Ask Ziost: The Final Push

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Dark Lord of The Sith

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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OOC: Open to Sith PCs only
This was it. This was the missing piece to complete the Sith takeover of the Stygian Caldera. Korriban and Dromund Kaas were his, now only Ziost resisted. With all three worlds, he would not only be King, he would ascend to Emperor of the Caldera. Countless planets lined the stretch of space, the focal planets serving as the oversight for each sector.

Earlier efforts by the Sith had proven effective, so the main defense systems were down and the Ziost defenders no longer had beasts at their disposal. On the contrary, thanks to Iymril’s help, the Sith had mutated alchemy beasts on their side to help on the offense. Nonetheless, Azar was not known to underestimate enemies, so he would approach with caution.

Mav’ar Sadow was holed up in his palace in the distance, but there would be swaths of enemies to fight before approaching. The landscape was icy and unforgiving, which meant Azar’s Korribani pureblood were at a disadvantage. However, with the combined efforts of other Sith and clever tactics, Azar knew they would take the palace and remove Mav’ar’s hold on the planet.

The Sith Lord was adorned in furs, pacing before anyone that joined on the effort. They would need different tactics than on Murzana. They couldn’t barge in with a giant army because the defenders knew the terrain much better. These would have to be surgical strikes and taking out smaller groups at a time.

For now, the Pureblood waited for others to report in, his breath coming out in wisps as his golden gaze surveyed the vast, white landscapes before him.


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 25, 2024
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Cerberus knew he had to help the Order once in a while without being paid, besides he was very curious about the king. Even if the two barely spoke during this, the young halfbreed would still enjoy watching the king in action.

He arrived on a ship part of the forces, since he didn't have a ship of his own still. Just like the last time he saw the king, Cerberus was wearing his dark blue and gray armour, but he had his helmet on this time since there was obviously going to be combat.

Once he stepped off the ship, his crimson eyes scanned the terrain, taking in what information he could of it, until he spotted the king, who was walking in front. Per the instructions he was given, he stepped forward until he found himself not too far behind the king.

"Your Majesty," the young halfbreed greeted formally, bowing his head even if the king didn't turn around to look at him. Cerberus felt the need to be extra formal, considering the halfbreed was only a champion and a kid from the slum in the presence of a king. "I'm Cerberus, a Sith Champion, reporting for duty."



Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 2, 2024
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It was a bizarre experience for Ilyan to be here. She had never seen anything so white in her entire life. She had, of course, heard about Ziost before, but seeing it was an entirely different story.

Not to mention she was pretty sure that she was actually frozen. The cold here was more biting than even the frigid Korriban nights. Suffice it to say, Ilyan wasn't really thriving, but she was getting by.

She hadn't actually told Azar that she was going to be here, she had just kind of... showed up. After all, that was her duty and her right. She was a Queen now - or so she continually told herself - and waiting around to ask for permission for everything was not befitting of her title.

Of course, as she trudged through the snow, pulling the scarf more tightly around her face, she started to realize that maybe she should have told him. Now, she made her way through the forces that were gathered and practically appeared out of nowhere. In some ways, moving through snow wasn't that much different than moving through deep, thick sand, and that she had a lifetime of experience with.

Her ever present pair of long knives hung from her belt. It was... weird. Last time something like this had happened, she had been on the other side, fighting against the Kressh forces. She wondered to herself if Azar would have questions about her appearance or doubts about her loyalty.

Husband, she simply said quietly, bowing her head slightly in greeting. She had always been a woman of few words, and others were making their own introductions. She awaited the advance by dropping to her knees in the snow, meditating and drawing her preparation for battle. It was ritual as much as anything, and one that she never passed on if she didn't have to.

@Sreeya @Dread

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order
Sith Master

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Feb 4, 2022
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It wasn’t often that Cheriss involved herself in the greater machinations of the Sith Order. Normally it all seemed too distant. Splitting her time between overseeing experiments, running a company, all while gathering more knowledge about the Force left her little for other things. But today was different, because today might just be the start of a new empire.

