Recent content by Needicla

  1. N

    jesus christ... what is this?

    jesus christ... what is this?
  2. N

    Attravrak Nakacck

    Technically he just said my character is bad. Something I don't really appreciate. If you have nothing good to say, don't post.
  3. N

    Attravrak Nakacck

    I appreciate criticism, but this criticism is not really needed. I do my character however I want, and I only apply criticism that has logical thinking in it, I don't think knowing how my prey reacts is wisdom, it's intelligence, because you're simply guessing his next move.
  4. N

    Mandalorian Separatist Movement Recruitment

    Username: Needicla Character Name: Attravrak Nakacck Link to profile: Skillset: Quick movement, hand-to-combat Desired rank: Lowest. Clan: Fett
  5. N

    Attravrak Nakacck

    NAME: Attravrak Nakacck FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Trandoshan AGE: 35 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 2 meters WEIGHT: Heavy. EYES: Red HAIR: No hair SKIN: Sandy brown CREDITS: 1,000 credits DISTINGUISHING MARKS: N/A FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTH: 10/10. Very strong, can break 4 pieces...
  6. N

    Something Old, Something New

    Utrump would hop off into the place they started from. Looking at the footprints they left behind, Utrump compared his foot to another one's, it was a Wookie! Utrump started following the footprints, travelling alot of distance in the hot, hot weather. Utrump decided to stop for a rest in the...
  7. N

    Mandalorian Separatist Movement Recruitment

    I'm going for the Separatists.
  8. N

    Training Request Thread

    1) Utrump Snobacca 2) 3) Acolyte 4) Want to get lightsaber training and the force.
  9. N

    Utrump Snobacca

    Tried editing it.
  10. N

    Just joined, gonna leave.

    Tried editing, please criticise it.
  11. N

    Just joined, gonna leave.

    I am going to try.
  12. N

    Just joined, gonna leave.

    Well, I cannot join the sith. Since it requires more in the biography and personality, which unfortunately, I cannot provide.
  13. N


    Since I lack the ability to write personality and biography, I'm not getting accepted to a faction. That means no game. I'm going to leave. well, i guess bye
  14. N

    Just joined, gonna leave.

    Since I really lack the ability to write a biography and personality, I'm not able to join any faction. That's like saying no game. Goodbye.