Empire Zord Leeche Daskim


SWRP Writer
May 8, 2023
Reaction score

Zord Leeche Daskim


► 52
► Human
► 6'
► 188lbs
► Green
► Grey, formerly brown
► Planet
► Male
► Galactic Empire
► Lieutenant
► None
Zord Leeche Daskim was born on Taris to an aristocratic and wealthy family. He can trace his lineage back to Captain Vermicor Leeche Daskim, who, it is said in the family histories, captained an Imperial I Star Destroyer during the First Galactic Empire, and was martyred by the Rebel Alliance after the Battle of Endor. His parents, Sorb Leeche Daskim and Silpa Daskim, named him according to family tradition whereby all men descended directly from Vermicor are given the middle name 'Leeche', to mark their descent from that great hero and leader of men.

His early life was centered chiefly on preparation to regain the family's fading glory. For years the Daskims had aligned themselves to any cause by which they might restore the Galactic Empire, and Zord has been little different in that regard, giving the Sith Empire his full support, as it was the last, best hope for the establishment of the Second Galactic Empire. Graduating from the naval academy at Raxus Secundus cost his family a fortune, and his commission as a lieutenant was similarly expensive. From there it was hoped that he would become a war hero and gain his own command of a star destroyer, much like his illustrious ancestor did an age ago. This did not transpire as his family had wished.

Zord was especially skilled at three things: arrogance, recklessness, and insane overconfidence. As a corvette captain he acquitted himself well enough, but he was the first to fire, the first to get into a bad situation, and the first to refuse retreat as a consideration. He was passed over for promotion again and again, whether it was due to his recklessness, arrogance, or some other cause. Zord did not look toward himself as the cause for this, however, and he laid blame squarely on what he called the evils of the universe: aliens, wizards, and force sensitives. He came to the conclusion that the Sith, who were in his mind the exact same as the Jedi that had betrayed Emperor Palpatine, deliberately kept him and other true patriots in low positions, while promoting their puppets and bootlicks to the highest ranks.

Languishing as a lieutenant for many years, Zord was eventually given a position as a naval instructor specializing in corvette command at an Imperial academy on Taris in his forties. While there, he hoped that this would prove to be another way to ascend the ranks of the Imperial Navy, this time through teaching the next generation of officers. At this position he met a number of important characters: Murith Severan, Rax Halligan, and Ohto Monesonso Barshe. In his estimation, these men had benefited greatly from his tutelage, especially Rax Halligan, whom he felt was transformed from an oaf into a steely-eyed warlord thanks to his brilliant teaching. While at the academy, Zord was introduced to the Clique, a quaint bar where Murith, Rax, Ohto and a man named Kolar Na mingled after classes.

These able men, patriots all, formed an informal officer's group during their off hours, which Zord often called the Fellowship of True Patriots and Red-Blooded Imperials, but was more properly called by everyone else 'the Clique'. Toward the end of his teaching days, the Second Galactic Empire which his family had longed for all those years ago arose with the overthrow of the Sith. At great personal expense, and through the usage of any contacts willing to listen to him, Zord left the academy and became a corvette commander once again, determined to win glory and accolades against the wizards whom he believed had oppressed him and his family for years.

Zord has three sons, with Slyme Leeche Daskim being his heir and the oldest, followed by Muld Leeche Daskim and Vermifore Leeche Daskim. He is married to Zubet Flyfor-Daskim, of the prestigious Flyfor family. He now has little personal wealth left, and his family fortune has been all but spent on the last attempts to make Slyme and Zord into heroes of the Empire. Despite that, he continues to live as best he can, putting on the affectations of a wealthy and imperious aristocrat, though it rings increasingly hollow even to him.

Zord Leeche Daskim is arrogant, reckless, and overconfident. He believes himself to be the greatest corvette captain of his time, and to be more than worthy for the position of admiral. He favors bold confrontations, preferring to attack the enemy head-on rather than through stealth or deceit. Just as he is bold in war, he is also bold in other endeavors; he considers himself a great teacher, a good friend, an able patron and a guide for the next generation of officers. And he considers his friends to be best in their fields, too, no matter their actual skill. He labors under the assumption that good company attracts good company, and since he is great company and a true patriot, all of his friends are likewise the same. He does not bother with 'little people', those he deems to be small compared to him and unworthy of his patronage or friendship.

