Your Future Is In My Past


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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'Here we are again, over a decade later and this place still seethes with dark energies and the stench of betrayal. Ah, but it is always good to return to one's roots, if only to make comparisons to how powerful one has become since then.' It had been several years since Xanthus had been an Acolyte and had braved the dangers of this tomb with a group of other eager tomb-robbers, only one of whom Xanthus actually kept any real track of towards this day. There had been dangers around every corner, traps, beasts, and even worse as an ancient evil was awakened only for the Acolytes minus one betrayer to kill it and place it back into its tomb. But this had been a decade ago. A few years ago from the present day, Xanthus had returned to 'restock' the tombs, using it them as his own personal experimentation facility, as no one else knew of their existence who would dare to actually travel therein. A few years later, Xanthus preferred to use this area as a potential training area for survivalist skills. The beasts had grown in numbers again, Tukata and other creatures that had inhabited the tombs before the Acolytes purged them. Usually Xanthus would be hear to test his ability to pass unnoticed, but now that he had proven that he could do so, the things within the temple had lost their use to him. Enter his new Apprentice, Rogoma; Xanthus hoped to use this tomb one last time in order to test the boy's worth to be his Apprentice. It would be only fitting that Xanthus's newest Sith Apprentice should prove himself worthy by the same trial that Xanthus himself had undergone, with perhaps a few new twists here and there.

Standing before a rather large door, Xanthus turned towards his Apprentice with the same smile that seemed to never leave his face. Ziost was a cold planet, frozen by eternal winter and so Xanthus had insisted that Rogoma dress in the thickest uniform possible for this occasion. Unlike Korriban, the temperature of Ziost was not particularly survivable for long periods of time, even for most Sith. Xanthus however, seemed to be fine in just an armorweave robe; he had even placed the hood back instead of wearing it, clearly being unaffected by the freezing cold around them. "Welcome, Apprentice, to your trial by fire. This tomb is known as the Tomb of Hayze, or at least it once was. Now it is simply an area filled with challenges for you to face and surpass. You will be armed only with your training lightsaber and your natural skills. If you survive, then I will take you to create a true lightsaber and you will be truly an Apprentice of mine. If not...well, you know. This is your last chance to turn back, because this door will lock when you pass through it and it won't open again." Xanthus was speaking into wind that should have carried his voice away, but Rogoma would have no trouble hearing him, as his voice would seem to be emerging from right beside the Acolyte.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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Rogoma was shivering tremendously, hoping his master wouldn't see it. Growing up on Mustafar he was not accustomed to such atrocious weather but he would do anything for power. As the presence of the tomb grew closer, he could see it's abnormality in the snow and frost. It looked like it belonged on Endor not a frozen wasteland. How his master came across this tomb he would never know and didn't even bother to ask. His master would only train the finest acolytes and Rogoma would prove that he was well worthy of being a true apprentice to his new master. And at the mention of owning and constructing his very own lightsaber, he nearly screamed with excitement. But he wasn't a foolish and playful Jedi Padawan so he couldn't start behaving like one. But first thing he had to do was to focus all his energy on the current situation. He gathered his mind and thoughts and stopped them from going to emotions such as anxiety or fear. For fear can be sensed by the beasts atuned to the force down in that hell hole. He didn't know if his master enjoyed watching his apprentices go through excrutiating tests or if he was serious about it, or perhaps both.

And with a final nod of his head and four simple words Rogoma answered "I am ready master."


