Zergo Vourin


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2011
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"...We are the chosen ones. We are the future. The galaxy must be freed from the chains of the weak. The only option is a galaxy shaped by us - by the Sith..." - Zergo Vourin, Holocron 1 - Survival of the fittest


Zergo Vourin
Fist of the Sith Empire

Holocron 1. Survival of the Fittest.

What is it to be a Sith? Most would say power drives Sith. But, I say these people are ignorant for upholding such a belief. Power for the sake of power is weak in itself. Power for the sake of purpose is where the greatness of the True Sith lies. Those who utilize the unlimited power of the “dark side” and the force for the greater good of Sith society. Sith who only believe in power and seek power for the sake of power are weak and doing an injustice to the Empire as well as the galaxy. The beings who are blessed enough to be considered Sith are already powerful – power is our birthright. The power we have at the pinnacle of our lives is the same of that which we are born with. So what makes Sith great? Nature does. The Sith are blessed with being the galaxy’s model beings and prime society. The inherent power of the Sith makes them the most fit to survive. And thus, survival and fitness must be discussed. As many know, the natural theory of Survival of the fittest is widely accepted and taught at institutions galaxy-wide. In nature the prime, fit beings keep the weaklings in check – the environment is run by the fit individuals while distorted by those who are weak. The same applies to the galaxy’s sentient species, and the forming societies. The Sith sit at the top of the chain. As the alpha beings, it is our duty to keep all others in check. After all, they are not fit to live in our galaxy.

True darkness is not within the force. True darkness is defined by what scourges the galaxy. True darkness is weakness. Weak beings pollute society with their inadequate ways, practices, beliefs, and creeds. Ignorance, hesitance, and stupidity, among others, are the greatest tell –tale traits of weak individuals and societies. Take the Jedi, for example. They are blinded by what they call the lightside of the force, giving all people a chance to survive. The same goes for their overlords, the Republic. Everyone is protected under these ignorant schemes. However, both of these institutions and societies – as well as others like it – are the greatest scourges against the very essence of the galaxy. They are promoting the advancement of weakness. When these societies are left to expand, and weakness is left to fester, what good does that do for the greater galactic society? Such things must be prevented. For the galaxy to advance and survive, the weak must be exterminated, and some must be chosen to serve. Just as it is within even Sith society. It is the only solution.

The Sith are powerful, and for good reason. We are the true protectors of the galaxy – the last hope for the very life essence of the galaxy. We must enforce our spot at the top of the food chain. We are the chosen ones. We are the future. The galaxy must be freed from the chains of the weak. The only option is a galaxy shaped by us. By the Sith.

My journey is just beginning, but our mission as a society is not.

General Information:

Name: Zergo Vourin
Age: 83
Species: Anzati
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 203 lbs
Homeworld: Coruscant
Faction: Sith Empire
Rank: Acolyte
Force Sensitive: Yes

Personality & Philosophy:

Zergo was a very commanding person, who many consider to be blunt, and wise beyond his years. He was very adamant in his beliefs and was not easily shaken from them. He would die before he steered away from what he held dear. He was also not very friendly to newcomers. He assumed everyone he met was weak and unfit for life until they proved themselves. Zergo believed a full life should only be granted to the strong - the weak were meant to serve the needs of the strong, or be killed to purify the very essence of the galaxy. He believed he is one of the most prime beings in the galaxy - not only was he a Sith, but he was an Anzati, and Anzati naturally rely upon feeding off of life. One of his favorite things was tasting the life soup of other sentient beings.


