PvP Boot Camp!

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SWRP Writer
Feb 24, 2015
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Hello fellow SWRPers. It has come to my attention that despite PvP being an integral part of the site, the number of members who know how to PvP have dwindled down to an unhealthy level. This is a problem that i believe started last timeline and has continued to perpetuate into the current one. For that reason, i present PvP Boot Camp!

Myself and a few fellow staff members (@Loco, @GABA Ren, and @Relent) have decided to oversee a few sets of chronicles (non canon) 1v1 PvP fights in order to explain and teach the basics of PvP, and possibly more advanced techniques depending on individual competency. Members will use generic level 1 characters equipped with basic weaponry, and writing will focus on the actual PvP, cutting out the fluff and flavor of usual canon posts to better grasp the technical details of PvP.

Members new and old are welcome to participate, however will not be chosen on first come first serve but rather matched up by general competency. We plan on conducting more than one of these, so if you get passed up the first time around there will be more opportunity down the road.

Please sign up in the following format

Do you have PvP experience?: Yes/No

Personal view of PvP:

Self competency rating:

Force user or non force user preffered?:

EDIT: forgot a part of the sign up
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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: PVP is usually fun if it's death enabled. Death disabled is boring. And drama free OOCs is great! Bad OOCs are a bad experiance though

Self competency rating:
Decentish, nothing to write home about. I've know all the rules but not that great writing out melee combat.

Force user or non force user preffered?: No preference. Either works for me. But FS if I have to pick one.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience: No.
Personal view of PvP: Quite honestly, it makes me nervous. The risk of losing a character I have spent so much time working to develop keeps me away from it. Though I have enjoyed some cinematic PvP with predetermined outcomes. Maybe understanding it better would prompt me to engage more.
Self competency rating: I am certainly capable of learning the skills to PvP and later use them in IC scenarios. I have a general understanding of the rules.
Force user or non-force user: Force user preferred.


Weaver of Stories
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 27, 2016
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Do you have PvP experience? Yes

Personal view of PvP: I think it can be an excellent story opportunity if done properly. At worst, it can end up leaving people with very sour tastes in their mouth, but that's if ooc discussions break down to their worst. I'd like to become more proficient at PvP as I've done very poorly in my last several matches.

Self competency rating: Experienced but not skilled.

Force User or Non-Force User: I prefer Force users!
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Lookin for a fight
SWRP Writer
Dec 17, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: I love to PVP and enjoy the aspect of trying to outsmart opponents.

Self competency rating: Would say I'm above average in my PVP skills.

Force user or non-force user: I prefer force users.


Mediocrity at its finest
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2014
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Do you have PvP experience?: No
Personal view of PvP: A little daunting with how it's chalked up in places. Looks like a fantastic time if it's done right.
Self-competency rating: I'd like to think I'm not horrible. I can adapt to new areas fairly well, it's just that initial step/first bout where I'd certainly value more of a guiding hand.
Force user or non force user preferred?: Force user
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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 17, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: Positive. It promotes a logical series of thoughts that can be beneficial to improving one's writing. Plus there is a thrill to the death-enabled matches.

Self competency rating: Fair. Quite skilled with space combat, mediocre with personal combat.

Preference: Force Combat


SWRP Writer
Oct 24, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: Personally, PvP on RP sites will need to consider a number of variables, at least when not having stats. I've come from a number of forums of various kinds, both stat oriented and not. I would say that on a forum like this, PvP should be more about plot and cooperation to make an amazing story and to make things happen rather than random skirmishes. As a person that had made a character not so combat oriented, I acknowledge that she severely lacks ability for combat, but I know OOC the courses of action that could lead me to victory. It's a give and take sort of thing. It can also be positive or negative based on the people you experience it with, as I've had some on both worlds. So, let's see what I can do here.

Self competency rating: Hmm...not too sure. Let's just say 5/10 for now and see where it goes.

Force user or non force user preffered?: Either Or.

Equipment I'll Be Using?:
I'm thinking a simple weapon to start and let's see how things go.


Variables and Things To Look For In PvP (For This Site):
Environment: How can I use the environment to my advantage?

