Open Let Diplomacy Resume

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

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Jul 26, 2021
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Jin entered the conference room in a pearl-white suit with an embroidered gold waistcoat on underneath. He came dressed immaculately, same with his bodyguard Venka, who trailed him in a billowing green dress. Today was an important day. What came of it could mean the beginning of an end, or the start of something new. As Jin cut across the vast chamber to where Lon and Sibyl stood, he prayed it would be the latter.

Senator Tendree, Governor Lassiter,” he said and gave a deep bow. “It’s a pleasure to see you both again. It’s been quite sometime.” He surveyed the wide table arrayed with all manner of food and drink: shucked oysters, roasted pheasant, silver trays of macarons and truffles. Extravagant as always. Unfortunately, it was clear that common etiquette had been tossed out the window, what with the Governor of Kessel already digging into the food, shoveling handfuls of sweet chocolates into the gaping hole that was his mouth. Typical Hutt. Always taking whatever was within reach.

Governor Lassiter,” Jin added and extended an arm for her to take. He was nothing but a gentleman, of course. “Why don’t we sit down? The proceedings are about to begin, and I would hate for us to miss out trying the food before Governor Desilijic wipes the table clean.” He nodded to Lon, understanding he would find his own place at the table. Jin, on the other hand, intended to sit right next to Sibyl.

Should she take his arm, he would lead her across the room, dropping his voice to a measure where only she could hear. “Oh, Sibyl,” he said with a smile that could cut glass. “I shouldn’t be surprised to find you here, conspiring with Senator Tendree in an attempt to curry favor from key Republic worlds. Very bold. It takes incredible spine to pull something like this off in, what, two days?” He tilted his head at the main doors, watching the string of representatives trickle in. Diplomats from Quellor, Corellia, and even Duro, by the looks of it.

Some of the most powerful men in the Republic.

Jin turned to Sibyl and continued under his breath, “Chancellor Ro knows about this scheme of yours, but between the two of us, I doubt he’ll come bursting through those doors as I have.” He shrugged. “He might have spoken harshly to you at the last Senate assembly, but he’s mellowed out considerably. Maybe too considerably. He’s grown weak, and while I remain loyal to the Republic, I understand there are some things that could be gained from… expanding the horizon.

His smile widened as he found them at their seats. “So, don’t worry about me. I haven’t come to derail your plans. Oh, no. I’m here to listen and learn.

@LouJoVi @Phoenix @Nor'baal

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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It was absolutely lost on the Hutt as to why nobody else was tucking in, instead choosing to parade around the food and talk about it whilst waiting for others to arrive and grab what was his for the taking. What was even more concerning was Senator Tondrees inquiry as to his sleeping habits. Nor’baals eyes narrowed slightly. Perhaps this Nemoidian seeks to do away with me! why else could he be asking as to how well the Hutt had slept.

Briefly he paused in his gluttony. What is that perfidious scion of Cato Nemoidia had laced the food with slow acting poison? Set to activate once my heart rate reduces - such as when sleeping. Gently, he lowered the food he had been holding, his eyes narrowing a little further. He’d need to keep an eye on this ‘Tondree’ - a master assassin if ever there was one.

And yet the creature still had the audacity to ask for his assistance in ‘convincing’ the Corellians to join his venture! Nor’baal had to respect the gall of the man, after a threat to his well-being, an ask for help! Tondrees deft hand would make even the finest Lordas pale.

Lassiter however, would no doubt cave in the Hutt-eat-Hutt world of crime. Perhaps Nor’baal had been to quick to judge her yesterday, especially now she so easily held back from the food, leaving it open for others to excert their power and take it for themselves.

Unless…. Nor’baals mind raced - she knew it was poisoned!

Either the Nemoidian and Lassiter were in it together, or she had been having him tailed - just as Nor’baal had the both of them! Oh what a dance you two perform, mortal enemies appearing as friends! the Hutt had to respect their skill. Senator Lassiter even projected further strength when talking about the ‘persuasion’ they had to do on Corellian and Duros.

