Hanzo Lelex


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SWRP Writer
Jan 5, 2017
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Name: Hanzo Lelex
Faction: Mandalorian Dominion
Rank: Haven't yet found a section on this
Species: Mandalorian/Human
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: No

Physical Appearance:
His stride is long and slow, each foot landing on an imaginary line centered with his body. When standing, his right foot is placed notably more forward than his left and his hands are placed loosely on his hips. No matter if he's standing, sitting, or walking, his posture is impeccable. Shoulders back, chest out, chin up, smooth. If it wasn't for his strong posture and somber face, Hanzo would blend into most crowds with ease. He stands upright at 5'10." Weighing in at around 190lbs, Hanzo's build is a bit stocky but nothing that would draw too much attention. When visible, his face is kept almost suspiciously clean. His dark brown hair is regularly kept buzzed short and his face is kept meticulously clean shaven. His light-olive toned face is free of any blemishes, birthmarks, and scars, and his centered by two dull blue eyes.

His armor is orange and black, as customary of clan Lelex. All of clan Lelex share the same color pattern but there are variations in the materials and armor style.


Strength: 9
Stamina: 8
Dexterity: 8
Wisdom: 5
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 3

In the political and social battlefields of the galaxy, Hanzo would fall before the first shot was fired, but one would be under pressure to find someone as physically adept as him. Even among other Mandalorians, Hanzo is among the top percentile in bodily perfection. His reflexes are uncanny, at times his bestial body moving without the permissions of the mind. He is familiar with pain, but more familiar with how to ignore it. Through this, he finds himself able to run exceedingly long distances, lift far more weight than he should be able to, and deliver more beatings than he can receive. Although higher than most, Hanzo's body still has limits and so often after performing any physically demanding job, the following days are spent in quiet meditation.

Hanzo was not bred to be a social person, but a vessal for the will of his clan's god, Kad Ha'rangir. Clan Lelex had raised and trained Hanzo in a particular fashion, for the purposes of reestablishing the clan's honor and to carry out the will of Kad Ha'rangir. As such, his body and mind have been cultivated to win battles by might and strategy, not charm.

"He's a soldier. A damned fine one, at that. He won't make friends, but he'll make brothers on the battlefield." *-Nidus Lelex, speaking to Hanzo's mother

Talking to Hanzo is like talking to a brick wall. A brick wall that knows 57 ways to kill you without you making a sound. And much like a brick wall, you wouldn't know anything about him unless you spoke to who built him. Hanzo's fondness for sharpness lies closer to blades than tongues, but he isn't one to seek battle where it ought not be sought. His goals in life are to serve Kad Ha'rangir, reestablish his clan's honor, and to die in battle, like all good Mandalorians.

It is unlikely that Hanzo will attempt to ally himself with anyone who isn't a fellow warrior. His loyalty to his clan is infallible. The beliefs of his clan are his beliefs. If the leader of his clan proclaimed war on another clan, or even the entire planet, Hanzo would be the first in line to draw blood.

It would be unwise to associate Hanzo's silence for ignorance, although not particularly intelligent, he is well versed in poetry, history, and philosophy.

"He speaks to you, my child. He speaks to you as he speaks to me. We are the last of our people to remain reverent to Ha'rangir and because of this, he has blessed us with his holy words. Our brothers and sisters have turned their backs on him and worship false idols. Fame, money, sins of the flesh. Our people have lost their way. You are the new generation. It is up to you to guide our people back towards our Lord. Worship through war, pray by bloodshed, and live to die on the battlefield." -Nidus Lelex, father of Hanzo

Nidus's words would resonate in his child's mind for years to come. Although he was only six years old when he first heard them, they were impossible to forget. Nidus had been a great warrior, but unfortunately would be unable to instruct Hanzo in the art of war as he was destined to fall in battle on some far off planet. The death of Nidus brought sadness to the young Mandalorian, but also joy, as he knew his father had died in battle, a true Mandalorian. When it became time for Hanzo to begin both his formal education and training in the ways of combat, the task was handled by his own clan, the Lelex. Their clan lived mostly in seclusion, moving periodically, avoiding much contact with the rest of the Mandalorian tribes. Their ways were old and unpracticed by the modern people, but to clan Lelex, and a few select other rooted clans, any other way was was heresy and abominable.

