Ask Tatooine What's Lost Can Be Found

Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
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Lizard. Chysim would have to give Brogroo an E out of ten for "Effort". Chysim didn't mind the name calling, Chysim did it all the time, but "Lizard" was so commonly used and the "Lizard" thought Brogroo was a little more creative than that. For someone who acted like he was above everyone else, he was just like everyone else.

"I've got my own speeder, but the guy that's runnin' my dockin' bay's got five of 'em Zeyphyr Swoops we can use. He jus' one of 'em ol' Quarren folk and he won't mind us borrowin' 'em. Perks to respect, my horned lil Datho. Free speeders, heheh." Chysim led the way to docking bay 42 where he parked his black U-wing.

The Quarren mechanic Chysim spoke of was tuning up the very bikes the old cowboy spoke of. Chysim greeted the Quarren with a bro hug and they spoke for minute or two, lauging at some witty remarks and then finally Chysim waved for the others to pick their ride so they could get out of there. Chysim was riding his own T-80 Joben speeder bike that mimiced his U-wing in color.

Once the four of them got outside, Chysim started his engines and put on a pair of goggles and pulled up his handkerchief over his mouth and nose. He had grabbed a big flat brimmed buckaroo hat from his ship which added to the cowboy vibes even more. Then the Trandoshan took off, waving for the others to follow him to Old Ben's hut.

@Scoobert @Fine Dining Set @Darasuum

Xolani Mai


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Oct 17, 2021
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Xolani now had the dubious honor of uncovering Maul's saber. He followed the rat pack as he thought about next steps. He could take a speeder and leave, forget about this whole endeavor to Tatooine, but what this crew lacked in tact they seemed to make up in confidence. Here, Chysim knew exactly how to get to their target location and was quickly able to procure transport to said location. Things were lining up - it was fate.

Maybe. For now, Xolani was left to follow the crew's lead, only shaking his head as he hopped aboard the swoop. Brogroo seemed indifferent to, even frustrated with, any chance at small talk. Not unlike some of the elder master's in his own order. A foolish glimmer of hope bubbled within him - that this was some deep undercover mission from the Order to recover a strange and powerful artifact. That these violent tomb raiders were just putting on an act to dissuade passersby from interfering.

It was a short lived fantasy. Xolani boarded the Swoop, a familiar sight from his own days on Savareen, and revved it to life. A smile rose to his face as the bike responded to his call, letting out a mighty roar. These things were quick, these "engines with a seat." He was excited to open it up on even terrain.

@Scoobert @Charles @Darasuum

Wiley Winnz

Imperial Knight-Captain

Character Profile
Dec 5, 2020
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The Sith Champion rolled his wiry neck to crack a few joints as they walked. Occasionally giving a statisfying 'ooh' before moving into stretching his arms. Occasionally he would see a ship passing overhead and watch it to make out the make and model as well as any other details. This also happened with some speeders as Wiley thought about transport. But Chysim thankfully had a hookup with some bikes.

While Chysim and his Quarren buddy were busy having their bromance, Wiley took the time to de-limit the turbines of his borrowed Zephyr-G. This reduce its one hundred foot altitude capability by eight meters which was a relatively small margin. But that was worth it for the top speed of the bike from being three hundred and fifty kilometers per hour to more than doubling it to seven hundred and fifty. Even the Trandoshan's sweet looking bike would be outpaced now that the Sith had removed his own factory set limitations. Nobody else needed to know that though unless it came to it. Wiley liked to keep his cards close to the vest or in this case a brightly fluttering T-shirt. At least he could make sure that he didn't get a face full of kicked up dust as he more or less matched Chysim's speed.

@Fine Dining Set @Scoobert @Charles

Darth Draugr

Sith Order
First Blade

Character Profile
Mar 29, 2021
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Finally. It took these two strangers long enough to agree to the terms. Xeno had learned patience, but it was growing mighty thin with the two individuals here for the search of opportunity. The group made their way out as the lizard began to speak. Said, he had a contact that could get the group some free speeders. Pretty handy. Perhaps keeping the Trandoshan in contact would be beneficial to the Sith Empire. Even if he doesn't know what he's benefitting.

"Good work. Let us ride out. I want to see this Ben Kenobi place you spoke of. Might have something worth while there."

The Dathomiri had stepped one leg over his speeder as he would sit on the seat and relax for a moment as he pulled his cloth around his neck up, to cover his nose and mouth. Then pulling out shaded goggles to keep the sun out of his eyes, and placing them over his eyes. He was ready to ride now. He would look around to confirm everyone was ready to go, and then would continue to say,

"Lead the way my Reptilian acquaintance."

Xeno would then grasp the handles as he turned the speeder on and rode out following the over grown lizard. It was time to find where this place was. A brother of Obi-Wan? An alias? Who knows. Only time will tell.

@Charles @Fine Dining Set @Darasuum

Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
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As the four stooges set off into the blistering heat of the desolate sand world, Chysim got the feeling that the sand was picking up a little easier than usual and drifted to left, which was a little strange. It wasn't obvious if there was a breeze blowing because of how fast they traveled, but the dirt and rocks that were being picked up were flying behind him like skipping stones across a pond. The trandoshan slowed his speeder down to an eventual halt. There was a breeze going.

