Open Yavin IV Life Day on Yavin IV

Severus Creed

Sith Order

Character Profile
Nov 3, 2021
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Severus blinked and was taken aback slightly. But, he only smiled mainly out of surprise, "Oh! Alright then. I'll help you practice it." He promised with a nod.

The food was, indeed, very delicious and Severus wished he could eat like this everyday. He wasn't sure how much credits were thrown into this, but he'd definitely have to give the committee his good graces after everything was finished up.

Speaking of finishing up, Severus still had to deliver his present underneath the tree for Clove to find. He was confident in his sneaking skills that he'd be able to get it past her without any knowledge- he escaped from Yavin from time to time under the Order's nose! He could sneak past some girl any day.

Though, she wasn't some girl. Clove was more than that to Severus, which was why he was delivering the present in the first place.
"When we're finished up here, do you want to visit the tree?" He offered the red-headed half-Sephi after he scoffed down his meal like there was no tomorrow.


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2021
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Sevrin, of course, could hear all the chatter around and about him. Externally, however, he maintained his stoic demeanor. He was used to whispers about him - his exploits and aggressive moves against the Sith were well known by now. He was one of the few Jedi that led offensive battles against the Sith and into their territory. Those thoughts, however, were far from his mind right now as he smelled the aroma of the delicious feast just ahead.

“Do you think he can hear better with those ears?” A young boy whispered somewhere. To the child’s terror, that was precisely when Sevrin chose to slowly tilt his head just the slightest bit to flick his silver gaze upon the speaker. The child squeaked and turned beet red, punching his friends as if this were all their fault even though he had been bragging moments prior about defeating Sevrin.

The Sephi’s expression softened the slightest bit at the sight before he gazed ahead again. He was content to simply stand guard in silence all evening. He wasn’t a social man by nature, both by his personality traits and true to most Sephi fashion.

He was watching the younglings gather for presents when he heard a familiar voice. Sevrin turned to regard the Knight, his expression softening considerably. It wasn’t in his nature to smile often, but his eyes betrayed a certain warmth upon seeing her, “Bri,” He said quietly, “It has been too long,” He felt her nudge, taking the proffered drink. Sevrin was impressed to find it didn’t contain alcohol, meaning that Bri had judged his preference quite accurately.

“Here’s to hoping my services are not needed,” He nudged his glass against hers. His ears swiveled the slightest bit, the closest he got to smiling most of the time.

“What have you been up to?” He asked curiously. It had been quite some time since he had seen her. Sevrin listened for her response shortly before the two were approached by a padawan. The Sephi’s silver gaze flicked down to the newcomer, studying him quietly for a moment as he spoke. He looked from the bandaged hand, to the visible hints of a particular tattoo and then up to the shock of white hair.

“Padawan Lsai,” Sevrin said at last, “I had expected to see you, of all people, at my lesson yesterday morning,” He eyed him sternly for a moment before his expression softened, betraying that the rigid Sephi was clearly capable of messing with people. There were no lessons that morning. He took a sip from his drink, looking up towards the tree, “Are you two excited to get anything for Life Day?” It was a custom he didn’t partake in, but he always found it curious.

@Altaris @ModernMarvel

Ruzaan Kai

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jun 15, 2021
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Tree Room
Ruzaan made his way into the tree room, a large box mostly blocking his view. Inside was filled with small handmade crafts for his friends, plus a few dozen bits and baubles for when he inevitably met someone new. His trip here had been hazardous, but thus far he'd managed to avoid running into anyone mostly by relying on their good graces and awareness that he was approaching with a large box. It did help that it wobbled precariously whenever he took a step.

His luck ran out when he entered the tree room. He could see just enough to recognize that the quickest path to the tree was filled with people, and decided to skirt around the edges of the hall instead. Suddenly, his bare feet encountered resistance as he tripped over another's feet and fell spectacularly to the floor, his box and its (thankfully hardy) contents sailing through the air before joining him on the ground.

After the initial shock of his sudden fall had worn off, Ruzaan looked up and over to see what- or who- had tripped him up. He was met by the light brown eyes of a woman (@Killa Ree ) who looked like she was really reconsidering being here.

Ruzaan smiled, partially to cover his embarrassment and partially to try and spread the cheer of the season. "Er... Happy Life Day!" he said, still prone on the ground.

Vren Mallick

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Nov 18, 2021
Reaction score
A secret such as Life-day couldn't be contained for long. The temple had buzzed about it for weeks until it finally happened. Everyone was inside as they enjoyed the incredible display that had been set up and funded by the Order, the decorations helping establish the mood and draw out the festive spirit.

Recently, Vren and Gwen had gotten in business together, albeit "business" not being the reason he decided to be partners. With the celebration and the weather, it left relatively no takers to retrieve a delivery for her until he had volunteered himself. It gave him an opportunity to practice his sneaking as there were patrols that canvased the temple outside. While practice made perfect, the real reason he offered himself was that Life-day didn't really mean that much to the young Echani.

It had never really been celebrated by his family, his mother and father never bringing it up, and both he and Kairo usually off on their own. The holiday just never took precedence in their household as there were more important matters, one that Vren wouldn't know until he was older and separated.

Eventually, Vren would arrive back at the temple, dressed in clothing for colder weather as he wore a jacket, a stitch sewn across the right sleeve, boots, and jeans. Snow caked his shoulders and his boots, his white hair soaked as he would run a hand through it, the gesture giving the appearance of a slicked-back look.

