Rank-Change Thread


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 12, 2023
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Kaedan
Character Profile Link: Kaedan Javik
Character Age: 16
Current Rank: Jedi Padawan
Rank Seeking: Jedi Knight
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Assisted in helping a fellow padawan with lightsaber training, helped out with a relief effort while the Sith were attacking Genessa


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Kaedan
Character Profile Link: Kaedan Javik
Character Age: 16
Current Rank: Jedi Padawan
Rank Seeking: Jedi Knight
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Assisted in helping a fellow padawan with lightsaber training, helped out with a relief effort while the Sith were attacking Genessa
Approved, but please provide the links to your threads in the next application. I found them in your profile this time but its faster if you include them here.
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Leon Baudelaire
Character Profile Link: [profile]
Character Age: 22
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Independent
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Leon had the light ripped out of him by @Darth Raze and was then transformed into an Exaulted
  • Love
Reactions: Zay


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Voren Dhur
Character Profile Link: Voren
Character Age: 55 maybe
Current Rank: Level 2
Rank Seeking: Editor (Level 3)
Notable Deeds: Over the past 31 months Voren has written around 100 articles, mostly for the Hyperlane Herald, covering as many major events as I have time to write.


Tick tock
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Aug 13, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Guinevere Delevigne
Character Profile Link: Guinevere Delevigne
Character Age: 25 ->29
Current Rank: Overseer (Rank 2)
Rank Seeking: ISB Director (Rank 3) (or Supervisor if more appropriate)
Notable Deeds:

Helping the faction:

Taking down a rebel cell/rescuing an ISB asset
Ossus Flashpoint - Assisting Imperials to evac
Safeguarding Imperial Czerka after CEO killed
Reducing Hutt influence on Raxus during the war
Hunting down Imperial tech thieves (ongoing)
Eliminating an influential Imperial that was trafficking Sith Artifacts

Reacting to nonsense
Totally not propaganda
ISB reaction
ISB reaction

Plotting against Jedi
Imperial meeting during the Hutt War
Imperial meeting after the Hutt War

Guin has also been involved in crafting security measures over several threads (BTS to some degree) to safeguard Imperial interests and is building a Big Brother-esque database to track Hutt influence. If approved I will craft a plot line chasing down the (now) rogue former ISB director for deeds to be revealed...
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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Nov 25, 2023
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Tannon Dellian
Character Profile Link: Tannon Dellian
Character Age: 20
Current Rank: Processing...?
Rank Seeking: Imperial Knight
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: N/A, Pretty sure I selected the Imperial Knight rank when creating the subaccount, but it didn't seem to work for some reason.


Story Admin
Jedi Order Faction Leader
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Vanya
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 21 (23 after rank up)
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Warden
Current Level: Level 1
Level Seeking: Level 2
Notable Deeds: Vanya has been quite active since coming to the Jedi. Even before she officially joined the Jedi, she helped bring down the Nightsister Queen and former Sith Empress as a warrior for the Light. As a Jedi she has strengthened alliances with Jedi-held worlds, hunted serial killers and brought in new planets, fought against the return of Instance XIII, and rediscovered Jedi Magic. She also fought abominations on Coruscant and Byblos as well as setting up a staging area for and launching the assault on the Killik nest. She has also spearheaded the foundation of the Jedi Crusaders.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 1, 2022
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Freyja
Character Profile Link: Click
Character Age: 18 (will age her up)
Current Rank: Acolyte
Rank Seeking: Champion
Current Level: 0.5
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Went through plenty of development and training (especially here) and prepared Dromund Kaas for Azar's takeover (Here) - She's ready!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 1, 2022
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Maeve
Character Profile Link: Click
Character Age: 23 (will age her up)
Current Rank: Independent (Criminal)
Rank Seeking: Renowned Criminal? Or something that reflects the street cred lol
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds:
- Stole a Sith artifact
- Paid Kodi back, successfully drugged her target
- Assassinated a renowned crime boss
- Fought off a pirate gang, saved a spacestation
- Manipulated Zyggerian politics
- Robbed a Sith of his ship and all belongings
- Robbed a vault on Bracca
- Stole another powerful artifact
- Raided a vault on Coruscant
- Assisted a bounty hunter

Meanwhile she's well connected with other criminals, Mandalorians and other mercenaries. I listed completed threads only.