Donning her armor fit with a mask and wrapped in a dark gray cloak, Cheriss had arrived with Karai. Courtesy of the acolyte, the pair would bring a squadron of droids with them.

As she exited the shuttle, Cheriss was immediately greeted by the sting of cold air and a sea of pure white snow. Upon looking over at where there was some movement, she saw that a few others had already gathered in front of the king.

She only thought it proper to make her way over as well.

“My lord,” she said, dipping her head in greeting, “It’s an honor to serve you today.”

@Akheron @Sreeya @Dread @Phoenix

Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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After the success in the command center, the path for the conquest of Ziost laid open. Azar was close to fulfilling his dream of uniting all the Sith Worlds, and Caerllion would be there to help him. He didn’t do it when the Pureblood conquered Korriban, but this time was going to be different.

Caerllion still remembered their conversation in Batuu and how he had promised to make an epic about Azar’s life. At the time, the red-skinned man had said that he couldn’t catch the emotions of the event due to not being here. However, now the Annfyn was going to participate directly in that. He would be a witness of Arcanos’ glorious victory and by his words the entire Galaxy would know about it.

Because Azar would be successful, even if Caerllion had to die for it.

In the case of his death, the Annfyn left instructions for his protocol droid to deliver the book of poems that he wrote for Azar. Maybe the verses there will make the Pureblood smile.

Other allies of the Pureblood were gathering and waiting for his instructions. Like many of them, the Annfyn was also wearing armor. Among those that were pledging their services to the King of Korriban was a female Pureblood that Caerllion recognized as one of Azar’s wives. She must be Ilyan, since from what he heard about queen Thalisa, she wasn’t the type to go into the battlefield.

My lord.” Caerllion said, while bowing to him. Azar seemed to be struggling with the cold and the Annfyn felt the urge to make a cup of hot chocolate with a slice of cake for him. Maybe he could do it later. “I dispatched my creatures to join the ones that you already have. I hope that they’ll serve you well.” among these monsters were his Sith familiars. The birds were flying around, watching the movements of the enemy and prepared to attack if necessary.

@Sreeya @Dread @Sicadorito @Phoenix
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Trael Osso-Drast


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Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael of course was showing up when the news of Azar finally pushing for Ziost reached him. Trael didn’t bring any special equipment or troops but paid for any vehicles Azar had sought to procure from R.H.E. He only brought himself, in his new armor, two heavy fur coats one he carried, and his lightsaber.

Trael walked through the thick snow, his snow boots aiding in trekking through it. He walked through the lines of soldiers, some were present on Dromund Kaas. He looked down the lines as he went through, trying to decipher what kind of troops were present so he knew what was able to be utilized in what ways. Trael couldn’t help but wonder who’d all be here, and if he would be the most seasoned to cold worlds. He hoped it wasn’t the case, as fighting a war on a cold world wasn’t something he was familiar with.

Trael looked over the others gathered as he reached the front. He’d seen some before, that’s when his gaze crossed her. It was one of Azar’s wives. Trael took in a deep breath of the cold air, letting it out.

He walked past the others to Azar, “My lord.” He said offering a courtly bow. Trael moved to be beside Azar offering the large coat in his hand, “Can’t have you giving orders with chattering teeth.” He teased, the coat was one Azar asked him to retrieve when he was on Sverend. He hadn’t ever given it to him and now seemed to be the best time to do so.

@Sreeya @Phoenix @Dread @LouJoVi @cadorito

Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Mar 27, 2024
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It wasn't long before several shuttles turned up filled with droids. Karai was upon one of them within his armor and attached mask ready to assist his king, Arcanos and make a final push upon Ziost to help secure it for the regime. It was a way to do his part for his people and his king. Within the shuttles were 20x Droideka, 50x B2 Super Battle Droids and 100x B1 battle droids all which were part of what he had been given for his services in helping Naxa some short time ago. Now they would assist efforts here when used in combination with the beasts.