There was a small clump of snow in his other hand as he strode through the halls, wiping it across his face to clear any black streaks that lingered there, water droplets dripping onto the floor. With the weather, it had caused the Echani to improvise how to get into the basement and earn him some grime that he would clean off to disregard any evidence.

When he entered the main hallway, the rest of the flakes shook off from him as sharp golden eyes flicked around. The sound of a trolley and a mound of children surrounding it immediately caught his attention. It was Gwen, exactly who he was searching for, handing out candy to kids that swarmed around her. Vren couldn't help but smirk at the sight.

As he approached the cart, Vren crouched down behind one of the younglings and gently clasped his hand on the kid's shoulder, "More presents arrived!" Fake enthusiasm laced within in his words, most of the kids turning to him upon hearing the news before rushing away from Gwen's little traveling store to investigate. Kids were much easier to read for the Echani and watching their excitement bubble over as they rushed away made him chuckle.

The two left in relative peace, Echani leaned against the thick cart, casting a glance at the three conversating amongst themselves in the hallway, one instantly recognizable as an Echani and the other being Sevrin. Vren had already been caught by Knight Marr and the Grandmaster, he didn't need to complete the trifecta with the Sephi. Crossing both his arms as he faced Gwen afterward and repeated a little bit more seriously to inform her, "More presents arrived."

Vren then directed his gaze toward the bag that all the kids had been reaching towards eagerly, the "magical bag." With a reach-in, he plucked out a piece of candy and held it up for her, "Mind if I try Gwen?" Sweets weren't normally his first choice but he saw the hype around the candy.



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 12, 2021
Reaction score
[Tree room]

Xiann couldn’t help but chuckle at the panic on Clove’s face when she opened the box and quickly slammed it shut. “Don’t be so concerned. I left the power packs in the workshop, I’m not that irresponsible. Usually.” She watched as Clo struggled with the case and put it to the side of them. The engineer wagged her finger at the droid who had decided not to help, “Next time you’re going to help move the case or it will be the wrench for you. Okay?” The droid let out a few short beeps in affirmation before settling down and resting on the case.

Xiann gave a sympathetic smile to Evergreen as he looked upset that he hadn’t brought presents for people he didn’t know existed, “Clove is right, you can’t be expected to bring presents for people you don’t know.” The call came for the younglings to collect their gifts, starting with Evergreen, “Besides, you have presents of your own to collect. Now go, unwrap some joy.” She gently ushered him in the direction of the tree, “We’ll be around somewhere when you’re done.”

The Twi’lek turned back to Clo as she mentioned a gift for her too. “For me? You didn’t have to.” She always felt a little odd getting gifts, but when it came to Clove she had expected it. The Selphi was too nice not to give gifts. Xiann undid the ribbon and unwrapped the box carefully before opening it. When she saw what was inside she couldn’t help but let out a small squeal before catching herself, “Awwwhh. It’s adorable.” She had her hands on the box and was leaning every which way to look it over, all the while a massive smile on her face. She turned to face Clo again as she gently resealed the case, “Thank you, Clo. If we weren’t in public I would kiss you. Perhaps later though, hmm?” She flashed a wicked grin momentarily before picking up the case and placing it next to the one with Clove’s new blaster. “You know what, sure. I could do with something to eat.” She held out her arm so they could link before following her friend towards the food room.

@Forsythe Crowholde @LilyNion

Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
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Life Day Tree > Dining Hall
"Yes, of course! After all, it's Life Day! I made certain that I got something for everyone I care about." Her ears twitched enthusiastically as the half-Sephi smiled sweetly at the Twi'lek. All of the work had been worth it after seeing Xi open the present and examine the droid from all angles. Force, she even squealed for a second because she was so overjoyed with it. "You like it?! Good!"

The comment that followed clearly caught her off guard. While most jokes or flirtations went right over her head, this one was more blatant, almost like a neon light flashing in her face. It was difficult to miss. She blinked twice, puzzled, and asked, "Huh, what did you say?" before bursting into giggles. "Is it because of the three kisses on the cheeks? That's something my family and I do at home!" Clove didn't know what else to make of it, aside from the maybe poor example of the cheek kisses, and this wasn't the time to ask as to what she meant or why. To avoid any embarrassment, she simply hooked her arm around Xi's and started walking towards the Dining Hall.

Walking to the cafeteria required crossing Thelian(@Altaris), Bri(@ModernMarvel), and, most notably, Sevrin(@Sreeya). A Sephi. Like her mother, everything about him, from his tall frame to his stern eyes and closed-off demeanor, screamed Sephi. It was everything she wasn't. Well, it would be incorrect to say she didn't resemble one at all; she had several Sephi traits. Her fair skin, ears, cheek markings, slim limbs, and quick feet were all hallmarks of the Sephi. Her range of emotions and expressive eyes, on the other hand, were inherited from her human father. And her height was a mystery to everyone. So, to put it bluntly, the Sephi shunned her and her mother.

To be fair, they would have disowned them regardless of Clove's appearance. A human with a Sephi was unthinkable, and bearing offspring that was half-Sephi was a sin.

As a result, seeing a Sephi up close was enough to make her insecurities flare up to the point where they were burning brighter than Tatooine's suns. She averted her gaze from the group and decided to give Thelian his gift later in the evening. Her focus shifted to the cafeteria ahead of them and she began to drag Xi into the Dining Hall with her. If Evergreen(@Forsythe Crowholde) wanted to join them, she'd grasp his hand in hers and bring him along.

