
SWRP Writer
May 21, 2019
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Vipe Ranni was a Rattataki male during the 'Force Eternal' era of the Galaxy. He was a foot soldier of the Crymorah syndicate. Behind the criminal organization's front Vipe works as a waste management consultant. Being involved in extortion rackets he often found himself in fights, where he learned how to defend himself and how long bruises take to heal. Despite his best efforts to earn credits, his addiction to spice prevented any chances to change his lifestyle. Not that he wanted to. The gangster hid the fact that he was a sociopath by pretending to have emotions like other people, and spice helped a lot.

Basic Information

Vipe Ranni
Homeworld Corellia
Age 34
Height 180 centimeters
Weight 91 kilograms
Gender Male
Faction Five Syndicates
Force Sensitive No


Vipe was raised by a local gang on Corellia. They were not extraordinary people, just people leeching off their neighborhood. Definitely shameless. Early buds of a well organized mafia. Of course, this circle never considered anyone, only themselves. When Crymorah syndicate showed up their life changed for the worse.

Every week Vipe collected his family's earnings, took a cut, then paid his dues to their enforcer. His brothers plotted against him when they found his spice stash that they theoretically couldn't afford. The syndicate couldn't care less about the inner strife. They only cared for their kick-up. Vipe asked for extra work. Extortion, hijacking, murder for hire. He was down. With nothing to loose, the Rattataki got involved in shady deals that tied blood to his hands.

Unable to bear all this stress, Vipe cheated on his girlfriend, abused spice, got into fights.

Soon local authorities looked at Vipe's case. One of his episodes caused unrest when he beat an officer's son nearly to death. Yeah, well, someone had to be responsible, and CorSec liked it or not, the syndicate wouldn't throw away one who always paid on time. Misunderstanding.

Another Rattataki, a former brother took one for him. In return, Vipe promised he'd come home. He bought a place in his old neighborhood and took his first real job, allegedly at a waste management company. They sloppily disposed of all kinds of waste, the cheapest way possible. For example, they only complied with regulations when they thought they'd get caught.

In this semi-legal circle Vipe seemed to have come clean, but the desire he felt was irresistible. Crymorah is the type of family you cannot quit.


Vipe stole an old rusty TN-K Speeder Truck that he uses for traveling. It would make sense to modify it, however he doesn't know the first thing about speeders.

The only weapon in Vipe's possession is a DE-10 blaster pistol that he keeps concealed on his right side.

Under his trench-coat he wears a Blast Vest. Cuz where there are blasters, there are blast vests.

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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Can you list a weight for your character please?

The profile looks fine, other than the reference to your character being one of the Crymorah Syndicates best earners.

When you are ready for me to take a look at this profile again tag me and I'll get to this when I can :)


SWRP Writer
May 21, 2019
Reaction score
Can you list a weight for your character please?

The profile looks fine, other than the reference to your character being one of the Crymorah Syndicates best earners.

When you are ready for me to take a look at this profile again tag me and I'll get to this when I can :)

Got it!