Ask Coruscant Formation

Lucien Sloan


Character Profile
Jun 10, 2020
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On Coruscant,there wasn't a shortage of people. Even with its diverse populace, the ecumonopolis didn't always have the type of employees that Lucien cared for. It was for that reason he had originally sought out the expertise of Doctor Morata. Now the Morganian stuntman was expecting guests to arrive at his ship, the Ventured. The comet class star yacht was parked on one of the upper level landing platforms used for larger ships.

Outside there were two crew members working on the exterior of the yacht and applying new coloring to the vessel. It was a recent purchase for the man but most of the crew transfered well over to his current ship. Their discretion and skill being well earned as well as compensated.

A cigar hung between two fingers in the same hand that also grasped a warm cup of ultra-spresso. The dark tabacoo taste went well with the dark brew. Lucien looked over his sunglasses from the bridge on the Ventured. "They should be here any minute now. Everything else looking good though?" He asked one of the bridge crew. "Yes, Mr Sloan." The man nodded a little "Suppose I'll smoke the rest of this outside." He turned and headed down the elevator and through the rest of the ship.

Over his burgandy button up shirt, he was clearly wearing a under-arm holster under his left armpit. In recent times he went through the process to get a licensed concealed carry a sidearm. He was still getting used to it. The man decided to stop by the luxury coffee machine and the server droid. It had the capability of taking some personal requests for the crew and some of the consistent guests. After the second cup the man knew he had better pace himself or else he would have to deal with a caffeine buzz during the business ahead.

@Ecclessey @Killa Ree @Mr. Teatime @christhebarker @Nefieslab



Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Lorcan wanted to leave Coruscant for a number of reasons but one of the most prominent was that he didn't want to have to look around and see the place he used to live and work. He wanted off planet because he knew he was going to end up doing what he had sworn to himself he wouldn't do and he was going to do it a lot.

Telling himself that he wouldn't kill anymore had been the right decision but... well there was just no way he was going to be able to keep that promise. Especially not when the Sith were properly on the war footing and they were attacking his friends and allies. He already planned to sign up with some volunteer forces.

But even that gave him time to kill and time to kill was time spent thinking.

Thinking about how he had chosen to give up on himself and ruin himself even more simply because it was easier. Time to think about how he was a failure twice over. And time to brood over that was something he didn't need in his life - so when Doc had reached out to him about working with her he had jumped at the chance.

She could point him at things and he'd make them dead so he didn't have to think about anything but his job.

Arriving at the yacht she had told him to meet at, he had his helmet under his left arm and a cigara in his right hand. Taking a pull as he stepped up the ramp onboard the ship, he took a look around the entrance area... and it was an entrance area since this was a yacht. He took a pull again.

he called out, "You already here?"

He hoped she was - he wasn't very good at playing nice with people while waiting around. Catching site of a well dressed man he shrugged and tapped some ash onto a side table.

"Nice ship."

@Ecclessey @Killa Ree @Mr. Teatime @christhebarker @Darasuum

Cyrus Anvari

Sith Order

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Mr. Teatime
Sep 12, 2020
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Interesting things were happening throughout the galaxy. Very interesting things. Among other things, Wolfgang had found himself invited to a little business meeting by Ilana Morata, a doctor he had previously met to deal with a poor, unfortunate young Hutt-side gangster who had "fallen down a flight of stairs". It had been quite tragic, but with the good doctor's help, he'd made a full recovery. Wholesomeness all around. Of course the gangster in question hadn't been seen on the streets of Nar Shaddaa for a while afterwards, but he was doing just fine, at least from Wolfgang's point of view.

Wolfgang had landed the Deliverance on a relatively nearby pad and made his way toward the designated meeting place. He was well dressed and well armed, his RSKF blaster pistol sitting in a cross draw holster on his belt while his more practical lightsaber was nestled on the inside his jacket attached to a mag clip. Couldn't go around spooking the locals too much, and other Sith had made enough of a mess on Coruscant lately. He'd rather avoid drawing undue attention, even to the point of narrowing his presence in the Force down to that of an ordinary person. Someone would have to be directly in front of him to sense the Dark side in him. One never knew when some annoyance might show up to interrupt his day.

