Open Social Yo Daimyos, It's Ya Boy



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Jul 23, 2021
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Music could be heard for acres in all directions around the lush property. Starships and airspeeders were coming in to land outside of the Kessel Castle or on the reception tower depending on the traffic control's directions. They were bringing guests to the regal property that now belonged to the new Daimyo of the resource rich world, @Trael Osso-Drast . The man had defended the planet on more than one occasion and now ruled it. One of those times Pellios had even fought along side the man and in so doing was rewarded with the rank of Ringleader under its former master. A party was organized to celebrate Trael's newest achievement and his Ringleader, Pellios Reverence, wanted to make sure everything was to his new master's liking.

Kessel was often viewed as a planet rich in resources. But a great deal needed to be imported, usually at great cost, in order for the world to have the same levels of luxury that other planets. But for a smuggler, arms dealer, and entrepreneur like Pellios the logistical obstacles were no match for his skills.

The one-horned Devaronian offshoot had made sure that every liquor, wine and spirit was available to the guests. The finest of cigaras were ready on trays with one of a kind engraved clippers were made to commemorate the evening. The finest drugs and vices were plentiful. Fresh drapes, new lights, waxed floors and everything anyone could imagine was resplendent in the home of the new lord of Kessel. Everything down to the finest details would be accommodating to the guests and more importantly, the host who was the true 'guest of honor'.

Pellios was dressed to the nines in a three piece pin-stripe suit, more dapper than ever before. He still wore a low profile blast vest hidden by his garments. The hilt of a master crafted lightfoil hung on his left hip while he wore a sparkling flashpistol on the other. A Q2 blaster pistol was concealed for more lethal self defense uses if need be but was otherwise out of sight where Pellios hoped it remained for the duration of the party. The Ringleader leaned on a raven headed canto-cane as he directed servants about their business. If any threats to his leader came up he would be the first to intervene.

<"Search everyone as they arrive. Be thorough but respectful. I don't want any recording devices, explosives, or weapons carried by our guests. They are here to party. If they want bloodsport we have that in spades. Tell me if you encounter any problems."> He ordered the guards with a 'dad energy' that only came from decades of experience. The authority of being a Ringleader also helped convince them to follow his directions to the letter. Anything less and they risked joining the slaves in the spice mines, or worse. Pellios would see to it personally.

A glass of champagne was offered to everyone as they arrived. Nearby there were servants with a diverse array of foods and libations that were ready to be plucked from gelt platters. No amount of expense, blood, sweat or tears had been spared to make this party happen. Game tables for cards, dice and screens showing remote highs speed races were available to gamble on if visitors felt like participating. There were live beasts outside that would also serve as entertainment or food depending on what Trael ended up deciding. A person could spend days or even weeks enjoying themselves and still not experience every pleasure the Kessel Castle had to offer. If one did not know better, they could mistake the ruler's home for a paradise vacation spot that served they every desire.

The finest companions were ready to serve, entertain and please the guests that arrived. Each were hand picked as the most beautiful and capable among the various slave auctions and brothels in the galaxy. They were dressed in the finest outfits that cost probably just as much as the people that wore them. In all likelyhood, there was a chance they would leave the castle with new owners.

A whole section of the palace had been cordoned off just to receive gifts. Trael Osso-Drast was a Daimyo and Kessel was under Hutt rule. That meant the System of Chakaph applied here. Now was a good a time as any for new business prospects to make an offering to the Daimyo. Anyone that came without a gift, was likely to be laughed at or turned away. Possibly both.

@Javier esschoolbus
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Apr 20, 2024
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"Be assured: The gifts are depowered, and the controller is inside, only to be handled by its new owner." The large protocol droid stated flatly as the guards scanned over the massive boxes behind him.

Count Ruugl seemed unmoved by the inconvenience, as both he and his nurse droid awaited behind Valet. The scanners wouldn't show anything unusual on the Count. His wheelchair was fitted to the rim with every piece of medical technology made to give him the semblance of life, down to breathing and pumping liquids through his body. While he was dressed in simple, well pressed silver suit, it was obvious that Valet was going to be taking all the attention today with his polished black chassis and red scarf, obsidian canto-cane, and other ornamentations.

The guards would look slightly concerned. Inside the boxes were three droids. Like Valet had stated, they were depowered, but the armaments still equipped to them made the situation a bit iffy, especially after being told that no weapons were allowed inside. But whether or not they should turn the count and his droid entourage away was another question.

