Woods Battle Strategy Talk


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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This is for all the users involved in the Attack on Berchest Moon to talk about an attack strategy. You can also use this thread during the attack to talk to each other.

You don't have to be in the Woods team to post in this thread. In the end, both groups rely on each other.


SWRP Writer
Dec 10, 2010
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I have a few questions.

First off: What exactly is our objective in "Battling in the Woods"? Is it covering the base assault team, or are we trying to destroy something in the woods? A little clarification there would be nice.

Second: Is this a PoW thread? Meaning, are we able to capture their characters and bring them back? After all, they are near a base and character death, in most of my cases, leads to resentment. Plus, we could get some information out of them. But, my main concern is, if we capture prisoners, will we get paid extra? :,D

Third: What happens if we don't get a third dude to go with us? :<


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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First off: What exactly is our objective in "Battling in the Woods"? Is it covering the base assault team, or are we trying to destroy something in the woods? A little clarification there would be nice.

Distract/kill or at least make the men around the base retreat from the moon. Although I doubt the Mando's will retreat.

Second: Is this a PoW thread? Meaning, are we able to capture their characters and bring them back? After all, they are near a base and character death, in most of my cases, leads to resentment. Plus, we could get some information out of them. But, my main concern is, if we capture prisoners, will we get paid extra? :,D

We don't care about prisoners. Take them if you want, but it wont raise your pay.

Third: What happens if we don't get a third dude to go with us? :<

I wouldn't worry about that; they're a lot of indy characters. However, if we don't find someone by the time the Mando team is full, I'll talk to Phil about lowering the PC numbers or ask a favor from a friend.

I suggest the Woods team take a peek in the Base Strategy Talk thread, by the way. Theres some information in there that you need to know.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 12, 2010
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Righty, so get rid of the people guarding the base on the outside. Going to see who/what kind of characters are guarding.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 10, 2010
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Righto. Since we're going to be fighting a bunch of NPCs most likely, I suspect we'll stay a tad bit away from the base. It'll be our job to kill and hide any bodies trying to enter. So my advice is that they're never more than 20 meters from one another, otherwise it could prove deadly. Thermal detonators have a controlled radius is the good thing.

And thank God for lekku. My character should be able to sense movement with them. So, this could end up being simple. Or catastrophic in a weird way. Which ever works. xD


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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The base team can, likely, deactivate perimeter defenses if there are any. Should mess with the Mandos outside the base a bit. Also, when we blow the base in the other thread, if we manage it, that'll mean time to pull out for you folks.

Sort of stating the obvious but wanted that to be clear. >.>;


SWRP Writer
Dec 10, 2010
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Okay, I read over their profiles. This is the face they received:


I'm more in shock about the armor and swords. Beskar. Nearly indestructible, it's going to make some ship happen. My only concern with how they got it is how expensive just a tiny bit costs. :<

Now, onto figuring out how to combat it. Strikes to the same area repeatedly can weaken it. Also, there's always the chance we can melt it with plasma grenades.

Now, if beskar is extremely durable, there's bound to be problems with agility. It is more than likely that it's beskar plating in their RPs to allow neck movement. I believe our primary targets will be the neck, knee, elbow, and face areas.

Onto the Echani mando. He may or may not wear his beskar armor. If he doesn't, we'll have an easier time with his echani light armor. I don't know about Kuras either, but I expect he will. We have to strategically align ourselves to combat these guys.

Kuras... I have no idea what he has in gear. I cannot plan against him.

I vote that we obliterate Thane (the Echani) first. He'll likely bring his assassin droids with him, as well as his strill. That could spell trouble.

We will then move onto Delmon. He'll likely be trying to get in close range of us.

Kuras will be the last by my standards. I have little information, so I cannot maintain an accurate analysis.

Also. If they have Beskar armor and it's allowed, that means my Death Watch member will have Beskar armor as well. Silly Mandos. DERP


The Alpha and the Omega
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Hmm, I'd suggest for the mandos wearing beskar to set up a fall back trap.

Have some heavy explosives set up as land-mines/tripwires as well as on a remote trigger. If you get over run by them fall deeper into the woods where your explosives are set up, and wait for the havoc to erupt from a safe place. Maybe have your character slapping various trees as you're moving through the woods then late in the RP hint that they're pre-planted bombs maybe incendiary so they fry/boil/bake within their armor.

Just my 2 cents :)

Aluminum Falcon

Republic AFL
SWRP Writer
Sep 6, 2010
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Okay, I read over their profiles. This is the face they received:


I'm more in shock about the armor and swords. Beskar. Nearly indestructible, it's going to make some ship happen. My only concern with how they got it is how expensive just a tiny bit costs. :<

Now, onto figuring out how to combat it. Strikes to the same area repeatedly can weaken it. Also, there's always the chance we can melt it with plasma grenades.

Now, if beskar is extremely durable, there's bound to be problems with agility. It is more than likely that it's beskar plating in their RPs to allow neck movement. I believe our primary targets will be the neck, knee, elbow, and face areas.