As the young man approached the yacht, weighted wroshyr wood cane tip-tapping on the durasteel landing pad, he gave the ship a good once over. A relatively new acquisition, he guessed from the workers presently applying a new paintjob different from the last. No one would be foolish enough to rebrand a notorious ship they'd owned for a long while on Coruscant of all places. At least he hoped not if they were going to be a part of whatever business proposition this meeting was about. He lifted his cane up to mid grip and made his way up the ship's ramp and into the entrance area within, where two others seemed to already be waiting.

Wolfgang stopped briefly in the entrance-way, a small smile across his face, and bent at the waist to offer a shallow bow to the others.
"Good day, gentlemen," he offered by way of greeting before finding himself a place to sit of his own. From within his coat he retrieved an ashtray, cigarra, and wood cigarra holder in which to place it before lighting. He took a drag, exhaling the herby smoke to join the rest in the room. "I take it we are still waiting for the good doctor?" he asked, casually leaning back in his seat and gesturing vaguely with his cigarra wielding hand.

@Ecclessey @Killa Ree @Nefieslab @christhebarker @Darasuum

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
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A lady was never late, merely on a different time from these men.

Each and every person there wanted something from her. Be it power, money, or something else, she hardly cared... but they were all coming. She herself had a role to play, one that stood out from the rest of the others. If this was to work, to pan out well enough, she had to run on a gamble, and she was not a gambling type usually.

But here they were, right on time. Which meant they were already late.

Long white hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. A dark charcoal suit jacket, neatly pressed, accented the paleness of her skin, while a dress of dark red silk wrapped around her. Professional, crisp lines, in fact, was the style of the day, and she would be loathe to break that tradition.

However, she would not necessarily smoke at this time. Amber eyes tracked the ship coolly, black heels tapped delicately on the floor beneath. No drinks yet either, but her voice was a low rasp, calm, cool and without a trace of emotion present.

She had never felt more at ease.

"Thank you for coming. We will expect more company shortly, I presume. Thank you for hosting us," and she glanced over to Lucien, features as unreadable as marble.

This was a new chapter in her life, hopefully they would be worthy enough to be her allies in this most recent of the good Doctor's many endeavors.

@Nefieslab @Darasuum @Mr. Teatime @christhebarker @Ecclessey



Character Profile
Jul 30, 2020
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The droid boarded the vessel with its client, Doctor Morata. The blank expression on the shortened commando droid's head left a lot to be imagined since the droid was garbed in a plain grey synthetic cloak that intentionally complimented the woman's chosen attire. After some thought N4-X4 decided that there was a 3% decrease in law based obstacles provided they have some sort of uniformity. Law and order tended to also favor structure and believe the droid to be just a simple bodyguard rather than a war machine.

The ship had gone through an inspection from the droid. The structure of the vessel was safe, the crew adequate in terms of service. The droid found it peculiar that there was a garden of sorts onboard. N4-X4 returned to the room as the Doctor greeted the newest arrival and stayed at an appropriate distance. Outside, an ID-21 seeker droid kept an eye out for alerts on new arrivals before they approached the star yacht. Of the current guests it seemed most of them were of different backgrounds.

@Killa Ree @Nefieslab @Mr. Teatime @christhebarker @Ecclessey

Orrell Atlan


Character Profile
Jul 13, 2020
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Orrell was always one for being on time but the not very thing was in his control, he stepped out of Airspeeder, his droid assistant to far behind him. "I expected you to plan for air traffic so we wouldn't be late, S3 " he spoke to his droid in disappointed if not slightly annoyed tone.

"Master, I will endeavour to do be better"

"Good, now stay with the speeder." He spoke before trailing up the ramp of the ship, he hoped to own a yacht in the near future though he wouldn't personally choose something, he was a fan of the Nubian starship designs, they had elegance and grace to them.