Worship of Kad Ha'rangir was the first and utmost priority of life and to worship him was to spill blood. The adults of clan Lelex regularly battled to exhaustion and broken limbs in barbaric praise to their god. The children, albeit with more restriction, would also have frequent sparring matches with each other. It was believed that in addition to worshiping Ha'rangir, through this violence, they would become strong, strong enough to to inspire their brothers and sisters to turn back to the old ways and show their lord the respect and admiration he deserved.

The Lelex were right. The constant training and sparring led to their younger members growing into outstanding warriors that Ha'rangir himself would be proud to watch in battle. The number of younger members, however, were few. The clan Lelex had been shrinking more and more with each generation due to their seclusion from the majority of their people. Even the other old and secluded clans had begun to dwindle down. It would not be long before the old ways were lost completely. Yet, there was perhaps some small glimmer of hope for the old clans.

One of the children who'd grown into those outstanding warriors was exceptionally... outstanding. Hanzo, son of Nidus. Even amidst the most experienced Mandalorian warriors, he would be a formidable opponent. The elders of clan Lelex had taken an interest in Hanzo and begun spending more time training and evaluating him. Outside of tales passed down and told to younglings, unknown were any warriors to be so strong, fast, or nimble. He was devout to Ha'rangir and loyal to the Mandalore, although moreso to his clan. Hanzo would be the vessel for the old ways. He would strike fear in the enemies of the Mandalorians and inspire his brothers and sisters to return to Lord Ha'rangir. He would return Mandalore to the path it had long forgotten. He would do great things.

[No Skill -> Novice -> Moderate -> Adept -> Expert]
Melee Weapons: Expert
Marksmanship: Expert
Martial Combat: Expert
Ship Piloting: Beginner
Negotiations: No Skill
Computer Interfacing: Moderate
Covertness: Adept
War Tactics: Adept
(This is all more of a guideline)



CMBP-12 Blaster (x2) [One on each hip]
Ion Charge (x1)
Mk3 Pyrotechnic Munitions Device (x1)
SKCO Grenade (x2)
Electroblade (x2) [Crossed on back]
XPC-71 with Laser Sight (x1)


Mandalorian MK II armour

My apologies for the atrociousformatting, it's been a while. I'll come back and pretty it up soon.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
why'd you make two of this character?


New Member
SWRP Writer
Jan 5, 2017
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It was a mistake. I thought I was just making an edit, but it posted twice. I also can't seem to find a delete option.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
There isn't one. Report the one you don't want so the admins/mods know and they'll take care of it. Also that picture in the armor you're using in the other profile is already in use by like a dozen people lol.


New Member
SWRP Writer
Jan 5, 2017
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Thanks for the heads up, I'll change it soon.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Thanks for the heads up, I'll change it soon.
No problem. You don't have to. I'm just saying that you'll just see it around a bit on the site.


SWRP Writer
Mar 17, 2015
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Here is a link to the (currently) only approved Mandalorian Faction.
Not saying you have to join it.. just mentioning it because you mentioned not seeing a section for rank. If you want to apply for that faction, they can tell you what rank you'd be (If accepted - you need to apply to join it). If you don't want to join that faction and just want to be a Mandalorian elsewhere, then this is the place to look I believe.
As a note, that appears to be someone else's ranking system, but they have a bunch of ranks listed as what they would be in Mando'a.
Last edited:


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Feb 24, 2015
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New FL of the Mandalorian Dominion here. I see you have your character listed as a member of the Dominion. Which is fine, as we would love to have you. If you wouldn't mind popping over here to sign up that would be great. I know it says Deathwatch, which is what the faction used to be.

As far as rank goes, we will be revamping the Dominion faction page shortly, part of which will include a new ranking system. However for now, the rank of Warrior or SuperCommando is fine.



SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Also @Dude in my signature you can see my mandalorian houses/clan index so if you are a member of any clan/house you might want to take a look at that.