Nor’baal was no fool. He knew ‘persuasion’ meant what nobody would dare say out loud.

Senator Vaisra was next to enter the fray of minds. Quick to call out what he thought the Senators were doing, and then projecting a degree of self-confidence, whilst failing to show all of his cards - so nobody truly knew how strong his hand was. Clever, the Hutt thought to himself, as he weighed his next move.

It was obvious that Tondree was up to something. What mattered was whether Lassiter was in on the deal, and Vaisra intended to help or hinder. Nor’baal decided on his course, and actioned it “Indeed, Corellians have a storied history of independent minds in their leaders. I am sure with the correct leverage they could be convinced.” he stressed his words. He was absolutely sure they all knew exactly what the Hutt meant.

Lon Tendree

Governor, Cato Neimoidia

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Oct 2, 2021
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Lon was oblivious to the Hutt's paranoid delusions, thankfully, but unfortunately not oblivious to the slurping sounds of the food as he ate it. Years of politicking had necessitated a sabaac face, however, and none of his thoughts showed on his face.

Likewise, Senator Vaisra's appearance seemed to gain no outstanding reaction from the Neimoidian apart from politeness. The Fondor Senator seemed a bit smug, but time would tell the "why" behind that. Lon would be somewhat surprised if the young whippersnapper would join their decision to defect, but perhaps he would be pleasantly surprised. After all, Fondor would have been slammed hard by the restrictions as well simply due to the nature of their primary products.

I'm glad to see you chose to attend, Senator Vaisra, he said, returning the polite nod.

As the Governor and Senator went off to whisper about something, Lon looked at the Hutt and his suggestion with a deadpan look.

How do you mean? he asked. Whether it was genuine oblivion or an intentional attempt to get the Hutt to "explain" what he meant wasn't clear and that was on purpose. He didn't particularly like the idea of overtly talking about that sort of unsavory business here....

He moved over to take a seat as Jin finished up his comment about "listening and learning" which seemed like it was more of a lie than anything.

I'll call this meeting to order and open the floor to questions, he said, keeping himself from looking directly at Jin.

The first to pipe up was none other than the Corellian Senator, though whether Jin would chime in with a question of his own shortly thereafter would be up to him.

What types of restrictions does the ISC place on its worlds when it comes to trade and construction? he asked. A logical question for a world with such shipbuilding interests as Corellia.

@LouJoVi @Song @Nor'baal

Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

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Aug 1, 2021
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Jin’s unexpected arrival made Sibyl smile. They were threatening to make nearly half of the Republic to defect, of course the little sneasel would come here. Vaisra and Fondor would lose so many business partners with it. This would be so sad and terrible for them.

Senator Vaisra! It’s a pleasure to have you here today.” she accepted the prince’s hand and walked with him. “Jin, Jin, Jin. I was really hoping that you would come today. Perhaps you will even want to join us. Think about how much influence Fondor can have in the ISC with its shipyards. It would be more than what it has in the Republic, where you need to fight for the scraps from Kuat and Rendili.” she said with a low voice. “I know that you invested much in the Republic, but is it worth the economic crisis that is crushing Fondor’s economy?

So Jin had decided to leave the dog at home. It was good, she really didn’t want to look at the midget for an entire day. “Emil is a shadow of the man that he once was. Not allow him to drag your bright future to the void. You deserve so much better than what your loyalty is giving to you.” perhaps it was the closest thing to a caring and sincere advice that someone would receive from Sibyl.

Then, Senator Tendree started the meeting. This time it was Corellia who started with the questions. The Senator of Quellor was too busy swallowing what had remained from the Hutt's attack to the table of food. "The members of the Consortium have more freedom than in other states of the Galaxy. The ISC allows its members to trade with planets outside of it, but more incentives are given to internal trade." if they were smart enough, these planets would understand that they could explore the market of the poor planets of the Outer Rim.