He made his way to the entrance, he was
dressed in all black except for the dark beige waistcoat and white undershirt that was revealed in a v cut around his collar.

He saw the doctor and nodded towards her in greeting, she was now officially his boss thought he knew she purchased his business to get to him since it was nothing without him, this he believed afforded him some leeway. to the rest gathered he simply said "Evening." He didn't know they were nor did he care unless got in the way of his business.

@Nefieslab @Darasuum @Mr. Teatime @Ecclessey @Killa Ree



Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Leaning against the wall, Lorcan raised an eyebrow at the Doc and all the others who all showed up. There weren't as much of a ragtag group as he would have guessed... most of them were well-dressed.

Conmen or people with sticks up their asses so wide they'd be able to race speeders down there.

He took a drag of his cigara and just waited while everyone chin wagged for a bit until there was a bit of an awkward silence. They were probably waiting for someone else but if one more person gave a one word karking greeting he was going to just leave.

Exhaling the smoke, he looked around.

"So, who talks first?"
He rolled his eyes, gesturing to Doc, "You talk first? I talk first? Are we all done jerking each other off? Yeah?"

He exhaled the remainder of the smoke out through his nose.

"Because if we're just going to sit around in our suits feeling cocky about ourselves, I'm done with this shite already and you can call me when you actually want crap done."

@Killa Ree

Jahn Harlan


Character Profile
Mar 2, 2020
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"You do look like someone that knows how to jerk people off-"

Jahn Harlan smiled faintly as he walked into the room, his gaze largely ignoring the others in the room but seemingly inspecting the craftmanship and luxury of the interior. This place, the luxury at least, felt more like home than any place he'd been in in years. The Zeltron was thin and the bags on his eyes betrayed a history with spice addiction that his newly bought clothes, befitting a trendy Coreworlder, couldn't ever hope to hide. "I'm sorry if I'm late," he said to Doctor Morata, giving her a wider smile and a little nod.

It was a strange gathering of men around the doctor and judging from her looks he guessed not everyone was there strictly for business, but as a naturally strong empath he sensed the agitation of the human that spoke of jerking people off. He didn't say it in the way Jahn had, or others like him, meaning he prolly didn't really mean it and was simply agitated. "I had to jerk off an angry human," he looked at Lorcan (@Nefieslab) and the smile faded, "took longer than anticipated."

Hopefully having lightened up the room, Jahn took a seat and plugged his datapad into a nearby port without asking.

@Killa Ree @Nefieslab @Darasuum @Mr. Teatime @christhebarker


Cyrus Anvari

Sith Order

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 12, 2020
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The young man looked across the others as they arrived. The human and human-adjacent who had been here before himself were soon joined by the doctor herself and her droid bodyguard. It appeared an aged Clone Wars model, in... Some level of "repair", he wasn't an engineer. Another human soon joined them, fashions simple and modern and bearing an air of indifference. And oho, the first human had a smart mouth and the remnants of urges, an impatience that felt as if it could be exploited with the proper leverage. Then a Zeltron. Lovely, an empathic party animal. This one smelled sick, with bags under its eyes and what Wolfgang interpreted as a worn expression. What an absolute mishmash of disconnected rejects this grouping was. This could be fun. Or incredibly annoying. One of those two.

Wolfgang puffed briefly on his cigarra, choosing to ignore the mouthy human's useless commentary and grace the Good Doctor with his attention instead, golden eyes shifting to look at the pale-skinned woman. She was the reason he had come at all, frankly. The Dark Side burned in her, relatively untrained but certainly used. She also seemed to be competent, which was the important part.

"You are most welcome, Doctor," he intoned smoothly, offering a small but polite smile in her direction. "I look forward to a productive outcome."

@Killa Ree @Darasuum @Nefieslab @christhebarker @Ecclessey

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Ah, typical of Lorcan, straight to the point in a very colorful way. She supposed she ought to be surprised at his directness, but she wasn't. She'd spent enough around the former Ranger that she knew his specialty wasn't patience or delicacy. A small scar on her stomach proved that fact, as well as one on his throat. Some people never changed. Instead she shot him a glance... but the faintest ticking of a grin touched her lips.