Valet tapped his cane loudly on the floor at the prospect of being denied entry. "Do you not know that these gifts are for your Daimyo? Do you not know who I am?"

While dead, Count Ruugl was given every ounce of energy to look alive. As Valet 'spoke' as the count, a small controller in the medical droid's head, the count's eyes were moved and the face was scrunched to give an annoyed look.

"I am Count Ruugl, owner of Mechis III. Surely you know that such a person like myself is worth you calling your superior. Or would you like to explain why your Daimyo was denied the presence of such a respectable droid manufacturer?"


Zira Suvan


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Jan 13, 2023
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She put what Iymril said to the test. They claimed she was no longer a slave but a partner in their business. Zira began to collect money for herself, keeping up the arrangement. She wasn’t blind - she knew Iymril had grown attached to her. But Zira cared very little about that. She put on whatever act was necessary to keep the shop going and reap her rewards. Through her channels, she heard about the victory at Kessel and decided it was as good an in as any towards her personal goals.

The tiefling was adorned in perfectly tailored and form-fitting attire that appeared more masculine in nature, but hugged every curve. Her tail lazily swished from behind her tight-fitted pants with heeled boots below. Zira’s hair was up in a bun, a few strands framing her face with earrings lining her slanted ears. There was a gleam in her golden eyes, her lips ruby red. She was smoking from a vintage cigarra holder.

Zira walked in as if she had always belonged there, slender fingers taking the stem of a champagne glass. She didn’t recognize anybody here, but a lifetime of waiting to be told when to speak had made her develop impeccable observation skills. She would know anyone worth knowing by the end of the night.

She saw the entertainers, all of them sporting similar tattoos on the sides of their necks that marked them as slaves. The same brand she wore on the side of hers. Except she wore no collar. Zira walked by one of the women who looked particularly nervous and she saw a reflection of herself. A painted smile, all the fear and dread in her eyes. It was Zira from years ago, back when she still had silly little dreams. Back when she believed someone else would solve her problems for her.

The tiefling gave the woman a mock pout of sympathy before exhaling a cloud of smoke right into her face. She turned and walked towards the game tables without a second glance back. Zira pulled up a chair and sat down across a Rodian who was looking for someone to play Pazaak.

@Darasuum @Narzen


Sith Order

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Apr 25, 2024
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It seemed he'd impressed someone with connections, because he was invited to a party that he considered above his league when it came to contacts and riches. For a short time he wondered if this would shake his nerves, but he knew this was a good chance to lay his eyes on potential employers.

He chose to wear the expensive outfit that was sent to him with the party invite-- a black tuxedo with a deep red shirt and handkerchief in the breast pocket to both contrast and compliment it.

All he'd had to do was put on the outfit before he arrived, because he didn't have to groom particularly for this party, as he kept himself emaculate at all times he could in an obsessive, potentially unhealthy, fashion; from his hair, skin and face, to his teeth and even beneath his nails, all of it kept with the same routine. His rigid grooming had a few downsides, like his inability to even consider any other hairstyle except his chosen slicked back one, but he had long accepted that part of him.

At the threshold of the party, Ceberus raised his arms up slightly, just enough for a quick patdown before entering. He couldn't help but glance at the man (@Narzen) kicking up a fuss at the door. Since he felt somewhat out of place here, he did not try to interfere and entered the party quietly.

He was promptly greeted by a woman handing him a glass of champagne, which he only took to blend in. Right after his crimson eyes panned across the crowd of what was many obviously wealthy people, lingering only on a woman he found particularly interesting; a tiefling beauty dressed to appear more business-like and… more than that, wearing slave marks without a collar (@Sreeya). Cerberus quirked an eyebrow out of interest and allowed himself to drink up the sight at a distance, taking a short sip of his champagne. If she caught him looking, he’d give her a short raise of his glass to appear at least somewhat friendly.


Vebria Dun


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Apr 19, 2024
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Vebria stared at the majesty of it all. She had been to Kessel before, stowed away on a passenger ship when she was a young cretin, exploring the system. She had grown since, but the landscape had stayed much the same, if only adding even more glitz and glamour. The Zabrak felt like she didn't belong here, a small ripple in the pond of major criminal fish, but that wasn't stopping her. She was here to have fun, and hopefully meet some influential people. She strode confidently up to the doors of the mansion, pausing for a moment to let the guards scan her. Nothing of consequence would be found, of course, Vebria had the sense to leave her blaster in her ship. Not that the slinky black dress would be able to hide anything, though the strappy black heels might be able to stab someone if she needed to.