"Regarding construction, the production of ships of several classes is allowed. Even more if you establish a contract with the ISC military. I believe that they would be interested in more ships." she knew that the idea of being able to sell ships to the Consortium navy would be tempting to Corellia. However, Sibyl had said it while looking at Jin. The Fondorian should know that the possibility of his homeworld becoming the center of the production of ships of the ISC navy was real. He couldn't allow this opportunity to escape.

@Phoenix @Nor'baal @Song

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

Character Profile
Jul 26, 2021
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Sibyl had a point. The Consortium would make Fondor more powerful, more important, than it ever was in the Republic. But Jin was not as desperate as she might believe. Thanks in part to the many deals he cut across the Senate aisle—along with his close relationship to the Republic military through Ceris and Emil—Fondor had managed to escape the worst of the sanctions that came with war against the Sith. The crisis was hardly ‘crushing’ anything related to Jin.

Duro and Quellor, on the other hand? That was up for debate. Neither representatives had the same initiative as he did and were likely struggling as a result. With enough plying, they’d fall into Sibyl’s lap like ripe cherries.

Larger shipyard worlds, however, might prove a challenge. “I believe most of us already understand the immediate economic benefits to joining the Consortium,” the Senator of Corellia drawled. “But what about long-term? The Republic has been a consistently reliable partner for centuries. It may have had its ups and downs, but who is to say that this downtrend will last forever? And how do we know the Consortium will remain at the high it currently stands? President Thorne is a far better leader than anyone could ever hope for, but he will not live forever. What happens then?

As the representative spoke, Jin had also noticed the Senator of Quellor eying Governor Desilijic jealously, so it was no surprise when they had their own question to add to Corellia’s. “Yes, yes, a valid point. Who is to say someone else, someone lesser” the senator spared a glance at the Hutt, “—will not inherit the presidency and sink the Consortium to the point of no return? As you mentioned, Governor Lassiter, there are many freedoms and many opportunities for members to expand even beyond their respective planets.

What is to stop from someone, say, with connections to the Five Syndicates from gathering enough power to become president?

Jin folded his arms over his chest. It was obvious the senator’s question had been a shot across the bow at Nor’baal. No doubt born out of a new grudge against the Hutt for his uncontrolled appetite and otherwise rancid body odor—along with a healthy dose of xenophobia. Core Worlders were quite known for it. And while Jin had a feeling the senator’s demand—and baseless accusations—would be met sharply, he was curious on how Nor’baal might personally respond.

@Nor'baal @Phoenix @LouJoVi

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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Continuing his gluttony, Nor’baal picked up a carafe of wine and started drinking directly from it, rather than using the inappropriately small glasses available. If nothing else, the Senate Rotunda ensured that its occupants were well fed and watered. Such availability of food and wine, however, had clearly addled the Nemodian Senators mind, as Tendree struggled to understand the approach Nor’baal was suggesting - the Hutt made sure to take note of the Nemoidians lacklustre mental faculties for future business deals, as the meeting was called to order.

Disappointed that this meeting did not commence with the usual hour of music and dance, as was commonplace as Hutt gatherings, Nor’baal was once again reminded of the lack of civility here in the core, as he read through the agenda. No fights? No receiving of gifts? Nor’baal shook his head and placed the wine carafe back on a waiting serving droids tray. These core worlders live in the dark ages! he lamented to himself, as he settled into his reclined position for the meeting to commence.

What types of restrictions does the ISC place on its worlds when it comes to trade and construction?

Opening the meeting, the Corellian immediately lept to its own self-interest. Typical, Nor’baal smirked. In his experience, the humans of the Corellian System had always been selfish and greedy - and an entirely improper way for a subservient species to behave. The Hutt kept his opinions to himself as Senator Lassiter responded to the Corellians question, keenly aware that some of the eyes in the room were firmly affixed on him. As one of the newest additions to the Independent Systems Consortium, the Hutt was in an excellent position to answer the Corellians question, drawing on his own experience - he simply chose not to.

Senator Lassiter appeared however to be more interested in offering shipyard contracts to the gathered worlds, all of whom competed with one another, as an incentive to join. Nor’baal could not fathom the logic of such an offer. Perhaps she is feigning ignorance to get their guard down? he wondered, still undecided as to the capabilities of his Senatorial compatriot.

