Recent content by Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

  1. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Business is Booming

    ____________ There were always so many things to do in the GA. Recently Vesper had been preoccupied with helping her fellow Jedi, especially those recently brought into the Order, to find their way and to give them the stepping stones to start their training. Things had been...
  2. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    You've Taken Your First Step

    ____________ It was actually pretty impressive. Teran was taking to the lessons like a fish to water, quite like her when Vesper first started her Jedi training. Many things had always come easy to Vesper, especially when she applied herself and wanted to be good at something...
  3. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    You've Taken Your First Step

    ____________ You didn't hit it but it didn't hit you either. Which at the end of the day is all that really matters, hm? There were plenty of Jedi who died needlessly thinking that they needed to be a fancy pants and block or deflect every blaster bolt shot their way...
  4. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    You've Taken Your First Step

    ____________ Vesper couldn't help but let a wide smile spread across her face at Teran's reaction. Both because of how excited he was that he was successful and how relieved she was that her attempt at teaching actually yielded positive results. Sure, it wasn't exactly...
  5. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    You've Taken Your First Step

    ____________ No need to apologize Teran, Vesper said, her tone reassuring. All in all, the kid didn't really do anything intentionally offensive. Scolding him over something that truly was an accident seemed like a pointless self-esteem crusher as far as Vesper was...
  6. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm


    ____________ The force seemed to be looking out for her, it seemed. Vesper had been fully prepared to traverse the annals of the temple alone. In the back of her head she was actually kind of worried to do so; not because it was dangerous, but because she was unsure if...
  7. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    You've Taken Your First Step

    ____________ Well, that had gone a little different than expected. Vesper may have been a more experienced Jedi than Teran, but clearly that did not mean she was in full control of the force or the way it worked. She had felt their connection as well, though...
  8. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    You've Taken Your First Step

    ____________ Things were beginning to feel normal again for Vesper, finally finding a routine again and getting back into the swing of Jedi living. It was nice seeing faces she recognized after returning from her small hiatus of responsibility. It meant that her...
  9. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm


    ____________ Things hadn't been going particularly well lately for Vesper. She'd become somewhat disillusioned with the galaxy, watching the Sith and the Mandalorians simply take what they thought themselves owed without much of anyone being brave enough to stand in...
  10. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me

    ____________ The blaster shots were coming towards Vesper at a breakneck pace. Clearly this poacher didn't appreciate the Jedi presence in his camp and was attempting to kill Vesper as quickly as possible. Luckily, she was quick too, and brought her lightsaber up to deflect...
  11. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me

    ____________ Without missing a beat Vesper followed Arda's lead and entered the camp. It didn't take long for them to be met with suspicion, which was fine, suspicious people drew attention and that is exactly what they were attempting to do anyway. The swift conversation...
  12. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Getting Acquainted

    ____________ Vesper remained quiet as Crix told his story despite being somewhat surprised at its truth. She would have assumed that he'd murdered someone on accident or did something to piss of some crime boss that had a bounty on his head or something -...
  13. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Giants among men

    ____________ It had been quite a few years since Vesper had been back to her homeworld. She'd been back for nearly a day already but she still hadn't even come close to stepping foot back in her old neighborhood, or going near her old home where her father...
  14. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Nixing Nixor

    ____________ Needless to say, Vesper was highly impressed with the aptitude of her friends. She would have never thought of Alexander's solution to the rifleman, not to mention getting two birds with one stone and getting the rocket bros too. With a shrug of her shoulders...
  15. Vesper T'Rahmmmmmmmmmmm

    Put That Thing Back Where it Came From or So Help Me

    ____________ It was kind of weird. Vesper had been seeing a lot of Arda lately, very randomly. Though she supposed they were always doing something helpful when they were together, so maybe it was a good thing Vesper was seeing more of her. Luu she didn't know that well, but...