Clove recognized a number of recognizable faces now that she was in the Dining Hall. While making her way to the table with some empty space, she raised her free hand in a wave to Elidan(@LouJoVi) and Severus(@Charles). She sat down onto the chair closest to her after unhooking her arm from Xi's, and looked around the room with eyebrows furrowed deeply. Her gloomy mood was quickly lifted when the carpaccio arrived, which she eagerly devoured with as many table manners as she could recall. "It's so delicious!" she said, a surprised expression on her face directed at whoever was closest to her. "I could eat twenty of these plates."

Tag @Xian

Brienna Lanaamer

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score
From what Bri knew of Sevrin, he really wasn't the smiley-type, and true to form, didn't offer much as she approached. However, he did react in his own way - Bri caught the softening of his features, and the warmth of his silver eyes. The Knight was much less skilled at suppressing her own emotions, and grinned broadly at realizing that the Sephi was glad to see her.

“Bri . . .It has been too long,"

"Indeed it has," Bri nodded a few times, the enthusiasm evident in her voice as she returned the same feelings. The Knight tried to think back of the last time she had seen Sevrin, but her memory was failing her. Guess it really has been a while. Maybe about a year? Something like that. The Sephi was nearly exactly how Bri had remembered him, black hair pulled into a neat ponytail, lithe yet muscular build, and of course, still tall.

“Here’s to hoping my services are not needed,”

Bri offered a knowing glance and touched the rim of her glass to the one that Sevrin had taken from her right hand. The Knight caught a slight twitch of the Sephi's ears, another way he expressed emotion. It seemed quite unlikely that any of the Jedi would have to make use of their skills, outside of helping decorate, stopping the younglings from getting too excited, or making sure the gifts were handed out in an orderly fashion.

“What have you been up to?”

The Knight opened her mouth to speak, but stopped, not exactly sure how best to answer the question. "I guess a little of this, a little of that," she judged, playing down some of the life threatening danger she'd been in over the past year. Bri absentmindedly rubbed her arm and then shoulder where she'd been injured and healed, but still felt the occasional lingering pain. She pulled a strand of hair back behind her ear, which was shorter than what the Sephi Master had probably remembered. Sevrin needed no explanation on how stretched the Jedi were across the Galaxy, pulled in different directions as peacekeepers, warriors, healers, protectors, and soldiers. "You know how it is," she added with a slight sigh. Life Day was a time not necessarily to forget, but to help keep perspective on why the Jedi did what they did across the Galaxy.

"How about you?" Bri managed to ask, trying to cheer up her voice just a bit to match their festive surroundings. However, Sevrin was unable to respond before another Jedi joined them, Padawan Thelian Lsai. Bri knew very little about the young Echani, and struggled for the briefest of moments to recall his name, before it came to her. "Hi Thelian," she replied with a smile, returning the greeting.

Sevrin started with a stern admonishment for the Padawan missing his training lesson in the morning. Bri knew at once the Sephi master was joking, and did her best to suppress a grin to let the gag play out. The relaxing of the Sephi's hard features brought the joke to an end, as Bri laughed into her cup.

The subject changed back to Life Day as Sevrin asked, “Are you two excited to get anything for Life Day?” Bri finished another sip, and nodded, "Mmm yeah, I could use some new boots." She brought her foot up for the two Jedi to take a look at, making a comical action pose (with added sound-effect) and showing off a pair of brown leather boots that looked just a little bit warn. "What'd you ask for, Sevrin?" Bri returned the question, but was decidedly unsure if the Sephi took part in the practice of either gift giving or receiving.

@Sreeya @Altaris

Laeonas Tannaras

Exiled Jedi

Character Profile
Feb 12, 2020
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The halls were full of people; some he vaguely recognized, but most were complete strangers. It had only been in the last few months that he'd really bothered to fraternize with any of the other Jedi, and so names were... well, hard to come by. A couple younger padawans waved at him as if they recognized him, at which point he'd just smile back, and wonder how a bunch of children knew who he was. One kid loudly yelled for him to “watch where you go” as she bumped past him. The man rolled his eyes, but seeing as plenty others were going where she was, he went along.

It was here where he'd be most likely to find the fabled "egg nog," an alcoholic beverage popular at such parties. Upon failing to find it on the first table he looked at within thirty seconds, however, the man simply poured himself a cup of punch. Being around people made his throat dry out a little these days, and while the punch wasn't as hard as he was used to, it would do for now. The raven haired man made his way back through the crowd, exchanging a few more
"happy life day"'s and smiling as people commented on his sweater. One awkward looking mirialian boy loudly spat a quote at him that he couldn't recognize. "" He'd reply back, shuffling past.

"Happy life day!" A high pitched voice piped up. Looking down, a young togruta girl would be smiling up at him. The human flashed her a smile back, replying with a quick and cheerie "Happy life day to you to!" Before he'd move to turn away, he'd feel a tug on his sweater. "Can I have some of your punch? The other adults won't let me have any! Pleeeeease?" She'd ask. The man blinked a few times, a bit surprised by the request.

“Why? There’s plenty else to drink.” He’d ask, answering her question with a question. “Well… all the grownups are doing it, and I’m not a little kid anymore! It’s cool, right?” She’d ask, smiling up at him in a search for approval. Laeonas pursed his lips, before smiling back. “Cool’s whatever you make it— and you won’t be a kid forever. Why not just hang with your friends and forget about what we’re all doing? Unless you think drinking punch and talking about old parties and sports is cool.” He teased. “Eww, no! That sounds so boring!” She’d reply, laughing a little.