Of course, the Hutt had larger problems than the Corellians self-serving question. That problem came in the form of the Fondorian Senator and his probing questions, all of which were aimed conclusively at Nor’baal. He was not overly shocked that the Core World Senator had taken a dislike to him, the Core was known for its xenophobia, especially toward the more enlightened species of the Hutts.

Refusing to permit the Quellors ill-mannered ways to get the better of him, Nor’baal considered how best to respond to the man’s question. “President Thorne is a young man, Senators. Let us not do him the disrespect of measuring his coffin so hastily.” the Hutt replied with a mischievous tone. “Nevertheless when the day comes that the position of President becomes vacant,” Nor’baal said, as tactfully as he could muster “- it will not be inherited, rather the position shall be filled by way of election. Whilst I am pleased to hear that several of you believe I can command such popularity so as to win a Consortium-wide election, personally, I believe there are others, perhaps even around this table, who would command support from the populace that would vastly eclipse my own.” he concluded, before focusing his considerable efforts on the Corellian Senators question.

“If I may respond to the question from the Senator of Corellia? I have some experience in this field, as a new member of the Independent Systems Consortium, and one with considerable fiscal autonomy, Kessel has found the ISC to be more than welcoming. Our business practices and cultural pursuits are not stifled, but even more than that -” the Hutt looked at the a few of the Core Senators with a cold expression “- the ISC is open and accepting of all species, a great boon to worlds, as diverse as ours.” he added, with a gesture to the Corellian Senator.
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Lon Tendree

Governor, Cato Neimoidia

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Oct 2, 2021
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Lonathan nodded along with the statements being made by the others for the most part. The Senator of Quellor was... being his usual, literally-fishy self. The question that the Corellia Senator posed was one Lon thought fair, but also one that he, himself had given thought to. After all, Cato Neimoidia was a business world before pretty much anything else. They had not been swayed without compelling reasoning and numbers to back it up.

I'd like to add that the New Republic has not been a staunch ally for centuries. The Old Republic was before it became the Galactic Empire, he said. Some might perhaps call it a quibble, but it was important. The Old Republic - and the New Republic - were far from beyond accusation of corruption.

The concerns you raise - while valid - are concerns we have to ask of any body that we're a part of: Republic, ISC, even the FWA, he pointed out. Nor'baal had already pointed out the process for selecting a new leader so he did not re-present the point. Instead he moved on to the next point.

But I wholeheartedly agree that we need to look to the future. It's why Cato Neimoidia is at the tip of the spear of this movement. The ISC offers much more autonomy than the Republic, he said. By and large, the ISC was built around the idea of allowing otherwise totally independent systems a voice and alliance. It was an absolutely thriving formula for any business-minded worlds.

It is also a government ripe with opportunity. Worlds that have previously had little voice on the galactic stage are being shaped in the here and now. Centuries from now, this is the moment that will be looked back on to define the galaxy, he said. It was a bit grandiose, but it also wasn't wrong. He wouldn't have said it if it were.

@LouJoVi @Song @Nor'baal
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Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

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Aug 1, 2021
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Sibyl wondered if the Senator of Corellia was dumb. The New Republic barely had 10 years of existence, it wasn’t a long time ally. Unless his idealistic mind is so delusional that he believes that the NR was really a continuation of the Old Republic.

His comment about President Thorne was also stupid. Does he realise that Emryc was a half-Sephi? The man would probably live beyond 200 years, outliving everyone at this meeting, with the exception of the Hutt. Now Sibyl was surprised that this guy was able to be elected as Senator, he seemed to be more dumb than a Gamorrean. At least Nor’baal was able to give the Corellian a proper answer.

Then came the next quest of the day, this time was the Senator of Quellor. This made Sibyl raise an eyebrow, the Mon Calamari was obviously talking about the Hutt. Now she knew what could make him furious, someone eating his food. “Senator Tendree is correct. These questions could also be asked in a meeting of the NR and FWA, both also have these risks.