Karai hoped it would provide additional support to the war efforts.

As the droids stepped out to join the ranks of the rest of the army in formation, Karai stepped out to join Cheriss and the other Sith who had come. Wrapped up in furs on top of the armor he wore, he hoped he was warm enough, the planet was cold. Very cold and he didn't like it much already. He had before they arrived taken a precaution of adding Cheriss his closest ally so far here to the command structure of the droids, marking her as a Commander and General so she would be able to better assist and they could keep an eye on each other during this.

He saw Caerllion and Trael along with a few other familiar faces from before. And for the first time since the wedding he saw one of the Queen Consorts, Ilyan. Giving each a respectful bow, he spoke. Two B2 super battle droids joined him in escort, and waited as he bowed and knelt before Arcanos as was expected of his people before their Sith'ari and king.

"Your majesty, my king. My queen. It is a honour to do my part for our people and for you. I bring additional forces of droids to help bolster our efforts, I hope they meet with your approval."

@Sreeya @Sicadorito @Phoenix @Dread @LouJoVi @Javier esschoolbus
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Sith Order

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May 31, 2023
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Darth Arcanos had called and the Coven of Shadows answered. Many black robed figures left their ships behind and were joined by other similarly garbed figures from several other vessels. They walked among the Sith on the icy world of Ziost moving through the ranks of others like a frictionless wind.

Cultists from Kuat, Saluecami and other worlds had been incorporated into the Coven and caused their numbers to swell. Previously only a handful, they were now a small army here to bolster the strength of the Sith as Darth Arcanos saw fit. Ziost was not too different from the fridge environment of Belsavis so most were well equipped to deal with the inclement weather. The sorceresses moved silently as darkness and cohesively as a single entity.

Among the witches was their leader, Serene Graves. She wore her armor underneath her Deucalian styled furs and a cloak of black feathers that rustled in the breeze across her shoulders. This was the first time Serene had visited Ziost but she contained her excitement as always despite being concealed in armor. It was not everyday one got to take part in a King's conquest.

Many other faces and figures had likewise answered the call with their respective armies. Serene took note of who had come, their proximity and the strength of their forces. She approached ahead of her primary Coven of five Sith while the rest remained further back and emersed with the larger forces. Serene bowed to Azar deeply. If history was any indication chances were high he would not remember her despite their previous interactions or he would pretend to not recognize her. Either way, this operation was her chance to earn a place in his memory.

"Darth Arcanos." She addressed the King of Korriban with respect to both his station and unmistakable power. "My Coven of Shadows and I, Serene Graves, are at your service. If you wish for a change of weather, I will do everything in my power to make it so." She had been practicing with her Coven on manipulating such things. It was not easy, but with the combined strength of her subordinates and their coordinated rituals it could be done. All the man had to do was say the word and the ceremony to change the very fabric of the landscape would commence.

@Sreeya @Javier esschoolbus @Phoenix @Sicadorito @Akheron @Dread @LouJoVi sorry if I missed anyone

Qû’jara Jinyeva

Sith Order

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May 2, 2024
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From scathing deserts to glacial wastelands, Qû’jara just couldn't get a break.

She eagerly awaited the day the Sith decided to invade an ocean world. Until then, she considered her preparations a form of sacred ritual as the Korribani fleet descended upon Ziost to commit the holy annihilation of Mav’ar Sadow's dynasty and finally consolidate their control over the Stygian Caldera.

Endocrine injections to regulate her body temperature. Heated rings engraved in runic ur-Kittât on each head-tentacle to warm them in the chill air. Painstaking hours of meditation and preparation for battle, poring time after time over the scriptures of great warriors and tacticians from across the ages to remember all the many secrets of war.

The Nautolan wore form-fitting thermal robes under standard issue Sith armor, banded metal plates carved with names from the Old Tongue, chitinous-looking black pauldrons jutting from her shoulders. Over them she wore a furred cloak. Qû’jara had taken care to leave intact the faces of creatures skinned to make it, so that her enemies might feel the eyes of the dead upon them at all times while they fought her.

