator for Glavis, he sought to turn himself into a respectable business being and politician. He dedicated himself to Glavis and its people.

Protective of his own, he was genuinely passionate about keeping Glavis as a safe and free haven for all.

Equipment & Assets

Dimon is often seen wearing a small but expensive three-piece suit, which he tends to adorn with accessories. Usually, he wears a set of quxoni cufflinks, a small cane and a holdout blaster. Due to his stature, he sometimes uses a large hoverchair when on business - and travels around in an exotic speeder.

Aside from the possessions he has typically about his persons, Dimon owns a set of fathiers on Canto Bight, as well as a personal ship. He uses a residence on Glavis known as the Baron Administrators Palace and an apartment on Coruscant - both afforded him by his post. When heading from planet to planet, Dimon used his personal yacht to get around.

Skills & Abilities

Negotiator and Gambler:
By far his most notable and frequently used skill, otherwise known as the 'Gift of the Gab', Dimon has a penchant as a negotiator, able to sell sand to the Jawa and wood to a Wookiee. Able to outthink most, he is a tactical thinker with a mind for the odds of any situation honed through years at the Sabacc tables. As such, Dimon is a formidable opponent in the political world, as well as in the casinos, due to the ease at which he can plot a course despite the odds.

On the move:
Having grown up in the space lanes, Dimon was required from a young age to know his way around the controls of a ship. As such, Dimon can pilot his vessel with ease, significantly when it is modified to suit his specific 'anatomical needs'. Furthermore, he is a capable engineer, able to look after his ship and keep it running. Indeed, Dimon was raised to understand the importance of being able to grab your suitcase and leg it to the nearest port at a moment's notice.

Last resort:
There's no good being handy with a deck of cards if you never get to keep your winnings. As such, Dimon made sure to be just as swift on the draw as he was on the flop. Skilled with a pistol in his hands and unnervingly agile with a small blade between his paws, the diminutive alien can leap into action to save his skin if needs be. Backing these skills up, Dimon brings a set of slicing skills to the table, just in case that darn door won't open.

An understated skill yet, make no mistake, a useful one, Dimon is able to speak several languages other than his native basic, such as Twi’lek and Huttese, which (thanks to his considerable girth) he speaks rather convincingly.

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Veteran Member
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SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Baron Administrator Dimon Hayle was a humanoid male who was alive during the Force Eternal era. Born on the Ring of Kafrene mining colony and deep-space trading post, he developed a knack for card games and gambling at a young age, which supplemented his income as a book keeper for the local agent of the Five Sabers racing cup.

Soon, eager to try his hand at going it alone, the young alien took himself off to Cantonica, where he ran the gambling circuits of the infamous Canto Bight casino for several years, before winning the Governorship of the Trading settlement of Glavis in a game of Sabacc.

Senate & Administative Career

In late 153 ABY, Dimon replaced Guildmaster Hallax as Senator for Glavis, after winning the position of 'Baron Administrator' of the facility in a game of Sabacc. Having secured the post during an era in which much of the Galaxy appeared to be at war, Dimon became rapidly aware of the need to ensure Glavis was kept safe, secure, and, ultimately, at peace. For the professional gambler, this was quite the challenge.

Lacking the military and commercial background he could have used to intimidate his newfound political peers, Dimon was forced to rely on his wit, ingenuity and charm to carve a niche for Glavis in a rapidly changing galaxy.

Whilst not keen on compromising the freedoms he had enjoyed as a gambler and a rogue, Dimon adopted a morally ambiguous approach to politics and thoroughly used the perks of holding office. Insisting a portion of his Senatorial expenses went on the finest chauffeur-driven speeders credits could purchase (which he insisted was for 'safety reasons'), he made sure to be seen at all the classy places in the core in his quest to make friends and rub shoulders with the elite.

Often seen in the company of fellow gamblers over on 'cultural experience exchanges', Dimon spent much of his time lobbying for the relaxation of gambling laws, and ensuring that Glavis was perceived as a 'commerce and entertainment zone', and otherwise neutral on galactic affairs.

Glavis & The Guilds

Assuming the mantle of Baron Administrator opened Dimon's pockets up to many credit-making opportunities. Not only was there his own not inconsiderable pay packet, but the young gambler could also leverage his position to secure appointments to the guilds and much more. Afforded the use of his residence, Dimon took to entertaining business and political guests, generally over a game of Sabacc most evenings.

Keen to keep Glavis moving forward, the gambler-turned-politician also introduced racing to the station. Soon after his inauguration as Baron Administrator, the station was playing host to the 'Inner Circle Circuit', a race which saw brave pilots zooming around the station, skimming the top of Glavis atmospheric shielding in an attempt to get the big prize.

Enjoying his lot in life, Dimon ensured to attend each race in person, bringing in corporate sponsors to fund the prize pot and attract only the very best in racing talent.

However, as Glavis became more and more of a hub for intergalactic entertainment and sport in the region, Dimon's task of keeping it out of the war became more complicated, complex, and critical. After all, nobody came to relax in a system fraught with conflict.

Personality & Traits

Dimon Hayle was a member of a humanoid species with blond hair and fair skin. He had a form of skin pigmentation which caused him to appear to have red slash marks across his face in periods of heightened anger. He had brown eyes and spoke several languages, such as basic, Huttese and Ryl.

Throughout his life, he had always been a sucker for a game of Sabacc, and considered himself quite good at the game, with a record to match. A risk taker he was always looking for "the angle", a way to make a profit for himself as quickly and efficiently as possible. Having worked mainly on the galaxy's fringes, Dimon was sceptical of getting overly involved in the broader affairs of the main 'power-brokers' and considered the Sith and the Jedi to be a nuisance at best.

Familiar with the underworld, an unfortunate side effect of a life spent at the casinos, he wasn't above duplicity to get what he needed. Despite this, he was good to his friends, with an easy charm and ability to motivate people to work together for a cause greater than themselves. Following his win, in which he secured the position of Baron Administrator for Glavis, he sought to turn himself into a respectable business being and politician. He dedicated himself to Glavis and its people.

Protective of his own, he was genuinely passionate about keeping Glavis as a safe and free haven for all.

Equipment & Assets

Dimon is often seen wearing an expensive three-piece suit, which he tends to adorn with accessories. Usually, he wears a set of quxoni cufflinks, carries a cane and a holdout blaster. He travels around in an exotic speeder.

Aside from the possessions he has typically about his persons, Dimon owns a set of fathiers on Canto Bight, as well as a personal ship. He uses a residence on Glavis known as the Baron Administrators Palace and an apartment on Coruscant - both afforded him by his post.

Skills & Abilities

A talented man, Dimon is a skilled pilot and very capable behind the controls of a ship. Alongside this, he can handle a blaster well and is an agile combatant. Besides this, his primary skills boil down to his deftness with a pack of cards and his general wit and charm. He is not force-sensitive.

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