Ask Raiders of the Last Temple

Magos Otahn

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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The Fourth Moon of Yavin had seen history, for sure. That history was largely as a sith Necropolis, until the Old Empire crumbled and the jungles fell into obscrurity. It has more recently been the site of the Battle of Yavin which the Rebel Alliance destroyed Darth Sidious's grand battlestation. But that was far ahead of the era Magos Otahn was interested in. He was after the tomb of Darth Mortu, the last known site constructed on the Jungle Moon. She was a legendary prophet, who cast the Alchemy infused bones of her enemies into fire, to read the future. As a fellow fortune teller, Magos was intrigued. The Sith Lady studied under the Nightsisters of Dathomir, and had included many of their practices with her own. Though viewed a heretic by some, the Sith Eternal dearly wished to recover her skeleton, upon which her secrets where allegedly scrawled.

He now sat atop a crate on the former landing pad of those accursed rebels, watching a rattling junk freighter land nearby. Lady Mortu's tomb lay five miles away into the jungle, and the ruined base was a convenient landing strip. From here it would be a trip on foot. BG-7G chirped near his feet as he stretched and rose, ignoring the protests of his leg. Pain was a way to access the force, he reminded himself.

The freighter was crewed by a colorful Legionnaire by the name of Magnum. Assigned to him as muscle, the fellow Eternal would hopeful lighten the work load that lay ahead. Then again, he looked like a Corellian tourist in the Lake District in their holo-call a few minutes ago, so he was unsure what to expect. Turning to look at the desecrated Massassi Temple one last time he approached the junker on foot.

Magnum Waszylla

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 5, 2020
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Magnum gave an uproarious laugh as he stepped down the ramp to the landing pad, draining the rest of a beer alongside the...whatever he had hired to take him here. The man was very drunk and would be passed out while they were doing their business, one less thing to get in the way. He was excited, this was the first time he had been to Yavin IV. He knew the history of this place and hoped he would be able to take some pretty good pictures if he had the time. As if on cue, his pilot passed out and rolled down the ramp, out like a light. Really, some people just couldn't hold their alcohol. Tossing the can away he spotted the man he was supposed to accompany and help with a mission. Seemed like a fun enough thing and his heart didn't tell him otherwise, so he would be along for the ride.

Walking over to the Gungan, not caring what race the man was and just accepting him as a fellow member of the Sith Eternal, Magnum extended his hand in greeting. "Hey there! The name's Magnum, Magnum Waszylla. Pleased to meet you!" He laughed even if his hand wasn't shaken, still enjoying himself. "So, I read the briefing, but I wanted to ask if there was anything else about all this that I should know that maybe wasn't shared. I'm down for laying the smackdown to just about anything that could come at us, though if possible I'd prefer a bit of warning for any beastie that might be wanting a good knuckle sandwich."


Magos Otahn

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
"Pleased to meet you, Magnum!" Magos was relieved at the lack of ... disbelief... in the man's greeting. He had learned of Magnum's personality quirks from other Sith, his reputation did proceed him.

"You see, the Dark Lady's tomb is only about five miles behind us, but that's a pretty tough five miles. We have to pass through a deck from the Death Star. It may be great history, but scout drones say it's become a nest for gundarks. Nasty beasts are between us and Mortu's tomb, hence the need for muscle. Then we got to go the way back, this time with a sarcophagus between us. That's why we called a Legionnaire. We as in my fellow Guardian who was made into ground nerf by one of them. So wills the Force."

He called BG over, and the Droid projected an over view of the way to the tomb. The huge piece of the battlestation was clearly an office section, full of blind turns and maze like cubicles.

Beyond it lay the tomb of Darth Mortu, similar to the pyramid behind them. "At least the actual tomb is the easy part, probes say some poor fool triggered the traps for us. So wills the Force, I guess."

"And yes, your reputation proceeds you, a place like this is full of holo ops, so long as you don't get holo bombed by one of our big clawed friends."