The ISC giving more autonomy to its members is one of the reasons that makes it more difficult for a maniac to acquire emergency powers and to start acting as a despot.” Sibyl explained, none of the representatives at this meeting would want a Palpatine 2. “While that with the New Republic it nearly happened recently.” Emil’s attack on Denon without any consulting of the Senate showed it. The Corellians and Duros would not have appreciated the Chancellor's actions.

@Phoenix @Song @Nor'baal

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

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Jul 26, 2021
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I see,” said the Senator from Corellia, a thoughtful hand running over his stubbled chin, considering their words for a moment. He seemed rather convinced. Jin couldn’t deny the appeal of the Consortium, between strong leadership and their unique approach to planetary autonomy—it was a boon for any politician looking to gain power and prestige. It certainly was for him. Jin could only imagine the incredible things he could accomplish with them. Forget being royalty—he’d only ever been a symbolic prince. What about business? Wealth?

He shrugged off those thoughts. There were still other problems, issues he felt needed to be addressed, and questions that still needed answering.

So,” Jin began, casually swirling his glass of wine, “it’s clear the Independent Systems enjoy… independence …but what about security? Chancellor Ro’s decision to blockade Denon ended in an embarrassing retreat, but he hasn’t taken any drastic military actions since, and his little war hasn’t remotely touched the Core.

Outside of our economies,” said the Senator of Commenor, clearly bitter over the disruption of traffic in the last year. As a world that relied heavily on trade, it didn’t surprise Jin they were ready to jump ship so quickly.

Debatable, but like I was saying, this is a cold war the Republic has engaged in. Not unlike the one boiling over with your Consortium, against the Five Syndicates.” Jin cocked an eyebrow at Sibyl. Not out of malice, but genuine curiosity. “I’ve heard tales about the ISC Rangers, the Three-Fold Fleets, and the very clean invasion President Thorn has waged into Hutt Space, but I’ve heard other stories, too. A rise in organized crime. Terrorist attacks. Bombings.

If I were to join the Consortium, what will stop the Syndicates from striking against Fondor? Or Corellia?” He cut a glance to each of the senators present, leaning from his seat. “Even I have to admit, the Five Syndicates have deep roots here in the Core, between the spice trade and this influx of violent gangs on Coruscant and elsewhere. If we provoke them, I want to know how the Consortium will be able not only to protect us, but prevent more tragedy to begin with.

Personally, Jin didn’t really care about war and tragedy. War made for good business, and for shipyard worlds—very good business. But whereas the Sith made easy enemies to point weapons at, the Syndicates were different. Outside of Hutt Space they were hidden, embedded in populated worlds like tiny parasites. Angering them could potentially lead to hit-and-run attacks and supply chain delays—unless the Consortium already had a plan for them in mind.

@Nor'baal @Phoenix @LouJoVi

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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Once again, Nor’baal kept his opinions to himself as the Senators spoke. Is this how these fools do business? Pah! the Hutt thought, wondering how the Galactic Senate had managed to stay together for so long without blood-sports being present at such debates to diffuse the tension. He allowed himself a smile when Jin brought up the subject of Denon, an embarrassing defeat for the New Republic, and a sterling example of why the less-civilised races obsession with war consistently served to be their undoing.

Nor’baal nodded however and raised his jug when the Senator for Commenor lamented the influence of the New Republic over the economy. Perhaps Commenor was more in tune with the refined manners of Hutt thinking than he had given them credit for?

If I were to join the Consortium, what will stop the Syndicates from striking against Fondor? Or Corellia?

He bristled slightly as Jin made his remarks, before settling again as the Fondorian recognised the expansive reach and power of the Syndicates. They were everywhere, and they were exceptionally proud of it. “The Syndicate is a fractured organisation, with each of the different members having remarkably different styles of operation. Zaa Fenn resorts, as we have seen, the displays of bloodletting which, quite pragmatically, are bad for business.” Nor’baal saw a few of the Senators look disgusted at his remark - the attack on Mon Cala was more than just business surely?

