Fantasy Liver

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SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
FACTION: Mandalorian. Specifically Clan Vizsla
RANK: Mercenary
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 1.9 meters
WEIGHT: 180 pounds

Looks like this

Having been trained by the Mandalorians from a young age, Kyp is very experienced in combat and physically stronger than most average humanoids. He's farsighted so he's much better firing at long range than being up close and personal. He's very tall, even for a Lepi, and his natural biology allows him to be able to run very quickly. This means that he tends to be quicker than stronger fighters and stronger than the fast ones, giving him a bit of an edge. When it comes down to it, he's not as good in close quarters so he prefers to take a target down from a distance. If things do get up close and personal, he likes keeping enemies at a distance with his long arms and reach rather than let them get close enough to grapple as he's fairly terrible at wrestling. He's an exceptional pilot and feels more at home in space than on the ground. He is a bit impatient and aggressive in battle, which can be both a blessing and a curse depending on who he's fighting. He's easily goadable and can be provoked into doing something rash by a taunting opponent. His anger and silent nature often doesn't endear him to people so charisma-wise he's a bit lacking but he is rather cunning in his own way even if he lacks a formal education. Having grown up on the streets, he's definitely worldwise and is very observant about his surroundings. His time as a scavenger and street urchin have taught him the basics of hotwiring and slicing. It takes him a bit longer than the pros but in a pinch but he can handle most basic to intermediate systems in a pinch.

Kyp is a man who likes, above all else, to be left alone. He prefers the solitude of space so he often finds himself loaning himself and his ship out on mercenary missions. Having grown up on the streets and then being taken in as an outsider by a Mandalorian clan has made him distrustful of most everybody in the galaxy, save for his clan. He is easily angered and is often provoked into fights by insults and taunts. He has absolutely no scruples when it comes to mercenary work and will happily accept credits from any side of the battle. However, he is not without honor - as soon as he is employed, he will stand by his employer until the job is done, no matter how many credits he's offered to switch sides. He does enjoy fighting and his sense of humor is more sarcastic and dark than loud and witty.

Kyp grew up in a particularly poor and war-torn part of the Lepi homeworld Coachelle Prime. A local insurgency was causing some trouble around his region and the authorities had hired mercenary crews to help assist their weary forces. Since his father had long ago absconded and his mother was addicted to spice, Kyp and his siblings were very much on their own. A couple of his siblings joined up with the insurgency while his sister met up with a local band of thieves. Most of the rest found some manner of trouble to get into on the streets including Kyp. He made a meager living as a child selling scrap and scavenging discarded goods. When the soldiers came in, he tried selling them some battle souvenirs that he'd taken from a recent battlefield. Some of the soldiers laughed him off, some paid him and one particular Mandalorian mercenary asked him if he had a family looking after him. Kyp told him the truth and the mercenary told him about Mandalorian culture and offered to take him with him back to his own clan. Having nothing else going on in his life, Kyp accepted the offer and joined Clan Vizsla. He learned that Clan Vizsla had once been great rulers but was now relegated to small groups, eking out a meager living in the Outer Rim. As he grew up, some in his clan bullied him for his outsider status and rabbit-like appearance. It got to him, amplifying the anger that was already in him. But he was still loyal to his clan and when he came of age, he became a solitary mercenary, sending his excess funds back to the Clan in the hopes that it would one day be restored to greatness and his name might ring out in the Clan.

Marksmanship: As mentioned above, Kyp is a dead shot at long range and only a slightly below average shot at close range since he's farsighted.
Fitness: Kyp is strong and fast and is in great overall shape.
Piloting: Kyp has a great natural affinity for piloting and is great in a dogfight
Slicing/Hotwiring: Has some basic knowledge and can hack into most basic systems. Intermediate systems are a bit of a crapshoot and they will take him awhile to crack
Mechanics: While he's not much good on other ships, he's been flying his own ship long enough to be able to do basic repairs on it, although normally he prefers to leave that to the professionals.

Medium Mandalorian Armor
* Repulsor: Originally designed to counter combat with force sensitives, this tool is able to project a strong repulsor field replicating a Force push. It projects up 10 meters and its limited power cell only allows for 3 uses before it needed changing. The repulsor has significant recoil and the wielder must carefully brace themselves before use- both to ensure accuracy and to prevent the user from being knocked over themselves or having their arm torn from its socket.
*Computer Spike: Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
* Wrist Rocket. The wrist rocket has a flight range of 100 meters and have a blast radius of 3 meters. It is a single-shot devices and require manual reloading after use. It is effective against lightly armored vehicles, moving parts such as gears or hydraulics, and infantry, and do equivalent damage to a frag grenade. The must be manually fired by button or trigger.
V38 Assault Starfighter

1 pair of shockboxing gloves with the limiters removed
1 A280 blaster rifle
1 Bryar pistol




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