Silver Cutlass
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  • I just found it clicking on random links a while back. It's probably from something really bad or horribly offensive :CHappy
    Oh yeah, that's right! I remember now. No worries, mate. Take your time.
    I don't remember when you said you'd be back, and I hate to be a bother, but I'm just poking you about the mission.
    Oh before I forget! I wasn't sure if this was something worth rechecking, but just to be sure I had uploaded the wrong version of Dralani. The one up now doesn't have a roboarm, that's the only real difference. Seemed like a little much and wasn't much more than a physical feature. I changed it before I had her in any topics, or anything and it was always intended to be this way, just grabbed the txt file and didn't really notice it. Wasn't sure if it was worth bothering over, but just to be safe I figured I'd let you know.
    If it doesn't work, then Ishimaru Taiki is either gonna be with the Jedi or the rebellion.
    Hey, Im finally back and I posted! sorry for the long wait! I noticed that you guys skipped me once, but I went and posted anyways, are you going to post next, or are we going to wait on moter (who hasnt posted in anything at all since his post in lost souls)?
    Yo SC! Just going down the Rebel Mission list checking on things, didn't want you to feel left out <3 I know you're involved with Bobbing for Apples, just wanted to check in and see how it's going. I know you got some other stuff going to, and I'd tell you to VM or PM but since you're on Skype and also apart of the leadership I don't think that's an issue:CHappy
    The Order of Seven- a group of idealists, they look to form an independent government free from the restrictions of the imperium and the cartel, free from the oppression many of the governments maintain.

    The Gray Paladins- a group of grey Jedi who hold to the radical philosophy of minimal dependency on the Force. They believed that a Jedi should use which ever weapon he or she felt the most comfortable with, with many choosing instead to rely on proficiency with blasters and other forms of combat, both armed, and unarmed.

    The Light Sith Triumvirate- a group of Sith who reject the dark side for the light but still retain devotion to the Sith as an organization.

    The Gray Jedi Order - a group of force-users who walked the line between the light and dark sides of the Force without surrendering to the dark side. Established a temple in the mountains of Endor.

    Some ideas
    Shadow Guard- A cross between the Brotherhood soldier and the Shadow Adept/Lord, the Shadow Guard are mainly a security force. They are specialists that are usually sent in to eliminate a complex, when a soldier is ineffective.

    Brotherhood Soldier- Warriors of the Brotherhood, they are sent when the target is military. Usually in squads, they are effective, tactical, and military trained. They are the only things standing between an armed force and their temple. The soldier is the most common site, but still uncommon to the average person.
    Ranks(subject to change):
    Warlord- Leader of the Brotherhood and teacher of the shadows. He is hardly found in the frontlines, but is known to lurk in the shadows.

    Shadow Lord- Master Assassins, they are usually found with an adept. Former adepts themselves, they have mastered the way of the assassin. They are typically sent when stealth is essential.

    Shadow Adept- Assassin trainees, they are learning how to efficiently assassinate someone without leaving any evidence behind. Adepts mainly travel with Shadow Lords but it's not uncommon for one to travel alone.
    The Dark Brotherhood is a secret order of assassins. Utilizing black ships and gear, the never leave a trace behind. Lead by Clayton "Raven" Bradley, the work for whoever needs it. They are contacted through an encrypted signal. The assassins kill whoever the have to or whoever they are hired to kill. The Brotherhood have a temple on DarkKnell and use the frigate as a mobile academy. They prefer to utilize surprise hit and run tactics, preferring small targets.

    Frigate tbd(1)
    CR90 Corvette(3)
    ARC-170 starfighter(24)
    Neutralizer-class bomber(12)
    CR25 troop transport(4)

    Shadow Guard(50)
    Shadow Lord(50)
    Shadow Adept(100)
    Brotherhood Soldier(300)

    What do you think of this draft?(it's a synopsis)
    I did think an assassin faction would fit (think ninja assassin like). Since there's a paramilitary ( MU), security, company, and the many clans. Figured having various "stealth" ships (not cloaking but more like the prowlers of the UNSC of halo)
    That might work. I had thought of using a modified Miy'til assault bomber, taken during the Hapan Campaign.
    Any ideas on a ship for my Chiss?(he's gonna be unaffiliated until the remnant is posted, then he'll either go with the imperium or the remnant)
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