Ask Terminal Dinner Date

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
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The warty-faced arms dealer blinked a couple times... then let out a hearty laugh, over-thick lips splitting into an almost smirk. "You talk mighty smart for a street punk, Skelly," he replied, a throaty chuckle vibrating in his throat. Ilana could barely tolerate looking at this guy, but slimy eyes rolled from Kai to Doc again, and now he was openly leering. She kept her features cool, but inwardly her stomach was roiling at that stare.

She was used to being leered at; others said she was attractive, she just didn't see it nor care for it. And even though it would be an asset... it would be an asset she'd hate to use for herself, especially with this specimen.
"Heavy bolt and stun," she continued, amber eyes levelling with Graggo's, "And decent enough armament to supply... what do you think," she turned to Kai, one fist propping under her chin with a hooded expression.

"...forty, I think."

A ludicrous number, they both would know... but far better to overshoot. And it seemed Kai was thinking something... it occurred to her that perhaps they could make a resell value of these weapons after, why not go big?

The Jablogian looked at the two of them with sudden intense scrutiny, scratching at the loose skin at the base of his throat.
"Can you match... thirty-five percent of total purchase to buy up front, the rest after quality check an' drop off?" That had to be a high number, but perhaps Kai and this warted smug toad knew total costs. She looked back and forth, observing. "I gotta have some guarantee of payment." Hinting he didn't believe such an odd pair could possibly afford any of this, much less be willing to shell out such a steep percentage right off the bat before a product quality check.

Information for later.



Sith Order

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Jan 6, 2020
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"I've been edjumecated " He said to add to the humor of the short individual. The creepy look he exttended toward the octor was not covert. He knew well enough that Ilana was not the type to just let something go without a response of her own.

"Sorry, can you reiterate? I'm primarily a Huttese speaker." He wanted to understand the nuances in the person's language. Sometimes that occured over translation. When he decided a person's fate, Kai preferred to have all the facts rather than a biased point of view. When it came to some people he felt like he had the power of life and death.

Payment was well enough received. Numbers were the same despite the language barrier. Thirty Five percent was steep. Kai chuckled and looked down at his lap before looking over at Ilana. Whether she knew it or not, this thirty five percent of the cost was robbery and he tried to conovey that both with his body and the force to make sure she didn't miss the message.

@Killa Ree

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
The Jablogian snorted at Kai's reply, thick lips splitting into a grin. "Least you've got brains in there, then," came the drawled response. He blinked slowly at the question, then leaned forward to Kai, almost as though he was talking to an imbecile.

"<Thirty five percent, Skelly,>" he replied, leaning forward on one spindly, warty limb. But Doc's eyes narrowed, and she leaned forward, amber eyes flashing coldly.

Seems she knew what he was up to, and was having none of it. Irritation flared to the surface, and she allowed it to show, the air chilling slightly as she glared down the table.
"Ten percent," was her bland reply, and the smile from the dealer vanished.

Beady eyes gleamed. Here was the challenge, to rope them in. Graggo wasn't the cleverest, but he loved a good bargain war. And these two held promise.

"Thirty percent," he conceded, waiting smugly to see how these two would react. Even twenty percent of their order would be steep, and he knew it.



Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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Kai's fingers rapped against his leg as his eyes went between Graggo and Ilana. He wondered which direction to go for the haggling of weaponry. "I think we can manage twenty five percent..." He paused and the Jablogian prematurely smirked. "...but..." The smug look dissapeared from the pink faced merchant. "You let us cherry pick a bit of the best of what you got on hand."

The arms dealer squinted for a moment. First, debating inside his own mind if he should try to raise the percentage just because he was stubborn. But then second he wondered if he was really fine with letting the two of them peruse his immediate inventory of hardware. "hmm...." A grubby hand raised to the multi-chinned neck and stroked a non-existant jawline. "Alright." his tone reluctant but utlimatly showing his greed won out.

