Open Nar Shaddaa Super Hutt Ball Observation

Felicia Harlow


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Mar 9, 2022
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At this very moment, halfway across the galaxy, Julia Harlow was throwing a self-dubbed "Hutt Ball Soirée." Her mother's fascination with the sport had always struck the young thief as illogical and above all out of character. Hutt Ball was what her mother would ordinarily call unnecessarily violent, a barbaric sport that should have gone out centuries ago. And yet, she and her closest friends were fascinated with the sport for some reason, caught in the same fever as the rest of the galaxy.

Somewhere amongst the gathered crowd below, a young and upcoming executive set to take over his father's company—a prospective beau, handpicked by her mother— stood waiting with two tickets to the game, one intended for her. Felicia would never show, and if he had half the brain her mother gave him credit for, he already knew that. Of all the places in the galaxy Felicia Harlow could be at that very moment—stadium side seats or a luxurious penthouse on Coruscant—she chose to frequent the Reeky Rek.

The malodorous cantina floated high above the city, circling the Hutt Ball Stadium below, but it wasn't the view from its balconies that had drawn the Echani, nor was it the gambling. After all, why gamble your own credits when you could just take someone else's?

This was the biggest sporting event of the year, drawing in thousands upon thousands of viewers from across the galaxy, each of them just itching to make a quick, easy credit. Someone would be strolling out of the Reeky Rek later today, their bank account the richer thanks to a handful of misplaced, drunken bets. Felicia would make sure to collect those winnings, later tonight—when the short-lived winner was passed out in their hotel room or lying face down in an alleyway behind another sleazy cantina.

There was nothing glamorous about this particular brand of thievery, but it was easy. Even cat burglars had to relax every now and then.

Dressed all in black, the Echani strode through the entrance of the Reeky Rek, silver eyes instantly scanning the crowd. Felicia was late, but better to arrive late than early and ugly.

Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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Tia didn’t risk going back to the balcony and end up missing another stunning play. Instead she stayed put, watching the holo-displays with their different holocam angles to catch every move by the players. There were collective groans as they watched the one guy eat the butt of the bowcaster, Tiamat included, face contorting in shared pain and disgust, but quickly moved to the other players. The woman found herself at the bar counter again, moving with the crowd until she felt the edge of the counter press into her belly.

Though as she watched Sol get frustrated with his own mishap with PIPE, smirking to his reaction before turning her attention to others at the bar where she caught sight of several familiar faces. Her blue eyes lighting up when she spotted Emryc (@Sreeya) outside his VIP section, though there was someone else near him that changed her mood entirely as her gaze set deadly on Veles (@vamp). Tia took a drink from the glass bottle, a seething spark ignited and it took much of the woman’s willpower and patience to ensure she didn’t jump across the counter and strangle him here. Despite him working on an antidote for a mess he created, it should have never happened.

Someone behind her bumped a little too hard as they tried to get to the counter, her attention returning to the screen as Altair made a showy move that seemed to make his fans go nuts, including herself.


Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

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Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
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Just as she was relaxing into a conversation with Emryc, a good drink, and some entertaining Huttball, a deep accent rushed over her senses. A voice, unfamiliar to her ears, graced over them, and she glanced at the male cooly, amber eyes raking him in as she took a long, slow, final sip from her glass, dark-tinted lips leaving a mark on the rim. "Seems as if I do," she murmured back to Emryc, slanting him a raised brow. "Not someone you hired for me...? A pity. It seems I'm not that close to you," she replied dryly, but a spark of mischief briefly flared in amber eyes. "Enjoy your shots... I might have to follow suit."

She watched the half-Sephi intently as he left, immediately seeing how others seemed to gravitate towards him almost before he even reached the bar, and let out a quiet chuckle. The whisky was helping tense muscles to relax, slouching slightly in her seat even, when the Devaronian's question finally wrapped around her mind.

"I don't mind, but don't call me ma'am," she replied, cocking her head to the empty seats. "It'll make me feel old." Having said that, she stared him up and down once more... he couldn't be much older than Silvi, even. Surely a moment engaging with someone else in drinks and conversation wouldn't be a bad idea. "What's your name?" she asked cooly, cocking a white eyebrow.

"And what's your cute mug doing in a cantina like this?" Briefly forgetting, of course, Newton's company not far away.

@Altaris @Sreeya

Ailis Drast

Imperial Knight

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Feb 11, 2022
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Ailis was just about to take a celebratory sip of her drink when someone rudely bumped into her, sending half her drink spilling forwards onto the bar. "Hey watch your step-" She started to say angrily as she turned around to be greeted by the spitting image of Altair.

No, not Altair. Definitely a Din though, she tried to recall which of the names belonged to which faces but found she couldn't keep her eyes up long enough as they dropped down to a sculpted and word emblazoned chest. She smirked before she looked up at his face as he apologized. "Hey, accidents happen. Nice paint Jabari." She said, finally remembering his name before moving away from the Din, hoping to leave him confused as he went off his own way.