A Natural Transformation

Be your own person, Zergo. Follow your heart, and never hesitate . These words, the words his father repeated to him throughout his fledgling years as a child, slowly beat through the young Anzat’s mind as he looked out into the Tython forest from a balcony in the Jedi academy. Something was troubling him – it wasn’t the fact that he never knew his mother, or the periodic flashbacks of his father’s ship exploding. It was something else – a desperate emptiness which was eating away at his heart. His brown eyes stared blankly into the bark of a tree about 100 meters before him as a cool wind hit his empty face. He should be happy now – in a matter of minutes he would be departing for the trial which would lead up to his knighthood. But, all of the positivity ahead of him, all of the potential he had within him could not make the young Jedi turn his focus away from the emptiness inside. He didn’t feel natural. Am I something which I am not?, the young Aznat thought to himself. Then a voice from behind – it was his master, Freeda Frewon, “It’s time Zergo,” was all that came out of the Twi’lek’s mouth. That’s what Zergo respected about Master Frewon – she was to the point and did not fiddle around.

Zergo obliged, ripping his eyes away from the bark of the tree and, for a moment, his mind was away from the aching emptiness which ate away at his soul as he grew anxious about the trial ahead. He followed her out of the temple, where transport was waiting. He felt like the speeder transport went for hours until it came to a halt in front of a cave entrance. The pair exited the speeder, and Freeda said simply, “I will see you at the end,” as she disappeared into the cave’s serene darkness. After attuning himself to the environment around him, Zergo entered the cave and began the trial – or, in reality, what was the conclusion of it. An unknown amount of time seemed to pass before Zergo reached the end of the cave. In the floor as a small hole which led to a lower level. He jumped through it and landed on the cave floor, the impact causing a sizable dirt cloud to spew out into the darkness. Before him was his master, her pale blue Twi’lek skin almost lighting the cave, with her eyes closed. A message crept its way into Zergo’s head – put your hands around my kneck. Zergo was puzzled. Everything leading up to this point in the trial was normal and traditional, but this was not. His eyes even twitched a little – he was almost angered at his master’s blind ignorance. Even if she did trust him, why would she expose herself in such a way and make herself horribly vulnerable? Still, to go on with the trial, he forgot his criticisms and continued, wrapping both of his hands around his master’s neck.

His heart began to race. No – it was not sexual arousal – it was something much different, much more complex, yet just as natural as an individual’s sex drive. It was that emptiness – it was seemingly banging against his heart and ripping through his mind. This part of the trial had something to do with confronting it, and his next actions would determine his future as a Jedi. He did nothing for a few moments longer – he knew not what to do, and hoped that his actions would bring naturalness to his soul. Freeda, however, did plan this part of the trial for a very specific reason. It was natural for people of the Anzati species to drain the life out of living creatures by extracting out their life soup with proboscises, tentacle-like extensions which project out of the cheeks of Anzati (when not in use they disappear into pores, making them almost unnoticeable). However, Zergo was never exposed to this natural feeding mechanism, which was looked down upon in Republic and rejected within the Jedi because it relied upon needless killing and facilitated, in effect, a path to the darkside because it took the life and power from one soul for the user’s own, personal good. It was a mechanism to kill and simultaneously fulfill one’s lust for power.

With his hands still wrapped around her neck, two possibilities came into Zergo’s head – one where he could release his master from his grasp, and then there was another possibility which he saw in the future – one which would fill the void within him. This option seemed so natural that it sent chills down his spine, and a wicked grin to his face. Without warning, the proboscises extended out of their hiding spots and into his master’s nostrils. Freeda’s eyes instantly flickered open, but Zergo’s actions were so unexpected – and so fast – that Freeda could not react by the time Zergo had a hold of her brain and began feasting upon her life soup. The energy entering Zergo was unbelievably fulfilling – the pure presence of life, so strong and embedded within the force, that it instantly relieved the emptiness which was inside of him. This was so natural, so enjoyable, and so… right. Done with his feast, a horrible smile still on his face, he let his former master’s body drop to the cold, dirty cave floor. A lust for more of this life soup rushed into Zergo’s mind – it gave him power, and a sense of wholeness which he never experienced before. The Jedi and the Republic banned Zergo from such a natural way of life for his entire life until now – and after experiencing it, he would no longer accept living without it, and with people who would not tolerate it. They were denying him something natural, and something which could truly empower him.