Mortal Weaknesses: Does my opponent have a moral code or some form of handicap that I can exploit? How does my opponent think or act?

Fighting Style: What kind of weapon does my enemy use? How do they use that weapon when in combat? How do they react to my presence, and do they look experienced? Are they well known? Multiple things to watch for.

Stamina: Most fights in actuality last typically three minutes or less. Fights that drag beyond that typically in terms of either martial arts and or weapon fighting are stamina draining in real life, and so I would imagine the same in terms of this site. Force powers likely make one even more tired.

Size/Strength/Gender: As far as what anyone says, gender in fact does make a difference in terms of physical strength. It has been scientifically proven that men have the potential to have 50% more upper body strength than their female human counterparts, and other races likely have some similar traits. On top of this, size is a contributor to strength, but also how fast something moves to a degree. A fighting style should complement the character in all aspects, not just what is imaginable. There are infinitely many things to exploit, and these three things to an extent are part of them.
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Resident Sloth
SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience?:
In the style of this site and on it so far, no not really. Attempted but my pvp partner timed out the second week.

Personal view of PvP:
I am intrigued and also nervous as brokenmadman stated above. Lots of work goes into (some) of my characters. So the idea that one miscalculation on my part can end that work does make me hesistant. On another hand however pvp can be fun, character developing, and make a great story. I feel like, it is intergral to partake in pvp, and to have it in a variety of forms. The death enabled type, the death disabled, predetermined and the like all intrigue me equally. As they all have their respective place in Rp.

Self competency rating:
Shawwttyyy I'm low low low low... idk maybe 4 or 5 out of 10

Force user or non force user preffered?:
Both if possible.


SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2013
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes(only two matches, and it was probably two years ago)

Personal view of PvP: I fully understand that’s it’s a necessary part of the overall story here. All the same, I feel a lot more pressure when in an PvP match compare to other RP types. The reason being because it’s feels like a competition than a joint writing experience to me at least. Also it’s hard to be moviated to risk my characters in death matches when growing attached to them. Hence my reluctance to take part in it.

Self competency rating: It’s has been some years since I actually RP some PvPs. Only two matches to be exact and both occasions were losses. So I would rate my competency as very low to be perfectly honest.

Force user or non force user preffered?: Non force user
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SWRP Writer
Jan 16, 2018
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Do you have PvP experience?: No, never on this site or any other.

Personal view of PvP: An important part of the site but more competitive instead of collaborative in nature, which I don’t fully understand how to behave in certain scenarios. I understand it’s uses and don’t by any means think it’s a bad thing, plus most characters are usually created to be at least competent fighters anyway, I’m just not sure if I would find it as enjoyable as other forms of RP and am usually too scared to try.

Self-Competency Rating: When I first signed up I read, or at least mostly read the How-To-PvP page and from what I recall it’s based mostly on creativity. I know recall makes it sound like a while ago but it just didn’t catch my eye when I read through it so I probably didn’t pay too much attention to the details. I’d rate myself as a 2/10 if we’re going by that scale.

Force User or Non-Force User Preferred?: Force User Preferred


Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes, over the years

Personal view of PvP: I would do more of it if I knew how to do it 'properly' and how to more efficiently articulate my thoughts, knew the rules a little better, etc

Self competency rating: I'm probably a 4 or 5 in that I'm nothing special but know how to write a post or two and how to not shatter my legs/time out.

Force user or non force user preferred?: Force user preferred


Mr Dyslexia
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 4, 2012
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: I think PvP should add to the story not be the story it self.

Self competency rating: poor never really one a fight.

Force user or non force user preffered?: force user

Jinan B

Thick As A Castle Wall
SWRP Writer
Feb 23, 2016
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes.

Personal view of PvP: I'm a fan for several reasons. It's nice to have some threads where you're actively competing for a victory instead of just going through a no risk story; and PvP is the easiest avenue to have something like that. I also feel like it can be very good for your character's stories. It can take you in directions you wouldn't have otherwise considered; like say (as a very basic example) you lost a fight and now have to go through what that means for your ultra-vain and sure of himself character; or even more, you lose a limb or something to that affect. There's lots of potential for PvP to take your story in ways you wouldn't have previously planned, and I love that concept and that part of it.