Vebria noticed a man in a wheelchair with two droids attempting to enter (@Narzen), but the guards seemed to not know what to do about the large boxes behind them. Not wanting to make too much of a fuss, she ignored the situation, moving into the mansion. A server carrying a tray of champagne offered her a glass, which she gladly took. But not to drink, more to fit in than anything. Criminals were still criminals, Vebria knew this, as she was one. And while she wouldn't put it past a Hutt to hold a party celebrating their rise to power, invite all of the galaxy's known and unknown criminals, and then poison the drinks at said party, she didn't think the drink had anything funny in it. Vebria preferred to stay alert in larger social gatherings like this. A few sips here and there wouldn't matter, however.

The Zabrak looked around, noticing a tiefling (@Sreeya) and a Rodian at a Pazaak table. She wondered if it was all high stakes, or if they had some low stakes tables for the not-quite-as-up-and-coming criminals such as herself. She passed another who, had he been wearing a suit of armor, she would have recognized him. (@Dread) Her eyes pored over the myriad of people, her upper lip curling up in disgust. Slaves. This was one aspect of criminal life Vebria was not fond of. Far be it from her to make a scene about it at the new daimyo's party, however. She hoped maybe there might be some way to at least free one of them, if the opportunity presented itself. Hopefully not by hurting her pocketbook, at least.

Taking a slight sip of champagne, Vebria went in search of the races, being a fan of death-defying speed and adrenaline herself. She passed a server carrying a tray of what looked to be some sort of egg hors d'oeuvre, grabbing two of them and slipping one in her mouth. The Zabrak blinked a moment, having no idea what that was that just passed her lips, and struggled a moment to swallow before setting the other one down on the tray of another passing server. Okay, maybe I should stick to the meats. She leaned over a waist-high table and turned her attention to the races.




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Jul 23, 2021
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Pellios should not have been surprised by how quickly the security of the castle requested his personal presence at the greeting spot for guests. Already someone had arrived with questionable gifts but the Devaronian offshoot hardly expected to be enjoying the festivities himself. The Ringleader was on the clock and needed a clear head while he worked.

That being said, the old geezer could not help but look over his shoulder as he passed a beautiful tiefling with a classy cigara holder. The senior devaronian offshoot had a soft spot for his particular brand of beauty and he could imagine how good the two of them would look standing next to one another with their contrasting skin colors. He had a weak spot for horned women. The somewhat pervy old man tendencies were pushed aside in favor of remaining on task. He was not likely to get anywhere anyways with a young thing like her which usually kept him from even trying to flirt in this day and age. Pellios would have to compliment her on her outfit later and ask what brand of cigara she was smoking. The smell alone piqued his interest. Maybe he would at least grant himself a smoke before the night was over. (@Sreeya )

It did not take long for the silver haired man to arrive in front of the droid duo and their wheeled master. The large boxes raised a greyed eyebrow but he did not seem all to concerned. If anything, he was curious to see their contents. As an arms dealer and purveyor of all things illegal or otherwise considered contraband Pellios was acutely aware of what the droids were. Each was premium warden 10-24 security droids. Thorough and repeated memory wipes would be called for due to the "red terror's" reputation. They seemed to match what Valet was saying on behalf of Count Ruugl but the old smuggler took the control out of the containment and carried it on his own person.

Turning to the droid and the Count he bowed his singularly horned head. "I will provide the control unit to my Daimyo personally. Thank you for your gift, Count." He then motioned for the boxed droids to be taken to the gift reception area where they would remain under guard along with any other presents.

The Ringleader did not step away or leave the arriving trio yet. Instead he took a step forward and outstretched one of his hands, palm up as if expecting to be handed something. "May I see your cane, sir? You will get it back, I promise." In his other hand Pellios held his own canto-cane by the head. The man wanted to personally inspect the other's walking stick especially considering he knew full well how they could hide weaponry within. (@Narzen )

@Myra @Dread



Character Profile
Jan 16, 2023
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Rhonwen was in full costume so nobody would know her true identity. It was unlikely anyone knew who she was even if she had shown her true face but this way she could move about without compromising future operations. The Chiss had an epidermal disguise hiding her actual blueish skin color in favor of a more sunkissed human complexion while a pair of false contact lenses gave her eyes otherwise red-eyes a 'normal' appearance with white sclera and green irises. Her hair also was dyed to be a dark brown rather than its usual black and silver color.

