Yusanis Dar'sen


SWRP Writer
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score

Yusanis Dar'sen

"Strength and Glory"


Sith Order


Body covered in superficial scars. Lacking traditional ceremonial tattoos, Yusanis has a slave brand on the inside of his right forearm, as well as a symbol on his forehead that marks him as property of a Hutt that was mysteriously murdered eleven years ago. The one on his arm is heavily scarred, indicating self-harm. These include a tattoo around his neck, like a choker, of the Mandalorian words 'Strength and Glory'. On his right bicep is the symbol for his former Mandalorian Clan, Radroch, while his left is encircled with traditional Sith tattoos. He also has Sith tattoos across his face in place of the ceremonial tattoos of his species, on top of his brand.


A mesomorph has a large bone structure, large muscles and a naturally athletic physique. Yusanis, however, is leaner and taller than most.












None, Cranial Horns instead

Left is green, right is blue



Yusanis is proficient in close range combat, unarmed or otherwise. His raw power, speed and agility, and willpower are by far his obvious traits. In combat, he will mix in Force abilities with his melee skills to increase effectiveness and offensive capabilities. Commonly, he'll use one lightsaber when using a multitude of Force abilities, but when he draws both, he is left with only using the Basic Powers as well as Telekinesis.

Being a Mandalorian gave him skills in hand to hand combat, survival, and warfare not common in Sith training such as blaster training, though he never was the best shot, rather, it'll take him multiple tries to hit a single target (Think Stormtrooper). During his time with the Mandalorians, he also became an adept field medic, able to keep allies alive until they can be taken to better facilities.

Long range combat will leave him mostly on the defensive, as other than a blaster pistol, he does not have much offensive capabilities. In combat, he might become stuck in a state of euphoria, clouding his judgment, though he tries to keep this under control. As stated before, when wielding both lightsabers, he is limited in Force abilities. He is not good with stealth, often blundering or getting so frustrated he reveals himself.



Born into slavery, Yusanis never knew his parents, and was instead thrown into a world of hard labor and malnourishment. He was property of a Hutt on Tattooine for a long time and worked for him doing anything from cleaning up after the Hutt's pets, feeding the pets, and taking care of them in general. He despised his existence, made worse by the daily beatings. It was one night when he was ten years old that he finally did something that would alter his life forever, and took his master's life. Yusanis became the most trusted and unsuspecting slave, since he was a child who rarely spoke at all, and never against his treatment. One night, after spending hours every night sharpening a thigh bone from the Hutt's favored carnivorous pets previous meals, which had been a fellow slave that he had enjoyed the company of in this hellish living.

While the Hutt slept, Yusanis was able to crawl through the ventilation system due to his size. When he reached the bloated slug's chambers, he silently moved the grate, stepped up to the source of his torment, and drove the bone into the Hutt's closed eye, piercing it's brain, killing it instantly, for he summarized that even Hutt's could not regenerate their brains. Afterwards, he re-entered the vents, replaced the grate, and escaped the palace into the open desert. He had managed to reach a nearby spaceport just as dawn approached, and covered his brands with long sleeves and a strip of cloth he tied around his head like a headband. News would reach of his master's murder soon, if it hadn't already, and so he quickly sought anyone whom he could stowaway. While sneaking around the docks, he had been caught by a group of heavily armored men with rather large blasters. They were going to beat him to death, to teach him a lesson, when he had pulled out another makeshift shank from bone to defend himself, actually stabbing one of them between the plates of their armor and breaking their suit, piercing their body.

The strike had been nonlethal, but it had given them pause. After a second, they laughed, and asked for his name. He simply gave them his first name, to which they introduced themselves as Mandalorians. Yusanis had never heard of them before, but when they had offered to take him with them to become one of them, he accepted without hesitation. Whatever they were, it had to be better than being a slave. Before they departed the planet, they had demanded to check him for weapons and the like, and discovered his slave marks. They had contemplated taking him back, when he confessed to killing the Hutt. When asked why he did so, he said, "Because I'm tired of being weak. I'd rather die fighting than live in servitude." On that note, they left the planet, and took the young Zabrak with them.

Eight more years passed as Yusanis became a Mandalorian, with clan Radroch. He was trained on how to fight alongside the Asharl Panthers, and became well versed in hand-to-hand combat, melee, and even marksmanship, though the latter was his least mastered. During these ten years of training, Yusanis also learned things in private in the form of the Force. Ever since he was a child, the Zabrak had felt the Force, and was always making objects move when he was alone. He was largely untrained due to lack of proper teaching, but he was able to manage small things like Pushing and Pulling, some Telekinesis. These skills were weak, and unpredictable, but that did not stop him from trying. It wasn't until he and a couple of his brothers met a Sith did he realize just how weak he was.

An anomaly was spotted on the long range sensors of their base. It was speculated to be a ship, landing, and so Yusanis and two of his brothers were sent to investigate. They hadn't even reached the coordinates when their panthers growled, and all hell broke lose. Out of nowhere, a lightsaber ignited from the shadows, and reached them with impossible speeds. Making short work of Yusanis' comrades and their panthers, he flung the Zabrak with the Force after disarming him with ease. Before the Sith could bring his saber down in a death blow on to the Mandalorian's panther, he pushed out with white hot anger and pain, resulting in a Push that knocked the Sith back, but not much. The Sith had stopped in that moment, and stared at the Mandalorian who had obviously just used the Force.

