Independent Wulfrik Yage


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
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Wulfrik Yage

Wulfrik Yage was a male male Deucalian survivor who worked as a private investigator on Nar Shaddaa during the Force Eternal era. Born and raised on the Smuggler's Moon, he was once a member of the Nar Shaddaa's token police force, till his tendency to actually police his precinct lead to his his dishonorable discharge. He ultimately took up work as a private investigator, a drunk, washed up, shell of the man he once was. After Nar Shaddaa was devastated by the AMS virus he found himself in the odd situation of being responsible for a group of refugees on a distant space station and forced to pull himself out of the near decade long hangover he had tried drowning himself in.
Wulf was born on Nar Shaddaa, his parents being the last of their clan who had somehow ended up on the ecumenopolis moon in search of work. From a very early age Wulf showed a streak of decency that was at stark contrast with the surroundings he grew up in, a sense of honor and duty instilled in him by his parents. Unlike other children on Nar Shaddaa who wanted to be fixers or smugglers, Wulf wanted to be a detective and solve crimes. Also unlike most other children, who gave up their dreams of crime when they grew up to take on more mundane jobs and lived a simple live when they grew up, Wulf followed through on his dreams and joined what passed as the police force on Nar Shaddaa. He knew the force was a sham, little more than a front thrown up by the criminal rulers of the moon to keep the Galactic community at bay, but that did not dissuade him one bit.

But his refusal to bend to their will and tendency to do his job did not fly so well with the Hutts, and over the years all his efforts ran into brick walls. Every criminal he caught ended up back on the streets, every gang he busted got let off on some technicality, and even murderers he stopped simply returned the next day to finish the job. Ultimately, seeing that he refused to take a hint and simply continued doing his job, they planted evidence to have him dishonorably discharged from the force. Not only did they take away his job, they framed him as a corrupt cop, painting him as just another shill in the pockets of the Hutts who had been hiding behind a mask of decency. It had taken years, but the system had finally broken him. He took on a job as a private investigator, not because the job still gave him any sense of joy, but because it was the only thing he knew. From catching criminals he went to finding lost cats or trailing cheating husbands. That changed when the AMS virus struck, and things got so bad that the only way to survive was to evacuate the pilot. But as no planet was willing to accept refugees from Nar Shaddaa, the group that Wulf tagged along with ended up on a semi-operations, long abandoned space station. Suddenly inundated with requests from the other refugees, Wulfrik must now work to find the man he once was, a man who might be gone forever.

Personality & Traits
Wulf once strongly believed in justice. Solving puzzles, catching criminals, nothing excited him more than the thrill of the chase. But after he was tossed out of the service that part of him has either vanished or has been buried so deep as to be rarely, if ever, seen. What was left was a drunk, depressed man, simply existing from day to day.
Powers & Abilities
Despite his disillusionment, the knack for seeing things and solving crime still remains. He is a good shot and a competent fighter, having had to learn to do both in order to survive on the Smuggler Moon.

DE-10 Blaster Pistol

Stats — 31yrs, 1.85m, Force sensitive


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