Graggo hopped off his seat and began walking down one of the other halls. "Follow me ya mynocks!" His shrill voice causing even Kai to twitch in annoyance. Getting out of the chair he looked over his shoulder at the guards. Two of them would follow after they joined Graggo. "Is it weird that I want champagne? Wait...that's for trying on dresses, not trying weapons. Still though....bubbles" The Grysk was looking forward to seeing what the man had in stock. This way they also knew this was as much of an investment for Graggo as it was for them and Kai already felt pretty confident in the Jablogian's business sense even if he was a bit of a buzzkill. I just want to shoot a ton of blasters, blow some shab up, get lit, get faded, get laided...that's not a word.

@Killa Ree

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
Well, that went easier than she expected, but Graggo looked rather... deflated at the notion his haggling had been cut short. His shrill voice made her slowly scowl, and briefly close her eyes in annoyance, but otherwise she'd follow. At Kai's talk, she flicked her eyes to gaze at him a beat... and for a brief second, a smirk flickered in her expression. "Maybe afterwards...? Though I warn you, I don't normally wear dresses."

Though, she had no idea how dresses and champagne were a thing. Who wanted to waste a good drink over such frivolity?

The thought was clipped short by a dim, musty smell ahead. The door was locked, but after a glance at his companions the arms dealer entered in a code too fast for her to catch, then he waddled in, grunting about having to exert walking not once, but four times in the last week...

And then the lights flickered on.

Crates and crates stacked, a few rows as tall as the ceiling, not a massive armament array, but it seemed large enough to be impressive in such a small warehouse. Graggo muttered to himself, then turned, and waddled his way towards a crate labeled '44576' and snapped his fingers.

Immediately one of the lackeys holstered his weapon, stepping over to forcefully open it. While they did so, the Jablogian's slimy gaze slid back towards them, giving his best version of a conspirational, almost patronizing smile.
"While we wait to inspect the goods... might an old man like me ask why such two intelligent," the word undercurrented with doubt, "young people need so many? Gonna take down the Rangers or something?"

Doc, however, remained silent. But the posture of her almost screamed
mind your own business.



Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 6, 2020
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"You'd still rock it." He smiled back knowing she could look good just wearing a trash bag with just a hole for her head and arms. As they went deeper into the warehouse Kai would make a mental note of which turns they made for both the purposes of a fast exit and in the event they found themselves returning.

The Grysk watched the thug work on opening the crate that required some elbow grease. "Nothing like that. We just have competition and would prefer to not be under-equipped for a.... transition." He answered the squat being. He kept it vague still and he doubted Graggo would go telling anyone. But if he did there wouldn't be much to tell. Like Ilana, Kai preferred to play things close to the chest unless he needed to.

A gnarly index finger from thhe Jablogian tapped at Graggo's lip like he was in some deep contemplation for a follow up question. The sudden clattering of the crate's top on the ground made the arms dealer jump. The startled look turned to one of disdain as it stared at the thug who only apologized and took a step away from the crate. Getting close to the crate the Jablogian waved a hand at his employee dismissivly. "Open up the E-11Ds" He commanded and was quickly obeyed. The hands of the arms dealer pulled out a double barreled blaster pistol from the crate and showed it to the two. "RSKF-44. Shoots two bolts instead of one but packs as much enough punch to take down even someone in full armor." Kai would look at the blaster and hold it up, trying out the weight in his hand before handing it over to Ilana. Of course it was unloaded but the other guard that was still watching them kept a close eye. "You have anything a bit less shooty and a bit more stabby, anything that is more melee than ranged?"

@Killa Ree

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score
She stared at the guns, and just felt the headache brewing. But seeing Graggo's expression, it seemed he was disappointed the Grysk was more interested in melee than long-range... it seemed that was his heavier influence. And considering what she'd seen of Terminus, she could see why.

Still, he waddled on, hands waving.
"What, like melee like... swords, daggers?" He crossed his arms, but somehow to her he looked even more like a slug she wanted to crush. "None of those light ones those... hmm... Jedi have got though." He chuckled, and one of the guards chuckled too, a rusty sound that made Ilana scowl. "Of course nothing like that. Just something that will do its' job without falling to pieces. If you don't mind."