“I think they’re lighting the tree soon! You ought not to miss it, right?” He asked, glancing off down the hallway. “What?! I gotta go see!” She cried, turning around and bolting down the walkways. As he'd watch the girl disappear into the crowd of younglings in the tree room, his eyes were set on what looked to be a familiar face. Eyes widened in recognition, aquamarines shining like proper gems. "Brie?" The man muttered to himself. "Brie!" He'd repeat, this time loud enough for those around him to hear.

He didn't pay much attention to the two the knight was speaking with. Making his way toward her, a wide grin remained plastered on his face.
"Ai 'aven't seen ya in ages! Ow's it be-" he'd start, before stopping himself. "...ahem. Hello again! Happy life day; been a couple years, hasn't it?" He'd repeat, finally glancing at the other two. "I'm real sorry for interrupting, um..." He'd begin, pausing. He'd never even seen either of the two men, and they weren't the kinds of faces he was likely to forget.

"...I'm sorry, I don't think I'm acquainted with either of you." He'd add, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. "But I'd be happy to get to know you! I'm Laeonas, Padawan to Knight Daivand. Happy life day!"

@ModernMarvel @Altaris @Sreeya

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Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

Character Profile
Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
Reaction score

Yavin basked in the warm glow of the Force. The Temple radiating with strength of the Lightside. Balance hummed all around the Jedi. An Order momentarily at peace. Alex sat alone in her small chambers near the top of the Temple. The Life Day celebration spinning on below. She should she be down. She would shortly join the celebration. Life Day was a symbol of what they strove to protect, and it was a time for them to set their troubles aside. Alex did not have that luxury. She carried the burden of her office so others would not. Still, the Morellian Jedi would not harsh the vibes.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly closed her mind. A slight smile grew on her face as she headed down to the dining hall. Alex had not taken time to change. There had a been a time where she would have tried to wear something spectacular but there were not enough hours in the day. Instead, she wore her traditional robes. At least, these weren’t wrinkled. Her mind was a carefully placid lake as she arrived in the lower levels. The feelings of joy and merriment brushed across her senses. True happiness was everywhere she looked. A genuine smile blossomed on her face.

The smells of food hit her and suddenly realized she was starving. There was probably a heartening speech she needed to give, but what could she say that would rival the comradery around her? Nothing. So instead, the Grandmaster found a seat at one of the tables and plopped down. A few casual flicks of her fingers sent food swirling her way. It was simple but delicious. She would perform her duties…once she’d tried a little bit of everything.


Thelian Lsai

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2021
Reaction score
Despite his usually deadpan demeanor, there was no denying that Thelian was a bit more tense than normal. It was apparent in his overly straight posture and – in a complete break from normal demeanor – the polite way he greeted the two higher-ranking Jedi. For any of the fellow Padawans or younglings who knew Thelian, it was probably downright strange.

For all of the Echani’s general abrasiveness, he was not so unlike the rest of his peers. Like any teenager, Thelian had his role models and the people he looked up to. The people who he, as a Jedi, strived to model himself after. Naturally, Sevrin – a skilled swordsman and combatant of their Order – was one such individual, and Thelian couldn’t help but be a bit more nervous actually interacting with the man.

Thelian gave Brienna a nod of his head when she greeted him, raising his glass slightly. The Echani didn’t know the woman very well at all, but luckily remembered the name after a few moments of reflection. As per usual, there was little in the way of a smile on Thelian’s face – though his blank expression wasn’t particular hostile either.

His attention was naturally drawn to Sevrin when the Sephi Jedi spoke up, immediately picking up on the stern nature of his tone and silvery stare. The Echani suddenly looked as if he’d seen a ghost – his own silver eyes going wide as the faintest bit of redness started to spread across his face. While he was unable to verbalize a response, Thelian’s mind suddenly started working in overdrive.

..There was a lesson yesterday?

Thelian couldn’t begin to think how he missed it. Despite his frequently tarty behavior, there was always quite a bit of intention behind his class-skipping. There was simply some lessons that he didn’t find remotely interesting and didn’t attend. Others, he simply attended and used the time to catch up on sleep.

But a lesson from Sevrin wasn’t either of those. Quite frankly, the Echani would’ve likely been scoping out such a lesson for days or weeks prior and made sure he was the first person to arrive at the yard. The thought that he had somehow missed it was no less than horrifying. The Echani could do nothing but stare completely horrified, quickly glancing between the two Jedi. It wasn’t until Sevrin’s expression softened and Bri started to laugh into her cup that it finally hit Thelian he was being messed with.

He blinked a few times, his face still a bit red as he cracked a nervous smile. He brought his cup up to his lips, taking a drink. “Oh, that’s fucked up..” He muttered, reaching around to idly rub the back of his head.

After a few moments more, Thelian seemed to relax just a bit – his posture becoming less rigid in front of the other two Jedi. When Sevrin asked his next question, the Echani tilted his head to the side a bit. “Me?” He blinked, thinking for a moment. Not unlike the Sephi Master, it was a custom that Thelian hadn’t ever partake in before – though that was largely because he hadn’t really celebrated Life Day to begin with.

He glanced over to Brienna when she spoke up, cracking the faintest smile at her dramatic display and desire for new boots. The Echani gave a small shrug in response to the question. “Nah, I’m not really expecting anything.” Of course, it didn’t really dawn on him now that he had completely neglected to get anything for anyone else.

Thelian was naturally out of his train of thought when Laeonas approached their little group, spotting the older man as he was making a beeline from across the room. Silver eyes fixated onto the raven-haired man, regarding him with that same moody expression.

