Breaker of Chains

Hexad Kagortos

SWRP Writer
May 23, 2019
Reaction score
Hex had stood his ground well enough, considering he was under-equipped and facing an opponent that had both the home ground advantage and much more tech than he did. The Sith was surprised with how well things were going—until they weren't. "Fekking hell," he mumbled, hearing blaster bolts hitting their target in the other room, the death sending ripples through the Force. He knew his companion had just been taken out, which left him in a 2v1. Injured or not, the Mandalorian did not seem particularly deterred, and Hex's hand was seriously starting to hurt.

"Fine!" he called out into the other room. "All on your own with these two-bit Acolytes," he added, muttering to himself, his disappointment clearly visible. He extinguished his lightsaber and held it in his hand, grabbing his pistol softly with the other, holding it loosely because applying pressure to his left hand made it hurt more. He stepped in front of the door and through it once it hissed open, taking a better look at the Mandalorians when he walked out.

He tossed his pistol down and his extinguished lightsaber at the Mandalorian he'd just been fighting, rolling his eyes. "Don't go spending it all in one place now," Hex added, winking. The Acolyte walked over and picked up the lifeless body of his companion, carrying him over his shoulders. Hex passed by the two and made for the elevator, aware that he was now at the mercy of the two Mandalorians. He was defenseless; if they decided to shoot him down anyway, he'd have nothing to do to protect himself.

If all went well, he'd enter the elevator and make for the bottom floor, Acolyte around his shoulders. No one stopped him from leaving after that.



Dax Vizsla

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
Reaction score
Dax nodded at the Sith and let him walk away. Despite being a Sith, he had fought well, and Dax could respect that. Even the Sith could have some honorable traits. Wasn't that what one of the Jedi fools had said, everyone has a spark of good in them.

Either way, the fight was won, Kessel was defended, and as Dax picked up the dropped weapons, he activated his long range comms to send out the message. Kessel was still theirs.


@Nommie @vamp @DeeCeeP0