Kemp Aeschylos


Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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"listen to it!!! Kemp's theme!!!"

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Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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SHOTO: "god who punishes oath-breakers"
Hilt: Standard Metal
Beam: Yellow
Crystals: Yellow


SINGLE HILT: "god of water and purity"
Hilt: Phrik
Beam: Blue
Crystals: Opila


PIKE: "palace guard"
Hilt: Phrik
Beam: Blue
Crystals: Corusca Gem

_Jedi Specialization Development_

_Lightsaber Forms and Techniques_
_Form IV: Ataru_
...The Way of the Hawk-Bat, or The Aggression Form, is Kemp's priority and specialization in training. After watching a descriptive and demonstrating holo-vid of Ataru, Kemp could not help but envision the man in the recording to be wielding a pike instead of his lightsaber. And ever since then, he has attempted to blend his style of pike influenced combat and the aecrobatic Form IV. Since before this point, Kemp had been a diligent and adept practicioner, attempting its feats in both duels against training droids and spars against fellow Padawans. And after many holo-vids, duels, practice spars, group training sessions, private training sessions, and missions - Kemp has begun to master the Form's subtleties...

_Duel Blade Technique_
...After crafting three lightsabers of different size, Kemp decided it was in his best interest to begin learning how to use all of them with their differences as well as train to use them interchangeably. Having a lightsaber pike, a standard single hilt, and a shoto, Kemp attempted to mimic the style from a holo-vid in a training chamber. There, he had his first trial and error against another student. Since then, he has begun to utilize his ambidextrous tendency, and build his skills into fiercely trained and equally callussed hands of weaponized might...

_Form I: Shii-Cho_
...Having spent a day long group training session under the guidance of Jedi Sorran Ven-Olar, as well as his three years of basic training as a hopeful in practice with this form, Kemp has begun to understand and employ a fairly firm grasp of this form's basic levels. As well, he has spent at least one training bout against his friend Jarak, attempting at the form's maneuvers...

_Force Powers_

_Telekinesis/Force Push/Pull/Whirlwind_

...It was first that Kemp learned as a young initiate, the ways of the basics; the core of Push and Pull, as he began his first contact with the Force. In learning different applications of the two, Kemp had winged it more than a few times. One instance in particular, Kemp had accumulated two mercenary followers expecting a nice payday. They were surrounded, and a well armored attacker blew a wall of fire from his flamethrower. Kemp, instictually twisted his entire body with a throw of his hand and wrapped the entire line of flame around their attacker in order to save one of the merc's (a woman) life. In a whirlwind of torrent, the attacker ran clear across the intersection and burned to death. Kemp collapsed behind some cover in a doorway, as his merc company saved him from danger...

_Force Barrier_

...Having read up on several Force powers, as well as frequenting the archives in search of bettering his lightsaber knowledge, Kemp had come across many counters to lightsabers and other energy outputs. One such protection was Force Barrier. One day, Kemp happened across a Padawan in a sparring chamber. Expecting to challenge the Jedi to a duel, as he often did, he was surprised to see the teen with a holocron clutched closely to his side. Though Dartel seemed to be hiding it, he was also willing to share its knowledge. There they practiced more than one technique, and Kemp got his first chance at creating a barrier...

_Art of Movement_
...On first joining the Order in his half brother's shadow, Kemp took to drills and physical fitness. He not only frequented the sparring chamers the instant he was given a training saber, but also attempted at several obstical courses; training both in solitude and in group training courses. It was here that Kemp designed the direction of his focus and determined that Ataru was going to be his form of choice in direct overlay of his already sprouting talents...

_Force Speed_
...It seems Kemp has had more training in thwarting and resisting this technique in duels, instead of honing it for himself. Ever since the Padawans' Tournament, Kemp had faced several Jedi in training who focused their attacks in such a manner. Kemp has, in many instances, focused to predict and utilize Force Speed to concentrate on his opponent's movements and beat them to the punch. He has also had to push himself to his limits. On a mission to gain the rights to a holocron with two Jedi Knights leading the way, Kemp strained to keep up with them and do his best not to be the weak link in their chain. Through much effort and training, Kemp has shown great promise in this technique...

