Recent content by Hexad Kagortos

  1. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    Hex had stood his ground well enough, considering he was under-equipped and facing an opponent that had both the home ground advantage and much more tech than he did. The Sith was surprised with how well things were going—until they weren't. "Fekking hell," he mumbled, hearing blaster bolts...
  2. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    As the Mandalorian launched up in the air at his right side, Hex circled toward his own left, toward the door to the control room, which was only a few steps away. With the momentum from his push toward the flames, he sent one, stronger, burst of telekinetic energy at the supercommando, just...
  3. Hexad Kagortos

    The Funeral of Darth Parox

    Hex watched as more people slowly approached the coffin, noting the arrival of Eriana Fox, who most knew as Parox's ex-girlfriend. Though he had no strong opinion of the former couple's relationship, he supposed it was admirable that she had at least come to Parox's funeral, despite being...
  4. Hexad Kagortos

    The Funeral of Darth Parox

    Korriban, 2355 local time Theme Hooded figures filed into the room in small groups, slowly filling the dimly-lit chamber and taking up spots in the specially designed areas. In the center, a lone coffin, crafted out of onyx, was placed atop a small podium, held up so that it faced the...
  5. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    He reached 4 meters when the Mandalorian lifted his arm and activated his flamethrower. Hex immediately slammed his foot down and ground himself to a halt. When the flames burst out of the flamethrower, he lifted his free left hand up just a bit (careful not to cut it off with his own...
  6. Hexad Kagortos

    Fuels of War

    The rebel ducked away back behind the boulder, somehow avoiding the flurry of bolts, and Hex lowered his rifle when he heard the call to retreat. It seemed they had succeeded in repelling the attack. They'd held the rebels off long enough for them to run out of ammo and morale, which, to be...
  7. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    The moment the Mandalorian's finger pressed the trigger of his bowcaster, Hex swung into action. Because the man was 50 meters away, the bolts would take well over a second to arrive, time in which the Acolyte dashed forward and to the right. He had already been in the doorway and moving, so the...
  8. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    He could hear voices chattering above them, but Hex didn't really pay much attention to them—this was a spice mine. People loved to conversate while they worked. Instead, he nodded to Cawar, stretching his neck a little and gathering the Force to himself, building it up within him just in case...
  9. Hexad Kagortos

    Fuels of War

    His shots hit home and the swoop was ruined, the rebel fleeing with his tail between his legs. That left Hex with one more viable opponent, who he turned toward just in time to see bolts streaking at him again. "Will they ever learn?" he mused out loud, Mid's lightsaber deflecting them away. The...
  10. Hexad Kagortos

    Fuels of War

    The Dug's head faded back out of view as Mid shot toward him, but Hex was currently more focused on the Jedi, who had ducked behind the tree and stayed there. The Acolyte lifted his rifle up again and this time shot the top part of the trunk twice. It would break off and fall down on the Jedi...
  11. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    Hex looked down the corridor where a fork lead to the left, right, and up ahead, where there was an elevator. "Head for the elevator?" he replied, somewhat unsure. That was their best bet, so he began heading over to it, back hunched over and hands at his side, his walk and demeanor not...
  12. Hexad Kagortos

    Fuels of War

    "Not much to focus on!" he replied, eyes on the boulder. The rebels were a world away, shooting at them as if it made a difference. It was like they were trying to waste ammunition. A head poked out from behind the big rock and Hex pressed the trigger of his blaster again, 2 more bolts streaming...
  13. Hexad Kagortos

    Breaker of Chains

    Kessel, 1425 local time Hex was no stranger to spice. No, far from it. In fact, he'd go as far as to say he was close friends with spice, finding himself smoking it—or snorting, depending on the day—several times a day, every day. It was his closest friend, perhaps, but the only one he needed...
  14. Hexad Kagortos

    Fuels of War

    "Hoth?" he asked, a bit confused by the Pureblood's sudden declaration. He knew there had been a battle there, but didn't understand why Mid was just now mentioning it. Was he suffering flash backs because of it? Apparently not. Hex turned to look at the hill as his companion shouted to sound...
  15. Hexad Kagortos

    Fuels of War

    "Someone's playing porn on the Holonet channels again!" It wasn't the first time this week, and from the looks of it, it certainly wasn't the last. Hex personally didn't pay much attention to the shit they usually had going on on the Holonet—most of it was boring filler—so the information was...