His vows were broken. The Jedi code was null and his respect for the Republic was gone. Those fateful words his father said to him flowed through his mind once again, Be your own person, Zergo. Follow your heart, and never hesitate . His father had given him the right advice after all – he followed his instincts, did not hesitate, and was a more complete individual because of it. How could he trust the Jedi and the Republic, both of whom prevented him from being whole for so long, and denied his individuality? Their ignorance, was not only frustrating, but it would also be their downfall. While Zergo wanted revenge against the Jedi and the Republic, for depriving him of a natural way of life throughout his younger years and trying to instill weakness in him, Zergo also wanted a formidable galactic society of capable decision makers, where ignorance was not a way of life. It was time for Zergo to forge new vows, as well as a new way of life.

The Great Hunt

Upon leaving the cave , Zergo’s suppressed natural drive took control of him. After being held away from tasting life soup for so long, he had to satiate his newly learned hunger. He just had to – all of those lost years had to be made up for. He contemplated killing the Jedi in the nearby academy – their life soup would be particularly delicious. However, it was too risky. He had to go somewhere where killing was accepted – where no one would think twice about someone being killed or hit. Nar Shaddaa was the painfully obvious choice. How unfortunate for the people on the Smuggler’s Moon, but oh so fortunate for Zergo Vourin.

Zergo took a Jedi transport vessel off of Tython but then switched between other ships, mostly stolen ones, on planets and space stations along the way. His mouth was salivating as he was ripping through the blackness of space – all the soup he could possibly want was on Nar Shadda. And no one would even care. What a paradise. Zergo’s first stop on Nar Shadaa was to the local orphanage. It had zilch in terms of security, and plenty of bodies to suck the life soup out of. He must have gone through about forty children by dawn. Children had less soup; more were needed in one instance or feeding to satiate his hunger. The only thing which stopped him was the sound of footsteps in the distance. He hid, and grinned as the caretakers walked up to all of the victims. It seemed like they just died in their sleep – there were no obvious signs of death. After sneaking out of the sad excuse for an orphanage, Zergo realized he needed a steady flow of income. It was not hard to find a crime firm, and it was amazingly easy to get employment as a hitman with his training as a Jedi and his ability to kill without leaving an obvious sign of death. It was wonderful being an Anzati. And, he couldn’t think of a better situation – he was being paid to drink life soup. Now this was the life... certainly better than the soupless Jedi.

People were being killed on Nar Shadda even more so than before. Zergo would do multiple jobs in a night – it was like an endless feast of awesomeness for the young Anzati. Zergo’s favorite treats and jobs on Nar Shaddaa were those involving prostitutes. He could experience pleasure he never before experienced with the Jedi. After letting the prostitutes do their job, he would take their life soup – he didn’t even have to pay! If he did, he got all of his money back, of course. Why would he leave his credits on a lifeless body? The crime firm he was working at was obviously impressed with Zergo’s ability. They even offered him a promotion, but Zergo did not accept. Why would he? All he wanted was life soup. And the killing was getting easier and easier.

Then, one day, Zergo happened to turn on the holonet news before he went to sleep. There was a piece about purpose in one’s life – how it could extend the human lifespan. Zergo had already lived more than many humans ever would. But purpose… the thought of purpose seemed to make Zergo think. He killed. But for what? Life soup? This was self serving. He could be so much more. He took out a crate from under his bed. In it was all of his former Jedi belongings, including his lightsaber. I am not like all of these people. I am better. I have the force. I am a chosen one. It was then he decided to live a life of purpose. His desire for life soup blinded him for what seemed like countless years. This desire steered him away from what really changed his life – the Jedi. The Jedi ruined my earliest years. They tried to instill weakness within me, them and the Republic. They are weak. All they are doing is spreading this weakness, this ignorance, this deceit within the galaxy. They are like leeches sucking the life out of the galaxy. This must stop. Now. He picked up his lightsaber once again. Zergo had purpose once again. He now had control over himself – he could see what was important. He stole a vehicle, and flew his way into Sith space.