Lucien would perhaps speak up soon, ever the pleasant host, but she wasn't here for pleasantries.

"Yes, indeed... if we're all done with pleasantries..."
she spoke up, striding over to the luxurious seating afforded to them, taking to selection an armchair.

"There is no secrets as to why I have asked you to come," she stated blandly. "Some of you, I have already discussed terms and outlined necessary requirements. Some of you I have selected for your strengths..." her gaze panned over Lucien, Jahn, Lorcan and Naxa, "and some... because word of mouth seemed true to reputation, and I am here to see if you live up to it." Here, she glanced shrewdly at Orrell and Cyrus.

Time to cut to the chase.

"I've worked for years as a physician; some of you have been treated by me." A pause... here she definitely glanced at Lorcan, then Lucien. "And there is a niche in the galaxy that remains to be filled. With circumstances as they are between the virus, and mismanagement by certain organizations, I'm here to fill it."

She leaned forward to set down a holodisplay, then tapped on a datapad. Instantly, it flared to life, showing a perfect rendition of Nar Shaddaa, and beside it Coruscant and their various layers.
"Medical supplies, as well as research companies, have failed to step up to meet demand for such planets as these; and if they are, their market prices are inflated to degrees insensible, and often with faulty or defunct supplies. All of whom have been funded by the Hutts or other 'research' shadow companies."

The display switched to another demonstration, this one of Terminus.
"A former Separatist outpost is supposed to contain valuable information about Hutt affiliation on multiple levels... help me obtain this information and find an ideal location to begin a brand of our own, and each of you will be rewarded beyond your wildest imaginings."

A simple, vague notion; but if they had further questions, they were welcome to ask them.
"MorataCorp is the name; medical research, development and supply is our main focus. However... I am not disagreeable to alternative suggestions, should you have them."

She eyed each of them, before shutting off the display and leaning back, fingers laced around one crossed knee.

The cards were on the table; now to see if the lure of credits and a future stable position would be enough to get them to begin.
"Any questions?"

@Nefieslab @Darasuum @Mr. Teatime @Ecclessey @christhebarker

Lucien Sloan


Character Profile
Jun 10, 2020
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Thin smoke trailed up into the ceiling of the yacht. Since guests had evidently arrived he decided he would simply remain aboard and get a second cup of caf. "Indeed." He replied simply to the ex-ranger's remark about the Venture. The arrival of the Firrerreon earned a polite nod from the Morganian. As if summoned by the man's inquiry, the Doctor appeared.

Lucien was not surprised by Lorcan's outburst though he did cock an eyebrow and take another long drag on his cigara. With the meeting comencing all the same, he gave the Doctor his attention while she spoke. By the end, the man's expression showed a pleased grin.

"You have my support" Lucien wasn't even sure if that needed to be stated outloud given this was his ship. The Doctor had his support even before she had known she had it. It had been because of the spark of ambition he had seen in her that he had hired her to care for his injuries. She intrigued him and the best way to observe her was in close proximity. He looked around at everyone to see if he had a good judge of them all so far. Maybe the question should be who's not interested? Setting the cup he held aside, the actor sat calmly with both hand steepled in front of him.

@Killa Ree @Mr. Teatime @Ecclessey @Nefieslab @christhebarker



Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Lorcan made an air kiss at the alien that mocked him because at least being mocked was more of a step forward than just exchanging pleasantries. He listened as Doc outlined her plan as he just stood there puffing away on his cigara. Tapping some ash onto the carpeting again, he eyed the woman for a moment. She was different to when he had first met her but that was true for himself as well he supposed. But one thing that still bugged him was her use of the Force.

She was one of those scum-sucking shite-stain Force Users and that was still something of a sticking point.

"Got one thing."
he announced bluntly, "You go full, 'yellow eyes, red blade' and I'll kill you. Friend, employer or otherwise."

It wasn't really a condition so much as a fair warning.

