Yuna Hagfish


Fins for Days
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2015
Reaction score


"Two Jawa walk under a bar."

NAME: Yuna Hagfish
SPECIES: Unidentified near-Human, 1/4 Theelin
AGE: 25

GENDER: Genderfluid/androygonous. She’s predominately “feminine”, but may switch between genders on any given day.
No one knows what she/he was born as. He, she and they are all acceptable pronouns. In addition, Yuna is pansexual.

HEIGHT: 5’2”
WEIGHT: 106lbs
EYES: Brown


HAIR: Naturally pink, from her Theelin heritage.
SKIN: Pinkish and easily sun-burnt.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Knick on her chin from carelessly walking into the wing of a passenger ship, and her nose is crooked from having broken it in a fight with a Rodian kid when she was thirteen. She has numerous splotches on her shoulders and arms from sunburn. Very faint Theelin markings may surface on her face when its flushed red from anger or embarrassment, or pale from illness. For the most part, her makeup covers anything visible.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Slightly. Not enough to have been picked up as a Padawan, but enough to allow some insight into what others are feeling. She has never been tested for midi-chlorians.​

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STRENGTH: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
She was never trained in combat and avoids physical confrontation, so the most she would do is aim for vulnerable places, like a kick to the knee or a punch in the groin before fleeing. She usually carries a non-lethal dart gun as a last resort, but she’s not the best aim.

DEXTERITY: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
Decently agile, and a fast runner.

INTELLIGENCE: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
Very little formal education, but she picks things up quickly. She’s quick-witted, but not in the sense of knowing what to do in a fight, etc. She can think up jokes and puns on the spot to either put people at ease or incite immediate rage. One of her more irritating qualities is that she likes to keep well-researched. Meaning that if there’s any new discovery or drama, she already knows all about it. And even if she doesn’t, she’ll whip up some random bullshit that sounds like it might be true, but sounds incredibly ridiculous out of context.

WISDOM: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
Wise in her own way, Yuna takes everything in stride, learns everything she can, and looks forward to the future.

CHARISMA: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
Yuna’s first impression is neither endearing, impressive nor imposing. Rather, she draws others into her casual banter and makes them feel like they’ve known her all their lives. “Have we met before?” is a common question asked.

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Her mother was a near-human singer at a bar in the Outer Rim. Her species was indistinguishable, and no one quite knows who she was to begin with. She wasn’t interested in having a child, so she let her baby’s father, a human cargo pilot, take the infant with him. Yuna was raised traveling from planet to planet, system to system. She never attended school, and learned to read basic from old ship manuals and catalogues. Up until the age of eleven, she shared a tiny one-room cabin in the back of a cargo ship with her father.
Her father would often take her to space ports and cantinas, where she quickly learned spacer slang and began to pick up bits and pieces of alien languages. From a young age she was fascinated with non-human species, partly out of the mystery of her mother’s unidentified species. While her father drank and bargained at bars, she would sit and draw the passerby. Occasionally she was able to sell a charming portrait or two.

When she was twelve, her father married a pureblood Theelin named – unsurprisingly- Diva. Diva had a sixteen-year-old half-Theelin daughter, also called Diva, or “Diva Two.” Instead of being jealous of the Divas, Yuna welcomed them wholeheartedly and immediately latched herself onto Diva Two. She even began to paint her face like her step-sister’s facial markings, wishing that her faint ones were as prominent and beautiful. She realized early on that her biological mother must have been part Theelin. Meanwhile, her stepmother encouraged Yuna’s creative side, exposing her to the world of music, poetry and theatre. It was her dream to attend the University of Corsucant to study such arts, though she knew that her family would never be able to afford such a luxury. Nevertheless, her parents dutifully put money aside for her higher education, despite the fact that she’d never attended primary school.

However, around five years later, Yuna’s father was seriously injured in a bad space port landing. At the time, Diva Two was very ill, and they were already paying for her hospital visits and medicine. With hefty medical bills piling up, the family had no choice but to use Yuna’s college fund to pay doctors and to support themselves while Yuna’s father wasn’t able to work. With her dreams squashed, Yuna found that when one door closes, another opens. Her step mother a took up singing at a local bar. Yuna attempted to sing as well, but while her voice was fine, her blatant lack of sexuality and off-putting personality made her unpopular.