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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Xanthus simply nodded for a moment before turning around and presenting himself to the doorway. Bringing a palm up to his mouth, Xanthus whispered a few words into his hand that would have sounded like Ancient Sith to anyone who knew the language and pure malevolence brought into language form to anyone else. When he was finished speaking, Xanthus thrust his hand forward and the doors opened with enough force that each of them, being the height easily of a large Rancor and quite possibly the thickness of several Rancor hides, slammed into opposite walls with a massive boom that undoubtedly alerted everything nearby that something was about to enter into the former Tomb of Hayze. "That's the spirit, now come and let us see if you are worthy, Apprentice." When Master and Apprentice entered into the tomb, Xanthus would turn and close the doors again. As promised, they would not open again save by Xanthus's command or an expression of Force that was likely beyond Rogoma at his point in his training. Inside of this entryway of the tomb the appearance was more along the lines of a cave, though lit dimly by crystals which glowed with pale light. "The rules are simple. Survive and make your way to the innermost sanctuary of this tomb by whatever means necessary. Do not believe that because I am here you are safe or that the beasts will focus on me instead of you. These beasts respond to the Force, being mostly blind towards those without Force energy. As an Executioner, I mastered the art of disguising myself in the Force long ago. Your lightsaber is powered enough that it can wound and even kill, but being a training saber it will not be as easily used as a death weapon as a normal lightsaber. Now then, after you, by all means." Xanthus said with a gesture towards the path that the crystals lit. Unknown to Rogoma, there was a Tukata within this passageway, ready to pounce from the shadows and tear whomever happened to come first along its path to shreds. The passageway was large enough that about five men could walk abreast in some comfort and the ceiling was several meters overhead, allowing for some maneuverability at the very least. 'Let's see what you can do, Apprentice.' Xanthus thought to himself as he followed the Acolyte.

Tukata Link


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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As his master gestured for Rogoma to lead, he was on full alert and VERY wary of his surroundings. Any little sound that he heard made him turn his head in anxiousness. He wasn't scared, he just was on high alert. He didn't know how far this tomb went, he didn't even know if it ended. He could just imagine himself stuck in here lost for all eternity in the ironic situation of dying in a tomb. He wouldn't die though, he had too much potential and too much courage and strength to die today. In fact maybe he was overestimating this task. How hard could it be right? But he wasn't letting his guard down though. And with several minutes of silence he stopped at a huge crack in the earth. It was about 20 ft wide and there was no way around. "Um Master? How are we going to get over this?" Rogoma said as he pointed at the huge jut in the tomb


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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The Sith Master walked forward to the whole in the ground and looked directly into downward into its depths. At first he saw nothing but darkness, which led him to believe that the pit was rather deep. He then closed his eyes and bent the Force towards them before opening them again. Though his eyes were only slightly different, Xanthus had activated an ability known as Shadow Vision which allowed one to see without the use of light at the cost of not being able to see in color. Looking downward once more, he now noticed that there were large rocks at the bottom of the hole and that it was not quite as deep as he had expected, though it was still easily enough that a man might have fallen to his death had he not noticed. 'Alrighty then, a minor inconvenience.' Stretching his arms, Xanthus took a few deep breaths in preparation. "Pay attention, Apprentice. I intend for you to be able to replicate this feat in time." He said before reaching his hands across the large gap and concentrating. At first it appeared as though nothing was happening, but within seconds several large rocks levitated to the opening in the rocky ground, forming a makeshift bridge across to the other side. "This is how we are going to get over the pit, Apprentice. Now, watch your footing and get across; this is not quite as easy as I'm making it look." Xanthus said with his eyes closed in concentration, as the stones were quite heavy even for a Sith Master.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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Rogoma was speechless. This was the first time he had ever seen the force in action with big objects. It seemed to defy physics but yet again the galaxy was filled with strange and unnatural things. Rogoma cautiously tested one foot on the first rock. It didn't give away under his feet and that was very reassuring that he wouldn't plummet to his death below. He looked at his master and he saw that he was in deep concentration. So Rogoma hopped from one rock to the next one and then the next one until he reached the edge of the ugly scar that perverted the tomb. "Master I am across." Rogoma said, eagerly waiting and wondering how his master would get over the crack.
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The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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Releasing a deeply held breath, Xanthus allowed the stones to plummet back into the depths of the pit. Several great booms were heard as one rock after the other struck the bottom, sending vibrations back up through the stone to shake the two Sith's feet. Taking another breath, Xanthus looked back across the pit, towards the side that Rogoma was occupying. Taking a step back, the Sith Master took a few running steps and leaped across the pit by adding the Force into his jump. By using the Force Jump, Xanthus jumped from his side not only to Rogoma's but continued forward another few meters and landing on his feet. A slide that lasted about a foot was all that evidenced the fact that the Master Assassin had leaped a twenty foot pit with relative ease. "That would be something else that I would like for you to be able to replicate in the future. By all means, after you." Xanthus said with something close to a chuckle.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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Again Rogoma was awed in wonder of the force and his masters power over it. As he told Rogoma to lead ahead he couldn't help but look back at the trench which his master just cleared. He then looked at his master, then quickly looked forward and breathed loudly in and then out. As they were walking Rogoma kept on thinking he was hearing things. It might have just been the wind coming in through the cracks, but it sounded more alive. He had heard legends of spirits trapped in tombs and he believed in this "superstition" and so when that thought came to mind he had tried to quickly dismiss it, but couldn't keep that nagging voice in the back of his head silent. Another few minutes passed and the noises continued, growing subtly more louder every time he heard them. Now he knew it was definitely more than just the wind. "Master, do you hear those noises? Do you think they might be voices of the dead?"