She too knelt in front of the nobility and other masters of the Sith where they stood, their warrior legions arrayed before them.

<<Emperor Arcanos,>> she said in her watery ur-Kittât, stressing the King's new title after the glorious victory they would achieve.

<<Soon we will write your name in the blood of Mav’ar Sadow. It shall be an honor to conquer Ziost in your name, my lord.>>

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Corwin Carmine

Sith Order

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Mr. Teatime
Mar 20, 2024
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Corwin looked less like a Sith and more like a wealthy, bundled-up tourist who'd become severely lost. Thermal undertunics, cold-weather robes, thick fur-lined pant and boots, and a truly massive, stark-white fur coat with a double-wide hood to accommodate the tiefling's curling horns. Their face was covered in even more winter gear, goggles included. Frankly, they looked kind of ridiculous. If anything could be said in defense of their attire is that its voluminous folds could conceal a great many blades and compact explosives. Whether they did or not, Corwin wasn't telling.

They did, though. Concealed on their person were long-bladed fighting knives, slim throwing knives, two breaching charges (stolen), two concussion grenades, and one lightsaber (believe it or not, also stolen). Clipped beside the usual utility belt gear was basic medkit and a quick-release backpack contained a single demolition charge and some climbing gear. Someone had read a mission report involving sabotage and decided to foist bonus explosives on the Tiefling. They'd offered a token complaint, but in reality, they'd been pleased.

All the same, however, the weather was miserable, completely and utterly. Everyone else in the invading force seemed to have about the same opinion. Even Arcanos himself was wrapped in furs.

Carmine joined the standard Sith parade of others to kneel before King Arcanos and Queen Ilyan, head deeply lowered as they tried to limit their teeth's desire to chatter. (@Sreeya @Phoenix) "It is my honor to be of service, your Majesties." No name, no grand declarations. Corwin was a no-name acolyte with little reputation outside the Korriban academy. They preferred it that way and Sith Lords didn't bother with acolytes regardless.

Once the rituals were done the Tiefling reported to another for the battle ahead. "Champion?" Corwin bowed toward Jinveya. (@Jake) "Acolyte Carmine at your command." The muffled Basic from beneath all their layers did nothing to make her seem less out of place.

Krakira Dresmorlin

Sith Order

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Cainhurst Crow
May 16, 2024
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Krakira felt the bitter cold of Ziost bite as he stepped off the shuttle with the other forces, feeling a harsh wind whipping on this icy ball in space. He paused a moment, standing in his armor with cape and hood billowing, the white landscape given a red tint by his visors. Even with his armors protections, he could feel it biting into him, and let out a drawn out sigh.

This planet was harsh and cruel, almost hostile to life, and a wonderful allegory for the nature of the force. Were there not more serious matters at hand, he may have in fact desired to write of this world. But there was business here to conduct, and a war to be savored. Like a moth to flame, Krakira was drawn by the potential of war on Ziost. Eager to experiment the thrill of combat once more, he'd made his way here. And, sensing the tides of the forces within himself shifting, he trusted his instincts, and made his choice.

Darth Arcanos seemed to be a one whom the force favored, at least for now. They did not wait and bide his time, and they did not hide behind armies and structures. No, Arcanos led by example and from the front of this growing force, as was the proper way for a follower of the dark side.

And so the choice was simple. He would spill blood, this day in Arcanos name.

He had arrived with another, Karai he believed their name to be, as part of his assaulting force. He approached within the force, and bowed as was expected, a smile hidden behind his skull like mask as be spoke.

"My Emporer and Empress. It is an honor to fight in your name." He said, keeping his head bowed and waiting the appropriate time as he spoke, giving the due reverence called for when addressing one so powerful in the force, "My blade is at your command. Let Ziost white wastes be painted red with the blood of our enemies." With this promise made, he rose and stood ready with the others, eager to get the carnage started at last.


Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Dark Lord of The Sith

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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The turnout was better than he had hoped. The new cohort of Sith was shaping up to be quite reliable and even more effective than Tempest’s followers. He mused about how many of them would actually stand by Tempest now that she had been missing for so long. Did Azar even need to kill her or simply assume the role of Dark Lord? After he took Ziost, there was little stopping him from doing just that.

He was surprised by the appearance of his wife (@Phoenix ), his golden eyes widening. Azar had known about her fighting prowess, but he certainly didn’t expect one of his wives to join him on such a brutal campaign. He stood in stunned silence, but he had to quickly curb it, acting as if he had known she was coming all along, “Wife,” He responded, his gaze flicking down to one of her blades - the one marked with his blood to enhance it.

Caerllion (@LouJoVi )approached him personally next, nodding at the mention of additional creatures, “This pleases me,” Azar said, “And I commend you for your efforts in dismantling the command center before this. That alone gives us a big advantage here,” He said, his tone genuine. Caerllion had proven to be instrumental in Azar’s many efforts, and it didn’t hurt that there was a growing fondness for the other man.

Trael’s (@Javier esschoolbus )appearance and gift made Azar blush, but he quickly tried to brush it off, “This is very considerate, I will accept it,” He said in his firmest voice while gazing up at the man that stole his heart despite the countless times Azar tried to yank it back. He had forgotten all about the coat request he made, taking the Deucalian coat in his hands. He knew this would keep the wearer far warmer than anything else. He gave Trael a sheepish smile, but he stepped aside and walked back towards his wife. Without a word, he shrouded his wife with the enhanced coat. He knew it was for him, but his wife had never set foot outside of Korriban, and she hailed from the desert tribes. Trael could forgive Azar later, but Azar knew to be a caring gentleman to his wives.

The Pureblood nodded and acknowledged the greeting of everyone who approached him.


“You have come a long way to join me here today,” Azar said, his breath coming out in wisps, “Know that your efforts here today mark the beginning of an Empire in the making. Know that this day will be written into the history books as the day the Stygian Caldera was united for the first time in centuries,” He said, “While we have an advantage here, the stretch of land from here to the palace is lined with villages and towns of those that are strictly loyal to Sadow. They will attempt to hinder our progress at every turn.”

He glanced over his shoulder towards the vast fields, “There are several villages along the way and we need to clear them all before our final approach to the palace,” He looked at Caerllion and Trael, “Sith Masters, I look to you to delegate commands to break up this group for the most tactical approach,” Azar said. His style of ruling was different than most Sith - he didn’t care to be the single person calling the shots. He put people under him up to the challenge, holding them accountable for the ranks they held, “You can decide whether we do recon and a slower approach with some villages, a hostile takeover of others, or a mixture of both.”

@Sicadorito @Akheron @Cainhurst Crow @Mr. Teatime @Jake @Darasuum @Dread @Apollyon


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 2, 2024
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It was hard to tell, but she was pretty sure she had seen a flicker of pleasant surprise on Azar's face. He did a good job of hiding it, but more and more time they had spent together had made it at least a bit easier for her to read his reactions.

As she turned to her meditations, Ilyan let her mind melt into the snow, an odd sensation and she found herself having trouble concentrating on her preparations in light of the cold that seemed to slice through her. She didn't notice Azar approach until she felt the heavy sensation of the coat wrapping around her shoulders. Her head flicked up to look at him, surprise showing momentarily on her face before her eyes seemed to light up if ever so slightly. For him - who had come to recognize her subtle facial expressions as well - he would be able to see she was practically overjoyed despite her often muted reactions.

Thank you, husband, she said quietly enough that only he would hear her, a faint smile pulling at her lips as she pulled the coat more tightly around herself. The moment's attention amidst all the pressures and mounting anxieties that accompanied combat meant far more to her than she could easily put into words, and she stood smoothly back to her feet as Azar began to speak.