The broad shouldered agent's outfit she wore and accessories consisted of a soft and smooth grey jacket with matching slacks. A similarly colored vest with an immaculate white dress shirt underneath fit her muscular form well. A black tie was perfectly made beneath her collar and a matching set of black gloves adorned each of her hands. Rhonwen's jacket rested on her shoulders like a cloak without her arms actually being inside the sleaves giving her a semi-casual look.

As far as anyone was concerned Rhonwen was a guest the same as any other. She was here to mingle with the guests, listen and socialize among them. She already had an alias in mind and came well prepared. Her careful eyes took note of who was already arriving and with whom they tended to move towards.

A zabrak returned one of the appetizers to a tray nearby and operative allowed one corner of her mouth to form into a slight smile. (@Myra "They're not for everyone." She said with a slight Lothalian accent as she plucked a pair of sausages wrapped in sweet breading from another tray. One she offered to the Zabrak. "These might be better." The disguised Chiss ate the bite-sized food all in one go.

@Narzen @Sreeya @Dread
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Zira Suvan


Character Profile
Jan 13, 2023
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It didn’t take long for Zira to win against the Rodian, and she gave him a smile at the stream of curses. She wasn’t oblivious to her surroundings - she had noticed the broody figure raising his glass, the older host of the party looking at her in a way she was well accustomed to, and various other characters that all came with their own agenda and stories. No one got old in this game without knowing how to survive or being crafty, so the host tiefling certainly piqued her interest. Zira took a long drag and exhaled a few smoke rings before rising from the game table.

She was used to a lifetime of being a wallflower, and old habits died hard. She wasn’t going to get anywhere quietly sitting in a corner, so she decided to mingle. Zira grabbed a new drink in hand, her tiefling physiology ensuring that she could drink an obscene amount and remain perfectly fine thanks to her multiple livers.

“I’m quite terrible at small talk,” Zira said with a smirk as she approached the red-eyed man who raised a glass towards her earlier. They were the same height, so with heels she stood several inches taller. She stepped over to stand next to the man, gazing out at the rest of the room, “Who here do you suppose has killed the most people?” Zira asked casually, taking a sip of her drink.


Brok Berrin


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Aug 23, 2023
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How Brok had made it to Kessel was a good a guess as anyone. He had somehow won the lottery and earned a literal boat load of credits. Some of it had gone to pay for his family's moisture farm which helped remove nearly all debts they owed to the local Hutts. Then he had used the rest to finish building his personal "ugly" starfighter, the Ace of Spades. But now here he was losing cards in the castle of a Daimyo. At least his parents were not here to see him losing a fortune in mere minutes. Maybe this was why he had been invited in the first place. The chance to win big had bigger chances to lose it all.

<"Mother loving son of a nerf herder! This poodoo pile of stinking rotten garbage from the nine hells is going to be the end of me! I'm a taint sucking moron! AAAAAH!"> The teenager rodian placed both hands on either side of his head. If he had hair he would be pulling it out with his sucker tipped fingers. But after a moment he leaned back in their seat as his shoulders sagged. At least there was an open bar where he could drink his worries away. "Sorry." He apologized to the stunning Tiefling after cursing so heavily. That was just the tail end of it. It would probably make his mother's ears bleed if she heard the words come out of his mouth from earlier.

"I need a drink." He said switching to galactic standard basic. Huttese tended to have the best swears but it was hard to for the young gambler to have a civilized discussion without feeling the urge to curse every other word. Maybe with a bit of liquid courage he would be foolish or lucky enough to win some of his lost money back. Maybe someone else would get drunk enough to make mistakes. But for now Brok needed to cool off.

The Rodian was well dressed by moisture farmer standards. A respectable suit with cufflinks given to him by his father fit pretty well. It had been adjusted by a highly recommended tailor. It did not help that most everyone at this party was distractingly attractive and dressed better than he was. The humble moisture farmer just hoped he did not end up getting too out of his league with the company here. Oh Force damn it. I better not bet too much or else I'm going to end up in the spice mines. His inner monologue would continue as he left the card table behind. At least the food here is better than anything back on Tatooine.