He gave a curt nod when Laeonas introduced himself, resisting the urge to question how someone so old was still a Padawan. “Sup.” He muttered dryly, though there wasn’t anything particularly hostile about his tone. “Thelian. Padawan to..” He blinked. “Just a Padawan.”

@Sreeya @ModernMarvel @Tom
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Arctus Friers

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Forsythe Crowholde
Nov 21, 2020
Reaction score
Hallway ‣‣ Tree Room

Mum used to tell him a tale of a wizard who arrived neither late nor early to a gathering, just "precisely when he meant to" when he was a wee lad. And while it was just a bedtime story and that she had taught him to be punctual, Arctus decided to come to the Life Day festivities just like the wizened wizard did. After all, the former smuggler was now a space wizard/monk himself.

He had helped with the preparations for this wonderful gathering. When he felt that his manual contributions wouldn't suffice he'd pitched in with as much credits as he could. He might have been pretty laid-back as a smuggler but it didn't equate with him spending needlessly. Arctus had a family he wanted to financially support, after all, so it wouldn't come as a surprise that he'd saved up his earnings so he could send most of them to his Mum.

Didn't mean he was damn loaded, though. Or maybe he kind of was? He would just double and triple check soon. He wasn't a smuggler anymore, and he hadn't actually earning like he always did before – though he still accepted odd jobs whenever he was off-world.

He noticed Clove and Xiann along with a little girl in cute raffles as the three made their way out of the Tree Room and into the Dining Hall. Arctus was still too far to greet them so he pushed that for later. And besides, he was carrying a sack filled with presents both for the younglings some Jedi kept on insisting were his children (the stressed single father kind of stuck rather than the responsible big brother trope) and for his Padawan friends. Special gifts for Ruzaan and Clove were still in his dorm room, not wanting for them to get buried beneath the gifts underneath the Life Day Tree. Xiann's gift came in the form of credits – Arctus knew what the Twi'lek would have liked, but he figured she'd need money to buy additional tools and replace old ones. Though he felt like his gramps (on his Mum's side of the family) for giving out cash.

Felix's gift was something he thoroughly thought through – much like Ruz and Clo's. The gift wasn't very much present, however, more along the lines of helping one of his Padawan brothers in tweaking the young man's lightsaber. But only if Felix accepted the help.

As for Drastus...

Arctus sighed dejectedly as he entered the Tree Room. The mere thought of planning a gift for Drastus was pretty much daunting, to say the least. One, this particular Padawan brother disliked Arctus – and for reasons the former smuggler couldn't and hadn't fathomed yet. He meant to talk to Drastus during the last potluck, but given Arctus's eventual panic attack that opportunity had practically thrown itself out the window. Two, Arctus had zero clue as to what to give Drastus.

As the eldest (and latest) Padawan brother, the former smuggler knew that he suuuucked. He couldn't even think of what to give one of his Padawan brothers.

When he caught sight of the majestic Tree, Arctus's thoughts drifted to Indy and his supposed gift for her. He missed the very first friend he'd made in the Jedi Order, the first Jedi and friend he called a younger sibling. He missed her even if they saw each other around the Temple. He missed her, so much so, that it immediately came to him that he didn't want to give her a gift she could touch, a gift that others would be able to see when it was on full display. Arctus wanted for his gift to be a memory, and so he'd spent hours upon hours in the Jedi Library scouring for historical places throughout the Galaxy that could potentially hold some amazing archeological finds.

The mere thought of going on an exploration with his first little sister and finding a really cool artifact brought a smile to the former smuggler's face.

Too lost in thought of his friends/family and gifts, Arctus didn't notice Ruzaan's little mishap and the Padawan who had been caught in it.

@SlagathorTheUnknown @Killa Ree

Evergreen Glades

Jedi Order

Character Profile
Forsythe Crowholde
Nov 4, 2021
Reaction score
The Tree Room ‣‣ Dining Hall

The boy blushed at the sincere comment about his given name. He knew that it was pretty, but he also knew that it was subject to a few jokes. Something about being "green" for the rest of his life, and he constantly asked his parents what the jokes meant by that. Evergreen had gotten "being inexperienced", but he'd also picked up "being jealous". The jokes made him cry a lot when he was in Chandrila, but here in Yavin IV and away from his family he swore that he wouldn't be as much of a crybaby like before. He was nine now, and he decided that anyone else's opinions or jokes wouldn't matter to him anymore. All he'd ever accept would be kind words and advice on improvement.

One of his big brothers called little Evergreen's proclamation a character development. He would use that character development thingy to be the finest boy ever! He was going to be an idol in the future, after all!

Xiann and Clove's reassurances brought another red flush to the youngling's cheeks. Lifting small hands to cup his face, Evergreen let out a happy giggle and nodded in agreement with the two ladies. Of course they all just met, how could he get gifts for them! But still he was resolved to give them a pretty flower each, so he guessed that those would count as gifts.

They would!

The youngling watched giddily as his two new friends (they were friends now, right?) exchanged gifts, and while the sight reminded him of home he didn't feel too sad and lonely like before. Though when he heard again the word "kiss" the red on his face intensified. He wanted kisses! Just like the ones Mama and Papa gave him and his brothers!

Ah, but that's gonna be so embarrassing to ask for! They'll think I'm a weirdo!

Now fanning his face with his hands, Evergreen nearly jumped in surprise when the girls mention a gift for him. As if on cue, a Knight called out his name and the youngling's attention immediately sailed from Xiann and Clove to the Jedi by the Life Day Tree.

"Um, okay!" he told the two ladies, brimming with childish excitement but still ever mindful of the manners he had been taught by his parents. He gave Xiann and Clove a polite bow each and, before running off, told them, "Excuse me!"

