Family House of Wessex


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score

Above: Castle Wessex

House of Wessex is a minor noble family on the planet of Serenno. A relatively new house upon the planet, the House of Wessex formed after the Clone Wars, its progenitor was a wealthy businessmen called Aethered Wessex. His wealth and power was amassed through his allegiance to the Galactic Empire, an early supporter of the regime upon the planet he quickly acted on any noble who spoke of dissent upon the Emperor and was rewarded with their confiscated goods. Aethered himself was only a noble for a short time before his assassination by disgruntled nobility a few short years prior to the battle of Yavin. As the Empire fell so did the fortunes of the family, intricately tied to their power the rise of the New Republic spelled the end of any true political power the family once had.

Within a few short years much of their ill gotten gains were forcefully returned to their original houses, leaving them finically destroyed and politically defeated. Over the coming century the family sold off much of what art, jewellery, businesses and land that they still had left to fix balance sheets and pay the loans taken to build Castle Wessex. Around seventy years after the battle of Exegol the current head of the house took over Malendor Wessex. Since his accession the finances of the family have only worsened the extravagant Malendor trying a hundred different ventures with little critical thinking or real desire. Only the smarts of his brother Alendor has the house kept itself afloat.

Current Members:

The Wessex family follow a strict Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture succession law, with all other children given a monetary pay-out upon their fathers death. As such the overall immediate family has been kept quite small with the remaining members of the bloodline heading off on their own ventures. The current members of the house are as follows;

Primary Family
  • Malendor Wessex, House Head (NPC)​
  • Ire Wessex, wife of Malendor (NPC)​
  • Malendor II Wessex, primary heir (NPC)​
  • Penda Demici, eldest daughter (NPC)​
  • Artorigas Wessex, second son, Sith (PC)​
  • Dreanna Nalju, second daughter (NPC)​
  • Cornelia Wessex, youngest daughter (NPC)​

Secondary Family
  • Alendor Wessex, Malendor's Brother (NPC)​
  • Alendan Wessex, Alendor's son (NPC)​
  • Calen Wessex, Alendor's son (NPC)​


The main asset of the family is its home, Castle Wessex and the surrounding land. Much of the land is used for agriculture though some large industrial estates sit upon its edges. The income from these allows the family to live well if not like the nobility they expect. Alendor is also an avid wine collector and has a decent sized cellar of fine wine, Ire has a number of prized pieces of jewellery including necklaces, broaches, rings and a diadem. The family also has a number of other assets listed below;


To build out the law around the House of Wessex for @Artorigas Wessex and the noble lines of Serenno.