If he saw her leaning too far down that road, going too far into becoming that kind of creature, then he was going to do everything he could to kill her because that's just what he did. He loathed that kind of creature more than anything in the rest of the Galaxy and even Doc being who she was wouldn't be enough for him to ignore that.

"But other than that? I'm already in."
he agreed with another pull on his cigara, "The sooner we get to work, the better."

He didn't like cooling his jets after all.

@Killa Ree @Mr. Teatime @Ecclessey @christhebarker @Darasuum

Cyrus Anvari

Sith Order

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Sep 12, 2020
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It did seem like the Doctor had a well thought out idea, if not so much a concrete plan. Or at least not that she was saying out loud. But Wolfgang could extrapolate with the information he was given just fine. From what he could gather, the plan was a good one. Doubtless the Doctor knew her business would face opposition and suppression on multiple levels from those who would not take kindly to competition. These elements would need to be removed as obstacles, one way or another.

On the other hand, the Doctor's promises were vague. Wolfgang could imagine quite a lot of wealth and reward, greedy soul that he was. But most business proposals tended to be vague before they had yet to truly go anywhere. Wolfgang would eventually collect his due and, if things worked out, would be able to leverage what he gained for further advantage. He lost little by participating, so why not? It would prove entertaining if nothing else. Honestly the fact that Lorcan seemed to hate Sith made the whole thing even funnier, considering.

The Sith exhaled another cloud of smoke and neatly tapped the ash end of his cigarra into the tray, leaning forward slightly.
"You will have my assistance, Doctor. Information on Hutt affiliations is something in which I also have interest, anyway." It wasn't exactly a huge secret that Wolfgang had little love for the Hutts as both a species and grouping of criminal gangs. Just that information would be valuable, though he would of course also take payment.

@Killa Ree @Darasuum @Nefieslab @christhebarker @Ecclessey



Character Profile
Jul 30, 2020
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The black clad commando droid watched silently and emotionless. As far as N4-X4 was concerned it did not need to speak up when it came time to state their interest. The Doctor was already his client and had earned his loyalty. Nothing had changed. The new information solidified some analytics the droid had for the Arkanian woman. But they just confirmed she was a logical and forward thinking. It increased the likelihood of Naxa being under the woman's employ since she had a long term plan that sounded to match up with the droids programming.

Hearing the warning from the ruder of the carbon based life forms occurred 0.47 seconds prior to N4-X4's right photoreceptor flickering for approximately 0.029 seconds. Despite the words that were by definition a threat to the Doctor, it was clear the man did not mean her any outright harm now.

+There is a forty seven percent chance he will take hostile action against the the medical specialist. Of that forty seven percent chance approximately twelve percent will have lethal intent. I'll inform the Doctor later so she can decide.+ The droid proceeded to predict the fraction of a chance where the man would actually be successful. N4-X4 knew its programming had been altered or adapted over time with more strategic knowledge. But it was hired as a simple bodyguard for now and not as a tactical droid.

@Killa Ree @Nefieslab @Mr. Teatime @christhebarker @Ecclessey

Orrell Atlan


Character Profile
Jul 13, 2020
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Orrell rolled his eyes at the loudmouth human, it was clear to him the man lacked patience or tact. so clearly not a businesses man with the helmet under his arm, a pilot or a soldier of some kind? would explain his attitude. The Zeltron was clearly a drug addict and a joker at that, he was beginning to question Morata's choice of prospective employees.

Though he had to admit here sales pitch wasn't a bad one, though he knew it wasn't for him he was already apart of this, for better or worse, which one it would be he wasn't sure yet.

his drag back to the loudmouth, what he said didn't make much sense to Atlan but he seemed to be referencing something in the threat, something he needed to ask the man about in future.

Ah the droid, the only thing he truly trusted in this den of vipers. it was here to fulfil a job, to follow it's programming, something that it can't override, that it made already worth more than any person standing here since you can't put a price on reliability.