Onto the Echani mando. He may or may not wear his beskar armor. If he doesn't, we'll have an easier time with his echani light armor. I don't know about Kuras either, but I expect he will. We have to strategically align ourselves to combat these guys.

Kuras... I have no idea what he has in gear. I cannot plan against him.

I vote that we obliterate Thane (the Echani) first. He'll likely bring his assassin droids with him, as well as his strill. That could spell trouble.

We will then move onto Delmon. He'll likely be trying to get in close range of us.

Kuras will be the last by my standards. I have little information, so I cannot maintain an accurate analysis.

Also. If they have Beskar armor and it's allowed, that means my Death Watch member will have Beskar armor as well. Silly Mandos. DERP

While I appreciate the fact that you all are taking this seriously and planning out a great attack, let's try not to delve too much into anything that would be considered metagaming. While you all do have access to who will be fighting for the Mandalorians, you do not have IC knowledge of this, nor do they have IC knowledge of everything your characters will be carrying. Just keep this in mind please.

Thanks :CHappy

Jax Vos

Light in Darkness
SWRP Writer
Jul 8, 2011
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Can I use my lightsaber to you know cut my way through some people?

But seriously Im not much of a strategist, at least in groups. Just give me the plan and I'll go from there.
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Site Owner
May 3, 2010
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Actually, beskar was nerfed quite a bit. Take a look here.


London Calling.
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Sorry Radz, do you need my bloke?


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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I hope Woods team is going to be OK. It seems to be lacking the planning the Base team has.

Kassa, I'm going to put you in charge of this team since you seem to be involved the most here.

Sorry Radz, do you need my bloke?

We have a third guy now, but thanks for offering.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
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As I see it, Rev's suggestions for the traps would be a good thing for you folks to include. However, I'm thinking since we'll all be all Mando turf, in both threads, they'll know the lay of the land/buildings better. That said, the Mandos likely have better positions to defend from. Any character involved in the Woods assault, my suggestion is this - load up on heavy ordnance, explosives, anything assault-oriented. Any stealthy characters, I'd suggest having as scouts and trap-layers. Have traps on the flanks of your attack-line, but have it be obscure mentionings like Rev suggested.

Play to your character's strengths above all though. And make sure you all collaborate on this, because you'll need a lot of input to decide roles. Figure out who's the most strategic(I'm thinkin' Kassa), figure out who's oriented to understanding heavier weapons and explosives, and then find out who's good at fighting up close and getting there despite resistance. Then formulate around that. Once the thread kicks off, adapt the strategy to what occurs, try to out-think the defenders without metagaming it. Stay true to your character's skills and personality.

Just my five cents and a little bit of motivation. ^^


SWRP Writer
Dec 10, 2010
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While I appreciate the fact that you all are taking this seriously and planning out a great attack, let's try not to delve too much into anything that would be considered metagaming. While you all do have access to who will be fighting for the Mandalorians, you do not have IC knowledge of this, nor do they have IC knowledge of everything your characters will be carrying. Just keep this in mind please.

Thanks :CHappy

Whilst it may be considered metagaming to know about their gear, it'll be quite obvious to see what they're wearing an make a deduction on how their clothing works, especially since Elika's armor is like theirs.

But don't worry. I won't incorporate any further knowledge of anything else they have. Just the armor, because, well. Elika's is the same. :CHappy


I realize. That's why I was so concerned. I'm fine with Phase II Durasteel Alloy Clone Trooper Armor. :3



...Although I wish those peeps were participating in this. It'd make it a lot less nerve racking for me.


Engage the one with the knife and sword. Elika can't risk scars. :CScool

Just playing mate, but it'd really be helpful if he took close range and used Force powers to assist when not engaging sword-equipped enemies.


While Radz is against it, I'd gladly take your bloke. He looks shiny. And everyone should know I'm like a raven when it comes to shiny men.


There are three of us. Scouts seem unlikely. :<

[ST]But traps... Traps sound cool and sexy and doable[/ST].

I just realized how wrong that sounded from a MMORPGer's standpoint.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 10, 2010
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What is the command post the Mandos can hide in made out of? I find it very important to know.

More or less, can a plasma grenade or two set it on fire?


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
Kassa said:
[ST]But traps... Traps sound cool and sexy and doable.[/ST]

I just realized how wrong that sounded from a MMORPGer's standpoint.

Twisted, twisted person... I agree, [ST]traps do seem doable and sexy and all[/ST]. But then again, not sure if that's an appropriate subject. [ST]Love cute things[/ST].

Anyways..... I'd suggest laying traps and luring the Mandos from their good positions.


Backend Admin
Nov 28, 2010
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...Although I wish those peeps were participating in this. It'd make it a lot less nerve racking for me.

I agree completely.


Lovely Night
SWRP Writer
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction score
Just aim to stay alive. Keep each other kickin' and all that. That said, do whatever you think needs to be done. There's no pressure beyond keeping some good teamwork going, and making sure everyone knows what they're doing. If things get bad, have your folks pull out early and leave 'surprises' between you and the Mandos.

Like I'm saying for my own team, adapt as we go. That's advice for ya too.