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Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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The orders from his once and seemingly again benefactor were simple and to the point. "Get back to work." Seeing as Arla had put her other plans on hold for the moment. Covax had no excuse not the follow the blunt directive. So, with his accounts once again flush with untraceable funds. The Vanguard of the underworld decided it was time to make an appearance.

Arriving to the perfect time, just as the drinks and drugs were starting to flow. As he often did to events such as this. Covax was dressed in casual black on black, and like the host, the jacket was essentially a designer blast vest. Lessons learned the hard way.

As he stepped inside, the guards would do as instructed and held out a hand politely asking. "Sir, if you please allow us to hold onto your weapons." To which Covax gave a half smile and nod. Handing over the Holdout pistol and blade concealed under the jacket. As well as the burner phone they were also going to ask for. He also took mental note of what they were carrying and the placement of each. Just in case.

With that being done. Covax would wave over a server with a couple fingers, "Brandy on the rocks and a cigar please." He requested. The female server giving a polite not before her retreat to the bar. Meanwhile the imposing human would make his way toward the tables.

As he did so he would hear the Tiefling ask the question of body count. Taking a quick look around he smiled and said, "My money's on the Rodian."

@Sreeya @Dread



Character Profile
Apr 20, 2024
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If anyone was supposed to be pleased at this turn of events, Count Ruugl certainly didn't show it. And being a droid, Valet didn't show any change of expression whatsoever.

At the asking for the cane, Valet began to hold it out, only to stop and activate it. With a twisting its head and a push of a push of a button, the cane's bottom showed a small flash of sparks before Valet removed his finger and retwisted the cane back into an 'off' position. If one wasn't observing directly, they would've missed the scene. It all happened in a figurative flash, a testament of the the protocol and bodyguard droid's capabilities.

"I'm sure you do understand why my bodyguard carries such defenses" Valet stated before once again handing the cane over for further inspection. "As the beloved owner of Kessel III, I have enough people who wouldn't mind seeing me dead. Who knows how many Blackwell cronies lie in wait. After all, they couldn't produce the gifts only I can give. Make sure your Daimyo understands this when you deliver my gifts"

Count Ruugl gave a lopsided sneer as the implants in his brain were activated. It was a poor attempt at a smile, but the best one could do, given the smiler was indeed a corpse with cybernetic implants in his brain telling him what to do.


Vebria Dun


Character Profile
Apr 19, 2024
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Vebria was engrossed in the races as she took another sip of the champagne. She watched the swoops, speeders, and various other racing machines veer, dip, dodge, and explode on the screens in front of her. Even so, she remained alert to her surroundings, on the hunt for a better snack than before. A few servers walked by, but nothing really caught her eye. The Zabrak saw a lot more of those egg things going around, but she only wanted something to get the taste out of her mouth. The champagne wasn't doing much, not that she was drinking it all too quickly.

A strong voice caught her attention, and she turned to look at the owner (@Darasuum). She was greeted by a beautifully masculine woman handing her food. The Zabrak smiled and accepted the wrapped sausage. "Oh, a Gammorean-in-a-Blanket! I love these." She stuck it into her mouth and chewed softly, savoring the... well, savoriness of the meat. Vebria gazed at the woman, the rippling muscles looking very enticing. Even so, Vebria knew the Lothalian likely wasn't her type - people in suits rarely were - but that wasn't going to stop her from staring.

She caught herself for a moment, realizing she was staring and blushed a bit. "Uh, Vebria, by the way. Most just call me V, or Ria." Vebria awkwardly stuck a hand out, not really sure what the appropriate greeting was in these situations. "Your name?" Can I call you 'mommy'? Vebria absolutely did not say the quiet part out loud.

@Sreeya @Narzen @Dread @Taz

Trael Osso-Drast

Sith Order
Sith Master

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Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael was sitting in his room, his dragon, Fuso, was standing on the table before him. It had golden eyes, deep red scales and black wings. It was making noises and flapping its wings, it was asking for food, Trael hovered a piece of meat in front of it. It opened its mouth and sent a small gout of flame out to cook the meat before eating it. A knock at the door interrupted him, “Daimyo, the guests are arriving.” His majordomo said, an older Torgruta man. Trael let out a sigh his dragon cocking its head at him, “Let’s not keep them waiting too long.” He said to the dragon, getting what seemed like agreement.