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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For a while the Master and Apprentice pair continued onward in silence, Rogoma taking the lead as Xanthus had instructed. For a few moments a strange sound emerged within the tunnels and he mused to himself about what it could be, and if his Apprentice could also hear it. When he asked Xanthus about it, Rogoma unknowingly confirmed that the sound itself was very real, though that fact brought him scant comfort. 'The only undead within this tomb...' Xanthus thought to himself narrowing his eyes..."The only undead ever within this tomb, my Apprentice, was one that I aided in slaying when I was an unapprenticed Acolyte. Fear not the dead, for they can do the living no harm. Beyond that, fear not the living, for they can do the Sith no harm." This was of course the Xanthus method of saying: I hear the sounds, Apprentice, but don't worry about it because there aren't any undead within this place...anymore. It was possible that Mur'rain's spell a decade ago had triggered events that awakened more dead than Hayze, but if that were true Xanthus should have encountered them over the years. The fact that nothing had stirred within this Ziost haunt of his for ten years lent itself to the suggestion that this was simply air within the tunnels shifting through cracks in the rocks. Either way, however, Xanthus increased his vigilance mentally, though he kept any sign of it from his face. It would not do to let his Apprentice see the fact that this new development had put him even slightly on edge. 'After all, a Master Assassin should never let anything touch on his face but an appearance of having the situation well in hand, even when new situations develop.' The words of a mentor came to Xanthus then, and he almost allowed himself a chuckle. But then he wouldn't have been able to keep his senses on the 'wind.'


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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When he heard these words from his master, he dismissed the sounds from corrupting his focus on the task at hand. As they began walking again Rogoma couldn't help but wonder how far this huge tunnel went on. Surely it couldn't have stretched any farther for 30 standard minutes more. But then he felt a presence, it him like a brick wall. One moment he was felling safe and the next moment he felt alone and by himself. For the first time in this trip, fear started to creep back into the recesses of his mind. It was an undeniable presence that even a small baby with force sensitivity would be able to feel. He didn't dare look back at his master for fear that he had left him alone with the dark and evil presence he felt within this tomb. If his master did feel it, he showed no signs of it. Rogoma continued down the hallway though, trying not to give his fear away to his master. If anything when the time came he could use that fear and make him stronger and more likely to defeat whatever was lurking in the shadows of the tomb.