_Force Sense_
...The first learned technique in the Force for Kemp, and no doubt all other Jedi in his company; Kemp took to its applications quite lightly. This was never his strong suit, though when properly concentrating he did just fine. Kemp was always a current of emotion, having to work hard to focus all of it. But when he manages to calm the storm, or further feel the need in heated timing, Kemp was quite adept at sensing his surroundings and the shifting waves of the galaxy around him...

...In another one, of dozens, of Kemp's classes with his fellow students of the Force, Kemp joined three others in specific training under the guidance of the famed Master Windu. Dartel, a fellow Padawan, invited Kemp in for a partnered training session in which they practiced finding the weak points in eachother's barriers. This application of 'Sense' took much quicker to Kemp's aggressive tendencies. Enjoying finding his opponent's weak spots, Kemp was very motivated to eccel at this technique; progressing from the basic level as he practiced within the safety of the Jedi flagship, 'The Will of the Force'...

_Relationships' Links_


.Jedi Augustus Primus Leonus _ After attending one of the dozens of group training classes, Kemp caught the eye of the Jedi Master with his energy and cunning. Soon after, the Battlemaster demanded that Kemp train with real lightsabers, rather than training sabers; and taking his Master's given time limit seriously, Kemp flew to the dark places of Coruscant to retreive the parts he needed from a less than respectable vendor. Kemp still trains with the Battlemaster, striving to follow in his footsteps...


.Jedi Tristian-Ambrose Dario Baptiste_Forever in his shadow, Kemp has always hated to love and loved to hate his half-brother. Though, deep down he wishes to become closer, they were forever seperated by their parents view of them; each in different lights. Tristian-Ambrose is the sole reason that Kemp recieved such an opportunity to join the Jedi. An arrogant gift to the galaxy, Tristian-Ambrose is always a step ahead of Kemp; leaving behind only the tales of his successes...


.Jedi Jarak Dal'Ryn _ Having met Jarak in a duel, as so many of Kemp's relationships begin, they instantly clicked. Fighting first and indroductions later, the two fought very aggressively using wooden weapons provided by 'The Will of the Force's' training rooms. After the duel, the two shared a meal in the cafeteria where they traded questions and decided to train together in the hopes of one day making a difference in the universe...




...still WIPpin' it
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Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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Thanks Xenomorph! I might split the whole thing into 3 images so that the text is more legible...


SWRP Writer
Jul 14, 2011
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You did it as a picture, That's an interesting take.


Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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Saves space for more pictures and otherwise profile designs... Hope it looks good. It's unfinished atm, but will see updates soon. This is one of those 'rp the history' and profile it later types.

If anybody would like to become ICly friends with Kemp, shoot me a pm!


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Awesome character dude :D!!

Check out mine and see if you'd like to meet either of them... I dont recommend Teryn though, as you'll see... he's kind of twisted


Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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Tank you Rom! I just split it up into 3 pieces. It made the bottom text clearer.


SWRP Writer
Aug 12, 2010
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That's an awesome way of presenting a profile! =D

Bacilla will train him. Remember to tell me your ideal specialisation though!


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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That's an awesome way of presenting a profile! =D

Bacilla will train him. Remember to tell me your ideal specialisation though!


This ones already mine! Hiss! :CStern


Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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lol. Ya, sorry Garuga. I sent other pms yesterday to make sure I had a Master by today, but Kit got back to me and he's given me what you never could. I mean, he answered first. But we can still be friends? :)


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
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Hopefully no tortoises fall on his head.


SWRP Writer
Sep 24, 2006
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Hopefully no tortoises fall on his head.

Training with me, there's a very real chance that could happen. It's a rip roaring thrill ride of adventure, mayhem and mishaps, unmatched by mortal minds or malevolent meddlers!

Plus, y'know, it's awesome.


Typical Amateur
SWRP Writer
Mar 26, 2011
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It's... "Kit-tastic"! * thumbs up and winks *

/hopes I don't die...