The little boy was directed to a box in gold wrapping and green bow. It was wrapped prettily, and while he hesitated at first in opening it one smile from the Knight in charge made him move. Carefully, he removed the ribbon and lifted the lid of the box. Inside was the cutest, softest teddy bear he'd ever seen – though if he would be really honest it came a close second to his Blurrg plushie. The teddy bear made him very happy all the same, and he couldn't help but immediately untangle the red ribbon tied around the bear's head so he could use it to tie his long hair in a low ponytail instead. Upon noticing a note attached to the gift, Evergreen's eyes widened at the short but meaningful message written on the small slip of card.

The words were similar to what his family always told him. Now he missed them all the more!

Wiping away the tears that threatened to fall, Evergreen looked up at the Knight with a bright smile after returning the teddy bear inside the box. Carrying it around would not be too much of a problem or a bother – the Knights and Masters made the effort to do all these for the Order, and he was grateful. He was grateful to those who volunteered as well. This might be his first Life Day away from home, but still he was very happy.

Standing up, he stepped back and gave the Knights by the Tree a respectful bow and a bright smile. "Thank you very much! Happy Life Day!"

Before he could get embarrassed by his energetic display, Evergreen trotted back to where Xiann and Clove waited for him. The youngling met them halfway, seeing that the two were making their way from the Tree Room to the Dining Hall. Evergreen was quick to hold Clove's hand, gift tucked underneath one armpit. Once they were in the Hall and in front of the table, Evergreen decided that he would sit where he could be face to face with the two ladies. He ducked down and crawled underneath the table, box and all, and emerged on the other side with a childish grin on his face. Gently setting the gift beside him, the boy took his seat and waited patiently for food to be served. He didn't have to wait long, and soon enough he was busy with a steaming bowl of mushroom soup, taking care not to burn himself or spill some soup.

@Xian @LilyNion
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Willa Kanz

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Sep 17, 2020
Reaction score
Willa had just been minding herself; she enjoyed listening to others' conversations, keeping to the background for the time being. Her latest underground concert had gone well, as had her latest venture. Her Master and she had been working together, and she was confident enough her gift would be appreciated by others, once they looked at the individual name tags under the tree.

When suddenly--

She felt someone trip over her feet. One seeing eye and one blind opened swiftly, as she registered the sudden assault. Almost without thinking, she moved, sliding one leg out to brace, and an arm around the falling Padawan's waist, securing his body to hers. If anyone had seen the pair at this moment...

It almost looked as though they were embracing.

A warm smile touched her lips, and both eyes sparkled with mischief and delight.
"Good thing I caught you, wouldn't want you falling for me," she teased the other Padawan, trying to think up a name to that face. "Hey cutie, happy Life Day." She spared him a wink with her blind eye, then moved him back upright, patting him on the back.

"You alright, there? Lucky I grabbed you, would've been a nasty spill..." her eyes panned to the objects he dropped, and her brows tented in worry. "Hey, I hope nothing's broken. And... sorry." She flushed, then gave a short chuckle. "Where're my manners. Willa Kanz. And you are...?"

@SlagathorTheUnknown @Forsythe Crowholde


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 12, 2021
Reaction score
[Tree room -> Dining room]

Once Evergreen had received his present and rejoined Xiann and Clove, the trio began to head out of the heavily decoration tree room towards the dining room. Xiann looked around the room to see if there was anyone she wanted to gesture over to come with them. Specifically she was searching for Ruz. She had thrown herself into lessons and work to catch up with what she had missed and had found little time to keep up with her friends. In all honesty she missed the goofball. He had to be here, there was no way he would miss an event like this. A few moments of searching revealed her target but before she tried to make contact she noticed he was standing rather close to a female padawan. Were they hugging? She decided against disrupting this interaction, smiled and turned back to Clove.

As the group entered the dining room they were assaulted with the scent of deliciousness. The Twi’lek took a deep breath enjoying the various smells of the foods and drinks. She could feel her stomach grumble as they all sat down and awaited their foods. She glanced under the table as Evergreen crawled under it and popped up on the other side. She let out a chuckle as food began to arrive and it all looked as tasty as it smelled. She took a mouthful of cirilean noodle salad and let out a small sigh of delight.

Once she’d finished the first portion of food she turned to Clove, “So, catch me up with Ruz. I haven’t hung out with him for a while, how is he doing? And who is his lady friend? When did that happen?” She took another forkful of salad while she waited for Clove to finish enjoying her food and answer.

@LilyNion @Forsythe Crowholde

Ruzaan Kai

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jun 15, 2021
Reaction score
Tree Room

One second Ruzaan was falling through the air, headed for a sure date with the floor below, and the next he was being more or less cradled in the arms of a young woman with caramel skin and light brown eyes. Her tongue was as fast as her reflexes, and before Ruzaan could stammer out a "thank you" she'd said something about him falling for her- incorrect, Ruzaan thought; he'd fallen over her- and had called him cute. Only the shock of the rapid series of events kept him from arguing that second point; he was sixteen, and well beyond the age where one was usually called cute!

But he certainly did have to thank her for breaking his fall; the floor below did look rather uncomfortable to fall on, and none of the gifts had been broken in the fall. Littered across the floor along with the oversized cardboard box were several knit plushie figures, about 6-8 inches tall, that he'd made for this occasion.