She could feel her own heart rate begin to speed up as her fingers brushed against the hilt of her knife.

As he finished speaking, people began to bark orders and move from place to place. Soldiers began to fall in under Masters, and that faint undertone of pre-combat increased.

I would remain by your side unless you would like me leading a force, she said to Azar. She would do as she was bidden, but she had come here for him. Not to mention her position as Queen Consort rather than an actual, official member of the Sith Order left her feeling somewhat... nebulous about where she fit into the hierarchy of the Sith who presented here today.


Trael Osso-Drast


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Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael wore a happy expression as Azar took the coat, though the smile quickly turned to a clenched jaw at the sight of him draping it over his wife. The coat was for Azar, not her. He had a feeling wash over him he’d not much endured before when it came to Azar and others, jealousy. His eyes narrowed and he turned his gaze to the vast fields ahead of them, the coat is his to do what he wishes with. He tried reminding himself to curb his feelings, to no avail.

His gaze remained fixed ahead as Azar gave his speech, Trael taking in the information that was given. He was trying to piece together a mental image and strategy of the villages and towns, trying to work out how he could assist Azar in his potential plans of taking them. That was until a wrench was thrown into the mix causing Trael to turn to regard Azar. He was giving Trael and Caer command, something that Trael hadn’t anticipated himself. “Yes, My Lord.” He said with a bow.

Trael turned to take in the gathered Sith and Queen. He had an idea of how some operated based on previous encounters, but others were complete wild cards. “Champions Cerberus and Graves to me.” He called out to the two champions (@Dread @Darasuum), “We will move ahead of the main forces with a small grouping of troops. We are to recon the villages before the main force reaches them and if the enemies are preparing for battle we will attack them shortly before the main forces arrive to throw them off balance.” He stated to the two, “Serene gather a dozen or so of your witches, and Cerberus gather a handful of lighter foot troops. We will need to be able to dive in and out of combat. Also one of you chose an acolyte to accompany us so they can learn.” He said relaying their immediate orders.

He then turned to Caer (@LouJoVi) and Azar (@Sreeya) after the other Master relayed his own orders, “We will need a way to coordinate movements between our forces. That way we can properly support and ensure we don’t hamper each other’s movements. It will also let us relay to Arcanos any developments that arise.” He explained, Trael was confident in his own abilities, having won multiple battles as a commander. That being said he wasn’t too confident to believe he could win the battle on his own.
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Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 25, 2024
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When one of Trael's picks was Cerberus, the young Sith raised an eyebrow, only because he was both interested and pleasantly surprised. He'd been wanting to observe and learn from the Sith Master in particular. Very much so, and he knew one on one training was far from the only way to learn from another.

Cerberus moved forward through the crowd, stopping near Trael (@Javier esschoolbus) to bow respectfully to him and listen to his orders. While the young halfbreed considered himself fairly egotistical, likely much more than he should be, he was also deeply religious and respected the Order's chain of command. "Yes, master," he answered in reply to Trael's command.

With that done, Cerberus turned around and scanned the crowd briefly with his crimson eyes. It took him only seconds to make his choice, since one acolyte already seemed to be standing closer to a different champion.

Ceberus crimson eyes fixated on the other acolyte (@Akheron). "You," the halfbreed said with little affect, pointing at the Sith purebreed. "You're with us. Accompany me while I gather troops for now."


Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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Thank you, my lord.” Caerllion said, his smile hidden by the helmet that he was wearing. “My life is to serve you.” back in Batuu, the Annfyn had vowed to serve the Pureblood and today he was going to do that and see the red-skinned man become the ruler of all his species.

While Azar made his speech, the Annfyn’s mind was already at work. The existence of the settlements between them and the palace would mean that their march toward it could suffer some delays. The two paths that Caerllion could see in front of them was diplomacy or their total annihilation by Arcanos’ armies.

Obviously, the King of Korriban had already reached the same conclusions as the Annfyn. Then, he gave to the two Sith Masters the mission of approaching these settlements by any means necessary. He didn’t expect that, having thought that the Pureblood would be able to take command directly. However, he was going to prove his competence. “It’ll be done, my lord.

