Restricted Droid Modification RI-G7 Ship-Mounted AI

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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'RI-G7' Ship-Mounted

AI Suite

Limited Availability
(See Restrictions)

Newton Arden

Ship-mounted AI

Power Supply:
Draws power from ship power

1 meter (Blackbox)


Connected to ship's sensors.

From the same civilization that made the Hypergates thousands of years ago along with other advanced technology way ahead of their time; this particular piece of ancient Gree AI technology was recovered from a ruin on an uncharted world in the the Unknown Regions towards the edge of the galaxy. After hours of study, this recovered technology was adapted to be installed modern-day vessels and given the designation 'RI-G7' (or 'Rigel').

The Gree AI itself is inside an ancient-looking Agrinium blackbox. When the blackbox is correctly installed on a ship (not easy depending on the size), the droid intelligence is connected to all or most systems of the ship, therefore minimizing the crew needed on a vessel via automation as the Gree AI fills in for the rest of the crew. That allows the given ship to function at maximum performance with the minimum required member of crew by automating those other roles.

For example, for a ship that has an optimal crew of 3 but a minimum of 1, the RI-G7 AI can automate the other roles on the ship, leaving the the ship operated with only one organic. In another example: in a larger ship with a minimum crew of 10 with optimal crew of 40, again, the Rigel suite automates the rest of the roles. For larger ships, the AI is able to draw more power from the ships larger power supplies in order to do this

In a starfighter-sized ship, the AI can fulfil the functions that an astromech droid can (aside from physically maintaining the ship) without having one, useful for such craft that have no astromech sockets, or the owner choses not to get an astromech droid for whatever reason.

Even though it's integrated into the ship, it's still just like any droid. It performs tasks as ordered by it's owner/captain, able to respond to voice commands. The RI system can also communicate, like a droid with a vocabulator. Rigel is also able to develop quirks and personality over time without having a memory wipe performed on this for so long.. When the AI speaks, it speaks with a robotic monotone male voice.

This is a uncommon technology, in theory this would be subject to licenses and restrictions that vary world to world, this can range from 'passible' to 'illegal', but in practice this thing would not be easy to detect.

This is a reward from the Great Treasure Hunting event. Creating a write-up to define it's properties and how exactly it works. As a reward event, this is would be in Newton's possession. Also willing to sell copies of this technology to others on limited basis (see Restrictions) for the benefit of my character as well.

As this is a earned event reward, only my character Newton would already have this. This technology is also experimental and difficult to reproduce. Other characters looking to get a copy of this need to purchase from Newton in a thread for a a large price or in exchange for a favor completed.

Also due to this technology's experimental nature, this technology is not compatible with any other ship modifications. And of course not compatible with any ship that disallows modifications.


The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
So sidenote. I know this is a event reward and thus may be meant to be a unique one off. But my character Newton would be interested in selling this technology, although understanding that this technology is not easy to replicate. So, thinking limited quanities, would need threads/favors .etc like the write-up has right now. But will to make adjustments to the write-up and open to suggestions