Self competency rating: Poor. It's slightly hard to tell since my PvP experience amounts to about 1 fight that got maybe 2 or 3 rounds in before it ended in a loss by ruling, but I definitely wouldn't say that I'm good at PvP.

Force user or non-force user preffered?: Force user please.
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Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes - Though it is limited to match ups that have a victor in mind. Kind of like some professional wrestlers do, the ending was agreed upon but everything between the start and end was completely free.

Personal view of PvP: It adds a sense of urgency to characters and players - kinda like "better get that thread/character growth done quick or else my character might get themselves wasted in a PVP before it can be expanded upon" kind of thing. It is, in my mind, essential for site-wide plots however.

Self competency rating: Decent. Got a good grasp of sword combat that, somewhat, translates to lightsaber combat but I'm not great at non-melee users at the moment - would look to improve that.

Force user or non force user preffered?: I would prefer to do both at some point but need to work on non-force user more.


That Guy
SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2014
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Do you have PvP Experience?: Yes, but it has been a mixed bag of sorts. Some have gone really well and I have genuinely enjoyed them, others not so much. That said, my entire PvP experience (in the 3 years I've been here) can be counted out on one hand, so it isn't something I do very often.

Personal view of PvP: Personally, I don't have a positive outlook on it. I've always felt it inspires a kind of "only cool kids PvP" mentality around the site, and only a very select core group of members seem especially skilled at it. This gives the appearance of a rift among the community, separating the "PvPers" from the "non-PvPers", when we're all supposed to be part of the same community. Having said that, I do see where PvP is necessary to drive certain plots or stories forward, but that prospect can seem particularly daunting (especially to newcomers) when there is such an obvious skill disparity between those who frequently engage in PvP, versus those that don't.

Additionally, I will just say that in my 10+ years experience across numerous RP sites, I had never heard of such a thing as PvP before I found this site. I was familiar with combat, however, all of my previous experience was that such things were often planned out, and used only to drive specific story events. The idea of spontaneous, death-enabled PvP breaking out in generic threads was an entirely foreign concept to me at the time.

Self competency rating: Mixed to poor. Honestly, my skill depends on those I am writing with. I am far less skilled at the "technical" writing style required for PvP, and not everyone is willing to accommodate the more "artistic" writing style I have grown accustomed to.

FS or non-FS preference: Force sensitive would be preferable. Melee combat is my Achilles heel. I've never been great at it, but I would like to learn how.


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: It's fun and fast paced. Definitely more engaging than social threads, but also pretty risky sometimes.

Self competency rating: Decent, but definitely could improve

Force user or non force user preferred?: Force preferred


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Do you have PvP experience?: Yes

Personal view of PvP: If I create a character specifically for PVP I'm okay with high stakes and death, because then it's about giving it all you got. I understand some people can get really passionate about this, but personally I try to just see the fun in it and treat it as a game (a little bit in the way that I enjoy permadeath runs in RPG video games). That having said, I have characters that I have rolled for story purposes, which I put a lot of work into, and which I don't want to end up dead. I'll avoid pvp with those types of characters as much as possible, and if it would come to pass I'd prefer it if it was death disabled. So in short: I have pvp characters and story characters. I don't like to mix these two elements too much (although I'm not always strictly 100 percent against it, there may be exceptions sometimes).

Self competency rating: I'm okay. I can interpret posts, close read them and even coach people or give input. But PVPing by myself is a completely different mindset. I have only recently returned to the site and so I'm no doubt very rusty when it comes to PVP. Before I get into the actual thing with my PVP character, I figure this boot camp session will help me out a great deal. In the past I've won some fights, lost some fights, killed some characters and saw my own characters die, but then I was up against very strong pvpers. I have no idea what I'll be like now, though, as it's been so long...

Force user or non force user preferred?: Force user is my comfort zone. Therefore I want a non force user, seeing as my pvp character currently is non force user.
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