After Trael finished his orders, it was Caerllion’s time to act. “Champions Jinyeva, Dresmorlin and Ktrane you are going to work with me. Our mission will require some stealth. We are going to sabotage the defenses being prepared by the villages. Causing confusion, destruction and chaos with the purpose of leaving open targets for the main army when it arrives.” he said to three Sith (@Sicadorito @Jake @Cainhurst Crow), while looking at the Sith. “Jinyeva, you’ll gather some light troops. They will remain hidden and act if sabotage isn't possible. In this case, we attack the villages before the arrival of the rest of the troops, weakening its defenses.

The Annfyn nodded, agreeing with Trael. “I would suggest maintaining constant contact through communicators, but we risk our signal being intercepted when we get close to the palace. My Sith familiars can relay messages between us if necessary, but it wasn’t in a fast way like a communicator.” he said, while his eyes shone red behind the helmet. Soon, three black birds landed in a nearby rock. “Perhaps there is a faster way?

@Sreeya @Javier esschoolbus

Krakira Dresmorlin

Sith Order

Character Profile
Cainhurst Crow
May 16, 2024
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Krakira had to give the man credit, he certainly knew how to make a good speech. Darth Arcanos words sent a focus throughout the gathered forces. Krakira himself was especially excited, hearing the news of what lay ahead. Enemies to be felled, and a lot of them by the sound of it. He felt a small pang of regret a moment, as he was reminded of their loyalty. Twas truly a shame these were not the innocents of the republic or, even better, of the heretic empire who had turned their backs to the force and the sith.

'The force is fickle, I suppose It always works in such mysterious ways...' He thought to himself as he saw people already deciding their course of action for this war. His eyes looked outwards towards the distance, towards the villages farther than the eye could see, crimson glowing dots of his helmets visors burning as he spoke softly to himself, "May the force take you all, to the last." He said, as he brought a single hand in front of himself, clasping it gently in silent prayer before he set to the task at hand.

One of the higher ranked members who'd gathered here called to him and a few of the others. Krakira giving a bow of his head to Caerllion as he addressed him and the others. He laid out their task, and Krakira frowned behind his ravens mask. Skulking and sabotage for the vanguard force seemed to be the mission at hand, a pity for that, he thought. It wasn't work he usually preferred, but he could make do and manage. He looked to the sith master as he spoke, and turned his attention to the mans familiars, giving a small and distorted whistle as he did so.

"Impressive, and incredibly useful. ." He said as he looked to the 3 birds perched upon the stone, before turning his attention to the sith master and the others, Jinyeva and Ktrane, if he recalled the names correctly, ((@Sicadorito @Jake, @LouJoVi)) "A few well placed murders, and a few bodies left on display as effigies, could send the forces into panicked chaos..." The sith mused out loud, giving a slow and hearty chuckle at the thought, "Though I suppose we should focus on de-fanging the security forces first. Cutting them off their power to keep them from crying for help is probably a good first step."

He spoke of the matter with a mirth to his voice, and glanced between those present to see if they had anything they wished to add as well. After all, it was a mission that they were all to undertake, and as excited as he was to simply run off and start stalking these defenders in the dark, he knew better. The options should be weighed and plan prepared, before the fun could truly begin.


Sith Order

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May 31, 2023
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Serene listened intently to Darth Arcanos's briefing. She subsequently turned her head and bowed to Trael as he called her name. This would not be the first time she had conducted missions with the man but now she was taking orders from him. It had been a long time since that day on Kashyyyk.

Reconnaissance and espionage were both areas that the Coven of Shadows excelled. She was glad to have her witches be put to use especially where they could represent their organization's combat doctrine. Serene already had team leaders in mind. The remainder of her subordinates would remain with the main force and have the chance to join the vanguard at a later time.