"Let me see your face," the Sith ordered calmly, not even breathing difficultly. Yusanis did as he was ordered when he rose to his feet, and the Sith gazed upon the Zabrak as he took off his helmet, the slave brand obvious even from that distance. The Sith had laughed at the sight of his opponent, not even making a move to stop the panther that slinked back to Yusanis's side. After a long, volatile conversation, Yusanis was convinced that by learning the ways of the Force he could become more powerful than he was now, and use that power to it's fullest extent. The condition he put on the agreement was, however, that the Sith would leave his clan alone, He agreed to return with the Sith, who had been on a scouting mission, to receive training. They returned to Sith space together once the Sith's mission was complete, taking the panther that Yusanis had raised since it was a cub. It was soon discovered, however, that the Sith would not keep their end of the deal...

For three years, he trained as a Sith, learning the ways of the Force and applying it to his own martial skill. He trained for a long time under the master, a Crusader, of the one who had found him, and as a final test, was ordered to face him in one-on-one combat. The Sith who had found him had failed his master time and time again, including killing Yusanis's comrades when his mission was simply recon, and so only by killing the rising pupil could he be redeemed as useful. Yusanis would battle the Sith, and ultimately winning, beheading his opponent without remorse. Upon the victory, he looked down at the corpse and muttered, "For you, my brothers..."


Yusanis is quiet and reserved, though brimming with emotions like an internal hurricane. Patience was something he learned early in life, and today still remains a very patient person, further adding to his calm, impassive mask. He also prefers to spend time with his Asharl panther and other fauna over the company of sentient creatures, making him uncomfortable in extended social situations. He is also very blunt, though he rarely speaks up. This honesty has not earned him any favors. Being like this has also made him quite annoyed at the typical plotting and scheming of the rivaling Sith, preferring straight up battles when the option is available. Yusanis can feel and show loyalty to those he feels deserves it.

He will remain loyal to things he believes in, whether it be organizations or people, and refuses to abandon comrades if he can help it. His mindset is more like a soldier's than a Sith's, seeing himself as both a Sith and a soldier, rather than an all-powerful being that will not be denied. Despite having loyalty and respecting those he feels deserve it, he despises bowing before others of higher standing, as it brings back memories of slavery. Not only that, but he will not remove his helmet should he be able to help it- even going as far as refusing to look in a mirror without it on. The brand on his forehead haunts him, often bringing on great anger and sorrow when seen.

"If you are weak, you will die."- Mandalorian warrior to a young Yusanis.

Whether it was his time as a slave, or as a Mandalorian, Yusanis believes in the rule of the strong over the weak. What defines itself as strength and weakness is not necessarily raw power to him, and he firmly believes that everyone should have a chance to prove their strength- to show whether they should rule, or fall.

Like most Mandalorians, Yusanis also believes in the glory of conquest and battle. Conquest or single combat does not matter, he views challenging confrontations as the chance to obtain glory and experience rather than tedious obstacles. Should Yusanis lose, if he viewed the battle as worthy, then he shall respect his opponent, whoever they are. He can and will fight dirty in conquest or war, but if rules are set in single combat, such as no Force Powers, he will honor the terms so long as his opponent does the same.

Form III: Soresu ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌


Basic Powers ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌

• Force Push
• Force Pull
• Force Jump
• Force Sense
• Force Speed

Telekinesis ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌

Beast Control▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌



• Sith Robes, with only one sleeve, which is the right. Used to cover up the slave brand, and is long enough to reach his palm. Armorweave suit covers all areas that would be exposed skin under robes and armor.
• Armored durasteel boots and gauntlets
• Commlink built into gauntlet, as well as a flamethrower
• Armored durasteel breastplate
• Armored durasteel helmet, which completely covers his head. It is the same as the picture up top. When the wearer speaks, it deepens the voice and adds reverberation, making seem like two people are talking at the same time. The eyeslots are dark, only allowing the wearer to see. Also, it has built in Inferred vision.


• Two curved-hilt lightsabers, both blades are red.
• Blaster pistol on thigh holster


• Field Med kit, small

Asharl Panther- Voxa.

  1. [Sith Mission] Parasytes of a Star Destroyer [COMPLETE] [LINK]
  2. [Sith Mission] Pulse [In Progress] [LINK]
  3. [Class] Rite of Banishment [In Progress] [LINK]
  4. [Ask] Worst. Camping Trip. Ever [In Progress] [LINK]
  5. [Mando/Renelo] Remembering Your Heritage[In Progress] [LINK]
  6. [Class] Journey to Coruscant[In Progress] [LINK]
  7. [Ask] Some People Love Stirring Up Trouble[In Progress] [LINK]
  8. [Ask] Playing with Napalm Silly Putty[In Progress] [LINK]
  9. [Training] Refining the Form[In Progress] [LINK]
  10. [Ask] Clashing Echoes[In Progress] [LINK]

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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
I'd like the Sith Master brought to Crusader. Otherwise looks good.


SWRP Writer
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
I do not see where it states that the Sith who was the other one's master was a Sith Master in rank, but I added in your suggestion to clarify. I merely said master as in "his mentor", as that's how they seem to be commonly referred to as in the SW universe, even if they do not possess a Master rank.


SWRP Writer
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
I think... I'm finally done with the changes. For now.

On to the other characters!