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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Unbeknownst to his Apprentice, Xanthus had felt the same wall of absolute terror, similarly to a black mist that he had not been able to see previously. For a moment, even the mighty Xanthus had experienced doubt in himself, but it had only lasted for a moment. Afterwards his mental resistances had awakened, as much part of his reflexes as dodging incoming projectiles. The feeling of fear evaporating did little to lessen the fact that it had existed however. There was no more space for question: something had taken up residence within this tomb in the few years that Xanthus had left it to crumble and await his presence, and it was something that commanded abilities over fear much the same way as Xanthus did himself. For a moment, the Master Assassin looked at his Apprentice's back with something almost approaching pity, wondering if he should reassure him that there was nothing to fear. He then took a deep breath and reminded himself that this was a training exercise. The Acolyte would learn to be rid of fear, even if that meant that this trial by fire would have to become much more dangerous than what he had intended. Still, it was slightly brutal of him to simply leave him there, wallowing in the black grip of fear. He stepped up closer to place a hand on his Apprentice's shoulder to steady him, and that was when he heard the sound; a growl that belonged to a creature that he knew well. 'Damn, I'd forgotten about this beast within this madness of fear, shadows, and ill winds.' What was supposed to be a reassuring pat became a warning grip to Rogoma's shoulder as Xanthus stepped aside closer to the wall. "On your guard Apprentice, we have a guest." Secretly, within his mind Xanthus was actually breathing a sigh of relief. The Tukata would serve as a confidence booster to Rogoma if he managed to kill it, and would hopefully give him strength against the fear that was palpable in the air.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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That sound was not familiar with Rogoma. He had no idea what made that sound but it definetely wasn't his mind playing tricks on him this time. This time the sound was as real as his hand in front of him, shaking with anticipation. A couple seconds of silence passed and then the beast slunked and came out of the shadows with the mind set goal of killing and killing only. It didn't need to have a reason, it just needed to kill and feast for it hadn't eaten in a long time Rogoma could tell. It was very skinny by the looks of it but had the voraciousness of a Rancor on the hunt. It had long sharp black claws, pointed and elongated teeth, two medium sized horns on it's head, deep crimson red eyes, and a spined back and tail. Rogoma didn't even have time to react when the beast lunged at him. Rogoma quickly but barely escaped it's grasp, he rolled to the side, got up and then quickly unsheathed and ignited his training saber while the beast was getting ready to lunge at him again. He had only learned a few skills in the Shii-Cho form that his master had taught him on the fly. He wasn't going to attack first, he knew better. The beast then did something completely unexpected. Instead of running at Rogoma, he suddenly ran along side the wall, jumped off the wall and gained an extra two foot advantage on Rogoma coming at foot length from his face before slashing with his claws. Rogoma then jumped briefly back but then full out swung the saber at the thing's face intending to bash it in. The beast tried to move out of the way but it was too slow, and insted got smacked down to the ground on it's side. It then ran away a few yards, looking back and muttered something before lurking off into the shadows of the tomb. Rogoma knew it wasn't smart to run after it because it clearly had the advantage of knowing the tomb. Panting and out of breath Rogoma asked his master, "What in..... Sith's name.........was that?!"


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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For a moment, boy and beast simply stared at each other, each perhaps sizing the other up. Or perhaps searching for weaknesses, but there was a chance that they were simply performing the rudimentary examinations expected of mortal combat. As swiftly as they had begun, however, the examinations were completed and the Tuk'ata claimed the first move. If there was ever any doubt, Rogoma's force potential was proven when he dodged the Sith hound. Perhaps one could simply claim that he had above average reflexes for a human, but Force-adepts were naturally superior even in comparison to the 'above-average' as far as reflex was concerned. Besides, Xanthus would have been referring more towards the way his Apprentice made use of the lightsaber rather than the way he actually moved. His first instinct was to call on the weapon that would become part of whichever arm he used it most in; that pleased Xanthus significantly. Within what had probably felt like several minutes to Rogoma, but was actually less than twenty seconds, the Tuk'ata was skulking away. It muttered something using the voice that Sith Alchemy had provided, but Xanthus ignored it in favor of answering his Apprentice's question. "That, my dear Apprentice, was a Tuk'ata. A Sith Hound, some prefer to call it. This tomb was filled with them ten years ago, and they made their return in numbers as years went by. They are fierce creatures, but nothing compared to the Sith who produce them through Alchemy." Xanthus smiled the smile that meant he was about to say something informative that was meant to be taken as a half-serious measure. "If you ever desire to learn how to create one, perhaps I can arrange for someone to teach you Sith Alchemy, though only after you complete a few basic lessons of my own. Come, there is more to this tomb than this tunnel." The Sith Master was not a liar: the tunnel would end abruptly after only a few more dozen meters. It would then open into a massive cavernous space, large enough to fit several transports, though filled with stalactites and stalagmites. It bore a flat ground the closer one managed to get to the center, and several holes along the walls led to other tunnels within the same network. The light crystals were present within this space as well, lining the walls and producing a dim lighting for the cavern, but a dim light it was and nothing more. When the two Sith entered, they would find the area empty, but the feeling of being alone would be entirely absent.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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When his Master described that they were mere creations of a Sith alchemist, Rogoma became calm again. That fact was reassuring to him that a fellow Sith had created this beast and he was higher and better than it. When they entered the cavernous space though, his feeling of aloneness and safety and completely flushed out of his mind once more. Rogoma didn't know whether it was the Tuk'ata again or if it was a more sinister and malevolent presence that was among the two Sith. Rogoma slowly reached for his training saber and ignited it again, pulling it off his back and then gripped his hands on the blade. In the dim light of the crystals among the cavern he could see that his Master was looking at him with an expression that said "Get Ready". Rogoma knew that this was his test but he felt that this was an oddly sadistic test which ended in either him killing the thing that attracted their intention, or getting slain and brutally murdered in front of his Master's eyes. The second choice didn't sound too appealing, and so with trepidation and carefully balanced precision, Rogoma slowed his pace and walked with steadiness. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, righ.... He stopped. He stepped down but his foot sunk into....into what? He suddenly realized that it was a trap platform! He instinctively ran back towards the tunnels and waited for anything to happen. All the while his Master's gleaming eyes watching and waiting to see what his new apprentice would do.


