Ask Coruscant And Justice For All



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Feb 24, 2020
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Alright time to get some violence going on then.

As the two corrupt cops decided they were better off shooting first rather than asking questions, Lorcan decided it would be better if he charged straight in there. He had very little in the way of qualms about killing corrupt cops and they had just ruined their chances of getting away with just jail time.

Rushing forwards, he drew his vibroknife as he charged forward, tackling one of the cops to the ground. In terms of wrestling he was always going to win because he had the element of surprise, he was on top and, most crucially, he had thrust his knife directly into the man's throat.

Tearing it out, he threw it at the remaining cop, the blade landing in the flesh of their leg and sending them, cursing, down to the ground. Lorcan stood up as they rolled around in pain before slowly, deliberately, changing his pistol's setting from stun to lethal. He leveled it and fired once, executing the downed cop without a second thought. He pointed his blaster at the CEO, not bothering to change the setting, as he tossed a pair of cuffs down to him.

At the same time he pulled out a small recording device.

"Cuff yourself and confess, now."
he told the CEO bluntly, "I'm not in the mood to play games."


Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Her gut felt like it was on fire.

Slowly, she rolled onto her knees. Every move, every breath was a pulse of fire, of pain, and she gritted her teeth, slowly getting back upright.

When she looked at the CEO, her eyes burned a brilliant gold. Her pale face felt cold, bloodless, and when the man glanced back between the two of them, he glanced at her.

And visibly flinched back in shock.

Rage trembled to the surface, pulsed beneath her skin like a living thing. The Darkness touched on her senses, and she gazed down at her prey while he trembled, stunned at the sight of all four bodies around him. He wasn't a soldier, he was just a businessman, and as she stared down at the pathetic waste of space she could see him exactly as he was: worm food, just waiting to get cold.

His hands started shaking as he stared between the crazy Ranger with a gun and the woman with the freaky eyes; for some reason staring at her felt like he could see his death, and a nervous sweat ran down his back just looking at her. At least with the gun it would be painless.

"Talk," she hissed between her teeth, jaw tight with barely-restrained rage.

"I'll talk, I'll talk!" he managed to squeak out when she stepped forward, backpedaling into a wall. "Just don't hurt me, please, I--"





Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Getting the confession from the guy was fairly easy between the gun, the cuffs and the woman who looked like she had stepped out of the recruitment posters that warned about Sith. She was pale, she was covered in blood (most of it her's though) and her eyes were glowing yellow with hate and other Force-stuff.

He didn't really care though because the CEO spilled his guts out on record, admitting to everything before Lorcan stunned the man. Grabbing the unconscious CEO, he threw him into the trunk of the speeder that the CEO had been meaning to escape in with the bodyguards.

Looting the keys from the dead bodyguards, he tossed the keys to a second speeder also waiting in the vehicle bay to Doc. It was originally for the CFO but he wasn't in this part of the building so he wasn't going to be using them.

"Head to the doctor's surgery we originally met in and the doc there will treat your wounds."
he told her with a small frown, "It wasn't supposed to go this way but... you did more than I asked so your credits will be wired over and I'll cover the med-bills as well."

Lorcan stood in front of Doc for a moment before holding out his hand for her to shake.

"You're free to go as far as I'm concerned and this guy will make sure to have selective amnesia about you as well I'm sure."

He'd make sure of it.


Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
It was over.

Wait... it was over? That was it?

She sagged over to the nearest vehicle when the CEO basically fell to pieces explaining everything, only half-way listening. In the end, it hardly mattered anyways. Numbly, she caught the keys in one gloved hand, eyeing them. At his statement of paying for her bills, she raised her brows subtly; he was suddenly playing nice. Nice didn't play in the galaxy, at least not in her experience. She took his offered hand... then gazed up at where his eyes must have been through the helmet, amber eyes calm. The anger cooled down, eyes were once again their odd hue.

"Much appreciated," she rasped, nodding once. But a thought bothered at the back of her skull; she was fairly certain half the kriff they had been up to was highly illegal; it would land him in very hot water. And for some reason, her standards wouldn't permit that. So she shook his hand once.

"Will you be all right?"
White-haired head tilted slightly, releasing his hand. She figured so, he seemed a big tough guy, but one thing you learned early on, assumptions about anything spelled you for dead quicker than any blaster bolt. Still, if he said he was, well... then there was nothing else for her to do apart from melt back into the routine of her daily life.

Sounded boring, to be frank.




Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Would he be alright?

That was a question he had been asking himself over the last few weeks and he had yet to actually have an answer that didn't feel like he was cheating himself. Reaching up, he pressed the release buttons placed around his helmet before removing it. Tossing it into the speeder he was going to be taking, the Ranger sat down on the trunk of the speeder. It dipped slightly but supported his weight as he smiled a little bit.

It was clear by the dark rings under his eyes that Lorcan hadn't slept well in a long time. Even his smile was lazily tired, as though he had been expending great effort for so long that he could barely remember what he was supposed to be doing with his face. Usually he would have been frowning but as any happy-go-lucky type would tell you, that actually took more effort than a tired half-smile.

"Probably not."
he admitted with a little chuckle, "But my issues need seeing to by a different type of Doc I reckon."

So much killing... sure it had all served a purpose but now that he was allowed to think that it was over? He felt like a puppet with his strings cut or a burn victim with his pain meds cut. Now that the adrenaline and righteous fury was allowed to mellow out he could feel it all. He could feel the deaths he had caused without a second thought and it was not something he could deal with alone he knew, no matter what all the action holofilms said.

Killing people changed a part of your mind, bit by bit, until the act barely seemed horrifying anymore and he could feel himself approaching that point.

"Name's Lorcan."
he told her as he moved around to get into the speeder, "Get that looked at - I don't want another dead person on my conscience."

With that said he gunned the speeder, using the access codes already logged into it to open the gates and escape before any of the security could decide to scan him too closely to see if he had the CEO in the speeder or not. Though that might not have been an issue considering he technically did have the CEO in the speeder.

/End Thread
