Recent content by Longshot

  1. Longshot

    PvP Boot Camp!

    Do you have PvP experience?: No, never on this site or any other. Personal view of PvP: An important part of the site but more competitive instead of collaborative in nature, which I don’t fully understand how to behave in certain scenarios. I understand it’s uses and don’t by any means think...
  2. Longshot


    Alright, changed the gear section to reflect that he wears outrider scout armor, which I believe is fitting as it is said to be more common in rougher parts of space, and has many knockoff variants. @Vosrik
  3. Longshot

    Take Two

    Yes, I know I posted a very similar thread not long ago and I promise this won’t be a habit just to try and get attention. I just thought I’d try again because looking back at it I think the problem was it was way too general. I mean, it’s very much a possibility no one will answer to this...
  4. Longshot


    That’s a-okay with me, he’s usually considered sick anyway so sick Pantoran would probably be a fitting description for an outside viewer.
  5. Longshot


    Actually, I made share before I made the character that it was on the approved species list But even if his appearance raises questions it can be misattributed to another side effect of his experimentation.
  6. Longshot

    Into The Unknown

    Greetings one and all! It is I, role player of few threads, who wishes to begin his journey in these interesting times. Basically I have very little idea of where exactly to begin, but you’ve got to star somewhere. I (think) I created the sub account properly and by my understanding I can begin...
  7. Longshot


    Thanks for the heads up!
  8. Longshot


    Also I know this is really drab looking without a fancy template or anything, but I’d much rather put the effort into the writing as I’m not confident in using all the code prompts just yet. By the way, this is the first-ish draft of my first stab at a character, so I’d love to hear some feedback!
  9. Longshot


    NAME: Huss’tri’xinio abbrev. “Strix” FACTION: Independent RANK: N/A SPECIES: Chiss AGE: 25 GENDER: Male FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, Untrained APPEARANCE: Strix is a lean, 6’ tall Chiss, having the distinct blue skin, red eyes and blue-black hair that characterize his species. He is 170 lbs. with a...
  10. Longshot


    Hello everyone! It’s great to be here. I’ve roleplayed before but I might be a bit rusty so you’ll have to be patient with me. Anyways I’m a huge Star Wars fan, naturally. As far as other interests go I’m an avid reader from Huckleberry Finn to Ready Player One. I also love Overwatch and...
  11. Longshot

    New and ready to RP!

    New and ready to RP!