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  • I didn't even realize you were absent. Been rather absent myself. I'll get something posted up soon
    No problem. I have been a little busy myself. I'll try to get something up tomorrow morning. I would tonight but it's late and I'm tired. 12 hour days at work drained me
    Not sure if you were still wanted me to let you know when I put up more of the other Designated Training Threads, but I recently put up another one primarily focusing on stealth Force powers, if you're interested :D

    {OPEN} Shadows of the Force
    Oh hell no, I'm enjoying this saber training quite a bit lol and that's why I'm asking you to nudge cuz I hate having one person holding it up for everyone >_>
    If possible, since it's already stalled, can I keep A Night to Die For stalled until atleast the 13th (more than likely the 13th)... sorry but skyrim, and Beta testing is clogging my attention... if not I'll try to post.
    Oh ya! No that's fine! And I'll vm you the link when I get that thread up. I'm trying to feed our next thread into Zsaekriel's story and purpose, which is a grand scheme of attack; and one that I'd like Edward to be a part of. It may take me a day to think it out, cuz my first idea doesn't flow smooth enough for my liking. I'll letcha know! ;)
    >.< I had no clue you posted on A Night To Die For... Sorry, that was my bad for stalling that
    No worries, they're just men at the end of the day - so I can just tweak a few things and all will be fine. :)
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