Serene listed off names, the specialists who were hand picked for this reconnaissance group. Four teams of three acolytes each separated from the rest of the Sith army. Teams Veil, Nyx, Vespara and Shadowsong were each well versed in their respective specialties on how best to use them in a joint effort. Telepathy and mind probes, droid familiars and anti-machine countermeasures, illusions and remote divination, shadows control and spirit familiars, there was more to their potential but with this selection there was a lot of versatility along with wise redundancies.

The Coven was mostly composed of acolytes but the sisters drew their strength from combined ritual casting and hand signs. When they time came they would speak their respective incantations but for now they conserved their energies. The recon group's strength was not infinite but it was versatile and diverse.

@Javier esschoolbus @Akheron @Dread

Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

Character Profile
Mar 27, 2024
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Karai listened intently even despite the bitter cold as Darth Arcanos, his king gave his speech to motive and inspire the troops and those present. Indeed he couldn't also but help to be motivated, knowing he was now taking part in a moment of history and making his own mark. In helping his king achieve his goals and proving his own value to not just the Order but to him. It was a moment he would not waste.

He listened as the orders were given and people moved to their respective groups, he gave Cheriss a nod and briefly spoke before he joined Cerberus and the witch, Serene as Cerberus picked him out to join them. He still found her quite unsettling given her reputation and to be with working with her made him a bit wary and more cautious. He didn't much trust her just yet although the same could be said of Cerberus who he hadn't spoken to or worked with before. Time would tell if the status quo would change. He soon also fell in with Trael, a man almost as tall a he was albeit ever so slightly shorter. His group leader. Turning briefly to the droids he had five B1's and five B2 Super Battle Droids join him in the assault while the rest would for now remain with the main group. They needed a smaller contingent for now given he was to conduct something of a stealth operation, although he had to wonder why he was chosen for it. Given how tall he was he would stick out like a sore thumb, but it wasn't his choice to make. He would do his best regardless and if trouble came deal with it as necessary.

The droids soon joined them, Karai knew they would offer certain benefits. Mainly additional firepower if needed and scanning capabilities to scout enemies out for them. That and the B1's were far more expendable to use as scouts to maybe lure out a few enemies or provide a distraction. He gave Cheriss a brief look and a small smile. He knew she would know what it meant. It appeared they would get to test out their newfound knowledge after all in regards to Juyo and some of the other techniques they had gleaned from the holocron.

Karai checked his weapons, armour and lightsaber were secure before speaking to Cerberus.

"Ready when you are Champion Cerberus. I figured bringing a small contingent of the droids would be beneficial. Their scanning capabilities should come in handy to search some of the houses and the additional firepower if we need it and get into any trouble."

@Sicadorito @Darasuum @Sreeya @Javier esschoolbus @Dread

Cheriss Ktrame

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Feb 4, 2022
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As the larger force was split into smaller groups under the command of the masters, it appeared that Cheriss and Karai would be going their separate ways for now. She gave him a nod back as he left with a few droids to join Master Osso. She would do the same, turning around to command a squadron of five B2s and ten B1s to follow. Considering that Master Cyfnos’ group would be focusing on stealth and sabotage, she figured that a small group of droids would be enough to serve their purposes.

Master Cyfnos’ birds would provide a good method of communication, but so could the droids.

“These droids run on a separate communications system than ours. Since we have them split between all three groups, we could use them as a backup in addition to your familiars,” Cheriss suggested to Caerllion.

Then she nodded in agreement at Champion Dresmorlin’s suggestion. Knocking out the power of the defenses and a few strategically placed corpses would be a good strategy. Sowing terror to lower morale combined with fewer large defenses would surely weaken the villagers’ will to fight.

Cheriss spoke to Champion Jinyeva next, gesturing to the five B2 droids behind her. “If you’d like, you're welcome to take these as part of your light troops.” She figured that Karai wouldn’t mind since it was only five droids, but even five could make a difference if it did come to open conflict.

@Akheron @LouJoVi @Cainhurst Crow @Jake