Jedi Order Ith-ild'r


Unraveler of Mysteries
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score


Jedi Knight Justicar
Coruscant Nautolan Male 36
Force-Sensitive Lawful Good Level 1
Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3

”The Force is like a river. Push against it, and it will sweep you away. Flow with it, and it will guide your path ahead.”


Covered in clean metallic grey plates and robotic indigo eyes, Ith-ild’r would not fault anyone for initially presuming him to be a droid of some kind. Standing as a true paragon of inspiration and optimism in the face of hardship, his personality ranges from sage solemnity to bombastic enthusiasm. A strong believer in every person’s destiny and purpose in the Force, he is always willing to make time to assist others in any way he can - even if just to bring a smile to their face.

However, in spite of his intense enthusiasm, Ith-ild’r himself struggles with a growing concern for the well-being of the Jedi. The question remains: if the Jedi cannot even support or have faith in each other during these desperate times, how can they hope to help the rest of the galaxy and its troubles?


Ith-ild’r grew up in the mid-levels of Coruscant, endlessly fascinated by the fast-moving lights and colours. When it became apparent that he was Force-sensitive, his parents willingly sent him to the Jedi to receive proper training and be a force of good in the galaxy. Understanding the sacrifices that needed to be made by those in the Order, his parents kept limited contact with him from then on so as to not distract him from his training or duty.

Near the end of his training as a Padawan, when the Nautolan was assisting in an evacuation, he was caught in a large chemical explosion that severely burned his skin and face. While he would survive, Ith-ild’r was rendered blind and his skin was severely damaged, and it was unlikely he would be able to serve the Jedi in any capacity anymore. However, as thanks for their rescue, the people he helped evacuate pitched in for him to undergo a “second skin” procedure that covered his body in a metallic exoskeleton. While much of his face is now robotic, the vast majority of his body beneath the plating is still organic tissue, allowing him to wield the Force and continue to assist the Jedi in their struggles.

Skills and Possessions

Very much a follower of the Nautolan cultural beliefs of balance and water, Ith-ild’r has developed his skills in the Vaapad art, redirecting his opponents’ energy in the Force to strengthen his own. In combat, he prefers to utilize techniques that expend little of his own stamina while exhausting that of his foes.

Extended haft lightsaber - purple blade
T-70 X-Wing Starfighter


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