"Thanks for catching me! I'm Ruzaan" he responded, quickly picking up the plushies and arranging a few nicely on top. He hadn't met Willa before, but she was certainly entitled to a present. Small plushies of famous Jedi, such as Yoda, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, and Ahsoka, stared up at Willa. "And Happy Life Day! Would you like a plushie?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Clove's curly hair and Xi's blue skin. He couldn't wait to show them their gifts.

@Killa Ree @LilyNion @Xian


Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Oct 16, 2021
Reaction score
The Dining Hall
Thank you.” Elidan smiled at Severus. Someone that didn’t feel uncomfortable with the use of telepathy and already knew how to do it would be a good partner to practice with. The half-Sephi wondered if Ruzaan or Zana would also like to help him with it. Maybe when he becomes confident with this ability, he could even teach it to them.

While they ate, Elidan saw Clove enter the Dining Hall with Xiann. He noticed that their arms were hooked. Apparently he wasn’t the only one, because through his half-Sephi hearing he heard other Padawans muttering about it. They seemed to be revolted that she was betraying Thelian with the Twi’lek.

These rumors always annoyed him. It wasn’t their problem with who the girl was dating. She didn't even say anything about it! Looking at the two girls, Elidan only saw two good friends. These people really need to find better things to do rather than stay watching the life of others. He smiled at the girls and waved back at them.

When Severus asked if he wanted to see the Life Day tree, Elidan focused back on the dark haired boy. He had forgotten about the tradition of giving gifts during this day. Since until some hour ago he wasn’t even coming there, the half-Sephi didn’t buy anything for his friends. He wondered if they would mind receiving gifts later. Everything would need to be cheaper too, because he doesn't have money for anything fancy.

Yes, I would like to go there.” even if didn’t have a gift to put on the tree, Elidan still wanted to see how the decoration was. If those who decorated it were the same people that did the Dinning Hall, then it probably was also amazing.

@LilyNion @Charles @Xian

Clove Vanhoop


Character Profile
Sep 3, 2021
Reaction score

Dining Hall
Clove was completely oblivious to the gossip and even disgust that spread throughout the Dining Hall, despite her amazing hearing. She was way too distracted with her carpaccio. It wasn't until she heard Xi's voice that she looked up from her plate, a sheepish expression on her face. "Lady friend?" She followed Xi's gaze towards Ruz, confused, and spotted a lovely lady with the most stunning hair standing right next to him. "That's something new to me as well. Still, Cute though! She's quite pretty... And uhmm, as far as I'm aware, Raz has been doing a bit better. He looks a bit less foggy and he's joining more events and all that. So I think he's doing well."

The half-Sephi's eyes darted towards Evergreen for a moment, only now noticing the adorable red tie in his hair. "You look very pretty. With your paler skin, the red looks fantastic!" She gave him a sincere smile before looking down the corridor.

Arctus was the one she least expected to join the Life Day party as more and more friends arrived. But she couldn't complain because it meant she could give him his gifts here rather than having to chase him down in the Jedi Temple.

Clove's shoulders relaxed as she realized that most of her friends were at the celebration, and she continued to eat her food with a pleased smile. It had been a long time since she had felt so comfortable and happy. "Hey, Xi, after we finish dinner and the first round of Padawan gifts, I'm going to toss some gifts in the faces of some Jedi! Is that alright with you?"


Drastus Drahr

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Dec 22, 2020
Reaction score
Dining Hall

Life Day. It was a holiday that Drast had never really celebrated, from his youth with his father to his days on the streets. And his first Master wasn't much for it either, at least she saw that he spent the day in service to others. His duties to the Shadows had seen him leave the Order and return numerous times over the last months and this would mark his second week back amongst the Jedi. It may not have been his thing, but he couldn't knock the decorations, they had done great to make it look nice.

Like most days, Drast was clad in a vest, this one a brand new fancy vest, just for the occasion. After all, dress to impress was his natural state. Sleeves rolled up to the forearms and clasped with some rather fancy cufflinks to match, his purple and black wingtip shoes would carry his stride into the dining hall. His dreds were adorned with some metal beads and bound back, with scars and tattoos on full display.

Entering the hall, his eyes would flit around the room before he decided on the drink table. Drinks first, then he would mingle. That didn't stop him from nodding to the faces he did recognize such as @Brienna Lanaamer and @Clove Vanhoop . He would even offer a wave to @Xiann once he had a drink in hand. It was good to be back in the Temple. For a bit, at least.

@Xian @ModernMarvel @LilyNion

Guinevere Beck

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score

Seeing Vren in the hallway, Gwen kept herself in check given the presence of Master Valtiere nearby, she most defiantly did not want him getting word of her business ventures, or why Vren was returning covered in snow. And he seemed to know that as well, as his comment about more gifts was innocent enough for it to make no difference to any of the Knights or Masters, but the meaning wasn't lost on her.

"Briliant," she replied, "the younglings must be excited!" As he inspected the cart, and his eyes were drawn to the bag of wonder, a wicked grin crossed her face as she wondered how luck would favor him. "Sure," she replied, picking up the bag and holding out for him, "may the odds be ever in your favor!"

But as Vren's hand emerged from the bag Gwen's eyes widened a voice in the back of her head went Oh no! She recognized the candy he had pulled out, it was from a bag of sweets she had acquired from a rather shady Togruta during her last trip to Hutt Space, which was almost an year ago now. He had told her that this bag was part of the latch batch ever produced as the factory it came from had been destroyed during to the AMS outbreak, and she had naively assumed that she could flip them for a profit. What he hadn't told her was that even without the AMS the sweeter, called Hutt-Balls, were going to get cancelled because of how disgusting they were. She had found a video on SpaceTube where someone had done extensive research to confirm that they did indeed taste like Hutt-Balls. Add in the fact that they were over an year old and she had decided to get rid of the lot of them. But she also asked Kal to help her pack things for the trolly and she might have forgotten to tell him about the bag meant for the incinerator.

