Jedi Order Waylin Balif


Roman Emperor
SWRP Writer
Jul 18, 2018
Reaction score

Waylin Balif


► 30
► Pantoran
► 5'8"
► 135 lbs
► Black
► Black
► Pantora
► Male
► Jedi Order
► Jedi Knight
► Trained
Waylin Balif was a Jedi Knight who lived during the Force Eternal era. Born on the moon Pantora in 121 ABY, Waylin was orphaned at a young age and chooses not to bear the same golden tattoos as his ancestors. Brought to the jungle temple of Ajan Kloss where he trained a Jedi Youngling before falling under the tutelage of Mon Calamari Jedi Master Kolzah Balif, taking her name as his own in a sign of good faith.

Waylin was present at the first Battle of Ajan Kloss in late 140 ABY, serving alongside Master Balif who would lose her life in the conflict. Able to escape at the cost of his master's life, Waylin returned to the planet alongside the remaining Jedi forces in an attempt to retake the temple. In the heat of battle, Waylin's left arm was severed above the elbow, rendering him incapacitated for the remainder of the Jedi's humiliating defeat, and was remanded to the Yavin IV temple until he was fitted with a cybernetic replacement later that year. His experience at Ajan Kloss was deemed to be sufficient for partial completion of his Knighthood trials, and after becoming more familiar with his cybernetic replacement, Waylin was later knighted.

Originally operating as a Justicar in the Yavin IV Temple, the Pantoran assisted with the relocation to the Temple on the Staion Brighthome, and continues to serve as an arm against corruption at perhaps the Order's lowest moment in recent memory. Older than many other Knights and yet to take a Padawan learner, Waylin has dedicated himself to intense self-introspection and meditation, favoring an inconspicuous reputation among his counterparts.
As a Justicar, Waylin appears well-tempered and soft-spoken. Prior instructors and companions have considered Waylin incredibly inflexible in spite of the loyalty and obedience he shows toward others. In truth, he is a skillful orator and is incredibly proficient at cultivating a lawful moral compass, though in private his ethics are sufficiently flexible when contrasted with the Tenants he is tasked to uphold and enforce.

In general, Waylin is patient and kind, recklessness stamped out by decades of bloodshed and scarring. He endeavors to impart wisdom to others, but refrains from teaching, perhaps as a result of the trauma he experienced as a Padawan. While not prone to the dark side, Waylin's faith in the Order and its current direction have been shaken by recent events that threaten the stability of the galaxy, and while he might not share his concerns publically, in private he is anxious about the future.
Battle tested, much of Waylin's strength as a Jedi Knight is sourced from his skill with the lightsaber. Highly proficient at Jar'Kai, this Jedi is a particularly dangerous duelist, but in scenarios without two blades, his proficiency reduces drastically. His tendency to be overly reliant on the defensive nature of Form III when reduced to one blade is perhaps his largest weakness as a duelist, and it is what cost him an arm in 140 ABY.

Though his connection and expertise with the Force is comparably weak,
Waylin remains a fully-trained Jedi Knight and is a capable investigator.
2x Green Duel-Phase Lightsaber
Gray Robes w/ Utility Belt
1x Personav
Left Mechno-arm (Synthetic Blue Skin)

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