Independent Warden


...I See You...
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SWRP Writer
May 7, 2020
Reaction score
Independent Systems Consortium
230 lbs.

Test Subject Unit 87, or 'Warden', has a normal yet somewhat grizzly appearance with his ruffled brown hair, long side burns, and his resting face. He has basic brown eyes and scars all over his body from multiple sources. Warden has an athletic build and big hard hands as well. Warden looks good in leather and you'll rarely find him without a nice jacket of sorts. He also enjoys smoking and always has a blunt somewhere on him. The most defining trait of his is the serial number “TS-87” on the back of his neck.

Warden is a natural warrior when it comes to close combat, adept in several styles of martial arts that he has molded into styles of his own. Whether it's with his fists, a knife, or a makeshift club, anything in his hands (or just his actual hands) can be considered a weapon. When it comes to firearms, Warden is decent enough with them that he can pick up just about anything but isn't a gunslinger or sharpshooter and the same goes for piloting. However, he does enjoy working as a mechanic on his spare time.

Warden is a perceptive and observant fellow, with his initial five senses being heightened above your average near-human and his reflexes and physical prowess are also worthy of note. He is strong enough to grab someone close to his size by the throat and lift them off the ground in a tight choke hold with just one hand. Though he isn't strong enough to throw this said person across the room, he is quite able of delivering and taking hefty blows. This added constitution and strength allows for him to stay in battles longer than your average soldier and can keep up with most trained Force users.

However, these physical and mental enhancements come at the price of his unstable rage. The slightest of things can tick him off and when they do, he flies into a feral rage with little to no control over what he does. When he goes berserk, it takes a while for him to gather himself and he builds a sort of tunnel vision that makes snapping out of this feral wrath even harder. A good blow to the head that can knock him out, a sedative dart, or other means of 'putting him out' seem to be the best options of cooling him off. During these brief moments of unfettered anger, Warden is not himself and will do things contrary to where he holds his morals such as maybe killing a child, hurting a loved one, or other related acts.

STR: High
DEX: Mid
CON: High
WIS: Mid
INT: Mid
CHA: Low

Warden is a loner by nature, quiet, reserved, and observant. He has no problem working with others for certain jobs but prefers focusing on getting the job done more than getting to know your work partner. Warden doesn't care too much about pleasing people and would argue that he's the farthest from becoming a politician than anyone else in the galaxy. Contrary to his calm demeanor, Warden has low patients and tolerance for idiots and isn't afraid to let them know of his displeasure.

Warden can prove to be very stubborn and difficult to work with at times, but this ambition can also drive him to rise above and do what needs to be done. He may not be easy to talk to some days, but Warden is not a bad guy at the end of the day. If there is no reason for him to hurt someone then he doesn't. It's as simple as that. Warden is just a simple guy trying to figure out who he is and prefers being left alone and finishing the battles he starts.

Warden has no clue as to how he grew up. All he remembers is walking up in the ruble of what used to be a hospital of sorts on Nar Shaddaa. Eventually, infected found him and chased him into a safe zone where he got on a transport off planet to Tatooine where he found work as a Bounty Hunter and earned his name, 'Warden', due to his reputation.

After a year of scrounging around for work, Warden finally joined the ISC Specialist Army, passing his exams with flying colors and at the top of his class and company. His specialized class was Repeater Support as he was strong enough to lug around the big guns for extensive periods of time without breaking a sweat.

After finishing his training he was almost immediately deployed to AMS infected worlds across the Independent Systems Consortium. However, Warden decided he wanted to serve on other planets as well such planets like Nar Shaddaa, feeling partial towards the planet because he knows that it's somehow a key to figuring out his past.

Now he's still doing what he can to serve his sterling President while trying to figure out the pieces of his past as a bit of a side job.

Martial Arts/Athletics (Expert)
Hunting/Perception (Expert)
Marksmanship/Acrobatics (Adept)
Investigation/Insight (Adept)
Piloting/Engineering (Adept)

Vibro Claws (1 pair)
GLIE 44 Blaster Pistol (2x)
RT-97C Heavy Blaster Rifle (1x) [PvP]
FWMB-10 Repeater (1x) [PvE]
Flashbang Grenade (2x)
Frag Grenade (2x)
Dataphone (1x)
Cigarette Pack (4x)

ISC Specialist Armor (1x)
Bounty Hunting Armor (1x)

VT-49 Decimator "Ferret I" (1x)​
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