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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And so it had begun, with Rogoma activating the trap set into the floor of this chamber. Behind them, a dull roar began suddenly and just as suddenly was ended with a loud boom. Looking back, it would be noted that the entrance to the tunnel itself had been sealed, and the beginning of several other roars would signify the closing of several other tunnels within the chamber. The noise would rise to deafening levels and then cease with an abruptness that was as final as the death that was threatened. 'For better or worse, we are trapped within this tomb with something that does not love the Sith.' That being of course in addition to Xanthus's own Tuk'ata and another creature that he had not breathed a word of as of yet. That, however, was in the room afterward and unless Xanthus was mistaken the final room in the tomb would reveal what exactly had moved into this stone prison for the dead. For now the issue to worry about was what was in this particular room. A soft sound echoed in the cavern, one that sounded suspiciously similar to the 'swoosh' of a projectile. A second later there was a cracking sound as something struck the floor with shattering force. A moment's glance would reveal that a long dart had broken itself on the floor a few feet away from Rogoma's feet. A few more 'swoosh' sounds, a few more shatters along the floor. By now the trap within the room would be dawning even on the dimmest of minds. The pace began to pick up from one dart to three every few seconds, to five, ten...eventually there were 'darts' closer in size to javelins launching from the ceiling and both sides of the room from the dark areas between the light crystals. Rogoma would require the utmost of his reflexes, as the near-javelins were being launched with shattering force even though they were half a foot thick; that was easily enough force to pierce a human body and shatter the bones inside. 'He might have taken the Tuk'ata with great speed, but this time the threat comes from all angles.' That was not precisely true, as there was a blind spot behind Xanthus that kept him from being blasted even though all throughout the cavern there were spikes launching and landing, creating a stone crossfire of death. 'If he can make it to the door, then perhaps he has a chance. If he can't best this, then it's a mercy that he dies here instead of in the next room.' The Sith Master was not entirely merciless however; when the spikes were flying in full order, he dashed out into the crossfire and rushed past Rogoma. He was dodging spikes being launched without looking at them, which was evident because he was looking somewhere else. "Follow me if you can, Apprentice. Don't use your eyes, or you'll just die. Step where I step, and use the Force to guide your movements and dodge the bullet-spikes." Easier said than done of course, but that was the exercise: 'trust in your Master and the Force, or die.'


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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Rogoma did as his master said and was soon following his master's footstep obediently like a lapdog. It was almost completely black in the huge cavernous space and made it all the more eerie as he felt that he was being watched every step he took. Whoosh, he heard the spike but couldn't see it and rolled and ducked out of the way. That was too close, Rogoma thought to himself. He was on death's door and if he failed now his life, integrity, and future would all perish with him in this tomb. When he finished his duck and roll he accidently made another spike spiral at him. He bent his torso ninety degrees backwards and the spike narrowly missed him by merely centimeters. He heard his master's steps and retraced his own to his master so he wouldn't set off any more deathtraps. Every whoosh sound from the spikes put thoughts in Rogoma's mind of his master being impaled in the chest and swallowed back in the deep darkness, with him all alone with a sinister beast, a tukata, and hundreds maybe thousands of deathtraps. But Rogoma knew that his master was very cautious and aware of his environment. Rogoma tried to see without seeing with his own eyes. He was unsuccessful at first but the next time he really concentrated. He could only see glimpses of things. They were glowing in a hesitant yellow light and had enough energy that he could barely see, but it was there. Now he knew what his master meant when he said that he needed to see without his eyes. As his master continued to move past the spikes, Rogoma followed and it was much easier to see where to move than before. He then saw a horrible presence on the other side of the deathtrap they were currently in. It was the Tuk'ata, and it was pacing effortlessly, waiting for it's prey to come to the other side. "Master, do you see what that is? Is that the tuk'ata from earlier?"