Sculpting an Art Form

On Korriban, Zergo found a home for his philosophy and gained a new perspective for using and learning about the force. Early into his stay on Korriban, freed from the chains of the Jedi, he truly began to think about and develop his beliefs. He even made other acolytes question their beliefs in the Sith. He could not allow simple ignorance turn something great like the Sith into something dark and decrepit like the Jedi Order. He and the Sith had greater aspirations. The galaxy depended on it – he saw this from his earliest days in Sith space.

Soon enough, he began pondering his own perspective of the force and relating it to his philosophy. Gradually, his perception transformed, altering his awareness to something which was no longer held back by the chains of the Jedi and Galactic Republic. Once familiar with his altered perspective, he began to train with the rest of Sith society. He met a fellow acolyte, Yuon, who he trained with briefly. Even as a fledgling Sith, Zergo preached his philosophies to his fellow acolyte. He knew he had to start at the foundations to begin building what he viewed as the epitome of the Sith galactic society. After besting Yuon in training and duels, Zergo needed guidance from a more senior Sith. One who was intelligent, like him, and one who had firm beliefs and perspectives which could be instilled into Zergo’s mind to assist him onward to his greater goal. He travelled to Yavin IV, to train under the master alchemist and sorcerer Geist Weiss. There, he began training in the ways of the force and particle manipulation, building a foundation for himself in Sith sorcery. His new master began mentoring him – and testing him – in a new perspective. That of art. To be a heralded weapon of the Sith he needed to embody everything the Sith meant. His being, his life had to do be superior, more powerful, more determined, and more intelligent than everyone else’s. Zergo had to become the embodiment of the Sith’s inherent right, as the natural leaders of the galaxy, to dominate over all others. Under the training of Geist Weiss, in the temple on Yavin IV, the sculpting began.

Perhaps it was not the training which truly developed Zergo under Geist, but rather the philosophy. Beyond the necessity of art, Geist steered Zergo’s mind to grasping what Zergo came to call the particle perception. The particle perception is a Sith’s most valuable tool in the force. It is the ability to perceive everything in the world for what it is – particles. All objects in the world were made up of some amount of particles, and true mastery and manipulation relied upon grasping each individual particle and commanding them to do the necessary action. From such a perception, efficiencies in the force could be amplified, and new powers could be readily learned. After all, everything, even energy, was based off of at least a single particle at its core.


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SWRP Writer
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
I like it, great first profile! My only qualm is at 21 as an Anzati he'd be extremely young and the top picture doesn't exactly fit (even though it's a great picture, Jedi_Art_Tricks is an awesome artist). :)


Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Good stuff right here, hope to see more from you.


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback guys! I will be touching up the story to make it flow a little bit better soon. @Trell, I know the pictures aren't too representative, but there really isn't much out there for anzati art :[
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SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Bump. Just updated/edited the story and touched a lot of it up. Please take a look, all feedback is appreciated!


The Faceless Shachath
SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
Ah, another Anzat. How pleasant. I think we may have to do a role-play between our two characters at some point.

You should be aware though...such a role-play would likely become mortal combat rather quickly. Kyros has an....erm...certain dislike of his own kin.


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Added a lot to story, including his transformation, as well as some new images. Thanks for looking at the profile and all of the feedback!


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Large update:

Major overhaul to the profile.


SWRP Writer
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
That's a cool profile, Apex. Reminds me a little bit of an old character of mine (last timeline), his name was Aion Helbrecht and he was an Anzati as well, though his personality was different.

Trell already said this, but you asked me to give you some feedback so I'll just repeat this, because it is something that I would change. 21 is indeed very young for an Anzati. My own Anzati, Aion, was 75 years old, but that's still young for an Anzati. It's equivalent to a Human in his/her twenties.

Just a bit of a technical issue; I would change the font in the Survival of the Fittest section, I found it a bit hard to read.

His personality is clear, though, I have the feeling I really know what he's like. Looking forward to RPing with you.

And I guess that's it. It's a very good profile, you got his personality, history and the basics down. To me, the profile seems alright =)

I approve!


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback DC! And also thanks for the reminder about the age... fixed it and updated the history to go along with it. Makes much more sense now.