"we've already come to an arrangement privately and I don't think I can help with your Hutt problem. So is there a reason I'm here, doctor? other than to socialise with these..." he paused for a second to the find a word that come off as contemptuous "gentlemen"

@Nefieslab @Darasuum @Mr. Teatime @Ecclessey @Killa Ree

Jahn Harlan


Character Profile
Mar 2, 2020
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It wasn't long after Jahn had sat down, plugged in his datapd and started typing that the good doctor began her speech, but it wasn't until the former ranger replied that Jahn gave any notion that he was listening. For a second he looked up from his datapad and cast his eyes towards the doctor in surprise. Yellow eyes and red blade, hm? Kriff, that's not the stuff he wanted to get involved in.. not the stuff that ensured him a steady supply of spice either. If she ever did show she had the Force and couldn't control it.. Jahn would find his way back to the nearest lower level spice den in the fasted way possible. Probably doing some damage to Morata Corp as a parting gift.

Still, the ship's systems didn't seem to identify his datapad as a foreign threat so Jahn went to work. If the ship was infected with that dataplague he heard the Sector Rangers use his own datapad would've been infected immediately, thus showing the doctor that Lucien wasn't to be trusted. Running some anti-malware programs he hoped to find any spying software onboard. The doctor paid him for his slicing skills, so least he could do was make sure she was protected from whatever this ship or its owner had been involved in.


Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Not everyone was here, but that was workable. However, Lorcan's words caused her to smile briefly; amber eyes warmed ever so slightly, and she nodded once. "Of course. And if you ever once see any of that effect in me... I know you will do the right thing. For this company." An assurance and an agreement; no violence, no bloodshed unless it was absolutely required. This was a business, after all, not a slaughterhouse. And in business, there had to be certain... sacrifices. Primarily of eradicating the greatest threat to her current industry, and a blight on the galaxy.

For a moment, she wished Corran were here to approve of this. Later, later. I will give him their territories on a silver platter.

She glanced at Jahn... and ever so slightly, when they would meet eyes, she shook her head imperceptibly. Not yet, it indicated, a silent message between the two of them. Before handing each of them a datastick.

"A payment in advance. Consider it a small thank you for gathering in such short notice."

And to Atlan, she stared right at him coolly, regarding with cold amber eyes once more.

"A member of the board should surely attend a meeting that initiates the first forward step of their corporation, don't you think?"

She then rose, and lifted her drink with her good arm. The other was still wrapped and suspended; she had not even taken time to recover yet. Not that any would ever know the full scope of her wounds. None of them ever would... except Naxa.

"If we are agreed... we will begin shortly. If you have any questions or concerns, you know how to reach me."
And she then toasted to Lucien, a slight smile to her lips. "Here's to many more ventures... and to a step in ambition."

For some of them, she would talk later. But now was the time to celebrate, if they wanted, to drink and gain some proper entertainment. But now was just the beginning to a long, long line of things to do. So much to do, so little time.

@Darasuum @Nefieslab @christhebarker @Eccles @Mr. Teatime



Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Lorcan grinned at those of the group who gave him some backchat if only because that meant that they weren’t going to be boring arseholes. There were arseholes in every room but nothing said that you needed to be boring about it – that was just so incredibly played out. It was far better to at least have the guts to be open about it. Of course the Doc was talking again so he focused his attention on her instead for a moment.

She was an arsehole too but he kind of liked her – her kind of arsehole mixed well with his own level of terrible. Doc said she would let him kill any Sith that joined her company including herself. He would have to call bullshit on that, of course, but he didn’t really mind. It wasn’t said with the intent of having her support the action – her compliance was not a factor.

So he just nodded.

The others all had their own agreements and he just tuned them out because, frankly, he didn’t much care what had brought them into the company and he knew that his own actions on behalf of the company would likely mean his path wouldn’t intersect with many of theirs. That was a shame in some cases but in other cases he wasn’t at all concerned. He was a little bit upset he wasn’t likely to get to work with the droid.

He always loved those droids in history class.

“Next time I think it needs more booze.”
He admitted during the ‘toast’, “Hell, this time needs more booze. Does anyone have any? My flask is dry.”

Which was a terrifying thing really.