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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The Sith Master certainly did see what was waiting on the other side of the trap, it was what he had been looking at while he dodged the spikes; though perhaps it would have been more accurate to say that Xanthus was staring past the beast to doorway just beyond. The beast was one thing, but that was simply an inconvenience in comparison to what was through the doorway. 'What to do about this?' Naturally the beast was simply waiting for the two Sith to emerge from the deathtrap so that it could pounce on weary prey that was unable to properly dodge, but then again perhaps that could be used to grant an advantageous position? "Why yes, Apprentice, that is most certainly the same tuk'ata as far as I can tell." Xanthus said just as the pair was nearing the edge of the spike area. Just as he passed the boundary where he knew the spikes would land, Xanthus reached his hand backwards and made a forceful pushing motion towards the beast. Without warning, it was lifted bodily and flung through the dark opening from which it had presumably emerged, the only still open doorway within the central cavern. Landing where it had stood, Xanthus waited a few seconds for his Apprentice to catch up and also catch his breath. The Sith Hound was nowhere in sight, apparently gone into the void that now stood in front of the Sith. "As soon as you're ready, we continue. Don't worry, there's only two more rooms to go." Xanthus said, taking a moment to inhale deeply and stretch his arms and legs.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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What his master had done hadn't really calmed Rogoma, but his master wasn't supposed to calm him he was supposed to train him, and that's what he was doing. Rogoma was cramped from the muscle straining he had endured during the chamber of spikes, it was actually quite a surprise that he was able to call upon his foresight and see without his eyes. He hadn't even known he had that ability until he actually tried it. As his master beckoned him to carry on he paused and became invaded with images of death, They hit him like a punch in the gut. The faces of the bitter and crying people almost made him collapse on the floor from dizziness. He could feel their pain and suffering, whatever had happened in this tomb he could feel it. And he had a supiscion his master had a part in this, for only a Sith would be able to inflict this much mental pain that he had felt from the memories of the dead. He shook it aside for the time being and continued to go down into the final rooms of his test. The Tuk'ata might be around every shadow and corner so he had to be very wary of his surroundings. His master hadn't seemed the slightest bit concerned with the furious Tuk'ata that was stalking them, he actually seemed almost amused at what was taking place in the tomb. Rogoma still couldn't decide what type of person his new master was. Was he as cruel as the ancient dictatorous Sith lords? Or was he more forgiving than most? Rogoma didn't know the answer but he knew that time would tell, and that time was getting closer and closer as they both trudged through the dark and desolate landscape of the tomb.


The Devil's Advocate
SWRP Writer
Mar 3, 2012
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After a few moments, Xanthus began to continue forwards, stepping into the ponderously large entrance to the next section of the cave system. In short order it became revealed that this new tunnel was not actually as dark as it seemed, though it was definitely the dimmest area that the two Sith had experienced thus far. The lighting crystals were fewer and further between, and were weaker than their counterparts in the previous areas. There was just enough light that sight was possible and the way was moderately clear. As they walked, Xanthus could feel the ominous waves of fear in the Force, and this fact intrigued him more than he allowed his face to show. Beforehand, he had been inflicted with a small dose of the fear, but had reflexively activated a mental barrier and felt the effects end. That fact informed him that there was some effect in the Force projecting this miasma, though if that meant that there was truly another Force-user within the system was still questionable. There were alternate routes to enter this place, he knew, but there were not very many reasons as to why someone would choose to come into this cave system. Perhaps then, an artifact was causing the phenomenon? It was true that the group of Acolytes that Xanthus had been apart of ten years ago did not do a thorough sweep of the area, and neither did Xanthus himself perform an investigation afterwards, but surely something this powerful would have been felt long ago? 'I suppose that the answer will become clear when we reach the final chamber.' Xanthus thought to himself as the tunnel began to warm with every step.