He has a great and abiding hatred of aliens, force-sensitives, and force users. To him, the alien is the natural slave of the human, while force-sensitives and force users should be exterminated from the Galaxy. His ideal society has no room for sorcerers and 'abnormals', and he has the peculiar delusion that midi-chlorians are a mutation that affect all sapient species, and that force users have an unusually high number of them, necessitating their removal from the genepool to eradicate all wizards. He believes that Palpatine and Vader were not force users and that they also had this understanding. In his view, Emperor Palpatine would have eventually exterminated all wizardry and the First Galactic Empire would have brought paradise to all humans as a result.

Zord takes great pride in his descent from Vermicor Leeche Daskim, and he often speaks of how 'the Caitiffs' (a word he uses to refer to anyone against the Empire) martyred him. The Galaxy is a dangerous and chaotic place, and it can only be tamed by the Galactic Empire. That the modern Empire allows nonhumans to ascend to the highest ranks imaginable, and still allows the existence of wizards, is a grave sin and an insult to Palpatine's transcendent vision. But in the absence of any alternative, the Empire is the last best hope for peace and stability.


A chief reason for Zord's continual presence in the Imperial Navy, despite the plateau of his rank and his sometimes suicidal arrogance, is that he has an excellent grasp on corvette warfare. He is able to anticipate the movements of his ship and how best to angle it to fire upon an enemy, or to absorb a coming blow. His memory is prodigious, which he uses to memorize hull layouts, schematics, and positions of allied and opponent fleets. His command style is predicated on knowing how to predict the actions of his bridge crew and engineers, and knowing the individual strengths and weaknesses of his crew in order to best make use of them.

His most important skill is that of the maneuver, and it is this skill that has saved his life on many an occasion. Zord can maneuver a corvette with great skill, and he is even able to navigate through asteroid fields with one. He has used this skill to lead enemy ships on chases while he waited for reinforcements, or to outrun the enemy in a fighting retreat.

He is very adept at personally executing prisoners with a pistol.

Another skill he has cultivated in all his years is that of speaking with a Coruscanti accent. It did not come naturally to him, even with his family of ancient aristocracy, and the Leeches of the family attempted to retain the accent of their prestigious forebear through turning it into a received pronunciation. Zord has since mastered this accent, and he ensured his children speak with it naturally.


+Grey Imperial officer uniform
+Two (2) code cylinders
+A DTX-1977 InforMaster Datapad
+A DA-34 Blaster Pistol
+A Marauder Class Corvette (assigned to him by the Second Galactic Empire)
+A black and white picture of himself from his younger days


Zord Leeche Daskim considers Rax Halligan to be his protège and something of a fourth son. He views Rax to be a true patriot, a good friend, and the second best corvette commander of the age, second only to Zord Leeche Daskim. He believes that Rax is destined for greatness, a destiny imparted upon him by Zord's astute teaching and patronage.

Murith Severan is considered by Zord to be 'one of the good ones', representing that not every force-sensitive or half-human is evil. He believes him to be the best diplomat in the field, and a man destined to go far in life. Despite his prejudicial views toward aliens and force-sensitives, Zord considers Murith a friend.

Ohto Monesonso Barshe is a good friend and is believed by Zord to be the best driver of a speeder he's ever seen. He considers him a great drinker, a good fighter pilot, and a man destined to ascend in the ranks of the Empire.

Kolar Na is a dependable soldier; rugged, honest, a bit rough around the edges, but a good man beneath his hard exterior. Zord views him as a friend and a capable officer.

He has a good relationship with his three sons, Slyme, Muld, and Vermifor. He also maintains a decent relationship with his wife, though neither of them love each other. To Zubet and Zord, their marriage fulfilled its purpose and it is now time for the both of them to restore the Daskim legacy and ensure their children are placed far in the Imperial hierarchy.

SumMook was introduced to Zord by Murith Severan. Though he liked Murith well enough, SumMook was something entirely different; what man could say lurked within its inscrutiable, gelatinous mind? What lurked behind that orb it called a head, and what was it truly speaking in its blasphemous tongue unmeant for human ears? But that aside, Zord found that SumMook was useful enough, and that's all he asks of an alien: that it recognizes its place as subservient to humanity and makes itself useful.


To be added. . .

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