“The Outer Rim is very different to the Core. In many worlds, it is expected that a more direct manner of leadership must be the norm. Zaa Fenn has broken the traditions of the Rim in their attack on Mon Cala. The Rim simply wants trade, opportunity, and growth.” he lied “I do not for a moment believe that some of the other members of the Syndicates would seek to open a war with the New Republic or to commit atrocities like those we saw on Mon Cala, when instead they could engage in trade, commerce - and more.”

“I would suspect that we all wish to avoid war, no? I do suspect that a war with the Syndicates is likely, rather a unified effort to remove one of its most troubling members - the Zaa Fenn.”

Lon Tendree

Governor, Cato Neimoidia

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Oct 2, 2021
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Lon once again nodded along with what was said by the various representatives. It was actually a good discussion, and they were topics that were concerning to Lon as well. After all, he'd not yet left the Republic either.

Crime is something that every world struggles with at varying levels, he added. As you said yourself, it's not foreign to the Core worlds. There's nothing keeping you from that danger even now not as a member of the ISC, he said.

It's easier to address those concerns and protect your supply lines when you're not also having to protect against an invasion from a hostile foreign power like the Empire, he said. You could argue that one war was being traded for another, but they were not exactly equal wars, and as Nor'baal had pointed out: not the entirety of the Syndicates was looking for open war and bloodshed.

@LouJoVi @Song @Nor'baal

Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

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Aug 1, 2021
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Even with Vaisra’s questions being pertinent, Sibyl was surprised with it. If he joined the ISC, Fondor would become one of its most important planets. A war like this one would be very profitable. She wondered if what he was saying was planned between him and Ro. As a feeble attempt to convince the other planets to refuse defecting from the Republic.

No, the Chancellor was too dumb to think about this strategy. The Fondorian probably thought about it alone. Or he was only really concerned about the safety of the population of his homeworld. Sibyl wanted to laugh with such thought, Jin would be more concerned with the possibility of the criminals targeting his investments and the ones made by his family. His mommy would be furious and put him on the corner to think about it.

She agreed with both Nor’baal and Tendree. It was the second time today that the Hutt said something wise. Sibyl was impressed, there was wisdom inside this bag of rotten meat and slime. “While the Zaa Fenn attack against Mon Calamari was something terrible, it was the actions of only a group inside the entire Five Syndicates. I believe that a war against them would end fast. Even the other crime syndicates would be furious with their actions.

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

Character Profile
Jul 26, 2021
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Jin took a long sip of his wine as he listened to their answers. It was more than enough to satisfy him, as well as the senators seated around them. Za Fenn did not represent the whole of the Syndicates, and seeing as they (along with the rest of the galaxy) had turned on them following the attack on Mon Cala, even he doubted they’d last another month. A year, at most, in hiding. The bounty on Gareth Gin had piled into the millions and Jin would be shocked if his head was not on a silver platter by next week. No amount of loyalty could stave off a reward that large.

As if reading his mind, the Senator of Corellia broke the silence and said, “Once this Za Fenn problem is dealt with, what then? Does the Independent Systems have an agenda, a plan in mind, going forward when it comes to the rest of the Five Syndicates?

Jin nodded sagely. “A good question. If I may add to it, I’m especially curious as to whether or not the Consortium will continue their rapid expansion across the Rim.” He eyed Sibyl in particular, wondering just how close she was to President Thorne. It was already obvious to everyone in the room that the Consortium wanted to bite a chunk out of the Republic and the Alliance—if not swallow the whole Core—but Jin wanted to know just how far they’d take their expansion, and more importantly, their ambitions.

He had quite an appetite, after all.

Will the Consortium take the opportunity to push deeper into Hutt Space? Would they ever consider persuading Sith worlds to join them, as you are with the Republic?” His questions held no malice in them. They were purely hypothetical, and he didn’t expect honest or accurate answers, just a general picture of the Consortium’s state in the next five years. Would they slow down into a relative calm? Or continue their exponential growth?