The temperature had been slightly cool within the caverns, but now it was rising and the scent of fire and smoke began to permeate the air. Within minutes of these events occurring, a dull red light would become evident in the tunnel that would become brighter and brighter until finally the tunnel abruptly opened into the second to last chamber. From the tunnel exit spanned a bridge that it connected a central stone floor surrounded by the source of the heat and light; a ring of lava bubbled around the central stone 'platform,' being interrupted at only two points, the bridge to the tunnel that the Sith emerged from, and another bridge on the far side of the chamber. This chamber was even larger than the previous one had been, enough that an entire division of stormtroopers could have moved about inside. Most of this was taken up by the center platform, as the lava ring was rather thin, being only several meters long from outer was to stone platform. On the center platform stood columns, stalactites, and stalagmites in such a vast number that they seemed to make a small forest, but it was what was within that forest that would draw the most attention. Inside of the stone forest was a pack of Tuk'ata, shifting about on the ground and even moving among the 'trees.' The creatures darted about like shadows in the stone wood, stopping for moments at a time to stare at the newcomers. "Welcome to the final test, Apprentice. There is a door on the opposite end of this stone forest. Make it through the doorway and you pass the exam and become my Apprentice in truth. You can use whatever means you so choose, but the goal here is to pass through the doorway; the Tuk'ata will not follow beyond. I'll await you on the other side." If Rogoma had been staring at Xanthus, he would have noticed the Master Assassin fade slowly into the air, appearing to simply cease to exist. Otherwise he would simply turn and notice that he had disappeared into thin air.


SWRP Writer
Dec 12, 2013
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When Rogoma heard those words he looked back to see his master's reaction, but he wasn't there. 'I guess I have to get to the other side.' Rogoma thought to himself. The lava wasn't scary at all to him, growing up on Mustafar he was used to it. The thing that scared him though, was the pack of Tuk'ata arranged among the stalactites. There was one way in ann one way only, this would probably be the toughest challenge he faced yet. With one final sigh, he stepped cautiously onto the bridge trying not to cause himself to be the attention of the beasts not fifty feet away. The bridge was surprisingly sturdy given it's century old look and supported his weight with only the slightest tilt of his mass. He didn't want to draw his training saber, not yet anyway, for to do that would be very dumb because that would attract the attention of them. His plan was to silently sneak up on them and defeat them one by one, but that he wasn't sure that might work. As he was edging closer, he remained in a crouching position as to not disturb their roaming around. When he was about ten feet away from the first rock formation they noticed him. And that's when all hell broke loose. The first two closest Tuk'ata rushed him with incredibly swift speed and Rogoma had just enough time to pull out his blade before they were on him. He swung clumsily at the first one, knocking it on it's side with pure strength. The other one was just waiting to pounce but Rogoma stood on the edge of the platform a little away from the bridge. The Tuk'ata slowly stalked him and he sprang up on him. With quick and agile reflexes Rogoma rolled to the side and the unsuspecting move caught the Tuk'ata off guard and he plummeted to the depths of lava below. As the other Tuk'ata was recovering, more came down from seemingly out of nowhere, there were at least 4 if Rogoma could tell. Rogoma ran at the recovering Tuk'ata and clubbed it right in the face knocking it out cold and giving it a broken jaw. The other Tuk'ata were starting to charge at him now. He needed to get away from them, NOW. He allowed his mind to be overwhelmed with his newly learned foresight vision and he could see clearly through the 'forest' now.

He ran at an incredible speed with his adrenaline running. He looked back and saw the others running after him but clumsily dodging the rocks and losing speed. Rogoma had been training for things like these. He ran and jumped over obstacles with ease and even slowed down the beasts's pace even more by cutting loose rocks down to cause an avalanche effect. He was quickly getting to the end and the Tuk'ata were plenty behind him. He started to run across the bridge but then noticed this bridge was different. This bridge was held together by a less strong material, it wobbled under his feet and he had to balance his body weight to not fall in the lava below. He was about midway on the bridge when the Tuk'ata caught up to him. They had a harder time balancing than he did and snarled and scraped as they couldn't get a hold on it. One fidgeted too much and it fell howling all the way down until it was quickly silenced by a scorching death. The others were terrified at what just happened and hauled themselves back to their stalactite domain. As they were running back the bridge quickly gave way as Rogoma slashed constantly at the beams. With one final snap and groan one part of the bridge collaped and Rogoma held on for dear life. He hit the rock with a hard smack but slowly climbed up to the exit. As he climbed up he saw the exit, a beautiful golden arched doorway with several enscriptions that Rogoma couldn't make out. He headed through and pondered what in Sith's name was going to happen next.
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