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Voren Dhur
Character Profile Link: Voren
Character Age: 55 maybe
Current Rank: Level 2
Rank Seeking: Editor (Level 3)
Notable Deeds: Over the past 31 months Voren has written around 100 articles, mostly for the Hyperlane Herald, covering as many major events as I have time to write.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Guinevere Delevigne
Character Profile Link: Guinevere Delevigne
Character Age: 25 ->29
Current Rank: Overseer (Rank 2)
Rank Seeking: ISB Director (Rank 3) (or Supervisor if more appropriate)
Notable Deeds:

Helping the faction:

Taking down a rebel cell/rescuing an ISB asset
Ossus Flashpoint - Assisting Imperials to evac
Safeguarding Imperial Czerka after CEO killed
Reducing Hutt influence on Raxus during the war
Hunting down Imperial tech thieves (ongoing)
Eliminating an influential Imperial that was trafficking Sith Artifacts

Reacting to nonsense
Totally not propaganda
ISB reaction
ISB reaction

Plotting against Jedi
Imperial meeting during the Hutt War
Imperial meeting after the Hutt War

Guin has also been involved in crafting security measures over several threads (BTS to some degree) to safeguard Imperial interests and is building a Big Brother-esque database to track Hutt influence. If approved I will craft a plot line chasing down the (now) rogue former ISB director for deeds to be revealed...

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Tannon Dellian
Character Profile Link: Tannon Dellian
Character Age: 20
Current Rank: Processing...?
Rank Seeking: Imperial Knight
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: N/A, Pretty sure I selected the Imperial Knight rank when creating the subaccount, but it didn't seem to work for some reason.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Vanya
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 21 (23 after rank up)
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Warden
Current Level: Level 1
Level Seeking: Level 2
Notable Deeds: Vanya has been quite active since coming to the Jedi. Even before she officially joined the Jedi, she helped bring down the Nightsister Queen and former Sith Empress as a warrior for the Light. As a Jedi she has strengthened alliances with Jedi-held worlds, hunted serial killers and brought in new planets, fought against the return of Instance XIII, and rediscovered Jedi Magic. She also fought abominations on Coruscant and Byblos as well as setting up a staging area for and launching the assault on the Killik nest. She has also spearheaded the foundation of the Jedi Crusaders.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Freyja
Character Profile Link: Click
Character Age: 18 (will age her up)
Current Rank: Acolyte
Rank Seeking: Champion
Current Level: 0.5
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Went through plenty of development and training (especially here) and prepared Dromund Kaas for Azar's takeover (Here) - She's ready!

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Maeve
Character Profile Link: Click
Character Age: 23 (will age her up)
Current Rank: Independent (Criminal)
Rank Seeking: Renowned Criminal? Or something that reflects the street cred lol
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds:
- Stole a Sith artifact
- Paid Kodi back, successfully drugged her target
- Assassinated a renowned crime boss
- Fought off a pirate gang, saved a spacestation
- Manipulated Zyggerian politics
- Robbed a Sith of his ship and all belongings
- Robbed a vault on Bracca
- Stole another powerful artifact
- Raided a vault on Coruscant
- Assisted a bounty hunter

Meanwhile she's well connected with other criminals, Mandalorians and other mercenaries. I listed completed threads only.

All done!

All approved!


SWRP Writer
May 7, 2023
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Elle Brackard
Character Profile Link: Here
Character Age: 36
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: Senator (Ord Trasi)
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Writing pro-imperial slander and getting elected


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2023
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Natalie Hope
Character Profile Link: Here
Character Age: 20 (22 after rank up)
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Warden
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds: Natalie has done a lot between being a Padawan and a Knight. She's lead the charge in rescuing civilians from a Sith attack, had small moments of teaching Padawan, taught classes at a temple, fought a goat man thing, discovered Killiks were still a threat and spreading with Vanya, participated in a call to action for the Jedi Crusaders, participated in ending the killik threat, and helped liberate Ord Mantell from a decades long Cartel proxy war.

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Hauron Solus
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 21 (will age up to 22 after rank up)
Current Rank: Rally Master
Rank Seeking: Forge Master
Current Level: 2
Level Seeking: 3
Notable Deeds:
Hauron has achieved a variety of things such as building up Rancor Squadron, to raising foundlings and honing his skills as an armorer. His dedication to Mandalore and his fellow mandalorains stretches across the galaxy to numerous systems. He continues to show signs of expansion and growth as RS makes deals with numerous governments and makes contracts with many companies large and small.