Ailis eyes wandered the bar before settling on a hulking and heavily familiar form. Was that. Was that... THE EMRYC THORNE?! Just sitting at a bar watching huttball? A mini panic attack surged through Ailis chest for a moment before she got a moment to catch her breath. Of course by that time she had already walked up to the bar next to Emryc and was running her mouth.

"OHMYGOD EMRYC THORNE..." She half shouted, her words easily lost among the raucous crowd but quite loud to anyone standing immediately near them. "Oh no I'm so sorry," She said quickly as she glance around and then back at the ISC President, "I just, I never. Wow, it really is you." She said, trying not to scream or panic or run away as she confirmed it was him. He stood well over her and she had to look up to look at his face. His chiseled jaw and silver eyes.

"I'm so sorry to bother you Mister President." She took a deep breath as she worked up whatever courage she had for the night, glancing at the screen to see Altair running for the ball again. "I'm... friends with Raging Bull down there, and he's a huuuuge fan of yours. Do you... Could I get an autograph for him?" She tried to put her best puppy dog eye face on as she asked. Wow. It was really Emryc Thorne. In the flesh.

Ailis sure was glad she had decided to leave Coruscant and join the Sith, this never would have happened back home. She glanced back at the holoscreen to catch Altair running the ball and launching himself into the air and she would have been on the edge of her seat if she had been sitting. Her face twisted up in confusion for a moment as Altair shouted in the middle of a flip. "Who the fuck is Mrs. Autem?" She puzzled out loud as she gripped the counter and hoped for a score.

@Sreeya @Altaris


Emryc Thorne

ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc was making his way over towards the bar when he was joined by a man he recognized as an undercover ISC that arrived on the planet with them (@Mr. Teatime ). His gaze briefly lingered on the man - he was certainly pleasing to look at and many leagues above the droids that usually surrounded him. The half Sephi simply nodded in acknowledgement before a teen girl (@Arcangel )crossed his path. He was a titan above her, and he took a moment to hear her out. To any that had never come across him before, it was unnerving to stand so close, especially with piercing silver eyes that felt more like daggers carving right through you.

“Very well,” The half Sephi said curtly before grabbing a napkin as he scribbled his name. Ailis would notice he did it twice, one for Raging Bull, and another for her. He casually handed the napkins over before he strode past her and towards the bar, leaving behind a trail of his usual expensive cologne. Emryc glanced over again at the ISC Ranger when he had another addressed him. This time, he was both amused and surprised to spot that it was Veles (@vamp ) of all people. Externally, the half Sephi’s face betrayed nothing, though his mind thought back to their absurd adventures on multiple occasions. Emryc had been behind a helmet every single time.

“Outer Rim whiskey,” Emryc stated with a half grin as he took a seat.The barstool protested a bit against his large frame, “You buying?”

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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"Your emminence -"

Nor'baal snored, which caused a sound something between a farting Bantha and an avalanche.

"Emmience." the assistant tried again, jabbing a sharp finger in the flabby side of his master, who grumbled and opened one of his eyes irately. "Ji Tlabekirk ohk circaa." the man whispered in Ryl, as he clocked Thorne heading toward one of the bars. Nor'baal opened his other eye, and squinted down to where his assistant was pointing.

That was Thorne.

<Fic a losar bo Tatoo Clan- Lilar karkan ar yeu ootay jei lie, ordic jeo.> he instructed. Tri-Barrel was one of the most expensive Outer Rim whiskeys going, and, if the holo-rumours were to be believed, a favourite of the Presidents. From his box, Nor'baal would wait for the drinks to arrive, and for the waiter to inform the President who the benefactor of this beverage was, before the Hutt raised his own glass to the President, by way of greeting.

Khalid Din


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Feb 16, 2022
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Khalid had decided to let his little brother take the stage and be the one smooth talking his way into somewhere way above their standing, the Tiefling cowboy grinning proudly as he noticed that his brother could score with one of the most important people in the galaxy. With a wink and a coy smile towards him, Khalid turned around and went to the bar, now looking at the match from the TVs while finishing his drink.

Of course, he heard some people talking about Altair while being there, but Khalid decided to simply watch and enjoy as his other brother made him proud on the Huttball field. He certainly had to savor this tonight because last time he had checked his comm links, he had fifty seven missed calls from ma. Letting a small chuckle after Altair did that cheesy last score alongside hell on wheels. Deciding that it was time to go, Khalid texted Jabari in a moment "Hey 'Bari, I am gonna go pick up our lil' champion, I'll send you the directions to my apartment in a moment in case you need somewhere to crash, 'kay? Have fun 😉" And with that said and done, Khalid left the cantina, ready to go pay a visit to his other brother.

@Altaris @Sreeya