Jedi Order Xaissir Solus


SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score

Xaissir Solus


► 18
► Dathomirian
► 5'10"
► 158 lbs.
► Dull Gold
► N/A
► N/A
► XY
► New Jedi Order
► Padawan
► Yes
Xaissir doesn't remember much of anything about his parents. Having been abandoned on a world he knew nothing about, the Dathomirian was as good as dead. His luck, however, was greater than he thought. As he was dying, the Xaissir would be found by a group of Mandalorians that were tracking down another man. Being taken in to their care, the boy would come to grow up among the group. Every time they would try to leave him with others of his race, the boy would come running back to them. After a few attempts, the group finally gave in and decided to keep him. As he was now part of this Mandalorian group, Xaissir had to learn to survive both as a group and by himself. Missions of hunting beasts, people, guarding others or transporting objects. Whatever was needed to be done, he would do it to the best of his ability.

Xaissir became fond of security jobs, for he would always seem at ease helping others and being their protector. His mind always wandered, thinking of ways to improve not only himself, but even his own gear as well. His actions, however, caught the eyes of Jedis during one of his missions. He was tasked with helping two Jedis hunt down a criminal on Tattoine. The longer he was around them, however, the more they would converse. The tales of the Jedi Order and their task seemed to enrapture Xaissir. Once the mission was finished, albeit with both Xaissir and one of the Jedis injured, the Mandalorian asked to join the order. His ties with his new family, however, constantly tugs at his mind, making him doubt that he made the right choice for not only his life, but for theirs as well.

Xaissir is, above all else, a curious man. Be it objects, people, animals, or even structures, he wants to learn about everything. He is one to throw caution to the wind when it comes to such curiosities, but with growing up with other Mandalorians, he always has his guard up for the unexpected. He always prepares himself as best he can for whatever mission he is given. He is hard to anger unless his family is insulted and harder to calm if such a thing happens. Xaissir is always one to question things, even if they are the truth, though it is less out of a lack of trust and more out of a mindset of learning all the angles one can.

Having traveled and raised by Mandalorians, Xaissir learned many survival skills. This includes hunting, surviving in harsh environments, be it extreme heats, colds, and strange terrain. He hates any kind of oceans, however, as he tends to panic when it comes to going anywhere underwater. He is still struggling with learning the skills necessary to wield his lightsaber as he is used to firing blasters.


+ Beskar lightsaber hilt
+ Beskar Helmet

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