  1. Acquired a secret Kashyyyk Moon base
  2. Paid handsomely for standing down during the retaking of Kessel
  3. Led RS against pirates in a joint operation
  4. Brokered a contract with King Daytonus when Dusty Takes Ploo IV, earning a private starport
  5. Hauron leads RS to eliminate and capture pirate ships for Blackwell
  6. Under the alias Black Hand he loots a meuseum and gains a fortune for the Squadron.
  7. Hauron sees a mythosaur and discovers a hidden structure underneath the surface of Mandalore.
  8. After his bounty is cleared Hauron earns some credits as a bounty hunter himself.
  9. Hauron trains the Ploo military per his contract with King Daytonus and also makes a deal with medical professionals.
  10. On Dxun Hauron and Rath Jell secure not one, but two mandalorian outposts and discover ancient vambraces they reverse engineer.
  11. Hauron adopts a foundling and secures the means of production for Mandalorian hardware on Ord Mantell
  12. RS is hired by Gatalenta government to train their military and more.
  13. After its second attempt mandalorians are able to take Base Six on Contruum Six.
  14. RS comes to the aid of other mandalorians and steal a frigate in the process.
  15. Hauron learns to forge songsteel and practice forging beskar in the citadel. (ending) completed
  16. Hauron leads mandalorians to relight the Great Forge (ending) completed
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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Elle Brackard
Character Profile Link: Here
Character Age: 36
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: Senator (Ord Trasi)
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: Writing pro-imperial slander and getting elected

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Natalie Hope
Character Profile Link: Here
Character Age: 20 (22 after rank up)
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Warden
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds: Natalie has done a lot between being a Padawan and a Knight. She's lead the charge in rescuing civilians from a Sith attack, had small moments of teaching Padawan, taught classes at a temple, fought a goat man thing, discovered Killiks were still a threat and spreading with Vanya, participated in a call to action for the Jedi Crusaders, participated in ending the killik threat, and helped liberate Ord Mantell from a decades long Cartel proxy war.


Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Hauron Solus
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 21 (will age up to 22 after rank up)
Current Rank: Rally Master
Rank Seeking: Forge Master
Current Level: 2
Level Seeking: 3
Notable Deeds:
Hauron has achieved a variety of things such as building up Rancor Squadron, to raising foundlings and honing his skills as an armorer. His dedication to Mandalore and his fellow mandalorains stretches across the galaxy to numerous systems. He continues to show signs of expansion and growth as RS makes deals with numerous governments and makes contracts with many companies large and small.

  1. Acquired a secret Kashyyyk Moon base
  2. Paid handsomely for standing down during the retaking of Kessel
  3. Led RS against pirates in a joint operation
  4. Brokered a contract with King Daytonus when Dusty Takes Ploo IV, earning a private starport
  5. Hauron leads RS to eliminate and capture pirate ships for Blackwell
  6. Under the alias Black Hand he loots a meuseum and gains a fortune for the Squadron.
  7. Hauron sees a mythosaur and discovers a hidden structure underneath the surface of Mandalore.
  8. After his bounty is cleared Hauron earns some credits as a bounty hunter himself.
  9. Hauron trains the Ploo military per his contract with King Daytonus and also makes a deal with medical professionals.
  10. On Dxun Hauron and Rath Jell secure not one, but two mandalorian outposts and discover ancient vambraces they reverse engineer.
  11. Hauron adopts a foundling and secures the means of production for Mandalorian hardware on Ord Mantell
  12. RS is hired by Gatalenta government to train their military and more.
  13. After its second attempt mandalorians are able to take Base Six on Contruum Six.
  14. RS comes to the aid of other mandalorians and steal a frigate in the process.
  15. Hauron learns to forge songsteel and practice forging beskar in the citadel. (ending) completed
  16. Hauron leads mandalorians to relight the Great Forge (ending) completed

all done or approved!


SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2018
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: Alhazred
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 87
Current Rank: Padawan
Rank Seeking: Knight
Current Level: 0
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: 1: Accidentally rediscovered the existence of Starweirds and underwent therapy afterwards. 2. partook in the slaying of the Killik Queen of Rago with use of force stasis. 3 Helped deal with a threat of nightmare demons on Metallos (Ongoing) . 4. Discovered a lost book on Force Kinetics after experiencing numerous force visions 5. Trained in force kinetic abilities with Knight Scorpio, resulting in knighting.

Javier esschoolbus

Empire Faction Leader
Empire Faction Leader
SWRP Writer
May 5, 2023
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: Trael Osso
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 26
Current Rank: Champion
Rank Seeking: Master
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds:
  • Crisis on Verona ― A group of sith faced off against jedi and independent forces on Verona ― • Completed
  • Whispers of Praikith ― A group of sith infiltrate an old temple and take down a force entity unleashed within ― • Completed
  • Twisted Temple Trick ― A group of sith face off against jedi on Kashyyyk and are forced to retreat ― • Completed
  • Searching Skako ― Assisting a fellow sith in the acquisition of a droid factory ― • Completed
  • Making Inroads ― Gained partial ownership of a mining corp on Subterrel. Also inadverdantly lead to destablizing Zygerria ― • Completed
  • That's Ur-Diamond ― Assisted a fellow sith in gaining control over a diamond mine ― • Completed
  • An Odd Awakening ― Tracked down a holocron and delved through the temple it unlocked. Discovered he was a Drast. ― • Completed
  • Consolidating Resources 2 ― Gained full control of the mining corp on Subterrel ― • Completed
  • Buying Time for a Sleeping Dragon ― Defended Kessel from an Imperial raiding force ― • Completed
  • Egg hunt ― Went on a successful hunt for dragon eggs on Sullust ― • Completed
  • Consolidating Resources 3 ― Begun to gain a foothold on Dromund Kaas ― • Ongoing
  • Tarantular Frostbite ― Oversaw a detention mission of an Acolyte ― • Ongoing


Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: Alhazred
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 87
Current Rank: Padawan
Rank Seeking: Knight
Current Level: 0
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: 1: Accidentally rediscovered the existence of Starweirds and underwent therapy afterwards. 2. partook in the slaying of the Killik Queen of Rago with use of force stasis. 3 Helped deal with a threat of nightmare demons on Metallos (Ongoing) . 4. Discovered a lost book on Force Kinetics after experiencing numerous force visions 5. Trained in force kinetic abilities with Knight Scorpio, resulting in knighting.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: Trael Osso
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 26
Current Rank: Champion
Rank Seeking: Master
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds:
  • Crisis on Verona ― A group of sith faced off against jedi and independent forces on Verona ― • Completed
  • Whispers of Praikith ― A group of sith infiltrate an old temple and take down a force entity unleashed within ― • Completed
  • Twisted Temple Trick ― A group of sith face off against jedi on Kashyyyk and are forced to retreat ― • Completed
  • Searching Skako ― Assisting a fellow sith in the acquisition of a droid factory ― • Completed
  • Making Inroads ― Gained partial ownership of a mining corp on Subterrel. Also inadverdantly lead to destablizing Zygerria ― • Completed
  • That's Ur-Diamond ― Assisted a fellow sith in gaining control over a diamond mine ― • Completed
  • An Odd Awakening ― Tracked down a holocron and delved through the temple it unlocked. Discovered he was a Drast. ― • Completed
  • Consolidating Resources 2 ― Gained full control of the mining corp on Subterrel ― • Completed
  • Buying Time for a Sleeping Dragon ― Defended Kessel from an Imperial raiding force ― • Completed
  • Egg hunt ― Went on a successful hunt for dragon eggs on Sullust ― • Completed
  • Consolidating Resources 3 ― Begun to gain a foothold on Dromund Kaas ― • Ongoing
  • Tarantular Frostbite ― Oversaw a detention mission of an Acolyte ― • Ongoing
Done! Congrats!

Fantasy Liver

SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Telly Udon
Character Profile Link: Here
Character Age: 419 (middle aged for a Pau'an)
Current Rank: Level 2 (Resistance Agent)
Rank Seeking: Level 3 (Resistance Admiral or similar higher rank)
Notable Deeds: Telly has been busy since his successful raid on the Imperial Knight castle and his skirmish with the Sith on Mustafar. Since then, he led a successful raid in the heart of the Empire itself on Raxus Prime, made several connections in with the Jedi Order to get allies for the Resistance, and secured more arms and men for his own resistance cell. Additionally, he helped defend the Wookiee homeworld against invading Sith. He also dealt with an internal power struggle from inside the Resistance; defeating a mutnious rebel cell, surviving the bounty hunter they sent after him, and usurping its bomber squadron. Lastly, he managed to secure a large supply of credits and a connection with the CEO of Azura systems after a chance encounter on Nar Shaddaa.

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Telly Udon
Character Profile Link: Here
Character Age: 419 (middle aged for a Pau'an)
Current Rank: Level 2 (Resistance Agent)
Rank Seeking: Level 3 (Resistance Admiral or similar higher rank)
Notable Deeds: Telly has been busy since his successful raid on the Imperial Knight castle and his skirmish with the Sith on Mustafar. Since then, he led a successful raid in the heart of the Empire itself on Raxus Prime, made several connections in with the Jedi Order to get allies for the Resistance, and secured more arms and men for his own resistance cell. Additionally, he helped defend the Wookiee homeworld against invading Sith. He also dealt with an internal power struggle from inside the Resistance; defeating a mutnious rebel cell, surviving the bounty hunter they sent after him, and usurping its bomber squadron. Lastly, he managed to secure a large supply of credits and a connection with the CEO of Azura systems after a chance encounter on Nar Shaddaa.

So, it looks like your character's last application here was approved as a rank title request (from `Unranked`) for what looks like was a Level 1 rank. Requesting for level 2 was never made clear in it, we would have looked at that application differently. So as far as we can see the character is still level 1. If you want to apply for Level 2, you can do that