[IB] The Search for Nandi


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SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2012
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...Well, normally, this would be the point at which one would congratulate themselves. Found the target, warded off the potential competition, and thus presumably, a hefty bounty all to one's self. Well, admittedly that last part would depend on how kind certain persons were feeling, but no matter. The group surrounding the devaronian, hoods all raised to protect from the oncoming rain, had dispersed at the Barabel's earlier order, and then run off as the brief fight ensued. The devaronian, horns poking out from underneath their hood, turned to face Grik as they were addressed, and pulled back the hood...
...That was no devaronian.
"Sorry, Nandi turned a corner a while back when you slipped into the alley and lost sight of us." It was a twi'lek, red in skin colour, and with fake horns adorned to a headband that they wore. The man was grinning, despite whatever may have happened to him next, seeming to be just happy to help a friend.


"Frag, frag, frag..." A hissing sound escaped Nandi's lips as he both swore and named the weapon he was seizing, fixing a couple of grenades to his belt. He'd kept small caches hidden out of sight in the city, in case days like these came, but he'd really been hoping it wouldn't happen. The natural assumption for anyone like him would have been to leave Imperial space entirely, and he'd thought he was being clever by employing some reverse psychology and instead staying well within it. Guess that just made it easier for Imperial intelligence - Ubiquitous or whatever the hell they called themselves these days - to track him in the end though. Killing that Corporation guy whilst he was here probably didn't help...
Fixing the parts of a blaster rifle together, he gave a light squeeze of the trigger to refamiliarise himself with the pressure needed, before switching off the safety. These bounty hunters had every intent of shooting to kill if he proved resistant, he imagined, so why not be very resistant whilst he was at it?

Abandoning the weapons box beside the dumpster he'd originally hidden it behind, Nandi began to run, trying to catch his hood over his horns as he ran. Whilst from the front he'd look ridiculous, from behind and at a distance, he might just be able to briefly pass as one of those species with an extra large forehead. The rain grew heavier, lightning flashed and thunder cracked from the skies above, and his steps threw up heavy splashes as he ran. The streets were growing emptier with each second, and whilst there were still some people around him now, as the winds began roar in stead of merely howl, Nandi would be ever alone as he ran towards the distant spaceport. He had to get the hell out of here...

Bleed Me A River

SWRP Writer
Mar 5, 2014
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Grik had since grabbed and yanked the remaining figure to face him. Just as he did, he saw a twi'lek with fake horns. Hissing, he unsheathes his scimitar and cuts the Twi'lek down, slicing cleanly across the chest, collected a finger and darted, following the scent left behind by the Devonarian. He was not one to so easily be lost. Using the cover of the oncoming storm, and Nandi's friend's body, he would go through the alleys and so on, to pas them up eventually, and set up a trap for Nandi, propping his dead friend's body behind a building, in plain view for passersby to see, right in the path of Nandi and anyone else accompanying him. Grik holed up across the street in a multi-floor living quarter for low income housing. The third floor had a window that was perfect for sniping without the aid of a scope. He took the window to the right of it and posted up on the wall, reaching out with the force to enhance his sense of smell.


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Oct 21, 2012
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(OOC: Since I've been asked to post...)

"...Aw, frag." Nandi lowered the scope of his blaster rifle from his eye, having paused at the far, far end of one of the many streets, having had to briefly go around in order to find a bridge to get across a nearby river. It had brought him back partially in the direction of which he had come from - that being towards the bar - and he had then paused as he noticed a faintly familiar shape in the distance.
This was, naturally, not at all in accordance to how the plan was meant to go if these things happened. Not hard to guess that things had already gone south.
Clocking the blaster in his hands up to full auto, he unleashed a flurry of bolts as he stepped out into the street, back up across the bridge as he did so. A brief storm of red flew through the air and against the backdrop of rain, shots peppering pretty much every wall even vaguely in the vicinity of the body - both because of a rather poor aim, and that the blaster wasn't built for the range. Once he was across, Nandi, with one last shot in his blaster, shot the bridge controls in a nearby booth, and the subsequent surge and short circuit triggered an automatic rise.

The bridge was thus beginning to part as it stood up, Nandi getting into a run against as he tried to reload. Damn, damn, that hunter or whatever had to know where he was now...

Bleed Me A River

SWRP Writer
Mar 5, 2014
Reaction score
He could smell the Devonarian's fear, as well as taste it, even from the distance he was at away from them. This was confirmed by his frantic fire at the body. Grik took advantage of the confusion and moved toward the draw bridge. He couldn't imagine his prey going anywhere else but toward the bridge. He waited in an alley not too far from it. Once he saw the Devonarian, he unholstered his slugthrower and fired twice, aiming low, toward his legs, hitting him once in the outer side of his right knee and again in his same side hip. He watched as the Devonarian fell, releasing his rifle. Grik hissed evilly, walking toward the disabled Nandi. "Nandi, Nandi, Nandi... You should have accepted your fate. Now you'll die tired," he said, before shooting him again in the other leg, laughing as he did so. He then ignited his lightsaber, and put it close to his neck, so he could feel the heat coming from the blade as it burned him. "Die, coward!" he exclaimed, with a hiss, taking the head off at the neck.
