Open Let Diplomacy Resume

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

Character Profile
Jul 26, 2021
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Jin quirked his lip. Nobody had given him a straight answer, but he’d expected as much. He simply enjoyed the sweet irony of it all. The Consortium had been built on the idea of breaking away from an over-reliance on the Core, from its corruption, and yet now they seemed desperate to welcome the very worlds they’d once vilified. At the end of the day, the Independent Systems would just be a newer New Republic, fat on wealth and corporate influence, just with twice the freedom for larger worlds to rule.

Not that Jin was so against it, and neither was anyone else.

Oh, no, Senator Tendree. I’m sure there are many in the Core who would love to join you. I was just curious if the Consortium had contingencies in place whenever that happens. Inheriting the Republic’s massive wealth does come with problems of its own.” Not nearly enough to dissuade them, though. “As for my decision, it’s too early to say. Fondor will certainly think on it. Queen Leyti remains loyal to the incumbent Chancellor, though with some convincing, perhaps her mind will change.

He eyed his empty glass of wine, as well as the representatives seated around him. Everyone looked as bored as he felt, and he figured the conference was nearing its end. The Senator of Quellor had managed to score an extra plate of oysters, the woman from Commenor had begun picking at her nails impatiently, and Duro seemed to be dozing, wiping a trail of drool from the side of his mouth. Most of them had already made their decisions the moment they'd walked through the doors.

Jin, on the other hand, would play the patience game.

Well.” He stood from his seat, catching the attention of the other senators. “This has been a very productive meeting, but I’m afraid I do have other business to attend to. Thank you, Senators.” The Senator of Corellia rose too, seeing his opening to escape. “I agree,” they said. “You have been lovely hosts, Senator Tendree and Governor Lassiter. Corellia will take into close account what’s been said today, and we should have an answer for the Consortium by next week.

Despite the dull tone of his voice, Jin knew the man had also already made his choice. There were too many benefits to joining the Consortium, and too many negatives in staying. In less than a week, a quarter of the Republic would be gone.

And Jin would be back on Fondor, celebrating.

@Nor'baal @Phoenix @LouJoVi