Trael walked out to the party, stopping by the throne to look amongst the crowd. He wore a casual outfit with sandals on. This was his home after all, plus looking like some random person might let him get some insight on who might want him dead. He eventually spotted his ringleader, Pellios, the older Devaronian was even his ally in the first defense of Kessel he participated in. Fuso rested on his shoulder also eying the crowd.

Trael walked over to Pellios (@Darasuum), noticing he was dealing with a problem from a guest. On his way he grabbed two drinks from a serving tray. He stopped next to the ringleader offering him one of the drinks, “This is a lovely party. The person of honor would be proud of your work here.”

His gaze then turned to the guests (@Narzen), offering a bow, “I never knew guests of such esteem would be present. Mr host what is the hold up of such a guest?” To the droid Trael would seem genuine, hopefully Pellios would understand that Trael was asking why the guest was being stopped.


Sith Order

Character Profile
Apr 25, 2024
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Cerberus kept his eyebrow raised slightly when the woman he stared at walked up and talked to him. Not every guy was lucky enough to have an interesting woman they eyed up do such a thing, even though the party was filled with many beautiful people.

He stayed quiet at first to think of her question, taking another sip of his drink as a strategy to buy himself more time. The only problem was, he wouldn't be shocked if he got buzzed from this single drink. As a halfbreed, he wasn't sure if he inherited the two livers from his zeltron side, or the pheromones that attracted others either. In fact, he really had no idea about his own body besides knowing he was half human, half zeltron.

"My guess is the hutt at the table over there," Cerberus replied after his hesitant sip of champagne, gesturing his thumb to the hutt at a pool table, who was smacking a slave over the head while she handed him a drink. Hutts tended to be the most murderous aliens he came across, "Or maybe you, considering your background," he said plainly, looking over her tattoos. "Our backgrounds aren't too different, so I wouldn't be surprised."

If his comment would be an insult, or a compliment to her, he wasn't sure, but he did wonder what she'd done in order to free herself. He didn't think it should be an insulting comment, considering she was free now, attractive, well dressed and at a party with many wealthy people, but he did not know what would upset a stranger. He himself came from the slum, from poverty and filth and the many people who tried to take advantage of him because of his circumstances. It was what shaped him into who he was now, but everyone was different.





Character Profile
Jul 23, 2021
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Pellios observed the brief display of the cane and did not appear to be entertained in the least. His serious expression remained on his grizzled face even as the droid explained on behalf of their master. He waited until they were finished before replying.

"If you doubt the Daimyo's level of security then that is both an insult to your host and myself personal seeing as I am head of security. If you don't feel safe here then I suggest you find somewhere else to party." The droid nor its master would pass any further unless they gave up their weapon if Pellios had anything to say about it. This was non negotiable and the Devaronian offshoot was willing to fight for it if the droid assistant was willing to come to blows over it. They would not be the first droid bodyguard they had dismantled in their years of service. There were no exceptions to this rule.

"As I said, it will be returned to you after your stay is done. It will be well taken care of." He assured the owner in case they were concerned about the condition in which it was kept.

Soon the Daimyo came along and mentioned in passing a rather humbling compliment. The one horned Devaronian bowed their head at such a remark. "I have served. I will be of service."

The following words gave the Ringleader pause. He turned to Trael and softened his voice to a whisper so only the Daimyo could hear. "They posses a concealed weapon that may act as both a stun baton and fusion cutter. They refuse to give it up."

@Narzen @Javier esschoolbus
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Character Profile
Jan 16, 2023
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A smile creased Artemis's lips as she both heard and saw the excitement from the Zabrak woman. "Me too." The disguised Rhonwen was well aware of her figure and tilted her head slightly as the other guest continued to stare. One of the woman's arms reached out without her looking as the server began to move on, palming their chest and stopping them in their tracks. She took the tray from them and held it aloft with ease like it was her personal dinner plate. She then shoed the servant away, leaving her with the horned guest.

The elegantly dressed Zabrak soon introduced herself as V which also garnered a smile from the muscular woman. "I'm Artemis. It's a pleasure to meet you..." She stopped short of saying either of the offered names. "...well which would you prefer, V or Ria?" Her free hand reached over to take pluck another one of the gamorreans in a blanket and eat the finger food like a personal snack while keeping it around for Vebria to sample. Rhonwen had not eaten in awhile and she could use the calories anyways. It kept her from reaching for a drink which would only serve to dull her senses.




