

SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2010
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The Falleen woman stands a nice even 1.5 meters. She maintains a skin tone of a lovely and vibrant emerald green near all the time, and her flesh is impeccably clean, no marks or any marring of her features noted. She forgoes the traditional topknot and instead allows her hair to grow out, styled, and well kept to accent features. Her clothing is nearly always displaying grandeur or regal airs with jewelry or prominent displays of vibrant colors or any other style that draws attention to her achievements be they wealth, rank, or simply a fashion at her whim. Most all of the cuts accent her form in some fashion, be they complimentary colors, contrasting ones, open cuts, form fitting designs, or a mixture of any other multitude of fashion methods for the same effect of distracting and shifting attention. Anything that can shine, gleam, or otherwise be polished to absolute perfection to be as bright and noticeable as possible is, this even includes scales on her flesh.

Her personality is what one would expect for a Falleen really, ambition, pride, superiority complex. However she has an especially unique brand of ruthlessness to her. Morals are malleable, and in her mind there is no reason to let simple ideas of fair, balanced, good, or evil be a reason to not take action to secure something you want. She has grown to maintain the illusion of a pleasant exterior, her tone nearly always sounds welcoming and friendly with a partial smile showing.

By and large she enjoys nearly anything refined, be they people or other things, this goes into her dislikes as well in that ugly, or 'poor' things are distasteful, wrong, or utterly abhorrent to her tastes. She will sooner not eat then lower herself to eat something that she has deemed 'below her'. By the same token though food, drink, or people that she considers 'up to the standard' are embraced if not given near all her attention if there are not more pressing things. A fine meal could be savored for far longer then most, a painting could be studied for hours, a person could be offered to stay as a guest and spoken to for hours on end. She also enjoys sciences for a somewhat similar reason, she views sciences as pure, design and theory are for those with time and money to think and indulge themselves on.

She is far from being a combatant, while she has a keen eye and steady hand she is not well versed in actual combat training. She can see what is suppose to be done, how people are suppose to move in doing it, but she is not skilled in it. This is also partially due to the fact she sees the art of combat as a thing to study like another science, but the act of performing it is beneath her, for a common person to take part in while the better people can be left to think on the outcomes.

Her strengths are for the same reason she is weak. She focuses her efforts on planning and study. From designing, analyzing, reviewing, evaluation, and adjusting based off of what she sees. This makes her skilled in nearly anything requiring detailed preparation and execution and her mind adjusts easily to things within that realm.

Born into one of the noble houses she was afforded luxury and decadence and allowed to pursue nearly whatever things she liked within reason. As she grew she took to the plotting and politics of her people like a fish to water, no thanks to the tutelage of her House’s scholars, however rather then the standard niceties she quickly displayed a ruthlessness and a willingness to use methods that most would have shied away from, and the truly dangerous thing was she found it to be a game. Nothing was off limits, bribery, extortion, blackmail, those were the standard but she upped the ante many times with assassination, kidnappings, ransom, and it was hard to place on her many times. She would happily engineer another’s downfall for her own benefit in doing it, finding it a beautiful move in a game she was the only one aware of being played. Soon she had established herself a fair base of power within Falleen society but what more was there? Rising too high meant others would be watching too close, she had to find an out.

This out came in the form of the various transport, shipping, freight companies that the other Houses had holdings or owned. Bartered deals, threats, and even favors owed, but she consolidated the holdings and quickly placed them under her control. This wasn’t too difficult, many were happy to be offered to be left completely alone just for a small bit of their various holdings, and others knew a favor meant they could avoid worse fates. With the shipping companies now pumping credits into her coffers and the Houses for the most part done with her she turned her attentions to business now. The same tactics that made her such a dangerous force within Falleen politics were useful for forcing things like contracts, ships, docking, and all other sorts, and it was even more fun for her. Not only was it more lucrative, but it was more challenging for not being caught, weaving deeper webs and enjoying the game ever more of doing it.

Another rise to power but she never made a single company out of it, an owner, controller, and side of the true owner and runner of companies to keep any troubles from focusing fully on her and as time went this too brought her to the point she felt she could not go any further without jeopardizing her position and power, returning favors by giving power, selling holdings, and liquidating assets she held in companies soon leaving her with a sizable wealth and enough to slip into her own privacy and not need to worry, and to plan for where to go next.

The time spent separated from business and politics was spent in pursuit of new games to play, new ideas to explore. Intrigue was all well and good for playing with people but there was a whole other eclectic skill she could delve into, science and war. She despised the idea of having to actually fight herself, but the thoughts of controlling armies at her whim, watching enemies destroyed in fantastic and interesting new ways. She used her funds to buy into research groups to a small degree, looking at plans, submitting and refining, studying warfare and tactics and becoming somewhat distasteful of the idea of concepts like ‘honor’ and ‘fairness’. This brought her to the work, thought, and refining of her own ideas on war and considering how to wage it on various levels with weapons devised in her own playful mind.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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oooh why Vice Admiral, so nice to finally see you grace us. I was starting to wonder if you would be taking another " personal" leave. Im sure the new recruits are eager to meet you :P


SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
She looks like she is going to be fun to play!


[insert title here]
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
More busty commanding officers? Awesome! :CHappy: