Open [Teth] The Interesting Affair

Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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Note: Possibility for PvP is open in this, just getting back into this, so have some fun and try and not take it too seriously.

The Interesting Affair
The Mysterious order of B'omarr Monks have taken interest into the state of the galaxy. An Encoded Broadcast had been sent out across the galaxy, signaling for an auction of rare oddities and antiques found across the galaxy, mostly of useless trinkets and the promised of far fetched and mythological findings. These transmissions had been relayed across the galaxy and auctioneers from across the galaxy and factions have taken an interest. Are their deals worth fighting for? is this merely a trap to make the Jedi and Sith look bad? Only time could tell....
Beep-Do-Beep..Bo... The sound of Oren's astromech chirped across the comm's of the Jedi Master's X-wing as the dropped out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of the jungle world of Teth. The sky was thick with a purple haze and dense mountainous jungles seemed to stretch out like an endless sea from the view of his viewport. "You have more enthusiasm than I do for this little auction, but I suppose it would negligent for us not to check it out."

Oren had little hope for finding much of interest within the fabled B'omarr monestary. His time within the fringes of space had lead him to learning of many myths and wise tales that were shared among various sectors. Most of it was old superstition and wise tales, some of it could be real--but it took time to find the truth among the layers of muck and hearsay.

Still, there was a chance for something of interest to catch his eyes, or possibly the encounter with someone new. Each day held the possibilities to expand and grow ones perception within the force. Life was interesting and unpredictable and for the Jedi Councilor, he had strange feeling that today would be one of those days.


Marissa Hesse

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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Marissa did not appreciate the heat. Marissa did not appreciate the humidity either. And sadly on a jungle planet this was what you got. With no gaurantee either of a profit today all in all she was more than a little frustrated as she entered B'omarr Monastery. The auction items they had displayed showed some promise, though a contact of hers had mentioned that one particular item could be of great worth if they could make sure it ended up in the right hands: The Brain of one Evilo Nailati, an 'enlightened' monk of ages past whose unorthodox teachings apparently left them no longer in the Orders favour anymore, and so was up for sale in an attempt to dissociate themselves from Nailati's legacy. Whether the brain protested this as not something Marissa or her contact could speak to.

What any collector could possibly want with such an item was beyond her, but the promise of a buyer for it was not. The promise of a buyer was why she was going to 'acquire' it.

How exactly that happened was not something that friend had gotten involved in. But Marissa had plans.

Of course they could buy the thing, though depending on the competition any profit would be thoroughly undercut by their spending. So, she thought, why not play to ones strengths, and as she and her companions were want to do, she intended to steal the thing.

Inside the Temple the buyers at the auction were an eclectic bunch, from wealthy collectors to rival religious figures, there was scarcely a level of galactic society unrepresented.

And that meant she would blend right in,

"Well now, this is certainly not where I was expecting to ever see myself"

@Ecclessey @TWD26

Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
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Fiach was well aware of the stories of the B’omarr monks. As something of a scholar since she’d joined the Order, she was getting better at spotting the fact from the fiction – but as any historian will attest, there is always a grain of truth in even the wildest claims. Like removing your brain to improve its power. On the face of it (no pun intended) ludicrous, yet there was enough evidence to suggest it was true.

So, she was heading to the jungle world of Teth in Wild Space. How much truth there was in the broadcast she’d picked up that suggested there were artefacts of interest for sale she had no idea. Not that she had credits to buy them, and nor was she on a Council sanctioned mission. Instead she was here to satisfy her thirst for knowledge and, if the rumours were true, understand what Force-related items were in circulation and hopefully ascertain how useful and or dangerous they might be.

She landed her outwardly looking beaten-up freighter and noted an X-wing was here. As she disembarked, she used the Force to sense her surroundings. It was faint but it was definitely there – the unmistakeable signature of her Master.

@TWD26 @Nightfall

Oren Zapan

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
Reaction score


"Look itsa good deal, very rare..." The electronic voice hissed across the fervor of the room, as the floating brain shifted its spider legs across the bazzar. "Jango Fett DNA matrix, a relic of the bygone era. Issa very good, chance to create a new Clone army."

Oren picked up the dna chit, examining it for a few moments with a stoic face. He had heard so much about the fabled clones, their companionship with the Jedi and the ultimate betrayal of his former Jedi Ancestors. It seemed strange, holding such a thing--if it was true. "Are you sure, it's not just water?" The Jedi Master called the so called Monk's bluff.

The entity did not need a face for the Jedi to pick up on the annoyance coming from the electronic emitters of the priest, "Yousa think's a funny, question our validity in ancient relics?"

The Jedi master would raise his hand, the last thing he needed was a fight to break out within a crowded marketplace full of various individuals. ", forgive me, but I am not in the need of clones. But, if I did--I would come directly to you." Hopefully it would appease the scam artist monk.

His mind was drawn away from relics as he felt the familiar signature within the force. He was drawn to it, and would slowly shift through the crowds, past the vendors until he found her standing among the groups. "Hello there.." A smile painted across his burnt face--it had been a long time since he had seen his padawan. "You look taller."

tag: @Corbeau @Nightfall


Fiach Dubh

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Fiach navigated her way around the market, using the Force to sense for anything of note – anything that might radiate an aura that suggested it was the real deal. The problem was that another impression was a greater draw to her feelings – no doubt reinforced by the Padawan-Master relationship. And it was not as if she was in a great hurry to break the bond – there would be plenty of opportunity to scan the area once she’d met up with him.

So, she allowed the Force to lead her to Oren and as she approached him, she saw that all too familiar smile cross his lips.

She gave a short bow. Formal enough to show respect but not so deep as to be too formal. “I feel taller,” she replied. “But maybe you’re shrinking?” As ever, her ubiquitous smile was there and even a professional poker player would not be able to tell if she was joking or not. If she had developed a sense of humour since she’d joined the Order, it was definitely dry. Klatooinian dry.

“I presume you’re here for the same reason I am? In my case it was professional curiosity – are you here on official business?”

@TWD26 @Nightfall

Marissa Hesse

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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Now with this enormous crowd milling about the auction exhibits its not as if Marissa was exactly going to be able to just swipe a head in a jar as she walked on by it. Nothing had ever been so easy. And while she always appreciated Preef company, and indeed particularly the company of his blaster, today she would have to make do with her own wits and wiles. And she meant to do just that.

The overall mood was jovial, the actual auction was yet to start, and while security wasn't light, it didn't appear on edge at this point. That she cold use to her advantage.

As she moved deeper into the room, she feigned interest at the objects on display. Truth be told she did indeed have real interest, too bad she was here for work. Instead she took quick note of the guard positions, the exits, and which one would let her slip out and stay furthest away from security when she made her exit. That, she noted, was an exit out into the southern cloister, where she could slip out to her waiting ship from past the covered walkways that surrounded it. Simple, in theory.

First though, she needed to get the head, and unseen at that,

"Here to see the Abbot, here to carry out the sales today" she flashed a forged ID at the guard standing by the security room "just need to finish my technical set up" she spoke with confidence and a hint of exasperation, as if she had no time to wait.

As the guard looked her over, she took one last look at the room around and smiled.

Nothing would stop her today.

@TWD26 @Corbeau