Character Profile
Apr 20, 2024
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"Doubting security is one thing. Underestimating your enemies is another." Valet stated flatly. Still, it was not resisting too much fully on the idea of having to leave its cane for now.

Then the Daimyo appeared. At this, Valet returned the bow with a hand to its chest and its own bow. The stiffness of the droid made it look more like a salute then anything. From behind the wheelchair, B-9 the medical droid did nothing, except send a command to Ruugl's brain to momentarily move his wrist in a greeting and adjust the eyes towards the Daiymo, the best the corpse could do at this time. Wrist movements and altering of facial muscles; the pinnacle of fooling organics.

"Count Ruugl, esteemed droid factory owner and rising competitor in the business and galactic worlds, come to pay respects to you, as well as offer the best of Mechis." Valet introduced. Valet's sensors noticeably focused on the doorman when he whispered, but without seeing the mouth, he was unable to read what was actually being said.

"I simply was hoping that my bodyguard's non-lethal self-defense would be an exception to your 'no weapons' rule. After all, we all know there are clever assassins in the wait" Valet petitioned. If refused, the droid would leave the weapon with the doorman, but the opportunity for the host of the party to directly say it was allowed was a situation he could not pass up.

@Darasuum @Javier esschoolbus

Zira Suvan


Character Profile
Jan 13, 2023
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“Mmmm I don’t know about that,” Zira said as she responded to the older man (@Taz )standing next to her. He certainly looked seasoned and as if he had been in the game for a long time, so she could appreciate his perspective, “Didn’t see that murderous glint in his eye even when he was cussing me out after losing,” She said with a grin.

Zira could tell the red-eyed man was having a mental conflict, so she let him have his moment. She calmly sipped from her drink, pretending not to notice him while he had some sort of existential crisis before coming back to reality. When he spoke, she chuckled quietly, unfazed by someone picking up on her tattoo. It wasn’t exactly hidden, and slavery was extremely common in Hutt space.

“How do I do it, then?” She asked as she tilted her head to look at him, an amused gleam in her golden eyes, “How do I kill them?” Zira asked as she sipped from her drink. She was thrilled to hear the details of how she was the perfect murderer.



Sith Order

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Apr 25, 2024
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The tiefling's answer surprised Cerberus and, against his better judgement, made him a little more interested in the woman. It caused him to smile slightly, just enough to reach his eyes. There was something ominous about enjoying her answer and he realised that about himself, but he was perfectly happy to stay and continue to talk for now.

"Mmm, probably directly in the heart with a dagger you keep on a drop leg sheath," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Or, maybe you're more theatrical than that and you prefer to blood eagle your enemies."

Ceberus found himself still smiling until a server droid walked up to him, stuck one of its limbs out and announced, "A gift from honoured guest Caplin'tel" in a deeper mechanical voice.

In reaction the young halfbreed held his palm out and up towards the droid. It plopped out a pill into his palm that swirled with purple and yellow mist inside of it. Cerberus blinked once, keeping on eye on the droid while it walked up to the tiefling beside them and did the same thing, offering her a pill too.

Cerberus briefly let his crimson gaze wander around the room till he saw a sketchy looking human male leaning against a wall, not so well dressed, who made a peace sign in the air when he caught Cerberus' gaze. Well, Cerberus supposed having spice dealers at a party like this was not unusual. The problem was he barely drank, let alone took spice, so he decided to simply look back to the gorgeous tiefling beside him to see her reaction.




Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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As the server girl approached with his order, he gave the young woman a warm smile and a glance up and down. Then, took the cigar from the tray in her hand. Slowly turning it in his fingers as he lit it the lightsaber shaped lighter he had since his days with Aska. When he was satisfied with the look of it, he put the cigar to his lips and took a pull.

Taking his drink in the opposite hand, he pulled the cigar from his lips and slowly blew out the smoke above the trio before returning his eyes to the Tiefling. His eyes were warm and brown, but predatory. She knew the type, he was a killer and maybe even a slaver.

Covax returned the grin, and then took a pull from his glass of brandy. Swallowed, and gave a little snort laugh to the other man's comment (@Dread ). "Interesting." Taking another pull of the smoke stick he decided to give his own idea, "Given your obvious gifts, you could charm the simple minded guard covering the rear hall. Likely fake giving him a handy or perhaps really doing it. Just long enough to get the pistol at his hip. Put one in his gut and the rest are fish in a barrel."