When the Club Owner was finally fed up with Yuna’s bad performances, he threatened to sell her off to a brothel if she could not impress him. Put on the spot and fully aware of her own lack of experience, she turned her song into a comedy act by cleverly making fun of members of the audience. Having gotten the crowd roaring with laughter, she continued to perform in this way, spouting out cruel jokes and sarcastic poetry. Eventually, her material caught the attention of a poor, drunk intellectual who saw monetary potential in it. He purchased her contract from the club owner with the rest of his savings, claiming that he would make her an opera singer off-world. Yuna was suspicious, but the Diva's encouraged her to pursue a better career. Yuna and the mysterious stranger traveled to Corsucant, where he told her to record her songs and poetry in writing. However, Yuna had very little grasp on writing in Basic, so she simply wrote the lyrics to a song already gaining popularity. When her employer went to publish the song and profit from it, he was seized for plagiarism and arrested for not being able to pay the fee.
With him out of the way, she sold his belongings and bargained for a ride home. On the way, however, she received a message that Diva Two had passed away from her illness. Wrought with guilt from having not been there, she told the pilot to change course. She never returned home. Since then, she's been flitting from one star system to another, performing music and beat poetry. She sends money back to her step-mother and crippled father anonymously, preferring to live as a wanderer for now.

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Sharp, impudent, and unnervingly laid back, Yuna goes where the galactic tides take her. She’s certainly not shy, and will start up a friendly conversation with anyone, regardless of rank or stature. Sometimes this does not end well for those in her party, but usually her confident, respectful demeanor helps her avoid conflict. But she’s still going to let all the fuel out of your ship later, if you’re an ass.
She is very perceptive of the world around her and enjoys meeting lots of different people and species. She has a wide circle of acquaintances, and uses networking and favors to her advantage.
Yuna is not easily angered, and usually only expresses it through passive-aggressive smiles and sarcastic, backhanded compliments. For the most part she'll stay out of confrontation, but has a tendency to bite her lip until it bleeds if she's angry. When she does snap, you’ll never heard a more colorful vocabulary.
She doesn't typically get nervous, but she does tend to pick her fingernails if stressed. She also has a bad habit of aggressively pacing in circles, gesturing randomly and talking to herself when she's deep in thought.

As far as hobbies go, she can usually be found scouring antique markets for music memorabilia and gadgets. She also enjoys a good old fashioned night on the town, and has been known to club hop until early morning. Thankfully, Yuna is exceptionally good at holding her liquor.
Yuna also has a love for learning, and devotedly absorbs knowledge whenever it is available. She is a walking database of useless facts and random trivia concerning science, politics and art. She speaks five languages semi-fluently, and can curse in eleven. Due to her multi-linguistics and large circle of friends, she’s a very valuable source of information. However, its up to you to figure out what she’s saying is true or just another joke for her next comedy routine.

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None. She is only slightly Force Sensitive, and is not aware of the fact.

She's a talented poet, and also dabbles a bit in drawing and portraiture.
Though she lacks natural rhythm, she can play basic chords on a few instruments to accompany her poetry.
Though her normal speaking voice is flat and somewhat nasally, she has a pleasant singing voice (but she still can’t hit many high notes).
As far as combat skills go, she's decent aim with a blaster, but could easily be overwhelmed by someone with more experience. The most she could do is beat you in an arm wrestling contest.

Her greatest strength is her perception of others, buoyed by her slight force sensitivity. She is often able to predict how others will act, and can quickly choose an appropriate response. Whether it be encouragement, sympathy, or flattery. Of course, when she does fail to correctly read a person, the results tend to be disastrous.

Yuna is a coward, as she would much rather hide behind the curtain of anonymity then take responsibility for her actions. She’s a weird balance between unbridled passion and shameless laziness. So in turn, she’s also a bit of a hypocrite.
Though the guilt for not being with her stepsister when she died keeps her from returning home, its also in part because of selfishness. She would never admit it, not even to herself, but she enjoys wandering the galaxy, and doesn't want to be tied down. Returning to her parents would require putting down roots in order to care for her crippled father.

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Leather-bound satchel
Personal Datapad
Velocity-7 dart shooter
(Plus a dozen non-lethal tranquilizer darts)
U-13 Pulse-Wave Blaster
Miscellaneous Concert Equipment (She keeps all of her personal belongings in her satchel, to save on shipping her musical instruments, lights, etc.)
Light overcoat
Red wide-brimmed hat

Casual Outfit

Yuna owns two droids, a pit droid (B2-100, nicknamed Beats), and a G2 unit (DIV-30, nicknamed Diveo), who basically act as her roadies.

“Garbage” the semi-tamed Womp Rat, who lives in Yuna's backpack.

The Scorched Nerf Cantina

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Constructive Criticism is welcome. B)
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Fins for Days
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2015
Reaction score
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