Mandalorian Vonar Wren

Jan 25, 2024
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Vonar Wren was born under a name that was Vonar Mao to a rather criminal minded familial unit. His familial unit was known to steal vessels and sell them at lower than normal costs. His familial unit was also known to murder witnesses whenever those actions were carried out. He never came to love the familial unit that he was born into. He believed that he was another tool to them in their devious methods. However his familial unit had several bounties out on them. Soon even the Mandalorians were on the hunt. Justice came into their home as each member was arrested or cut down. However what occurred to him was a different tale. He was taken into the care that the Mandalorians had offered him. His new life was to start soon.

He was taken into the Mandalorian clan named Clan Wren and was handed a new last name to match. He was trained in their culture and ideals at first. He was then trained in combat basics. Whenever he was 15 he was trained as much as a normal warrior. Whenever he was 25 he was a true Mandalorian Warrior. He was trained to hunt and to battle with monsters and criminals. He was trained to make battle with hostile warriors as well. He had become an honorable warrior that could match most enemies that would want to harm him. He even learned how to control vessels in combat. He learned to make battle with both Blasters and Blades. He even earned his Beskar Armor whenever he became a true Mandalorian Warrior.


Vonar Wren serves the new Manda'lor with total honor and subservience. He serves the Mandalorian clan named Clan Wren. He has hunted down 5 criminal bounties. He has killed 5 hostile mercenaries. He has neutralized 7 combat droids. He has crushed 7 hostile servicemen. He has Hutt Cartel contacts due to several hunted down criminal bounties. He is known to use intimidation in most conversations. His rank is Mandalorian Warrior. He understands most main militant institutions and their associated tactics. He also understands Galactic Basic and Mando'a. Whenever he kills another warrior who has battled well he will tend to make sure their burial is honorable. He has next to no intolerance towards most main Force Users.

He owns several items that make his mission successes within reach. Medium Mass Beskar Armor is his main armor. He has a survival suit that is not worn too much as well. His arsenal is rather intricate. His main armament is a customized BlasTech T-21. His second armament is a customized T-6 Thunderer. His melee armament is a Beskad Sword. His main vessel is a customized Corellian XS. These items that he owns are much less modern than what most Mandalorians use. However he has customized them with modernization. He makes sure that each item that he owns is in the best condition whenever it is not in use. These items mean the universe to him as these items are what stands between him and his own death.