@Nor'baal @Phoenix @LouJoVi

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

Character Profile
Sep 2, 2021
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<Pheca gee cahteth doth ba lumpa see pankhobatkoy kankay bu monba an bu kankahnox'a. Bu koumi Jee sey dah bu ukawa, bu cua dan- haku bu kankahnox'a sewen peee pheca, doth nobata koutoce bai haku paupe dee danko woy ana bocoee, patka camai wa cou du moova mee che banbonzahag doi koudaniua, che dopyacmi.> Nor’baal retorted, keen to do his bit to dispel some of the more malicious rumours regarding the rim. This discussion was moving rapidly toward a debate on the lack of merits held by rim worlds, and that was not something the Hutt wished to be a part of.

However, he was pleased with the answers provided by Senators Tendree and Lassiter, who appeared to be forming a united front in this matter. <Wonkee hatkocanh la?> he added, by way of reply to the Corellian Senators question <Bu Pantahlea gee tanee dotkana mi peee wa nanpa saieu, bo kanway- wuapt dah cuanesa du bu laashowepohka cay bu pauahaee see juju bkonbohba. Bonee wagan bu hahahetka see Zaa Fenn doth bargon cay, hee Jee hatkocanh dotmay bu ukawa doth tram pee, an cog caiot doth kosoyan mee.>

Lon Tendree

Governor, Cato Neimoidia

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Oct 2, 2021
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Lon piped up next as the Hutt finished speaking. I think the ISC will continue its expansion as long as worlds are interested in joining, he said. To say that it was all a planned expansion was a bit of a mistake.

I don't know how Syndicate worlds will feel about joining the ISC or leaving or remaining in the Syndicate control, he said. I imagine that whether or not they join the ISC will largely be their decision, he said.

Everyone here is here by choice because there's something on offer, he continued. The worlds leaving the Republic aren't doing so out of coercion or even really out of recruitment. Many of those leaving the Republic have done so proactively and for good reason, he said.

As far as Imperial worlds... he shrugged. I can't speak to how openly they are allowed to leave the Empire. I have my doubts about it and I also have doubts that the ISC will choose to antagonize the Empire and risk war by poaching its planets, he said.

@LouJoVi @Song @Nor'baal

Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

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Aug 1, 2021
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Once again Vaisra was doing his questions. Sibyl wondered if he was trying to see if joining the ISC would be something that would make his mother proud. If it goes wrong, she would probably punish him and end his allowance. Poor Jin, would need to stay away of his dog because mommy punished him.

Sibyl agreed with Nor’baal and Lon. “The Consortium will always welcome those that are interested in joining it. I’m not responsible for the military, but I believe that the ISC doesn't want to conquer the Five Syndicates’ territories. So far, all operations there have happened as the result of threats against planet members.

Due to this, I believe that the Consortium would only focus on the areas controlled by the Zaa Fen.” she was skeptical that all the leadership of the ISC would want to destroy the criminal organizations. After all, many of them probably had secret deals with them. This would be terrible for their business.

The Hutts and all the other Syndicates are acting peacefully. However, if they decided to do something radical like what happened at Mon Cala, the ISC will without doubt retaliate and defend its members.” Nor’baal would probably not like this idea so much, but he would be a fool if he wasn’t prepared for this outcome. After what she had saw today, Sibyl doubted that he was one.

@Phoenix @Nor'baal @Song

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

Character Profile
Jul 26, 2021
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Jin found their answers satisfying, if not overly general. He was tempted to see how many times he could get Sibyl or Lon Tendree to say ‘The Consortium will welcome anyone!’ before the morning was over. The Nemoidian was at least calm enough with it, but Sibyl’s face pinched tighter and tighter every time she had to do it herself. Clearly, the proceedings were wearing her down. He didn’t need the Force to know she was seething at every question he asked. Which was why he had to ask at least two more.