Chysim could still see the plateau they needed to get to, that was still a long ways away, but when he looked over at the horizon...well, there wasn't much of a horizon. A humungous brown cloud of dust and dirt was blocking where the twin suns would be. The old cowboy sighed and muttered something under his breath about preferring a fire fight with sand people.

" plan. We've got to beat the storm- worst case scenario, you die. But who knows? Maybe you won't!" Chysim chuckled before speeding off towards the plateau, wearily glancing at the storm from time to time. There was a fifty-fifty chance the sandstorm actually caught up with them, in that case Chysim would have the squad use their speeders as cover while the curled up behind them.

This ain't my first rodeo- and it sure as hell won't be my last!

@Scoobert @Fine Dining Set @Darasuum

Wiley Winnz

Imperial Knight-Captain

Character Profile
Dec 5, 2020
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Who didn't know about the famed jedi general Obiwan Kenobi? Plenty of people did when it came to the Clone Wars. Publicly a guardian of peace from an era long ago. That was all it meant to the Dark Side Champion. As his speeder roved over the sands and hot dirt of the Tatooine desert he wondered if there were other details he should know. Darth Draugr might not share that information in the current situation. Even if the tattooed zabrak did, they would probably find out soon enough what awaited them.

When Chysim's bike slowed, Wiley eased onto the brakes and decelerated. The wall of dust and sand reaching into the atmosphere was moving towards them. The force of nature had enough speed that even at a distance Wiley's keen eyes could tell it would reach them before they arrived at their destination if they didn't have bikes.

"Last one there is a stinky mudhorn" He said and the bike howled and he came once again, alongside Chysim. The Champion wanted all of them to push their bikes to their highest speed. Only Wiley knew he could outpace all of them and leave them behind. However he had very little in the way of idea where they were precisely going.

@Fine Dining Set @Scoobert @Charles

Xolani Mai


Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Oct 17, 2021
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Xolani felt little fear as the sandstorm approached. Their bikes were quick, and more importantly, they had the power of the Force at their sides. Armed with faith in it, no weapon, manmade or natural, could conquer them. So, Xolani slowed his bike alongside the group as they observed the oncoming sandstorm rather lazily.

"Let's see what these bikes can really do, yeah?" He roared his speeder to life behind Wiley once more. This was a rare opportunity, to see the resting place of a powerful Force artifact. As they raced against the storm, this thought began to settle in Xolani and unravel. Was this destiny, to find the sabers of a Sith Lord? Was this sandstorm a warning from the living Force itself, a final opportunity for Xolani to abandon his quest with the group before worse would happen?

As doubt settled into his stomach, he looked through the endless desert for answers. Perhaps the home of Kenobi would have some; an opportunity to study. Or perhaps, he had bitten off more than he could chew.

@Charles @Scoobert @Darasuum

Darth Draugr

Sith Order
First Blade

Character Profile
Mar 29, 2021
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As the group had been speeding off through the sands, they had noticed the sand storm coming in. It was not going to be a smooth one whatsoever, but of course they needed a plan in case they can't beat it. Draugr stopped his speeder next to the lizard man as he stopped. Seemed he wasn't sure of how to get through for a second then he spoke his 'new plan' to the rest of the group which was basically, 'You might die' and then sped off towards the plateau.


Draugr let out a sigh, and then continued towards the plateau with the group. He could use the force to create a barrier for them to be fine and make it through the sand storm unscathed but then they would know he was a force user. It was not ideal to let out a secret like that for so little. Besides, why should he waste his energy on a lizard and stranger? Draugr decided he would just ride with the group and make it to the plateau without causing more issues.

@Charles @Fine Dining Set @Darasuum

Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
Reaction score
"OOOoohh boy, this is gonna be cloooose..." Muttered the lizard as the storm was getting closer and closer only maybe two miles away. The plateau was slightly closer however, so maybe, just maybe, they could beat the storm. Now they were driving up the slope of the plateau, which was getting steeper and steeper by the second.

"ALRIGHT." Chysim had to bellow as the storm was howling louder than some of the speeder bikes. "WHEN I SAY BRAKE. YOU ALL SURE AS HELL WILL BRAKE." They were now driving up a 45 degree angle towards what looked like the top to a stereotypical spherical hut that looked like all the other architecture on Tatooine. Chysim needed to make sure they braked so they didn't fly straight up into the sky and have to over correct to get to the hut. That's when the storm would catch them.

"BRAAAAAKE." Yelled the cowboy as he slammed on the brakes just a few yards before the edge of the plateau, and as he expected, he didn't fly off into the sky and skidded his speeder bike to halt, just barely in front of the hut. "ALRIGHT, BUDDIES. GET INSIDE." The Trandoshan huddled inside the hut, with storm right behind the group.