And with Master Vealtiere standing so close by, and given his damn Vulcan hearing, she couldn't even risk telling Vren about the Hutt-Balls. They were only sold in Hutt space, and she was sure she would be grounded for life if anyone found out she had been anywhere near Hutt space. So she smiled awkwardly, and watched as Vren picked the wrapped candy out of the bag, praying that he didn't try to eat it.

@Orbit @Sreeya

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score

1. Roll a 1d100 to see what painting and color their bauble has;

1 to 10 = Green letters with a large Life Day Tree with red baubles on it.
11 to 20 = Red letters with two Wookies wearing traditional Life Day robes, holding Life Day orbs.
21 to 30 = Dark Red letters with a wooden nutcracker.
31 to 40 = Pink letters with a Life Day fairy with large glittery wings, flying in some snow flakes.
41 to 50 = Dark blue letters with a female Jedi standing heroic next to some gifts.
51 to 60 = Blue letters with a wide arrangement of white snowflakes.
61 to 70 = Purple letters with an astromech decorated with Life day streamers falling over it.
71 to 80 = Yellow letters with two young children with white dresses and paper wings sitting next to eachother.
81 to 90 = Orange letters with a young Wookie next to a Life Day Tree, with a bauble in its hand.
91 to 100 = Baby blue letters with a boy on ice skates skating on some ice.

2. You are free to make your own personalized note as long as it is positive and in the spirit of Life Day. If you don't want to make your own note but still want to receive one, send a link of your Padawan to @LilyNion on Discord or the Forum and mention you'd like a note.

(It's worth noting that any Padawan, regardless of whether they've joined this thread or not, is allowed to get a bauble gift! Those who do not attend the Life Day celebration will have it delivered to them.)

3. For those who drink the alcohol, roll 1d100 to see how well they tolerate the alcohol. The higher the number, the better.

Life Day Tree & Hallway

Sevrin's(@Sreeya) joke on the kids was enough to get them to stop whispering. For the most part. Or, well, at the very least, they were trying to be more subtle in their approach. Because they were now giggling about the boy who grew as red as one of the Life Day baubles, and how mysterious Sevrin looked while doing so.

After everyone had finished their main course and all of the younglings had gotten their presents, the younglings were ushered into the Dining Hall to make room for the Padawans. A new voice reverberated through the Hallway and the Dining Hall. "It is requested that all Padawans assemble around the Life Day tree! You are free to take the gift that holds your name!"

Unlike the Younglings, who were given gifts with guidance, the Padawans were trusted to find their own gifts at their own pace.

Padawans who knelt to look for their gifts would find their names on a small card attached to a silver and white box, each present with its own color of glistening bows and ribbons. Those that unwrapped their presents as swiftly as possible were greeted by a glass bauble. A small light, flickering ever so slightly and delicately within the bauble, shone gently against a painting on the glass. Each bauble featured a different painting with the Padawan's name written beneath it in curved letters1. A personalized note was placed next to the present in the box, just as it had been for the younglings2.

Gasps of happiness and some of mild disappointment—because, gosh, it was just a silly bauble, that youngling over there got a little car toy!—lingered through the room. "We really hope everyone enjoys the ornaments! Kaarlo and I put in a lot of effort into painting these!" The voice belonged to a tall Keshiri Jedi Knight, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

@Wit @Rhogar @LouJoVi @SlagathorTheUnknown @Xian @Killa Ree @Forsythe Crowholde @Altaris @Tom @Charles @Orbit

Dining Hall

While the Padawans ran out of the Dining Hall, those who remained were met with a welcome breath of serenity and quiet. There was nothing but the gentle murmurs of little talks, quiet background music, the crackling of flames in a small fireplace in the cafeteria's north end, and the sound of cutlery hitting the white plates.

One smaller Youngling, fresh from the Life Day tree, walked over to the Grandmaster(@Valen Pelora) of the Jedi Order, her cheeks flushed with shyness. "Uhm. Uhm. Hello. Grandmaster. I just finished making a gift for you! I wasn't sure if you'd be here. But you are! So— uhm, here!" She moved a sketch across the table in front of Alex, colliding with the lady's plate.

The drawing showed a crude stick figure of a woman with blonde hair holding a beam of light in her hands, with an arrow pointing at her head labeled 'Grandmaster.' A boxy house stood next to the stick figure, with the words 'JEDI TEMPLE' written above it. 'Dear Grandmaster Voran, thank you for all of your hard work, merry Life Day!' was written in the corner on the right, clearly by an entirely different person of a much older age.

"It's, you, protecting the Temple! That's all— uhm, bye!"
The girl said before running off back to her guardians with a shy giggle.

With peace in the air, the chefs began serving the dessert. Those of legal drinking age, if they wished, were served a large slice of blackberry red Naboo wine chocolate cake along with a glass of similarly concentrated red wine. As far as wine goes, it was robust and left a warming sensation throughout the body. Some people may even be experiencing the wine a bit too strongly3.

A similar chocolate cake was served to those who were too young or preferred a non-alcoholic dessert. To make up for the lack of wine, miniature marshmallows were melted into pockets within the cake. A huge cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon powder, marshmallows, and whipped cream replaced the glass of Naboo wine.

The volume of the Life Day song increased as the desserts were eaten, and it now joyously roared throughout the room.
