Recent content by huntressofworlds

  1. huntressofworlds

    Desert Stronghold

    Nereza had finally coerced James into the sleeping quarters of his new ship. As tired as she had been, she’d seen the boy-like look in his eyes as he adjusted into the controls and capabilities of his inherited vessel. In the end though, the caress of his wife had drawn the sniper from his...
  2. huntressofworlds

    Clan Orar 2.0

    I'm stepping out again for a bit. Grim / Kenshin is in charge of Orar till my return.
  3. huntressofworlds


    I'm stepping off for a bit again in the morning. I'm leaving Grim in charge of Orar in my stead. Follow him as you would myself. I'm also leaving Silverface in charge of the Apate (my pirate band of deviants). Any questions/concerns can be directed to them until my return. Thank you...
  4. huntressofworlds

    The Last of his Line

    Neri studied the droids, still a bit skeptical of it all, she was perhaps a bit more relieved that James seemed to be on edge a bit as well, her eyes had spotted his palm on his weapon, even if all seemed at ease otherwise. When the holographic image lept to life she studied the holographic...
  5. huntressofworlds

    Displaced Sands

    It would be a moment to be remembered in Mandalorian history, when the Major Clans of their people lay aside their differences and began to unite themselves once again in order to secure a future for their culture. While it had been a simple doctor who had made a call, a plea, it would be the...
  6. huntressofworlds

    The Last of his Line

    Neri gave James a bit of a dirty look when he mentioned the honor of being bombed into oblivion. She shook her head just a bit, “Prefer to stick around awhile longer, if it’s all the same to you.” She pushed back at him before leaning into his armored side a bit as he slid his arm around her...
  7. huntressofworlds

    Missing kitty - please help

    He's ALIVE! Now revel in how awesome my Cat is.
  8. huntressofworlds

    Missing kitty - please help

    Don't be silly, we all know Jiang is a big scary fluffy tiger beast technology god outside of SWRP. It's that version that's missing!
  9. huntressofworlds

    Corsairs Silentium: Screw Subtlety

    Wouldn't that be... Admiral.
  10. huntressofworlds

    Kas Orayva

    Kardai could always use more competition! :) Nice Profile Storm, as always.
  11. huntressofworlds

    The Last of his Line

    Neri strolled along through the building with James and the representative of James’s uncle’s estate. Listening to the chatter best she could she found herself more caught up in the stares and looks that were cast towards them. Part of her wanted to send an armored fist right out, but the...
  12. huntressofworlds

    The Dance of the Pirate and the Ranger OOC

    Agreed. Maybe I'll toss a few bombs at their city on my way out, maybe that'll get some attention ;) lol.