So, the Syndicates won’t be a problem, then. What about the Core?” Jin tapped a finger on the bottom of his glass, very much aware of the surprise that crossed many of the senator's faces. “Because you’re not just expanding into the Rim, are you? Brentaal—” He gestured to Senator Lassiter, “—is in the Core. It’s one of the Core’s largest trade centers. Then there’s Corellia, a manufacturing powerhouse. You plan on persuading more to join. Does the Consortium have mechanisms to check corporate power to the tune of trillions of credits?

I’m sure the last thing the Rim worlds, or the rest of the Consortium, would want is the Core’s ‘corruption’ being reintroduced after they fought so hard to break free of it.

The implication was obvious. If Fondor were to join too, those three worlds alone had the economic output to essentially direct politics in the Consortium. At least in the Republic, they had to compete with Coruscant, Kuat and other major manufacturing worlds. ISC worlds by comparison were mostly small, thinly populated, and wielded not nearly enough crowns to outspend the larger corporations they were bringing in.

He was sure someone in the Consortium had thought of this. Or had they? It would be all too amusing to find out.

Of course, Jin knew he was shooting himself in the foot by saying this aloud. He stood to benefit from exploiting the Outer Rim. Everyone in this room did. The Senator of Corellia must have known this, because he shot Jin an annoyed look, as if to say, You just couldn’t keep that under the table, could you? And no, he couldn’t. Maybe it was because he had some sense of morality, or maybe it was because he enjoyed throwing curveballs at Sibyl just to see how she’d react. She was like Emil, in a way.

Just with better clothes. Better hair, too.

@Nor'baal @Phoenix @LouJoVi

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

Character Profile
Sep 2, 2021
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"I would agree with Senator Tendree. The ISC has a very open approach to worlds joining - from what I have seen it is done as a mutual agreement, to a partnership of equals. But the ISC does take a practical approach as well, one that places antagonism of the Empire, low on the list." he added, backing the Nemoidian up as best he could. Ultimately nothing the Hutt had said was wrong, for once he was actually telling the truth.

Even Nor'baal was quite unsure as to why.

"I think there are numerous benefits, as we have outlined, to worlds making the move to the ISC, and I would be happy to do what I can to assuage people of their planetary-specific doubts, and the finer details, separately. For now, however, I fear I risk retreating old ground." Nor'baal concluded, bringing his points to an end, and looking around the room for something to eat.

Lon Tendree

Governor, Cato Neimoidia

Character Profile
Oct 2, 2021
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Lon thought about what Jin was saying, and wondered why he was saying it. There was undoubtedly a hidden angle to this question, but as the Corellia Senator seemed to give away by his look, he wasn't sure what it was either. It was seemingly self-sabotage.

It's true that the Core worlds bring money, but that can be a benefit to the worlds already in the ISC as well. Money doesn't have to mean that other worlds are neglected, he said.

So you consider the Core worlds shouldn't be part of the ISC? he asked, turning the question around.

And does Fondor intend to join us in our exit from the Republic? he asked directly. He was already fairly sure that Corellia was in because... well, he had a feeling that they wanted that influence. Fondor was the still outstanding question in his mind.

@LouJoVi @Song @Nor'baal

Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

Character Profile
Aug 1, 2021
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Sibyl wondered if Jin got drunk before coming to this meeting. It was the only explanation for him to call the Core as corrupt. Perhaps Emil’s stupidity was contagious and Vaisra was starting to become dumb like him. Fondor really needed to defect, or the Prince’s brain would atrophy until it was the size of a nut, like the one of the Chancellor.

What Senator Tendree says is true. The money that Core Worlds can bring to the ISC would benefit its members.” if these Senators weren’t affected by the infectious stupid of the Chancellor, they would understand that using their economy they would be able to have influence over the desperate Outer Rim planets.

After Lon made his question directly at Jin, Sibyl smiled and turned to the Fondorian. “I’m curious about it, too. Senator Vaisra, do you plan to have Fondor join the ISC?” she wondered if after all this talk and benefits being show, the Prince would abandon his old and stupid dog to join them.

@Phoenix @Nor'baal @Song