@Scoobert @Fine Dining Set @Darasuum

Wiley Winnz

Imperial Knight-Captain

Character Profile
Dec 5, 2020
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The perks of a standstorm was that the sun wouldn't be beating down on them soon. However they would risk getting taken for an entirely different kind of ride halfway across Tatooine. Following the Trandoshan guide, the Sith Champion was able to keep his balance and handed the bike like a professional. The front steering vanes pulled to the side allowing Wiley's repulsor engines to slide his bike beside Chysim. Grains of sand were already flying and pinging off of his sunglasses while winds caused his brightly colored button up to flap. "Blasted sand! Already in all the wrong crannies" He muttered as he adjusted his pants after riding.

Making his way inside without delay, Wiley knew this was unfamiliar territory and kept on his guard. Despite his casual appearance and jesting nature, the man was all too aware he wasn't an apex predator. To think otherwise would be ignorant and dangerous. Walking through the front foyer of the humble home he tensed as he saw an armored figure on the far side of the room. They had been completely silent and in the dark. A black T visor stared back and Wiley instinctually went for his lightsaber. But it wasn't on his hip so instead he tried to draw his blackwell made heavy blaster pistol.

The palm of Wiley's hand had the weapon half way out of his holster before Wiley realized that the suit of Mandalorian armor was uninhabited and relaxed a bit. He continued to draw his blaster pistol but with less urgency now that there wasn't a perceivable threat and also to not appear the jumpy type. Dull metal with red paint markings as well as metallic curved spikes on the crown of the helm lead him to believe it belonged to the person who had lived here. "Was Maul a Mandalorian?" He said and cocked his head to the side. Maybe he killed one and kept a suit as a trophy. Well it was Wiley's now.

@Fine Dining Set @Scoobert @Charles

Darth Draugr

Sith Order
First Blade

Character Profile
Mar 29, 2021
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Riding his speeder, he could hear the Trandoshan speak, saying to brake when he said to. They knew the place more than Draugr so of course, he would oblige to keep from losing any lives or speeders. The signal was given as the group rode up the cliff, and as Draugr grabbed the brake and squeezed he would pull it to the side and skirt into position next to the rest of the group.

"Inside we go."

The Sith Lord would enter the home, and look around. It seemed Wiley had found a set of Mandalorian armor in the room. It was definitely made in the image of Maul but he was not a Mandalorian himself.

"To an extent. He had beat Pri Vizla in combat for the title of the Mand'a'lor. He lead all of Mandalore as it's ruler, and they showed him respect by making their armor in the image of himself. He wielded the dark saber, but it was lost to the Republic, turned Empire after he was captured by Ahsoka Tano and the Clones with her. He escaped but searched for an apprentice through the galaxy."

The history of the Sith Lord turned rogue was such an amazing story and after the research Draugr wanted to be better than Maul, and never make a mistake he did. Such as losing a title of superiority, or the ability to have children, or die at the hands of a Jedi. Those were only a few mistakes he made, though it is not always easy to do such things. So moving forward the Zabrak would look for any sign of the lost saber(s) of Maul.

@Charles @Fine Dining Set @Darasuum

Wiley Winnz

Imperial Knight-Captain

Character Profile
Dec 5, 2020
Reaction score
Wiley listened to what the Sith Lord had to say. The Champion would have to look into the specifics later but the cliff notes that Darth Draugr gave him were inlightening to say the least. Wiley gave an impressed expression and looked over the armor with some renewed respect for Darth Maul. "I think I'll keep this then." He would take the helmet off and examine its interior. No, there weren't actual spots for horn inside. The wrist flame projector was of little use without any fuel and not much for Wiley's tastes anyways. "Might come in handy." He mused to himself in the presence of others.

@Fine Dining Set @Scoobert @Charles

Chysim Reech

Bounty Hunter

Character Profile
May 24, 2021
Reaction score
Chysim took a seat and watched as the other two got themselves comfortable.

"Ain't nothin' my claws can't get past. Last Mando I came across lost both of 'em arms. It was like snappin' a toothpick, heheh..." Chysim chuckled as he watched Brogroo's strange friend call dibs over the Mandalorian suit of armor that looked incredibly old and disgusting. Even if that weirdo got it cleaned up, it still probably would've just been better to melt it down and make a new suit entirely.

The last time Chysim was here, he was just resting for the night and nothing seemed to have been moved around since his last stay. The fact of the matter was that he did know where one of the lightsabers were- but it wasn't the one the Trandoshan's new pals were after. It didn't work either for some reason. Like it was out of batteries, but Chysim was too bored to go look for wherever Old Ben hid them. The Bounty Hunter knew what Kyber crystals were and what kind of potential power they possessed, so he wouldn't have been surprised if Old Ben had hidden the crystal somewhere, too.

The lightsaber Chysim knew of was in a compartment beneath where he sat- which was partially why he sat where he did.

"Did you find that saber yet? After the storm dies down, we should bounce. Sand People like this spot, too." Chysim mentioned, brandishing his DLT-20A, blowing sand and dust out of the chamber from the brewing storm he had just recently sheltered himself from. "I never really liked Sith much. Or Jedi. Why you so into that shit?" Chysim looked to Brogroo curiously.

@Darasuum @Scoobert @Fine Dining Set